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1. Phonetics & Language Introduction:
1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is ______one of the design features of language.
A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement
2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is ______ . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge.
A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement
3. _____ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one?s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation.
A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement
4. _____ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost.
A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement
5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission
6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.
A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission
7. To say “How are you. ” “Hi” to your friends is the _______of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function
8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, you should use the _____ function of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function
9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as _____. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural C. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in _______.
A. speech sounds only B. all sounds
C. vowels only C. consonants only
11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p] 12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ ] 13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ? ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ] 14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫ ] C. [ l ] D. [θ]
15. In the following sounds , ______ is a voiceless affricative ? A. [dЗ ] B. [ v ] C. [t∫] D. [θ]
16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a ____. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. vowel
17. Of the “words” listed below, _____ is not an English word ? A. [r∧b ] B. [ l? b ] C. [m?sta:∫] D. [lm?p]
18. _____ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released.
A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives C. Glides
19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in ______.
A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 1788
20. ____ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value. A. Phone B. Phoneme C. Allophone D. Sound II. Tell which statements are true or false. 1. [ f ] is a dental consonant.
2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. 3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. 4. Phone is a phonetic unit.
5. When we study the different [ p ]’s in “[ pit ], [tip ], [spit ]” , they are similar phones which belong to phonetics.
6. But the three [ p ] belong to the different phoneme / p /. 7. The three / p / are allophones.
8. ‘peak’ is aspirated , phonetically transcribed as [ph]; ‘speak’ is unaspirated phonetically[ p=].
9. [ph ], [p=] do not belong to the same phoneme / p /.
10. [p h] and [ p=] are two different phones, and are variants of the phoneme / p /, which is called ALLOPHONES of the same phoneme. BACDD CCACA DDABC DDBCB
II. 1.F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8. T 9. F 10. T
I. Choose the best choice(语音) 1. Which is a voiced bilabial stop?
A. [m] B. [v] C. [p] D. [b] 2. Which is a voiceless affricate?
A. [w] B. [f] C. [t∫] D. [n] 3. Which is monophothong?
A. [i] B. [au] C. [ai] D. [ei] 4. Which is a voiceless bilabial stop?
A. [p] B. [m] C. [b] D. [t] 5. Which is a voiced affricate?
A. [j] B. [z] C. [t∫] D. [dЗ] 6. Which is a central vowel ?
A. [i] B. [?:] C. [ou] D. [a:]
7. In English if a word begins with [l] or [r] , then the next sound must be a ____. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. Vowel 8. Which is a palatal fricative?
A. [s] B. [k] C. [∫ ] D. [l] 9. Which is not a English word?
A. [r ? b] B. [l?b] C. [sta:∫ ] D. [ lm?p] 10. Which is a unaspirate?
A. sky B. kill C. like D. kite
2. Semantics 练习
1. _______ is not included in Leech?s associative meaning. A. Connotative meaning B. Social meaning
C. Collocative meaning D. Thematic meaning D
2. Among Leech?s seven types of meaning is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to _______.
A. conceptual B. affective C. reflected D. thematic A
3. According to the referential theory, a word is not directly related to the thing it refers to. They are connected by ______.
A. meaning B. reference C. concept D. sense C 4.”Big” and “Small” are a pair of ______ opposites. A. complementary B. gradable C. complete D. Converse B
5. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are ______. A. gradable opposites B, converse opposites C. co-hyponyms D. synonyms B 6. A word with several meaning is called ______ word. A. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple
7. The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as ___. A. +animate, +male, +human, -adult B. +animate, +male, +human, +adult A. +animate, -male, +human, -adult D. + animate, -male, +human, +adult B
8. _____ is a phrase which can only be understood as a unit, not as a summation of the meaning of each constituent word. A. Collocation B. Idiom
C. Semantic component D. Synonym B
9. In the triangle advanced by Ogden and Richards, “thought or reference” is____ A. word, sentence B. the object C. concept D. symbol B 10. A linguistic is interested in _____.
A. What is said. B. What is right both in syntax and in semantics. B C. What is grammatical D. What ought to be said. 11. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are _____. A. gradable opposites B. relational opposites C. synonyms D. co-hyponyms B
12. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives can be classified as _____. A. Lexical words B. grammatical words C. function words D. form words A
13. What is the meaning relationship between the two words “flower/tulip” ? A. Polysemy B. Homonymy C. Hyponymy D. Antonymy C 14. The words “railway” and “railroad” are _____. A. synonyms differing in emotive meaning B. dialectal synonyms
C. collocationally-restricted synonyms D. synomyms differing in styles B
15. The pair of words “wide/narrow” are called____.
A. gradable opposites B. complementary antonyms C. co-hyponyms D. relational opposites A
16. Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementaries? A. single/marries B. lend/borrow C. hot/cold D. old/young A
II. Answer the questions with “Yes” or “No” .
1. Is reference tied to a particular time and place? Y
2. Every word in a language can find at least one referent in the objective world. ? N
3. Can different expressions have the same referent? Y
4. Can reference be applied to words such as “and” ,”very” in English? N III. State the following sentences “True” or “False”.
1. Sense is regarded as a kind of intra-linguistic relationship. T
2. In most cases, “sense ” and “meaning” are different terms for the same thing.T 3. Every word has its own sense. F
4. A word may have several different senses and several words may have the same
sense. T
5. Extension, like denotation, is a kind of relation between elements and the
objective world. T
6. Extension can only be applied to the things at present. F
7. The relation between extension and intension is the same as that between
denotation and sense. T
8. People of different cultures may choose different prototype for the same predicate,
e.g. ?bus?. T
9. All the words in a language can be used to refer , but only some have sense. F 10. Two synonymous words must be identical in sense in every dimension. F 11. There are very few perfect synonyms in a language. T 12. Entailment is more inclusive than paraphrase. T 13. Almost every word in a dictionary is polysemic. T 14. Dry and wet are a pair of gradable antonyms. T
15. Innocent and guilt are a pair of relative antonyms. F Complementary
16. The relationship between the Argument and Predicate is Subject to predicate. F 17. The meaning of each expression can be defined in terms of its semantic
components so as to contrast with the meaning of all the expressions in the same language. T
18. The proposition of a sentence may be more simply stated as a verb and a
selection of case ---categories. T
19. According to case grammar, the part of proposition in a sentence is a tensed set of relationships between a verb and a noun phrase ( or noun phrases).
IV. What role does each of the underlined phrases play? 1. John hit Fred on the head with a brick.
A Ex Loc Ins 2. James heard the news from Peter. Ex. O Source
3. Mr. Smith made a vase out of this clay. A Resu Source
4. These books were given to my sister by John. O Bene A
5. Smoke filled the room. Ins Loc
V. Do the following pairs of sentences synonymous? What is the difference between
1. He refused her invitation. General
He declined her incitation. polite Y
2. The young man had no gust to face the reality. Colloquial The young man had no courage to face the reality. Y general 3. A torrent of rain inundated the basement. literary A torrent of rain flooded the basement. common
4. His proposal was turned down by the committee. colloquial His proposal was rejected by the committee intense 5. Susan has recently rented a flat in this area. BE
Susan has recently rented an apartment in this area. AE
6. Eric bought a new car for his parents on the day of their 25th anniversary. gen Eric purchased a new car for his parents on the day of their 25th anniversary.
7. They came to pay their respect to the deceased. professional They came to pay their respect to the dead. General 8. This stuff has a bad smell. slang This material has a bad smell. Common VI. Write down the logic formulae for the following simple propositions: 1. John loves his family. L(j,f)
2. Matha is the aunt of Peter. Aunt (m,p) 3. Jack is lying in bed. Lie (j, b) 4. Ellen is proud of her son. Proud (e, s)
5. Jim returned the book to the professor. Return (j,b, p)
VII. Fill in the blanks in the following passage by choosing the appropriate word. Semantics is the study of ______(1) of language. It is one of the three
components of _______(2) . According to Chomsky?s theory , it is at the _______(3) level of language. Semantics concentrates on the _______(4) between languages, rather than on the _______(5).
Most language utterances(话语) depend for their interpretation upon the ________(6) in which they are used, and the vast majority of them have a ________(7) range of meanings than first come to mind. It may seem to you that meaning is so vague, insubstantial, and elusive that it is impossible to come to any clear, concrete, or tangible conclusions about it. Although many kinds of behavior can be described as _______(8), the range, diversity and complexity of meaning expressed in language is unmatched in any other human or non-human communicative behavior. And linguistic________(9) ----the study of meaning in language was neglected very largely in the past because meaning was felt to be inherently ______(10) and at least temporarily beyond the scope of ______(11) investigation. Largely as a result of Chomsky?s theory of ______ (12) grammar, and the technical advances made in linguistics, in logic and philosophy of _______(13) , linguistic semantics is currently enjoying a very considerable revival of interest.
1. A. grammar B. structure C. phonetics D. meaning 2. A. linguistics B. grammar C. morphology D. syntax
3. A. surface structure B. deep structure C. linguistic D. philosophical 4. A. form B. similarity C. differences D. meaning 5. A. substance B. difference C. similarities D. grammar 6. A. words B. sentences C. structure D. context 7. A. wider B. narrower C. more accurate D. clearer
8. A. productive B. effective C. informative D. communicative 9. A. stylistics B. philosophy C. semantics D. grammar
10. A. stable B. unstable C. social D. arbitrary 11. A. independent B. philosophical C. linguistic D. human 12. A. traditional B. transformational C. structural D. systemic 13. A. language B. semantics C. the world D. human mind. D A B B B D A D C B D B A
3. Exercises to Pragmatics
1. According to C.Morris and R. Carnap, _____is studies the relationship between symbols and their interpreters. A. Syntax B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics D. Sociolinguistics
2. There are ______deixis in the sentence “ she has sold it here yesterday. ”. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
3. We can do things with words ---- this is the main idea of ______. A. the speech Act theory B. the Co-operative principles C. the Polite principles D. pragmatics
4. _____refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference. A. Locutionary act B. Illocutionary act C. Perlocutionary act D. Speech act
5. _____ may be used as an example of indirect speech act. A. “I hereby declare Mr. Williams elected.” B. “Good morning!”
C. “could you open the window?”
D. “I command you to report at 6 in the morning tomorrow. ” 6. In the following conversation: A: Beirut is in Peru, isn’t it?
B: And Rome is in Romania, I suppose. B violates the _____.
A. Quantity Maxim B. Quality Maxim C. Relation Maxim D. Manner Maxim
7. The maxim of _____ requires that a participant?s contribution be relevant to the conversation.
A. quantity B. quality C. manner D. relation 8. For the following conversation:
A: Did you see my book in the classroom this morning? B: I was in the library.
_____ is the conversation implicature.
A. B saw A?s book B. B was not in the classroom that morning C. B did not see A?s book D. B stole A?s book. 1-10 CBAAC CDCDB
9. Pragmatics differs from traditional semantics in that is studies meaning not in isolation, but in _____.
A. relationship B. dependence C. sentence D. context
10. _____ of a sentence depends on the context in which the sentence is uttered. A. Sentence-meaning B. Utterance-meaning C. The reference D. The meaning 11. _____ act expresses the intention of the speaker. A. Locutionary B. Illocutionary C. Perlocutionary D. Speech act
12. What cooperative maxim is violated in the following dialogue? A: Can you answer the telephone? B: I?m in the bath.
A. relation B. quality C. quantity D. manner 13. A: Do you know where Mr. Brown is ? B: Somewhere in the suburbs of the city. Speaker B violates the maxim of _______.
A. quality B. quantity C. manner D. relation 14. A: The hostess is an awful bore. Do you think?
B: The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren?t they? Speaker B violates the maxim of
A. quality B. quantity C. manner D. relation 15.. A: This bag is a little bit heavy. B: Let me help you.
What is the illocutionary act of speaker A? A: This bag is heavy.
B: I don?t want to carry it away.
C. Could you help me with this bag? D. I?m very happy about it.
16. A: The dress she is wearing is beautiful, isn?t it ? B: The pattern is nice.
What cooperative maxim does speaker B observe?
A. Quality B. Quantity C. Manner D. Relation
17. Speech Act Theory was proposed by _____ in the late 50?s of the 20th century.
A. John Austin B. John Searle C. Paul Grice D. Chomsky
18. One of the contributions ____ has made is his classification of illocutionary acts.
A. John Austin B. John Searle C. Paul Grice D. Halliday
19. Cooperative principle was found by _____. A. Paul Grice B. John Searle C. John Austin D. Levinson
20. According to Austin?s theory of speech act, act is using a _____ sentence to convey one?s intention.
A. Perlocutionary B. locutionary
C. illocutionary D. indirect speech.
21. A(n )”_____” means that some sentences, in the utterance and the
seeming performance of a speech act, perform a certain illocutionary act indirectly. A. direct speech act B. indirect speech act C. illocutionary act D. utterance
22. The _____ provided great philosophical insight into the nature of linguistic communication.
A. speech act theory B. CP theory
C. communicative competence D. linguistic competence
23. According to Searle, speech acts fall into ______ general categories. A. four B. five C. six D. seven
24. There are ____ maxims under the cooperative principle. A. Five B. four C. two D. three
25. _____ resulted mainly from the expansion of the study of linguistics, especially that of semantics.
A. Pragmatics B. pragmatism C. phonology D. Practicalism
26. Once the notion of _______ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.
A. meaning B. context C. form D. content
27. ____ act theory is an important in the pragmatic study of language. A. Speaking B. Spoken C. Sound D. Speech
28. All the utterances that can be made to serve the same purpose may vary in their _____ form.
A. syntactic B. semantic C. grammatical D. pragmatic
29. Linguistics found that it would be impossible to give an adequate description of meaning if the ______ of language use was left unconsidered.
A. brevity B. context C. accuracy D. none of the above 30. Of the three acts, linguists are most interested in the _______. A. locutionary act B. perlocutionary act C. illocutionary act D. none of the above
31. The maxim of quality requires, do not say what you believe to be _____. A. false B. true C. brief D. orderly
32. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to _____. A. utterance meaning B. speech act theory C. conversational implicatures D. all of the above 33. Pragmatics is a study of
A. language learning B. language acquisition C. language planning D. language in use 11-33
BABDC DABAC BABBA BDABB ACD II. True or false questions
1. Speech act theory was proposed by Austin and has been developed by Grice. F 2. Searle suggests 5 basic categories of illocutionary acts as follows: assertives,
commissives, expressives, directive and declaratives. T 表述句,受约句,表情句,指令句,陈述句
3. “We can do things with words” ----this is the main idea of the Speech Act Theory. T
4. “I hereby declare war ” is the typical utterance of “speech act theory”. T
5. At first , Austin classifies utterances into two types: constatives and performatives. T
6. “Locution” means the speaker?s intention. F
7. “Perlocution” is used to bring effects on the audience. T
8. “Can you pass me the salt, please? ” is a question, but it is a direct speech act. F 9. In a certain sense pragmatics studies how words influence the interpretation of utterances. F not words but contextual features F
10. “Pragmatics “ is the study of meaning that is not accounted for in semantics. T 11. “In Semantics” the sentence meaning should be studied. T X表达什么意义x 12. “ In pragmatics ” the utterance meaning should be studied. T X想表达什么
13. The CP Principle, put forward by P. Grice, has four maxims, for writing as well as speaking. F
14. Deixis is a technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. T
15. “What?s that?” that is a location deixis. F person d
Pragmatics is concerned with the study of _16____ as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. It has consequently __17___ to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by __18__. __19___ is the study of speaker meaning. 16. A. speech B. meaning C. utterance D. communication B 17. A. less B. impossible C. possible D. more D 18. A. itself B. himself C. themselves D. yourself C 19. A. Semantics B. Context C. Syntax D. Pragmatics D 4. Exercises to Chapter 4 Syntax I. General view of syntax
1. Syntax: studies the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences. 2. gender: as masculine, feminine, neuter, or animate, and inanimate. 3. case: the syntaxtic relationship between words. Teacher?s , kiss him 宾格,主格,与格,芬兰语有15种格
4. Concord: agreement: a syntactic relationship agree with each other. 5. Government : A word determines the form of others.支配关系 6. langue and parole
Langue: abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. Stability
Parole: actual speech
7. signified (concept) and signifier (sound image) 1. 所指 2 能指 之间的关系是任意的 8. syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations Syntagmatic: what precedes or follows
9. synchronic and diachronic linguistics 10. “Rheme” “Theme”
11. IC analysis: to analyze the relation between sentence and its component elements. 12. endocentric and exocentric constructions 向心,离心 1.Which serves a centre or head. AP, NP,VP
2. no definable centre or head. PP,V+O ,be + A. 无中心 13. deep structure and surface structure
1. underlying level of structural relation 潜藏在人们意识中的结构 2. closed to people produced and received.声音文字直接感受到的 14.
1. When we say that we can change the second word in the sentence “He is waiting outside” with another word or phrase. We are taking about ____inside the sentence. A. Syntactic relations B. paradigmatic relations B C. Linear relations D. Government
2. The part of the grammar that represents a speaker?s knowledge of the structure of phrases and sentences is called______ . Lexicon B. morphology C. Syntax D. semantics C
3. What does ?IC? stands for as a syntactic notion and analytical technique ? A. inferential Connective B. inflectional Component C. Immediate Constituent c D. Implicative Communication
4. If we are to use the technique of IC analysis to analyze the sentence “She broke the window with a stone yesterday”, where is the first cut? Draw a tree diagram of this sentence. A. between stone and yesterday B. between she and broke B
C. between broke and the window D. between window and with
5. ____ is the defining properties of units like noun (number, gender, case) and verb (tense, aspect, etc.).
A. parts of speech B. Word classes C. Grammatical categories C D. Functions of words
6. Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English ? A. gender B. number C. case D. voice D
7. ____ is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain categories.
A. Concord B. Immediate constituent C. Syntagmatic relations D. Government D
8. ____ proposed to define sentence as the maximum free form.
A. Bloomfield B. Chomsky A C. Halliday D. Sussure
9. The phrase “boys and girls ” is a(n) _____. A. subordinate endocentric construction B. coordinate endocentric construction B C. subordinate exocentric construction D. coordinate exocentric construction
10. Chomsky holds that the major task of linguistics is to _____. A. study real ‘facts’ in daily settings B. tell people how to speak appropriately C. tell people what is right in language use D. Look for ?the universal grammar? D 11. What is the full form of LAD ? Language associative district Language acquisition device B Linguistic acquisition district Language associative device
12. A speaker?s actual utterance in Chomsky?s terminology is called _____. A. deep structure B. linguistic universals C. universal grammar D. surface structure D
13. Chomsky studies language from a psychological point of view, holding that language is a form of ____; while Halliday focuses on the social aspect of language, regarding language as a form of ____.
A. knowing, doing B. knowing, thinking A C. thinking, doing D. doing, knowing 14. F. de Saussure is a(n) _____ linguist. A. American B. British C. Swiss D. Russian C
15. What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”? A. Exocentric B. Endocentric C. Coordinate D. Subordinate A
16. “You sit down” is transformed into “Sit down”. Which transformational rule is used according to TG Grammar ? A. Copying B. Addition C. Reordering D. Deletion D
17. L. Bloomfield is a famous _____ structural linguist. A. British B. Russian C. American D. French C
18. In ______ , Noam Chomsky published his famous book “Syntactic Structure”. A. 1920 B.1957 C. 1965 D. 1970 B
19. “A fish is swimming in the pond” is transformed into “There is a fish swimming in the pond”. Which transformational rule is used. A. Copying B. Reordering C. Addition D. Deletion C
20.The phrase “men and women” belong to the ______Construction. A. predicate B. coordinate C. subordinate D. exocentric B
21. ______ refers to a construction where one clause is coordinated with another. A. Embedding B. Recursiveness C. Conjoining D. Cohesion C II. Tell true statement from false.
1.Traditional grammar involves a great deal of gender, number and case. T 2.“I?m a teacher.” “He studies English.” describe the form of government. F Concord government: give her a present. 3. “ langue” is much more stable than “parole”. T
4. When we mentioned about a “树”,it is signified; and the sound /shu:/ is signifier, the relationship among them is arbitrary. T
5. The sentence “ If the weather is nice, we?ll go out.” is settled at the base paradigmatic relation. F
6. Sassure proposed the linguistic study considered in itself. T
The only true object of study in linguistics is the language, considered in itself and for its own sake. 语言和为语言而研究的语言
7. Rheme contributes much more great than theme. F
8. IC analysis is used to analyze the semantic feature of the sentence. F 9. The Ultimate Constituents of IC analysis is morpheme. T
10. “He seemed angry.” Is the construction of exocentric construction. T 11. “The house is behind this building. ” is endocentric. F.
12. “He came back very late last night.” The underlying structure is endocentric one. T
13. To analyse the sentences with IC analysis.
14. When we mention about “phonetic ” and “lexicon components”, they belong to deep structure category. F
15. The abstract meaning and ambiguity of the sentence can be analyzed be deep structure. T
16. Systemic – functional grammar wanted to link the function with structure of the language.
By synchrony we mean to study language change and development. F The open-class words include prepositions. F “The boy smiled” has an exocentric structure. T
The IC Analysis is not able to analyse split verbs like “do sb. in”. T
Langue is relatively stable and systematic while parole is subject to personal and situational constraints.
Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence patterns of a language. F
名词解释: 1.Linguistics: 2. Duality:
3. Arbitrariness: 4. Syntax:
5. Displacement: 6. connotation: 7. denotation:
8. paradigmatic relation 9. Speech act theory
Short answer questions: Questions::
What?s the importance of studying syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationship in syntax.
What the difference between synchronic and diachronic linguistics? What is the difference between phonetics and phonology?
What are Allophones if the same phoneme? Illustrate them with examples. What?s the difference and relation of “Signifier” and “Signified”?
6. What is context? Explain how context helps people understand language in cases of polysemy and ambiguity?
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