广州版六年级英语unit10 Then and now

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ago …之前 most 大多数 village 村庄 nearby 附近 far away 遥远 store 商店 department store 百货公司 短语

1.come to live 来居住 2.in China 在中国 3.very different 很不同 4.in the countryside 在农村 5.on farms 在农场 6.most of 大多数 7.walk to school 走路上学 8.on the bus 在公共汽车上 9.take a bus 乘公共汽车 10. quiet life 安静的生活 句型

1.When he was in England, Ben lived in a small village in the countryside.

当他在英国时,Ben住在农村的一个小村庄里。 2. It has more than 1000 pupils. 学校里有超过1000名学生。

3. It had only two shops and most of the people worked on farms. 那里只有两间商店,大多数人在农场工作。 课文原文

Three years ago, Ben came to live in China with his parents. Before then, he lived in England and life was very different.


When he was in England, Ben lived in a small village in the countryside. It had only two shops and most of the people worked on farms. Ben's village school was very small too. There were only 150 pupils. His home was nearby so he walked to school every day.


But now, Ben lives in a big city. The city has many people, cars and tall buildings. In the city, Ben goes to a very big school. It has more than 1000 pupils. His home is far away, so every day he takes the bus. On the bus, he sees people going to work in modern office buildings and department stores.

但是现在,Ben住在一个大城市。城市里有很多人、汽车以及高大的建筑。在城市里,Ben去一间很大的学校上学。学校里有1000多名学生。他的家(离学校)很远,所以他每天乘公共汽车上学。在公共汽车上,他看见很多在现代化的办公大楼以及百货公司工作的人。 Ben loves the city. There are many things to do and he has lots of friends. But sometimes he misses the quiet life of his English village.


