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文献出处Hawkins S. The design of the electric vehicle charging pile [J]. SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 2015,5(3): 213-221. 原文

The design of the electric vehicle charging pile


In the world's oil resources shortage and the grim situation of global warming, the construction of low carbon vehicles will become the auto industry a new development direction. Current research of electric vehicles around the world has entered the white-hot. People try to make it become a mainstream in the 21st century the development of the automobile. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure is an important part of the electric car industry chain can not be ignored in, at the same time of developing electric vehicle industry also should fully take into account the development of the charging infrastructure, so the design of electric vehicle charging pile and its control method of study is very necessary.

Keywords: Electric vehicle charging pile; Equilibrium control; The human-computer interaction 1 Introduction

Countries in the world to promote energy conservation and environmental protection, of which the word \in today's car is bigger, the industry also gradually focus on low carbon field. The auto industry's carbon emission is higher and higher. To be raising industry development and the balance of environmental emissions, the automobile industry faced with the transformation of development. In the world's oil resources shortage and the serious situation of global warming, the global auto industry uniform standards will reference to carbon emissions standards, leading the global auto industry development better. Electric cars compared to traditional petrol powered cars, in terms of environmental protection and energy saving shows the outstanding advantages. The electric car has many advantages, such as less pollution emissions, high efficiency, low noise, low running cost, etc., it has these advantages in reducing air pollution and energy shortage is of great significance.

2 Electric vehicle charging infrastructure

The key technologies of electric vehicle (EV) mainly includes: power battery and charging infrastructure as the core of energy systems:

Drive motor and drive system as the core of the power system. In a coordinated control system, ensure the vehicle safe, efficient and comfortable operation as the core of the vehicle control system. For carbon reduction and environmental protection of electric vehicles, charging device is indispensable. Its function is to turn within the electricity to the electric vehicle battery power grid, to power electric vehicles.

Charging infrastructure is mainly charging and charging pile. Charging stations within, usually equipped with a number of fast charging plugs and a few slow charging pile. Two kinds of charging infrastructure each have advantages and disadvantages, need to choose according to actual species suitable for local facilities. Given priority to with quick charge mode of charging station a short charging time is charging the advantages of high efficiency. At a high speed along the service area, selection of large charging stations and other places of power is to be able to produce 600 V / 300 A charging pile. Usually consider including the use of environmental factors, such as charging pile only in produce high voltage and large current, and power is larger (100 kw), to ensure that the electric car charging efficiency, the technology of charging methods and security put forward higher requirements. So charging stations than charging pile construction and management of cost is much higher, the size should be and petrol stations. Now automotive battery technology remains to be development, rapid charging pattern can cause greater damage to the battery. The expert thinks, quick charge mode is equivalent to in a relatively short period of time forced \life will be greatly reduced. In addition it is important to note that large-scale electric vehicle charging demand just rely on the charging station is fulfilled, and charging stations will be occupied land area, will produce a lot of management costs. Therefore, charging station is only applicable to charge for a small amount of public transport services. Charging pile covers an area of a few, the cost is very low, very suitable for the supermarket in the city, parking lots, construction of residential area of dense

parking of vehicles, such as the area. And more importantly, charging pile mainly slow filling pattern, due to the need of the small current, thus to ensure the safety of its performance, and of great benefit to extend the service life of the battery. But the disadvantage of this schema also clear, have emergency operation requirements in the car, the charging is not implemented in time. Such as providing 220 V / 16 A home charging pile of ac power, the charger is small volume and simple operation of car charger. The charging pile is mainly provide service charge for private cars, the power is about 3 ~ 5 kw, charging time need 5 ~ 10 hours. 3 Present situation of charging system

In recent years from two level of products and technologies, charging system has made good progress: charging products with the development of control technology, artificial intelligence and other advanced technology, get rid of the simple, the direction of multi-function, safer intelligent. The field bus technology, such as development, RS485, LIN bus makes the monitoring system of the diversification of means of communication, high speed and security. French multi-purpose nuclear and hydroelectric power, the power generation capacity is enough, according to statistics, three-quarters of the total electricity from nuclear power plants in France, one 6 from hydropower station, and its power supply clean, cheap electricity, automobile industry developed, so it is the world's one of the first countries to develop and promote the electric car. The French government collaborative EDF (EDF) Company, company, Renault and PSA (Renault) motors, and other cooperation, developing electric cars. In LaRocheHe investment produces small four 50 vehicles, electric vehicles and built 12 (including 3 fast and nine common) charging stations, has been put into use and tested more than 2 years. Japan's new energy vehicles has been in the world leading level, the Tokyo electric power company has announced that it successfully developed large quick charger, the charger has greatly shortened the time, the Japanese electric car popularization provides the possibility of a larger. Charging pile design and control of the construction of the charging infrastructure, as early as the First Solar companies in the United States built 5 in California highway fast charging pile, can under the condition of 240 v / 240A, 3.5 hours to complete the charging of electric


4 Charging pile of functional requirements

With electric passenger cars promote gradually, people to its corresponding charging infrastructure also gave high attention. If the charging station, charging pile, can carry on the security and intelligence to the electric vehicle charging, so the popularity of electric cars, progress will be accelerated. In order to realize intelligent charging pile in the management and application, you need to understand the function of charging pile demand. Electric vehicle charging piles need to have the following several main functions: to guarantee the normal work of the system, monitoring and protection measures necessary, charging posts must have electrical protection device, when the system failure occurs, the system of charging power supply is cut off quickly, within the stipulated time to ensure the personal safety of users. Charging pile must be reliable operation, charging pile equipment adopts modular structure; local fault cannot threaten the normal operation of the whole system, charging pile must also be able to parallel processing more than one event. All logins, control, exit the important operations, such as charging pile should have corresponding records, but also allows to query and statistic of operating records, charging pile have ensure data and system security protection of information is not theft and destruction. Charging pile should use the graphical interface in Chinese, the user according to the screen display can realize self-help charging; provide convenience for people intuitively clear charging operation. Users can query on charging pile to the charging time, place, and the historical data of the basic information such as rechargeable battery, charging pile should also install with embedded printers, convenient charging print statements. Charging pile should be according to the electricity information deriving from watt-hour meter, and calculate the user charge the amount spent, and can save data backup, convenient send to background monitoring system. Charging pile system should be able to practice the trapezoidal pricing mechanism. 5 The integral design of charging pile system

The electric car is ac charging pile used in ac, dc power supply, ac working voltage is 220 v or 380 v, can according to different types of electric vehicles, adopts

the corresponding charging voltage grade, ordinary pure electric car charging pile to charge need 4 ~ 5 hours. The input voltage of dc charging pile using three phase four wire AC380V, frequency 50HZ can provide enough power, and the output of adjustable dc, therefore can meet the requirement of quick charge. Electric vehicle charging pile, concentrator, battery management system, charging management platform, such as complementary to each other, constitute the charging system. Battery management system (BMS) real-time information interaction with charging posts controller, the purpose is to monitor the battery voltage, current and temperature state parameters, forecast capacity (SOC) of batteries, batteries in to avoid bad phenomenon (over discharge, overcharge, overheating and battery voltage imbalance between monomer), it can maximize battery storage capacity and cycle life of assurance. The service management platform is mainly to the electric car battery charge information, IC and piles these data for centralized management of information. In general, the service management platform is important function for charging management and operation, as well as integrated query. To intuitively clear communication with the customers, charging pile has important information can be shown on LCD display convenient man-machine interaction. Electric vehicle charging, the screen will display the charging time, charging power, the main information such as the amount payable.

Charging, the battery charging or owe electricity will damage to the battery inside, accelerate cell aging, will affect battery performance. According to the analysis, the inappropriate way of charging is the main cause of battery life cut short. Therefore, how to guarantee quickly and does not affect the battery life, has become an important research topic in recent years. Charging mode choice determines the length of the battery life, among them, the constant current, constant voltage charging and charging in stages of these methods is a common way of charging. Is the advantage of constant current charging control method is simple, but by the law of mass we know: rechargeable batteries can accept current capacity with the charging process is a trend of gradual decline. Late to charge, the charging current is much used for electrolysis of water, can produce gas, so that to get nothing. Constant voltage charging way early

in the process of charging current is too large, the impact on battery life is great, and constant voltage charging mode battery plate bending easily, causing the battery scrap. Phase charging method is actually a constant current, constant voltage charging the method of combining more commonly used phase charging method includes two stages and three phase charging method. 译文



在世界石油资源短缺和全球气候变暖的严峻形势下,建设低碳汽车将成为汽车产业一种新的发展方向。目前全世界对电动汽车的研究已经进入白热化,人们试图使其成为 21 世纪汽车的发展主流。电动汽车充电设施是电动汽车产业链中不可忽视的重要组成部分,在大力发展电动汽车产业的同时还应充分兼顾充电设施的发展,因此对电动汽车充电桩的设计及其控制方法的研究显得十分必要。 关键词:电动汽车充电桩;均衡控制;人机交互 1 引言

世界各国都在提倡节能环保,其中“低碳”一词大家都不陌生,当今汽车的碳排放量较大,汽车业的研究重心也逐渐转向低碳领域。汽车行业的碳排放量越来越高。为做好行业的上升发展和环保减排的平衡,汽车行业面临着发展的转型。在世界石油资源短缺及全球气候变暖的严峻形势下,全球汽车行业统一的标准将参照碳排放标准,进而使全球汽车工业更好地发展。电动汽车相比较以汽油作为动力的传统汽车,在环境保护和节约能源等方面显示出着突出的优势。电动汽车具有很多优点,如污染气体排放量少、高能效、低噪声、低运行成本等,它所具有的这些优点在缓解大气污染及能源紧缺方面意义重大。 2 电动汽车充电设施



充电设施主要是充电站和充电桩。充电站内,一般配有若干个快速充电插头及少数的慢速充电桩。一些城市计划在住宅小区、停车场和超市等公共场合建设充电桩。两种充电设施各有优劣,需根据实际选择适合本地的设施种类。以快充模式为主的充电站具有充电时间短、充电效率高的优点。在高速沿线的服务区、大型充电站等地方选用的电源多是能产生 600V/300A 直流电的充电桩。通常还要考虑包括使用环境等方面的因素,充电桩只有在产生较高电压和较大电流,并且功率也较大(约 100KW)时,才能保证电动汽车的充电效率,这对充电的技术方法和安全性提出了较高要求。因此充电站比充电桩耗费的建设和管理成本高很多,规模应该和加油站相当。现在车用电池技术还有待发展,快速充电模式会对电池造成较大的损伤。专家认为,快充模式等同于在相对短的时间内强行向电池“灌入”电能,经历几次快充后的电池,其寿命会大大降低。另外值得注意的是,大规模电动汽车的充电需求单单依靠充电站是满足不了的,而且充电站会占用土地面积,会产生大量的管理成本。因此,充电站只适用于为少量的公共交通工具提供充电服务。充电桩占地面积很少,成本很低,很适合在城市中的超市、停车场、住宅小区等车辆密集停放的区域建设。更重要的是,充电桩主要是慢充模式,因其需要很小的电流,这样就保障了其安全性能,而且对电池使用寿命的延长很有益处。但这种模式的缺点同样明显,在车辆有紧急运行需求时,不能及时实现充电。例如提供 220V/16A 的交流电源的家用充电桩,所用的充电机是体积小且操作简单的车载充电机。这种充电桩主要为私家车提供充电服务,其功率约为 3~5千瓦,充电时间则需要 5~10小时。 3充电系统研究现状

近年来从产品和技术两个层面上讲,充电系统都取得了较好的进展:充电产品随着控制技术、人工智能等先进技术的发展,摆脱了单一型,朝着多功能、更安全智能的方向发展;现场工业总线技术,如 CAN、RS485、LIN 总线的发展使得监控系统的通信手段多样化、高速化、安全化。法国多用核能和水力发电,其发电能力充足,据统计法国总发电量的四分之三来自核电站,六分之一来自水电站,因而其发电源干净、电价便宜,汽车工业发达,因而是世界上最早研制和推广电动汽车的国家之一。(完整译文请到百度文库)法国政府协同 EDF(法国电

