
更新时间:2023-09-23 13:55:01 阅读量: 自然科学 文档下载



-Monologue: Previously on the vampire diaries... monologue: 独白 previously: 以前 vampire: 吸血鬼 吸血鬼日记前情提要...

For over a century, I have lived in secret, until now. century: 世纪,百年 secret: 秘密地 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着直到现在

I know the risk, but I have to know her. risk: 冒险,危险,风险


Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.

dead ringer: <俚语>酷似某人[when someone looks very similar to someone else; a lookalike. —from Urban Dictionary] ringer:套环,指环;按铃者,敲钟者 Elena跟Katherine长得太像了 Is that \上面写的是\吗? And that's \另一个是\

The original Salvatore brothers. original: 原始的,最初的 最初的Salvatore家族兄弟

1864, you and Katherine were the perfect couple. perfect: 完美的,最好的 couple: 对 1864年你和Katherine简直是天生的一对 Did you get the Gilbert watch? watch: 手表

你拿到Gilbert家的怀表了吗? I can get it. get it: 做到 我可以搞到

Hey, man. you ok? - come here. 嘿伙计你还好吗? - 过来这边 Whoa. Whoa. I got you. 喔喔我扶着你 Aah! 啊!

I know you. 我见过你

I think you have the wrong person. 你认错人了

You haven't aged a day. aged: 变老 你竟然没有变老

There are things that you don't know, 有些事情你不知道

things that I want to tell you, but I can't. 我想告诉你可是我不能

Are you sure that the man you knew, 你确定你见过的那个人

his name was Stefan Salvatore? 叫Stefan Salvatore? Yes. - When was this? 是的 - 那是什么时候的事? 1953 1953年


-Elena: Dear diary, I'm not a believer. believer: 信徒


People are born. They grow old. 人们出生成长

And then they die. 然后死去

That's the world we live in. 这就是世界的生存定律

But how can I deny what's right in front of me? deny: 否认,否定


Someone who never grows old, 那个人从来不会变老 never gets hurt. hurt: 危害,伤害 从来不会受伤

Someone who changes in ways that can't be explained. change: 改变 explain: 说明,解释 那个人在瞬息改变容貌

Girls bitten. - Somebody help! bitten: 咬(bite的过去分词) 女孩子被咬 - 救命啊!

Bodies drained of blood.

body: 身体 drain: 喝光,耗尽,流干 blood: 血,血液 被抽干血的尸体

-Stefan:Miss Katherine Pires Katherine Pires小姐

-Katherine: Please. Call me Katherine. 叫我Katherine就可以了 -Elena: What are you? 你是谁?

-Elena: What are you? 你到底是谁?

-Stefan:You know. 你知道

-Elena: No, I don't. 不我不知道

-Stefan: Yes, you do, 你知道

or you wouldn't be here. 不然你就不会在这儿了

-Elena: It's not possible. possible: 可能的 那不可能

It can't be. 不可能的

-Stefan: Everything you know... 你知道的一切...

and every belief that you have is about to change. belief: 信仰,教义

以及你所有的信念都将改变 Are you ready for that? 你准备好了吗?

-Elena: What are you? 你到底是什么?

-Stefan: I'm a vampire. vampire: 吸血鬼



-Elena: I shouldn't have come. 我不该来的

-Stefan: No. Please. 不求你了

-Elena: No. 不

-Elena: How did you do that? 你是怎么做到的?

-Stefan: Please don't be afraid of me. be afraid of: 害怕 afraid: 害怕的 请你不要怕我

-Elena: Let me go. - No. 让我走 - 不

-Stefan: Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand. Elena 有些事情你必须要了解 -Elena: Let me go! 让我走!

-Stefan: Elena, please. Elena 求你了

-Stefan: Elena. Elena

I would never hurt you. 我不会伤害你的

You're safe with me. 跟我在一起你很安全

-Elena: All those animal attacks, attack: 攻击


those people who died... 和死去的人...

-Stefan: No. That was Damon. 不是我那都是Damon干的 -Elena: Damon? 是Damon?

-Stefan: Yes. 是的

I don't drink human blood. human: 人的,人类的 我不喝人血

That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does. survive: 幸存,活下来


I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena. beg: 乞求,请求

我会向你解释所有的事但是Elena 我求求你 Do not tell anybody. 别告诉任何人

-Elena: How can you ask me that? 你凭什么那样要求我?

-Stefan: Because you knowing this is dangerous 因为你知道这样很危险. for so many reasons. 有太多理由了.

You can hate me, 你可以恨我

but I need you to trust me. trust: 信任


但是我要你相信我 -Elena: Just go. 你走

Just go, please. 求你了快走 Go. 快走

If you mean me no harm, then you go. mean: 意味,想要,用意 harm: 伤害 如果你真的不想伤害我那就快走 I never wanted this. 如果你真的不想伤害我那就快走

-Stefan: I never wanted this. 我也不想这样 -Damon: Mmm. 嗯

-Stefan: Hello. 喂

-Damon: I want my ring. ring: 戒指


-Stefan: Where are you? 你在哪儿?

-Damon: I'm at the Sizzler. sizzler: <美俚>炎热天,极烫的东西 我在Sizzler

I had the buffet. buffet: 自助餐 我刚吃了一顿大餐 Where's my ring? 我的戒指在哪儿?

-Stefan: I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done? 不在我这儿你在哪儿? 干了些什么?

-Damon: No, what have you done? 哦不是你干了些什么

You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, lock: 锁 basement: 地下室,地窖 starve: 使挨饿,挨饿 是你把我关在地下室挨饿的 so whatever I've done, whatever: 无论什么,不管怎样 所以不管我干了什么

whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy.

whoever: 无论谁 suck dry: 吸干 suck: 吸吮,吸取 buddy: 伙计 也不管我喝干了谁的血都是你造成的老兄 -Stefan: You're being careless. careless: 粗心的 你太大意了

How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh? gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要


-Damon: I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan. cover: 覆盖,代替 track: 踪迹 我会毁尸灭迹的 Stefan Where's my ring? 我的戒指呢?

-Stefan: I gave it to Zach to hide. hide: 隐藏



Probably shouldn't have killed him. probably: 或许 也许你不该杀他

-Damon: Ah, you almost got me. get me: 打垮我 啊你差点骗到我了 Where is it? 到底在哪儿?

-Stefan: I'll get it back, but I need time. 我可以把它找回来但需要时间

-Damon: What, did you fedex it to Rome? Where is it? fedex: 联邦快递(= the federal express) Rome: 罗马 什么难道你把它寄到罗马了吗? 到底在哪儿? I want my ring, Stefan, 我要我的戒指 Stefan

or my next stop's Elena's. stop: 车站,逗留


-Stefan: I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen.


-Damon: Don't give me another reason to rip you apart. rip apart: 撕破 rip: 撕 apart: 分离的 别给我理由把你撕碎

-Stefan: Yeah? Is that gonna be before or after you get your ring back? 是吗? 是在拿到戒指之前还是之后呢? -Damon: Just get it. get it: 明白了 没什么好说的了

-Damon: You just don't wanna die, do you? wanna: <口>想要(= want to ) 你不想死对吧?

-Elena: You said you would explain everything. 你说过你会解释所有的事

That's why I asked you to meet me here. 所以我约你来这儿

When you google \google: 谷歌,谷歌搜索引擎 fiction: 小说 a world of: 很多 用谷歌搜索\吸血鬼\会得到一大串小说的链接 What's the reality? reality: 现实 事实是什么?

-Stefan: I can tell you whatever you wanna know. 你想知道什么我都可以告诉你

-Elena: I know you eat garlic. garlic: 大蒜 你吃大蒜

-Stefan: Yes. 对

-Elena: And somehow, sunlight's not an issue.

somehow: 由于某种原因,莫名其妙的 sunlight: 日光 issue: 问题 而且阳光对你也构不成威胁

-Waitress: Here's your drinks. drinks: 饮料 您的饮料

-Elena: Thank you. 谢谢

-Stefan: We have rings that protect us.


