电子科技大学 16秋《大学英语1(专科)》在线作业3

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16秋《大学英语1(专科)》在线作业3 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- ? 单选题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)


1. The new comers brought _______ not only different ways of life, but also with something else.

A. in them B. with C. with them D. in 满分:2 分

2. And practice needs great effort and _______ much time.

A. gets B. spends C. takes D. pays 满分:2 分

3. They have for ________ thought, by free education for all, they can solve all the problems of society.

A. some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes 满分:2 分

4. The soap bubble liquid bottle _______ fifty-seven cents and he had only forty cents.

A. spent B. paid C. cost D. is worth 满分:2 分

5. The King cried, “I command that all spindles in my kingdom _______ burned!”

A. are to be B. will be

C. be D. shall be 满分:2 分

6. Their son dreamed that he could succeed _______ they had failed.

A. when B. while C. where D. what 满分:2 分

7. It is an exciting experience just _______ down a New York street.

A. walking B. being going C. to walk D. to be going 满分:2 分

8. I think Daddy knew it himself, but he had to _______ his anger somewhere.

A. let off B. let over C. let in D. let out 满分:2 分

9. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he ______ his turn.

A. made B. took C. takes D. makes 满分:2 分

10. I am trying to ___________ smoking.

A. giving up B. give in C. giving out D. give up 满分:2 分

11. We divided them _______ groups according to race, religion and social background.

A. to B. in C. for D. into 满分:2 分

12. The king’s daughter saw an old blind woman ______ a stick around between her hands.

A. to turn B. turning C. being turning D. turned 满分:2 分

13. _______their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low” work.

A. As a result of B. As a result C. As a matter D. As a matter of fact 满分:2 分

14. The white man didn’t want to _______ the same table _______ the famous black writer.

A. share… with B. shared… for C. shared… with D. share… by 满分:2 分

15. The faster we get this assignment done, _______ we can go out and play.

A. soon B. sooner C. that soon D. the sooner 满分:2 分

16. The sharp hearing of a fish _______ by two scientists.

A. have been proved B. have proved C. has proved D. has been proved 满分:2 分

17. Louis keeps _______ the blows to him.

A. fight B. raining C. beating D. box 满分:2 分

18. If someone had the fine things all above his fortune, he would have_______ debt.

A. involved B. running into C. involving D. run into 满分:2 分

19. The ring has been passed _______ in my family from mother to daughter.

A. on B. off C. out D. Over 满分:2 分

20. She has worked ______that body and face for more than sixty years.

A. for B. on C. to D. with 满分:2 分

21. _______ you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.

A. Whether B. If C. Though D. Although 满分:2 分

22. I _______ you at once when I saw you.

A. recognized B. know of C. realized D. knew

满分:2 分

23. The pupils laughed and shouted _______ they played ball games in the schoolyard or _______ the stadium.

A. when…at B. that…in C. as…on D. while…in 满分:2 分

24. It was important for me _______ the tickets.

A. having B. being having C. to have D. to having had 满分:2 分

25. In the very early days, China ________ and ruled by many kings.

A. divided B. was divided C. is divided D. divides 满分:2 分

26. It was not ______ 1972 that Charlie was welcome back to the U.S.A to receive the award of an Oscar.

A. until B. that C. when D. unless 满分:2 分

27. Many stories are told _______ the fishes that get away.

A. in B. of C. on D. for 满分:2 分

28. I planned ______ the night train to New York and go on a journey with a friend.

A. to get

B. taking C. having D. to take 满分:2 分

29. She didn’t like her picture book _______ , so she threw it away.

A. not more B. no longer C. any longer D. no more 满分:2 分

30. If he, by accident, knocks someone, or _______ their way, he say “ Excuse me” or “I’m sorry”.

A. gets on B. gets in C. gets by D. gets to 满分:2 分

31. I should have gone to the opera yesterday. It was very good. I wish I _____ yesterday off.

A. have had B. had C. have D. had had 满分:2 分

32. They were always looking for a house just a little better ________ the place we were living _______.

A. more as…in B. than…on C. as…on D. than…in 满分:2 分

33. It is important to choose a ______system of education.

A. valuable B. meaningful C. fitted D. proper

满分:2 分

34. He had grown up among the poor in London’s East End and experienced _______ poverty.

A. many B. a few C. a number D. great 满分:2 分

35. Who is responsible _______ the education of the children?.

A. to B. on C. at D. for 满分:2 分

36. Now certain companies can help a young person _______ the right husband or wife.

A. in search B. on search C. in search of D. on search of 满分:2 分

37. Everyone likes a person _______ good manners.

A. in B. with C. to D. for 满分:2 分

38. What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _______ a blind eye to them.

A. give B. turn C. make D. take 满分:2 分

39. As I sat into my seat and leaned back, the woman beside me seemed ________ and jumped up from her seat.

A. frightening B. frightened C. being frightened D. to frighten 满分:2 分

40. And while I am going to school I want a wife _______ my children.

A. looking after B. to look after C. looking about D. to look about 满分:2 分

41. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time _______.

A. as instance B. for instance C. in example D. to example 满分:2 分

42. He was paid _______ the rate of 6 dollars a day.

A. in B. with C. on D. at 满分:2 分

43. Then, with the cheers of the kingdom, the two,_______ walked into a new worl##

A. hand to hand B. hand in hand C. hand with hand D. hand for hand 满分:2 分

44. The Chinese family came to include _______ children and their parents _______ their uncles and aunts..

A. not only…but B. both…and C. either…or D. neither…nor

满分:2 分

45. His mother’s life had been so hard that she had finally _______.

A. became mad B. goes mad C. gone mad D. gone to mad 满分:2 分

46. . She will see to _______ that my personal things are kept in their proper places.

A. when B. which C. it D. where 满分:2 分

47. The Great Wall ran _______ high mountains and deep valleys.

A. of B. up C. over D. to 满分:2 分

48. I watched him from the _______ of my eye.

A. side B. corner C. light D. outside 满分:2 分

49. In short, the sufferings of mankind are largely _______ their putting a false value on things.

A. due to B. because C. but D. at 满分:2 分

50. If no one cleaned our streets and _______the rubbish away from our houses, we should get diseases in our towns.

A. carry

B. brought C. move D. took 满分:2 分

