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Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Introduction to GAMBIT


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

What is GAMBIT?Geometry And Mesh Building Intelligent ToolkitA single, integrated preprocessor for CFD analysis:Geometry construction and importUsing ACIS solid modeling capabilities Using STEP, Parasolid, IGES etc. importCleanup and modification of imported data

Mesh generation for all Fluent solvers (including FIDAP and POLYFLOW)Structured and Unstructured hexahedral, tetrahedral, pyramid, and prisms.

Mesh quality examination Boundary zone assignment


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

OperationGeneral sequence of operationsInitial setupSolver selection, Mesh size, Defaults, etc.

Geometry Creation (ACIS, STEP, CATIA, Parasolid, IGES or Mesh import)Create full geometry Decompose into mesh-able sections

MeshingLocal meshing: Edge, Boundary layers and Size Functions Global meshing: Face and/or Volume

Mesh examination Zone assignmentContinuum and Boundary attachment

Mesh export


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

GAMBIT Start-upGAMBIT can be started up using the startup icon (Windows XP/2000 only).Gambit 2.2.30

Select working directory Type in Session ID or select from previous stored sessions. Startup Options

GAMBIT can be also started up from a DOS command prompt or LINUX/UNIX prompt by typing in “gambit Session Id”.


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Files (1)GAMBIT directory and files When GAMBIT starts up, it creates a directory called GAMBIT.## = the process number It also creates a "lock" file, ident.lok, in the working directory ident.lok prevents any user from starting up another session using the same identifier in the same directory. If the code crashes, this file needs to be manually removed.

Three files are created inside this directoryident.dbs jou trn = the database. All information will be saved in this file. This file is NOT retrievable upon a crash = the journal file. This file is directly accessible from the Run journal form = the transcript file. Output from GAMBIT


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Files (2)GAMBIT directory and files GAMBIT permanently saves these files to your working directory as ident.dbs, ident.jou and ident.trn anytime you issue a "Save" option (equivalent to any standard word processor)Upon Save, earlier versions of ident.dbs and ident.trn will be overwritten, while new commands are appended to the file


Upon successful exit of GAMBIT:The directory GAMBIT.# is removed The lock-file ident.lok is deleted


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Journal FilesJournal File:Executable list of Gambit commandsCreated automatically by Gambit from GUI and TUI. Can be edited or created externally with text editor.

Journals are small - easy to transfer, e-mail, store

Uses:Can be parameterized, comments can be added Easy recovery from a crash or power loss edit existing commands to create new ones


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Running Journal FilesJournal files can be processed in two ways:Batch mode (Run)All commands processed without interruption. "read pause" command will force interrupt with resume option appearing.

Interactive mode (Edit/Run)Includes text editor for easy modificationsMark lines in process field to activate for processing. Editable text field. Right click text field for more options. Auto or Step through activated process lines.


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

GUIMain Menu bar Operation toolpad

Command line

Description window1-9

Global Control© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Operation Tool Pads

Vertex Edge Face Volume Group

Boundary Layer Edge Face Volume Group

Boundary Types Continuum Types

Coordinate Systems Sizing Function G/Turbo Geometry Cleanup Plug-In Tools


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

File Menu (1)New, Open, Save, Save As and ExitStandard form of database operations

Print GraphicsPrints graphics to printer or to file PostScript, BMP, TIF, etc.

Run Journal / Clean JournalScreen editor/command processor for journal files Command processing:Partial or global selection/de-selection Automatic or stepwise processing

Ability to load the current journal File browser Clean Journal removes unnecessary tags, undo’s, etc.1-11 © Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

File Menu (2)View FileView of the current output,ident.trn, the transcript file Ability to view other files as well

ImportACIS, Parasolid IGES, STEP, Catia V4 -add on) ICEM Input, Vertex Data CAD - Pro/E (STEP or DIRECT- add on), Optegra Visualizer, I-DEAS FTL Mesh - mesh and faceted geometry files.

ExportACIS, Parasolid IGES, STEP Mesh - Export your mesh for your Solver.Export 2D Mesh option guarantees 2D mesh1-12 © Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 Februar

y 2005

Edit Menu (1)Edit TitleTitle will be included on any printed graphics

Edit FileAbility to launch an editor within GAMBIT

Edit ParametersAbility to define, modify and list parametersparameters: arrays: $numeric = 10, $array(3,4) = 5

Parameters and arrays can also be directly defined in the journal file using an editor (preferred option)


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Edit Menu (2)Edit DefaultsModify a large range of defaults that effect:User Environment Meshing Characteristics Geometry

Ability to load, modify and save a new set of defaults in $HOME/GAMBIT.ini which is loaded automatically at startup.

Undo/RedoTen levels of undo/redo (default) Reducing number of levels also reduces memory requirements.


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Solver MenuThe Solver selection will have an impact on the following input forms:Available meshing algorithms Available element types Continuum types Boundary types Export mesh file


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Graphical User InterfaceCommand:Input of (non-GUI) commands, e.g.,reset: deletes all mesh and geometry in the current model reset mesh: deletes mesh, keeps geometry

TranscriptOutput from GAMBIT is printed here as well as in ident.trn Transcript window can be expanded using arrow button in top right corner

DescriptionGives a short description of all global function buttons and screen areas


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Global Control (1)


Orient Model Journal View

Pivot anchor for view manipulation Modify (on/off) Label Visibility Rendering Show mesh Silhouette

Four split Four view Wire frame Shade Hidden Line

Light source Undo/Redo Special Labels Annotate Color coding Examine Mesh Entity type Connectivity


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Global Control (2)Scale-to-fit resizes the model to fit the screen Orient Model - major axes , isometric and:Reverse Previous Journal view

Select Pivot - around which the model rotates, zoomsBody center Mouse position

Model display attributesTurn on/off visibility, label, silhouette, mesh and hidden line on all or selected geometrical entities

Preset configuration of the graphics window4-view and 4-split Options to return to any single view1-18 © Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011


Fluent User Services Center

Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.2 February 2005

Global Control (3)The Window Attributes formModify the following attributes (defaults given)Render Wireframe on ; shad

ed and hidden off Mesh Volume - off Silhouette All on Label All off Visibility All on

Two ways of picking entities"All" - All entities are picked (Default) "Pick" - Individual picking including the use of pick lists


© Fluent Inc. 11/29/2011

