雅思口语 雅思哥等人结合版1-4月P1高频核心话题

更新时间:2023-09-24 19:07:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




What is your favorite room ?

What have you done to your room to make it look nice? What do you usually do in your house ?

Do you like your hometown?

Would you say your hometown is an interesting place? What is your favorite part of your hometown? Would you like to live there in the future ?

Do you play indoor games?

Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games Do you think electronic games are good for children

What do you do in your spare time?

How do you usually spend your evenings ?

Do you prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do you prefer to go out?

When did you first time have a mobile phone?

Is your cell phone important or useful in your daily life ? Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?

Is there anything you dislike about using cellphones ?

Do you like listening to music?

What kinds of music do you like to listen to? How often do you listen to that type of music? Is music an important subject at school in china?

Are there many people living near you?

Do you think it is important to know your neighbors? What kind of people do you want to have as neighbors? Have ever asked a neighbor for help?

Are you very interested in news?

What sort of news are you most interested in ? How do you usually find these news?

Do you often prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get news? How important do you think the news is ?

Which do you think is more important ,domestic news or international news?(differences)

Do you like drawing?

What kind of pictures do you like to draw?

Do you think it is very important for children to learn how to draw? What’s the difference between an adult and a child learning to draw?

Do you like to go to parties?

Do you prefer family parties or parties with friends? Do most people like parties in china?

Is it important to be patient? How can people be patient?

What do you do when you are waiting for bus?

Do you like taking photos?

What do you like to photogragh? How do you organize your photos?

Do you think it is important to preserve memories?

Do you have many relatives?

Who do you feel now is the most important member of your family?

In the future ,do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives?

What was the first school you attend? Do you like it ?

Which school did you like most?

Do you like sport?

Did you play any sports when you are a little child? Do you think everybody should do some exercise s?

Do you like going outside on sunny days? What benefits can people get from sunshine?

Do you like watching TV?

What types of TV programs do you like to watch? What is your favorite TV program?

Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to radio?

How do you organize your time ? Are you ever late for anything? Do you like it when others are late?

If you had more time, what would you do with extra time?

What toys did you like to play with when you were a child? Did you prefer play those toys alone or with other children?

Do you like to go to forest?

Is it comfortable to live in a place with lots of trees? Do you like walking? Where do you walk?

Would you say your hometown is a suitable place for walking? Did you like walking when you were a child?

Do you like having a busy life?

What was the last time you were busy? Do you prefer to be busy or have free time? How do you handle stress?

How do people meet others and make friends ?

Is it important for people to have good relationships with colleagues at workplace?

Are there many advertisements in your country? What kinds of advertisements do you like most?

Do you prefer advertisements on TV or in magazines?

Do you ever ride a bicycle?

How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle? Would you say it is safe to ride a bicycle in your city ?

Do you like birthdays?

How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?

Who do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with?

Do you prefer birthday parties with your friends or families?

Are you very interested in fashion and clothes? What kind of clothes do you usually wear? How often do you go shopping for clothes?

Do you like cooking?

How did you learn to cook?

Do you usually eat at home or do you usually eat away at home?

Do you often give gifts to people? What was the last gift you received?

Do you think it is easy to choose what to give other people?

Do you like history ?

Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

