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Unit 1 What time is it?


教学难点:对新句型“What time is it? It's nine o'clock. It's time for?”的理解和运用。


与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等媒体素材。 教师准备一个教具钟。 3.教师准备六张单词卡。 教学过程:


1.教师播放第一单元Story time的录音或者请一组学生表演Story time中的故事。

2.教师在听录音或学生表演之后向学生提问:Where is Zoom?学生回答:He is in the canteen.教师又问:Why?学生答:He is hungry. 教师再问:Why is he hungry? What time is it? 引导学生答出:It's time for lunch. 接下来,教师可鼓励学生说出哪些东西可以告诉我们时间,如:the sun, the moon, the tree等等,学生如果不能用英文说,也可用中文说。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.教师可制作本课时的挂图贴在黑板上说:Look! What's this? It's a clock. 然后指着12点说:

What time is it? It's 12 o'clock. Are you hungry? Why? 用动作示意学生说出It's time for lunch. 接下来,教师利用钟面上的小图继续教授时间的表达和其它几个单词、词组。


(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1.教师将教具钟上的时针拨到不同的时间,提问学生:What time is it? 鼓励同座的两名学生进行比赛看谁做出快速反应。



1.做本单元A Let's learn部分的活动手册配套练习。


3.试一试给同伴、朋友或家长发Let's do 中的指令请他们做动作。 板书设计:

Unit 2 What time is it? Let's learn: 第二课时

课题:Unit 1 What time is it?

教学重点:让学生熟练掌握问句“What time is it?”和相应的回答以及句型“It’s time for?”的用法。

教学难点:对话中一些习惯表达法的理解,如:Just a minute. School is over.



教师准备John和吴一凡的头饰并准备一顶保安人员的帽子。 3.学生准备白纸和笔。 教学过程:


1.学生演唱第二册学生用书第26页的歌曲“One Two Three Four Five”。

2.师生一起表演本单元A部分Let’s do 的听听做做活动。

3.教师和学生一起做“听句子,拨时针”的游戏。教师说:It’s time for breakfast./ It’s time for English class. 学生根据实际情况将时针拨到合理的位置。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1. 教师在做“拨时针”的游戏时对学生发出指令:School is over.如果学生不理解可联系“Class is over.”来帮助学生理解。待学生将时针拨到5点或其它实际放学时间后,教师问:School is over. What do you do ? 学生回答Go home.教师说:But Wu Yifan and John don’t go home. What are they doing? Let’s Watch TV.由此导入新课。


学生看Let’s talk部分的课件或录像,教师可以就对话内容提一些问题。在提问与回答的过程中,借助画面帮助学生理解难点,可要求学生用句型“It’s time for?”造句。

3.模仿跟说,注意语音语调。 4.分角色朗读与表演


(三)趣味操练 (Practice) Let’s play

做看动作、猜时间的游戏。学生用他的左右手分别代表时针的长针和短针,不同的手位代表不同的时间,让学生们猜猜What time is it? 要注意的是:代表分针的手上可拿一支笔以加大长度。


1.做本单元A Let’s talk部分的活动手册配套练习。 2.听Let’s talk部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。 3.四人小组一起动手做一个英语课和表并用所学语言进行表述。 板书设计:

Unit 2 What time is it? 第三课时

课题:Unit 1 What time is it?

教学重点:掌握Read and write部分1-10的十个数词以及两个句子在四线格中的正确书写。

教学难点:学生能准确地理解插图和对话。 教具准备:

1.与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等媒体素材 2.教师准备一张世界地图。 教学过程:


1.师生齐唱第一册学生用书第62页的歌曲《Ten Little Candles Dance》。 2.学生跟着录音或录像一边说一边表演本单元A部分Let’s talk的对话。

3.游戏:What is missing?


(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)


2.读文书写。师生之间先对本课时图片上的内容进行简单的交际性问答,再请学生阅读对话并拼读、书写十个四会掌握单词及一组句子。完成之后先同桌互相交流然后全班讨论谁写的最规范。本课时需要书写的单词量较大,可在学生间展开游戏:Whose memory is the best? 看谁能在几分钟内正确拼写出更多数词,以此增强学生的学习兴趣。

(三)趣味操练 (Practice) 1.Let’s find out

教师先介绍这项任务:It is Sunday. Sarah and Chen Jie are going to see a movie. They must be home at six. Which movie can they see? Can you help them? 鼓励学生说出答案并讲明理由。教师给学生出几道类似的数学应用题考查他们的推理思维。

2.Good to know

(1) 教师首先让学生观察图上的建筑并回答Where is it? 学生能用中文回答教师也要鼓励。


2.Task time



1.做本单元B部分Read and write的活动手册配套练习。 2.书写本课时的四会单词和句子。


Unit2 What Day Is It?

一、课题:What Day Is It ? (第一课时) 二、课型:Task Teaching(任务型教学) 三、教学目标:

1、辅导目标:培养学生语言交际能力。 2、知识目标:

1)、听:能听懂星期几的名称及提问。 2)、说:能回答对星期几的提问。 3)、读:能读懂有关星期几的句子。 4)、写:了解表示星期几的单词的第一个字母要大写,并掌握一周七



4、德育目标:让学生懂得时间的可贵和珍惜时间的重要性。 四、教学重点:

1、 本课句型:What day is it? 及其回答。

2、 本课单词:Sunday\\Monday\\Tuesday\\Wednesday


五、教学难点:分层次要求学生练习读、写 六、教学方法:听说法、交际法


八、教学准备:多媒体课件、录音机及磁带、单词卡、日历、反馈表、口琴 教学流程: 一、 导入: (多媒体课件)Weekdays 二、 新授 (一) 单词部分 1、 识记 day /dei / 日,天 Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday方法:自然拼读法,书空法 扩展:世界上独一无二的事物在英语的拼写过程中开头字母要大写。 2、 歌谣习练 (板书,粘贴单词) 3、 缩写 师在黑板上出示Sunday--- Sun. 学生自己找规律,并将其他缩写填写到黑板上。 对照课件上内容整理缩写方法:前三个字母照抄,右下角加. 4、 知识扩展: 国外将Sunday作为一周中的第一天,因为Sunday是太阳神主宰的日子。其他以此类推。另外,他们和我们一样,把Saturday和Sunday作为周末。 5、歌曲试唱 Week Days (配口琴) (二)句型部分 1、师导出 It’s_______. (电子日历) 如:10月13日 It’s Wednesday . 10月15日 It’s Friday . 10月17日 It’s Sunday . 2、生练习,教师引出句型 What day is it? (如何向别人询问某日式星期几) 句型习练方法:快慢拍拍手 互问互答(小日历)及反馈 3、知识扩展: What day is it? What day is today? What day is your birthday? 三、整理复习 1、调查表 调查范围:自己喜欢的亲戚和朋友的生日 师做示范 序号 姓名 生日(月、日) 星期 1 妈 妈 9月22日 Wed. 2 3 生调查并反馈 2、教师整理本节内容


Week Days

What day is it? It’s ________.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

Unit 3 What’s your favorite subject?


本单元主要要求学生学会谈论自己的喜好并说明原因。 本单元教学难点及重点 教学重点

1.what和 why 提问的特殊问句及其回答

2.科目名称以及描述对其认知的性质形容词(fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing , exciting) 3.各星期的名称。 教学难点

Why do you like?. Because ? 教学目标 1.功能目标:


2)会用英语询问别人的喜好 3)能用英语阐明自己喜好的原因 2.文化目标:

1)懂得尊重别人的爱好, 明白爱好不分高低主次和先后。 2)尽量使自己的爱好广泛,对生活充满信心。 3.认知目标:

1)词汇 a.掌握各科科目的名称以及描述其性质的形容词。 b. 熟记星期的名称

2)语法项目 掌握 what 和why所引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 3)语言目标 What’s your favorite ?? My favorite ? is? Why do you like?? Because? 模块一:实物导入

提前准备一些时令水果,像苹果,香蕉,梨,橘子等, 把他们摆放在讲桌上, 教师拿起自己喜爱的一种水果说I like ? and ?is my favorite fruit.然后询问学生What’s your favorite fruit? 由此引出本单元的重点句型 模块二: 音乐导入

播放三段音乐,分别是pop music, folk music and classical music. 当放到他们自己喜欢的音乐时,他们就急需表达自己的意见,想用英语来表达自己,这时,教师可以自然而然地引出本单元的重点句型。 重难点突破

※一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其回答 1)对主语提问


What’s this? Who is your friend? 2) 对定语提问

用“疑问词+被修饰的词+一般疑问句”句型。 如:

What class are you in? What time do you usually go to school? 3)对其他成分提问

用“疑问词+ 一般疑问句” 句型。 如: When do you get up every day? Why do you like English?

特殊疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,它不可以用Yes, No来回答,而必须具体回答它所提问的内容。比如Why do you like English? 这一句的回答就是Because it’s interesting. ※表星期的名词

共有七个表星期的名词: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.他们的提问方式是:

What day is it today? 或 What day is today? It’s ? 或Today is ? 要表示在星期几,介词要用on 而不是in.比如: on Monday。 表示星期名称有简写形式:

Sunday --- Sun Monday---Mon Tuesday--- Tues Wednesday---Wed Thursday---Thur

Friday---Fri Saturday---Sat特别提醒学生在英语中Sunday为一星期的第一天,而不是Monday. ※性质形容词的用法

1.fun 既有名词也有形容词,它作形容词一般是用于口语中, 在本单元它的用法相当于funny.

2.interesting 和interested都是形容词,interesting 是性质形容词,他的主语一般是表示物的,而interested的主语是表示人的。

类似的形容词还有moving 和moved , exciting和 excited等等。

3.difficult 其同义词是hard 反义词是 easy,它用来表示事物的属性,其名词形式是difficulty. 课堂活动设计

活动一:调查并统计同学们最喜爱的歌星、食物和运动项目 目 的:

练习使用 “What’s /Who’s your favorite??”句型,培养学生收集信息、整理信息以及分类归纳的能力。 材 料: 调查统计表 语言技能:

Speaking, listening and writing 提示词语及句型:

(1)rice/porridge/noodles/dumplings/hamburgers/sandwishes/singer/swimming/jumping/riding a bike/ skating/?

(2) What’s your favorite sport? Who’s your favorite singer? (3) How many students like?? 活动形式:

四人小组及全班活动 操作过程:




(4)学生根据汇总情况向音乐老师和体育老师和学校食堂提出一些建议 (5)最后看哪一组同学提的建议又多又合理,并评选出“最佳提议组”。 活动二:比一比,看谁最了解父母 目 的:

复习巩固询问爱好和解释原因的句型,培养学生理解父母,孝敬父母的好习惯。 材 料: 自制表格一份 语言技能:

Speaking and Listening 提示词语及句型;

(1)favorite color/food/book/TV play/sport/city (2)What’s your mother’s favorite?? (3)Why does she like?? 活动形式: 2人小组 活动三:答记者问 目 的:

激发学生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生的组织,协作以及用语言进行交际和解决问题的能力。 材 料: 麦克风,纸,笔 语言技能: Speaking and writing 提示词语及句型:

(1)What’s your favorite book/film/song/color?? (2)Why do/don’t you like it?

(3)Because it’s very interesting/boring/difficult/fun? 活动形式: 4人小组及全班 板书设计 模块一:提纲式

Words Sentences

subject What’s your favorite subject? science My favorite subject is science. Why do you like it?

fun /interesting Because it is fun/interesting. When do you have science lesson? On Tuesday I have it on Tuesday. art Why don’t you like art? boring Because it’s boring. 教后一得:


Unit 3 What’s your favorite subject?.

单元目标:(target) 1. 谈论学校学习科目 2. 谈论最喜欢的科目及其原因

3. 互相询问最喜欢的事情及其原因 单元句型:

1. -What’s your favorite subject ? -My favorite subject is Chinese . 2. -What’s her favorite subject ? -Her favorite subject is English . 3. -Why do you like English ?

-Because it’s interesting and useful . 4. -Why does he like P.E. ?

-Because he likes sports very much . 5. -Who is your math teacher ? -Mrs O’Sullivan. 单元词汇:

subject , science , physical , education , physical education , P.E. teacher , Mr , Mrs , example , partner , city , mom , dad , Tuesday , Thursday , Wednesday , Friday , Monday , biology , finish , gymnastics , strict , miss , any , year (s) old , classmate , assessment , note , sure 扩充词汇:

geography 地理,history历史,politics 政治 schedule 安排,kind,善良,funny 有趣的,

psychology心理学,Spring Festival 春节,festival 节日 Christmas圣诞节,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

Christianity Easter / Easter 复活节 Fool’s Day 愚人节 Children’s Day / Teacher’s Day / National Day 二. 重点、难点:


Chinese , math , English , history , geography , biology 语文 数学 英语 历史 地理 生物 politics , psychology , P.E. ,music , art 政治 心理学 体育 音乐 美术 computer , handwork / handicraft 计算机 手工制作 (二)星期的词 星期的词首都大写

Monday ,Tuesday , Wednesday,Thursday 一 二 三 四 Friday ,Saturday ,Sunday。 五 六 日

(三)询问最喜欢的事情,用favorite . 互相问答: -Why ?

(四)最喜欢的,除了favorite ,我们还可用短语like?best . What subject do you like best ? 你最喜欢的是什么学科? Why do you like English best ? 为什么你最喜欢英语?


Unit5 What are you doing?

Ⅰ、 Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls.How do you feel today?Do you like music?I like listening to music.Do you know

\用动作来演示,让学生了解词组的意思。学习词组 listen to Listen to the music and sing the song. Ⅱ、Say and do the actions. T:You sing very good English songs.And I know you can do very good actions,too.Now listen to me and do the actions.

听音做动作 stand up point to the door/window/turn around/touch the ground/read a book/write a letter/play football

Ⅲ、A guessing game 叫几个同学来前面表演动作让下面的同学来猜,猜对了奖励。

T:Now let's play a guessing game.Who can come here to do actions? S 1:I can.(做踢球的动作) T:What is he doing? S 2:He is playing football. T:(ask S 1)What are you doing? S 1:I'm playing football.

T:(to S 2) You are right.You can get a sticker.

Ⅳ、Presentation 1.学习单词radio及词组 listen to the radio

T:(拿出收音机,作出听收音机的动作,问学生)Look,What am I doing? Yes,I'm listening to the radio. 学习单词radio,并做藏单词的游戏。

T:Let's play hide and seek.I hide the word radio.Then I'll call some to come here to find the word.When he is looking for,let's say together.Far loud,near,slow.

Chant:radio,radio,listen to the radio

T:(把收音机发给学生,并引导他们说I'm listening to the radio.) Who can show \多给几个同学让他们练习说这个句子。

2、学习单词friend和词组talk to a friend,练习句子I'm talking to a friend. T:(手持照片介绍) Look at the picture.Who is he? Ss:He is Dustin.

T:Yes,this is Dustin.He is my friend.Do you know \


Jessica is my friend ,too.Look,I'm talking to my friend. \

Chant:friend,friend,talk to a friend 3.复习词组 play with a doll

T:I have a friend in our class.She is Nicky.Look,she's over there.What is she doing?

Ss:She is playing with a doll.

T:(走向Nicky,)What are you doing,Nicky? Nicky:I'm playing with a doll. 复习词组play with a doll

把娃娃给班里别的同学,问Who can show,playing with a doll? 并提问What are you doing?

由老师提问转到学生提问,充分练习句型:What are you doing?I'm ........ 4、看黑板总结复习新学的单词词组及句子

Ⅴ、Play a game.Passing the card. Card 1:listening to the radio Card 2:talking to a friend Card 3:playing with a doll

边传卡片边齐喊卡片上的内容,当老师说Stop!的时候,一齐问拿到卡片的同学What are you doing?拿着卡片的同学举起卡片回答I'm....

Ⅵ、Listen to the tape. Listen to the tape and answer my questions. 1.What is Sam doing? 2.What is his father doing? 3.What is his mother doing? 4.What is Amy doing? 听力原文:

What are you doing?I'm watching TV. What are you doing? I'm listening to the radio. What are you doing? I'm talking to my friend. What are you doing? I'm playing with my doll. Listen and follow the tape.

Ⅶ、Chant: What are you doing?What are you doing?

I'm listening to the radio.

What are you doing?What are you doing? I'm talking to a friend.

What are you doing?What are you doing? I'm playing with my doll.

Ⅷ.Listen to a song. Homework:Practise the chant after class.

Unit 6 Helping at home

Teaching objects

1. Language knowledge

1)To know the words and phrases: vegetables, clothes, dishes,

a red scarf, sweep the floor, dust the furniture, fold the clothes, and water the plants.

2) To know and be able to use the sentence pattern: How do you help at home?

2. Language abilities:1) To develop students’ abilities of listening and speaking.

2) To improve students’ abilities of


3) To train students’ abilities of working in groups.

3. Sentiment: 1)To lead students to happy to help others

2)To cultivate students’ team spirit.

4. Learning strategy: Team work and various games.

I. II.

Key points of teaching: The words and phrases; the sentence pattern.

Teaching difficulty: 1) To enable students write words and phrases rightly. 2) To enable students use the knowledge in communications.


Teaching aids: Multi-media, radio, word pictures,blackboard Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warm-up

1) Listen the song“How do you help at home?” 2) Quenstion:How do you help at home? 3) Free talk

Step2.Presentation and practice

1) Show some pictures:Learn new words then guess.

2) Listen and say :Learn new phrases and sentence pattern.

3) Practice with your desk mate. Step3.Consolidation

1) Listen and act. 2) Race in groups. 3) Make some practice.

Step4.Develpment: Are you helpful at other places?

How do you help?


Give a summary about this lesson. Step6.Homework

1) Copy the words and phrases twice. 2) Listen and read the dialogues.

3) Do housework at home or help others.

Blackboard design:

Unit 5 Helping at home Lesson1 vegetables, clothes, dishes, a red scarf How do you help at home? Group :1. 2. 3. water the plants sweep the floor fold the clothes dust the furniture



Wu Wenting

09 English Education Class 1

Lesson 7 Just a moment, please!



二、教学目标: (一)语言目标:

1)继续学习打电话的常用语。This is ? speaking. Is that ?speaking? Wait a moment.

2) 学习帮助别人转接电话。Is ?in? Sorry, wait a moment.

3) 会说会用会拼会写这些单词和短语:call, do some washing, wait, a CD. 4)掌握现在进行时态的含义,表达方法和正确运用。 She is doing some washing. Who is call能够?


1.掌握怎样询问电话中的对方以及给别人转接电话时的常用语,例如,Is that ?speaking? \\ Wait a moment. She is not in. 2.理解现在进行时态所表达的是现在正在进行的动作。


教师准备玩具电话,以及本课的单词卡片, wait, call, wait, a CD.

五、教学过程: 1. 热身(Warming up)

1) 教师和学生一起来唱上节课所学的歌曲 Let’s sing together 活跃课堂气氛。

2) 教师和学生做几组TPR 活动,来复习以前学过的短语。为后面学习现在进行时态做铺垫。

T:Good morning, class. Ss: Morning, teacher. T: Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes, we are very happy.

T: OK. I’m happy ,too. Let’s play a guessing game. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. We are ready.

T does the action and Ss guess what it is.

Draw a picture, sweep the floor, water the flowers, read some books, play the piano, play the computer game?


2.新课展示(New Presentation)


1) 教师向学生做出打电话的动作,让同学们猜是什么单词。从而引出单词 phone. 教师出示卡片---call,告诉同学们这两个单词意思相同,而且它们都有两个词性,名词和动词。 我们经常可以说: I’ll give you a phone. I’ll give you a call. 这样的句子还可以说成 I’ll phone you. I’ll call you.

2) 在打电话时,我们经常会遇到想要找的人没有接电话,而是别人接的电话,我们应该学会给别人转接电话。

教师让学生听课文录音一遍,要求学生学完以后,能够回答提出来的问题:Where is this telephone from ? Who does Wang Nan want to speak in the phone? Who answered the telephone?What is Helen doing? Is she reading? 在听过第一遍课文以后,要求学生能够回答前三个问题. This telephone is from Wang Nan. Wang Fang wants to speak to Helen. Linda answered the telephone.

教师让学生再听一遍课文录音,听听Linda 在转接电话时 的常用语。 Is Helen in?

Yes, but wait a moment. She is busy.

这部分内容是本课的重点内容。介词in的原意是在?里面,在这里它还有“在家”的意思。其反义词则为“out”, 例如, She is in today. Is she in today?

He is out today.

当我们给别人转接电话,经常要说这样一个短语 wait a moment或者a moment, please. 或者 hold on ,please. 这几个短语可用于多种情况下,例如,在餐厅点菜,服务员经常会给我们说。

3)教师让学生再听第三遍录音,并且要求学生找出课文中所有加上了-ing 的单词或是短语。

Speaking; calling; doing some washing

教师将这几个动词展示在黑板上,用红笔勾出-ing 部分,先领读这几个短语,让学生掌握-ing 动词的发音。然后教师向学生解释现在进行时态的含义,表达方法和正确运用。

现在进行时态是指在现在正在发生的动作和事情,它的构成是系动词-am, is, are和动词-ing(现在分词)组合起来。经常和now, at this moment等表示现在时间的状语连用。

教师向学生出示课前复习的短语,引导学生造句。 I am reading a book. She is doing her homework. He is speaking to you.

You are playing computer games. We are singing and dancing. They are running.

通过句子,教师给学生总结出动词加-ing的规则。末尾有不发音“e”的去掉“e”加-ing,以辅音字母结尾的重音在第一个音节上的单音节单词要双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing. 其它的就可以直接加-ing。 3.小结:




2)教师将全班分成男女两组,快速出示以前所学的动词短语,要求学生也能快速将短语变成动词现在分词,说出正确的句子,巩固练习。 3)教师最后播放录音,学生听,并且跟读。

4) Let’s practise(1)

A: In this practice, we should know the meanings of several words and phrases. ‘Just a moment, in, that’s OK.’ Here when we have to hold the telephone, we can see ‘wait a moment.’ So ‘just a moment’ equals to ‘wait a moment.’ The adverb ‘in’ means ‘at home’. So here we can use ‘She’s out‘or ’She went out.’ ‘That’s OK’ means ‘It doesn’t matter’.

做这道题时,我们首先要明白很多单词和短语的含义。‘Just a moment’,相当于‘wait a moment.’ ‘ not in’相当于out,‘That’s OK’相当于‘It doesn’t matter’ 5) Let’s practise(2)

A: In this exercise, firstly when should be clear about the content of the telephone message. We know this message is from Jack to Linda at half past ten on June 21st. Jack wants Linda to do some shopping with him that afternoon. He need Linda to call back.


Kate: Hello?

Jack: Hello! Is Linda there?

Kate: No, this is Kate. Just a moment. Sorry, she’s out.

Jack: Oh. I want to go shopping with her this afternoon. Could you ask her to call me back when she comes back? Kate: OK. No problem. Jack: Thanks.

Kate: You’re welcome.

Unit8 You must be careful!

【教学内容】(Teaching content)

陕西旅游出版社新版英语第四册(供小学四年级第二学期使用) You must be careful

【教学目标】(Teaching aims) 能力目标:通过对交通信号灯traffic lights的认识和学习,引导学生遵守“红


知识目标:1.学习并识记交通信号灯等名词,如traffic lights、red、green;



turn left. You must be careful. Don`t cross the road.等。

3.理解和表达有关日常交通等简单信息。如The light is red and you

must stop.The light is green and you can cross.

文化意识目标:1.了解一些交通中的中外文化差异。如p代表 park。各




【教学重、难点】(Teaching key point): 识别交通指示牌、学会方向的表达。 难点:祈使句和一般现在时的学习。 【教具准备】(Teaching aids) PPT、指示牌卡片、板书

【教学过程设计】(Teaching procedures) Step I Lead-in: (3min)

T:Hello everyone. How are things with you?


T:oh,very good .Do you know what`s this?(拿出红绿灯牌)。It`s traffic lights.there are three lights .Now pay attention to this card. Dang~what color is the light?(红灯亮) S:red.

T:yeah,what should you do if the light is red? S:stop.

T:yes,you must stop and you must be careful.So today we are going to learn Unit10 you must be careful.(板书~)

Step II Presentation

1. Listen and read:(10min)

T:pleasa turn to page 55. First let`s listen to the tape.I`ll play it twice,and you should follow the tape and read it.Are you ok? (播放录音、PPT) 学生跟读。

T: I think we can read more loudly with our passion. Again,please.(播放录音)


T: Is there any words difficult for you? S1: traffic lights? S2:No.

T: no? I think you are genius.

2. Listen and repeat.(7min)

T:There is a “words bank”.now let`s found it,please repeat after

me. Stop? (带读两遍)

T:traffic light.what`s meaning of traffic lights? S:交通信号灯。

T:you`re right.and do you know what color does the traffic lights have?


T:yes,read after me.red、red、红色。green green 绿色。 Next one ,cross.that means you can go to the opposite side of the street.when the traffic light is green and we can cross the road.cross、cross(带读2遍)

T:As we all know,there is a place to stop car.that called park.read after me park、park.don`t park here、don`t park here.(带读)

T:Have you catch these words?Let`t read it again together.try to remember it. Stop、traffic light?(带读、齐读)

3. Listen,look and match.(5min)

1 T: children. Follow me. left, right: (听指令伸左右手) ○

turn left/ right: 顺势通过动作、结合板书教学。Look at me, turn left. Teach to read the words with action: left, right, turn left, turn right.(板书~) 2 T:One ○day,I go to the zoo,but there are some sign I don`t know what`s the meaning.can you tell me?(展示ppt连线游戏)

There are four pictures,can you match it with the four sentences?first let`s read these sentences.turn right、don`t cross the road?(带读、齐读)

T:which picture means turn right? This one or this one?

Yes,you are so clever.next ,which one is don`t cross the road? Yeah,very good.then ,which is don`t park here? Ok ,you did a good job.the last one means what? SS:don`t turn left.


Step III Task(15min) 1. listen and do.(7min)

True or false?(老师拿出指示牌,同学回答。) 1T:turn left?(展示turn right) ○


T:so the correct is ?turn right.

T:don`t turn left?(展示don`t turn right). S:false. It`s don`t turn right. ?

2(拿出交通信号牌) ○

T:Stop?(指示红灯)/cross? S:true./false.

T:Cross?(指示绿灯)/stop? S:true./false. T:wait? S:true.

(然后快速指示,快速反应。) 2. Let`s practice(1).(5min) Look,write and say.

T:There are some blanks,can you finish it?I`ll call two students come to the front,and they write in the blackboard,another students should write in your books.Now,who want to try?Ok,you please and you please. 3. Let`s practice(2).(3min)

T:when the light is yellow,we should? S:wait a moment. (red、green?)

Step IV Let`s chant.(5min) T:read after me.(展示ppt) Step V Homework:

try to describe the sign in English。


Unit8 You must be careful.

Don`t? You can?

(卡片): Turn right. Don`t park here Don`t turn left. Don`t cross the road..


Step III Task(15min) 1. listen and do.(7min)

True or false?(老师拿出指示牌,同学回答。) 1T:turn left?(展示turn right) ○


T:so the correct is ?turn right.

T:don`t turn left?(展示don`t turn right). S:false. It`s don`t turn right. ?

2(拿出交通信号牌) ○

T:Stop?(指示红灯)/cross? S:true./false.

T:Cross?(指示绿灯)/stop? S:true./false. T:wait? S:true.

(然后快速指示,快速反应。) 2. Let`s practice(1).(5min) Look,write and say.

T:There are some blanks,can you finish it?I`ll call two students come to the front,and they write in the blackboard,another students should write in your books.Now,who want to try?Ok,you please and you please. 3. Let`s practice(2).(3min)

T:when the light is yellow,we should? S:wait a moment. (red、green?)

Step IV Let`s chant.(5min) T:read after me.(展示ppt) Step V Homework:

try to describe the sign in English。


Unit8 You must be careful.

Don`t? You can?

(卡片): Turn right. Don`t park here Don`t turn left. Don`t cross the road..

