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Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Interim Report 2013

August 2013



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.

Directors other than the followings presented the Board Meeting at which this report was examined:

The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the report period.

Chairman of the Board – Zhang Xiaofang, Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Cao Aimin, and Head of Accounting Dept. – Mr. Wang Shaoyu hereby declare: the authenticity and integrality of the report are guaranteed.

The prospective statements contained in the annual report are not constituting any substaintial commitment to the investors. Investors please be aware of the risks attached to investment decisions.



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Table of Contents

Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions (2)

Chapter II. Company Profile (5)

Chapter III. Financial Highlights (7)

Chapter IV. Board of Directors? Report (9)

Chapter V. Significant Events (17)

Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders (28)

Chapter VII. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives (32)

Chapter VIII. Financial Report (33)

Chapter IX. Documents for Reference (162)



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 Glossary



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Chapter II. Company Profile

I. Company profile

II. Contacts

III. Other info.

1. Contacts

Any change to the registered address, office address, postal code, official website, and email address of the Company

[V] Applicable Not applicable



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

2. Information inquiry

Whether the place for information enquiry has been changed in the report term

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the report period.

3. Change of business registration

Whether the business registration has been changed in the report period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

None of the registration date and place, the license number, tax number, organization number has been changed in the report period. For details please find Annual Report 2012.

4. Misc. Information

Was there any other changes to the misc. information

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Chapter III. Financial Highlights

I. Main accounting data and indices

Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors

[] Yes [V] No

II. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard

1. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and international accounting standards

In RMB Y uan



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

2. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and overseas accounting standards

In RMB Y uan


III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts

In RMB Y uan

If the company defines those items to recurring gain/loss itmes, which were defined by “Regulations of Information Disclosure of PLCs, Explaination No.1 - Non-recurring gain/loss” as non-recurring gain/loss, please provide reason here.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report

I. Business overview

A. Business overview

In the report period the countries iron & steel industry has been facing a severe economic situation and greater difficulties in operation. The Company has been focusing on the business targets setout at the beginning of year, keep improving its product composition, international market exploring, and cost control. Good effects were shown in the aspects of product competition, market share, and lower costs.

In the first half of year, the Company realized the output of iron 5.065 million tons, an increase of 4.5% YoY; of steel 5.0899 million tons, an increase of 4.64% YoY; hot rolling plate 4.8748 million tons, an increase of 8% YoY; cool rolling plate 973.2 thousand tons, an increase of 1.87% YoY; turnover of RMB22,513,900,400, and decrease of 1.43% YoY; net profit of RMB167,484,000, an increase of 15.36% YoY.

B. Influence of the macro economy to the Company?s business operation

Under the impact of economy reconstruction, depressed demand and redundant production capacity, the country?s iron and steel industry is facing great challenge which was reflected in the following aspects: Firstly the total output marked historical peaks one after another, the situation of oversupply will last. Secondly, the prices in both domestic and international market were in depressive situation and forced the sales prices down to the production costs. The profit margin was further narrowed.

Thirdly, trade conflicts happen frequently toward Chinese exporters, and put them under significant pressure.

II. Analysis of main business


In the report period, the Company?s main businesses were steel plates, steel billets, and side products. No change has been m ade on the profit composition and sources.

Change in main financial data

In RMB Yuan



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Material changes in profit composition or sources

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

No change in profit composition or sources in the report period.

Business plans scheduled in Share Offer Prospectus or Capital Reconstruction Report which are extended to the report period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

No business plans scheduled in Share Offer Prospectus or Capital Reconstruction Report which are extended to the report period Implementation and progress of business plan provided by the previous periodic report:

To achieve the business plan proposed at the beginning of year, the Company had done great effort in the following aspects: Product and management upgrading were accelerated, fully developed the advantages of state-of-art equipment, further improved R&D system, promoted process innovation, closer investigation of the market demand, reinforce the cooperation of production and sales force. Meanwhile, marketing and service were greatly reinforced, and the main business competition power were further developed.

To upgrade the product struction and increase the contribution of high value-adding products to enlarge profit margin.

To speedup international operation approach to enlarge export scale. The overseas sales force and network were further constructed to develop more direct customers.

Keep focusing on technical innovation, which is the overall stratigic priority. Great effort was spent on construction of a magnificent technical layout in view of further increase the contribution of technologies.

Keep cost control as the core of production, mainly in control of energy consuming such as coal. Adjustment were made on production lines, alloy component control, and technical optimizing. Great effort was done to reinforce the management of logistics costs as well.

III. Main business composition

In RMB Y uan



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

IV. Analyze of competitive edge

The company has insisted on “construct quality plates base” strategy for years and has established and taken its leading technology advantage, performed environmental management, innovated development ways, accumulated ability of product differentiation and kept relative perfect operation performance among the professions. .

1. Products: The company has adhered to market demand as the guidance for years and kept strengthening its products structure to form the stratigic product groups represented by its car plate, oil pipe steel, etc. Meanwhile the company has set up car plate, home appliance plate, pipe line steel, container steel and specialty steel of variaties and specifications and took an important position in the domestic market.

2. Quality: The company has carried out and implemented precision management from the initial plan of product quality, through the links of production to the final products. Now the quality product producing ability has become an important conponent of the company core competiveness.

3. Service: The company has had 9 domestic local sales companies, several franchises and steel material machining and distribution centers. The company also has set up overseas market network. The company has basically set up customer-centric sales and service system and dilivered customers the technical services and supply-chain extened services.

4. Research and development: The company for years has kept invested research and development to establish corresponding system, which mainly of technique center and project department, associated tightly by system of transformation whose features are directed by market, improved steadly and qualified operation. With the support of these systems, the company has improve in operation and management, production running and environmental management. In recent 2 years, the company has applied 43 patents of which 56% are invention patents.

5. Equipment: The company master operation equiped level has taken a place in the world advanced professions after a term of years of weeding out of ralative outdated capacity and transformation of high energy assuming



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 equipments.

V. Investment

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

(2) Shareholding in financial enterprises

(3) Stock investment

Statement on holding of other PLC?s shares.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Trusted financing, derivate instruments, and trusted loans

(1) Trusted financing

In RMB10 thousand



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

(2) Derivate instrument investment

In RMB10 thousand

(3) Trusted loans

In RMB10 thousand

3. Using of proceeds from share placing.

(1) Overall situation of capital from share issuing

In RMB10 thousand

(2) Projects financed by share issuing

In RMB10 thousand



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

(3) Change of projects financed by proceeds

In RMB10 thousand



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 (4) Projects financed by share issuing

4. Analyze of main subsidiaries and affiliates

Profiles of main subsidiaries and affiliates

In RMB Y uan

5. Major projects using non-raised capital

In RMB10 thousand

VI. Prediction of business performance for Jan-Sept 2013

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

same period of last year, and statement of causations.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

VII. Implementation of profit distribution plan in the report period

Execution or adjustment of profit distribution, especially cash dividend, and capitalizing of reserves in the report period.

[V] Applicable Not applicable

It was approved at the Shareholders? Meeting 2012 held on May 17 2013, that basing on the total capital shares of 3,136,000,000 shares at end of 2012, RMB0.2 (tax included) of cash dividend were to be distributed to each 10 shares and all shareholders. Totally RMB62,720,000.00 were to be distributed on July 4.

VIII. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013

Chapter V. Significant Events

I. Administrative Position

There is no difference between the actual situation of the Company and the requirments of the CSRC.

II. Material lawsuits

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

In the report period, the Company had no material lawsuits or arbitrations.

III. Media queries

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

No media queries raised in the report period.



Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2013 IV. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions related to daily operation








