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第一节 翻译常识和译者应具备的条件

1.翻译的定义(definition of translation):翻译就是接受语言复制出与原语信息最接近的自然等值体——首先是就意义而言,其次是就其风格而言。(Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equaivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.----Euqene Nida)

2.翻译的标准(criteria for translation):严复:“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance);普遍认为:“忠实、通顺”(faithfulness and smoothness) 3.翻译技巧(translating skills):(1)直译法(literal translation):直接将字面意义翻译出来。(an adequate representation of the original.)(2)意译法(liberal/free translation):表达原文的内容,但不拘泥于原文的形式(express the contents of the original, but not adhere to the form or word order of the original.),包括重译法(repetition);增译法(amplification);减译法(omission);词类转换法(conversion);词序调整法(inversion);分译法(division);正说反译,反说正译法(negation);语态变换法(the change of voice)。 3.译者的素质(prerequisites for a translator): 3.1精通双语

(1) (Just) imagine (it)(不可能/想不到/真没想到。) (2)I‘ll buy it.(我不懂。/我答不出来。/请告诉我。) (3)You‘re telling me.(我早知道了。/还用你告诉我!)

(4)Now you are talking.(你到底说了合我意的话了。/你这样说才合我的意思。) (5)You can talk.(你不必担心自己要干什么。)

(6)He lost a cool thousand dollars.(他损失了整整1000元。) (7)You can‘t be too careful.(你怎么小心都不过分。) (8)You don‘t want to do that.(你不应该干那件事。)

(9)The facts are more prosaic than the legend.(事实并不如传说那样神乎其神。)

(11)你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。(If you want to gain anything, you must constantly deepen your studies.)

(12)陈先生乃中国学界泰斗,他的那本书视为汉语修辞研究的嚆矢。(Mr. Chen, our respected teacher, is a renowned master in the academic circles of China. That book written by him seem to be the earliest one in the Chinese rhetoric studies.)(嚆(hao)矢,第一声,带响声的箭,比喻事物的开端或先行者)

(13)当今澳洲文坛执牛耳者帕特里克怀特的作品相当费解。(the writings by Patrick White, the acknowledged leader in the contemporary Australian literary world, are very hard to understand.) (14)在旧中国,小人当道,瓦釜雷鸣的情形屡见不鲜。(In Old China, it was a general case that mean persons were in power and the unworthy people were influential and in high places.) 3.2知识面广

(1)John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game.(约瀚为人可靠,他即诚实又正直。) (2)She is a cat.(她是个包藏祸心的女人。) 3.3政治觉悟高

(1)the enemy killed one of our comrades and killed an enemy agent.(敌人杀害了我们的一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。)(注意褒贬)

4.可译性(translatability):人曾为僧,人弗可以策划能够佛;女卑是婢,女又何妨称奴。(the man who has been a monk cannot be a Buddha. The girl who is a bond may also be called a slave.)

第二节 英汉语基本句型

1. 英语的基本句型 1.1主语+动词

(1)The telephone rang.(电话铃响了。) (2)The meeting has begun.(会议开始了。) 1.2主语+动词+表语

(1)We are students.(我们是学生。)


(2)She appeared cheerful.(她显得很高兴。) 1.3主语+动词+宾语

(1)Labour created man.(劳动创造了人类。)

(2)The news surprised me.(这消息使我感到惊奇。) 1.4主语+动词+间接宾语+直接宾语

(1)He painted the door green.(他把门漆成绿色。) (2)We elected him our monitor.(我们选他当班长。) 2.以上为英语的基本句型。下面为基本句型的变式: 2.1增加修饰语

(1)Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part, thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputers.(现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的袖珍式微型计算机。)

(2)When Chou En-lai‘s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.(周恩来的房门大开了。他们看到了一位身材修长的人,比普通人略高,目光炯炯,面貌引人注目,称得上是清秀。) 2.2基本句型的省略

(1)To err is human, to forgive (is) divine.(人孰无过,恕过者神。)

(2)If one had but two heads and neither required sleep! (=It would be nice if one had but two heads and neither required sleep!)(人要是有两个脑袋,而且都不需要睡觉,那就好了。)

(3)A serious matter this for you and me. (=This is a serious matter for you and me.)(对你和我来说,这是件严重的事情。)


(1)The greatest truths are the simplest, so are the greater men.(最伟大的真理总是最朴素的,最伟大的人物也是最朴素的。)

(2)Neither could theory do without practice, nor (could) practice (do) without theory.(理论离不开实践,实践也离不开理论。)

(3)Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a patron before.(这种待遇是我所未曾意料到的,因为过去我从未有过恩主。)

(4)Naked you want it, naked you‘ll have it.(你要求把事实和盘托出,那就这样吧。)

(5)Deal with us nobly, women though we be.(虽然我们是妇女,请以高尚的态度对待我们。) 二、汉语的基本句型


1. 话题句,其基本格式是“话题语+评论语”,如: (1) 开车他没有经验。(He is inexperienced in driving.)

(2) 婚姻的事我自己作主。(As for my marriage, I‘ll make my own decision.) (3) 这艘船是中国制造的。(This ship was built in China.) 2. 施事句,其基本格式是“施事语+动作语” (1) 他在学习开车。(He is learning how to drive.) (2) 她点头表示同意。(She nodded her agreement.)

(3) 雨水促使杂草生长。(The rain caused the weeds to grow.) 3. 关系句,即表达各种关系的复句 (1)(因为)他天天练习开车,(所以)很快学会了。(He soon learnt how to drive because of his daily practice.) (2)如处理得当,问题不难解决。(The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled.) (3)只要虚心,就会进步。(Provided you are modest, you‘ll surely make progress.) 4.呼叹句,即交谈中互相呼唤、应对或感叹的句子

(1)是呀,他开车开得真好!(Yes, he is an excellent driver!) (2)多么新鲜的水果啊!(How fresh the fruit is!) (3)看他多精神!(Look how energetic he is!)



(1)请勿酒后开车。(Please don‘t drink and drive.)

(2)不要总以为自己对。(Don‘t think you are always right.)

(3)别管我,救火要紧。(Don‘t bother about me. Put out the fire first!) 6.存在句,即表示人或事物存在或消失的句子

(1)黑暗中来了一部车子。(A car is coming in the dark.) (2)前面是一片稻田。(There is a stretch of rice fields ahead.) (3)还有许多工作要做。(Much remains to be done.)

7.有无句,其基本格式是“领有者+(没)有+被领有者” (1)他有两部小车。(He has two cars.)

(2)她有热情,有朝气。(She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.)

(3)此事有百利而无一弊。(It has every advantage and no drawback.) 8.描写句,其基本格式是“主题语+描写语(形容词) (1)这部车很新。(This car is brand-new.)

(2)房间干干净净。(The room is neat and tidy.) (3)这东西又便宜又好。(it is cheap but good.)

9.说明句,其基本格式是“主题语+说明语(名词)” (1)今天是星期天。(Today is Sunday.) (2)我上海人。(I‘m from Shanghai.)

(3)这箱子八十磅。(This box weighs eighty pounds.) 汉语有不少非逻辑表达方式(illogical expressions),试比较: (1) A: 晒太阳(to bask in the sun)

B: 晒衣服(to sun one‘s clothes)

(2) A: 吃食堂((have one‘s meals in the mess食堂)

B: 吃苹果(eat an apple)

(3) A:住四人(four people live in)

B:住旅馆(stay at a hotel)

(4) A:在家养病(recuperate(使)恢复健康 at home)

B:闭目养神(sit in repose(使)休息 with one‘s eyes closed)

(5) A:救火(fire fighting)

B:救国9save the nation)

(6) A:打扫卫生(do some cleaning)

B:打扫房间(clean a room)

(7) A:补充人力(replenish manpower) (8) B:补充缺额(fill a vacancy) (9) A:恢复疲劳(get refreshed)

B:恢复健康(recover one‘s health)

汉语句式的多样化表现在:有整句(full sentence),也有大量的零句(minor sentence)。整句有主谓结构;零句没有主谓结构,由词或词组构成。零句是汉语的基本句型,可以作整句的主语,也可作整句的谓语。整句由零句组成,因而复杂多样,灵活多变。整句与零句混合交错,组成了流水句。这些句式流泻铺排,主谓难分,主从难辨,形散神聚,富有节奏。例如:

(1) 接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的

发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。(He went on indulging in wishful thinking. Chickens would breed more chickens. Selling them would bring him money. With this he could buy cows. The cows would breed too and selling oxen(不分性别的牛) would make more money for him. With the money, he could become a money lender. Such a succession of steps for getting rich, of course had nothing at all to do with production.)

(2) 河面大小船只泊定后,莫不点了小小的油灯,拉了蓬。各个船上皆在后舱烧了火,用铁鼎罐煮饭,饭焖



天已夜了。(After the boats large and small had moored, all lit tiny oil lamps and fixed up mat canopies.(天蓬,华盖) Rice was boiled in iron cauldrons(大锅) over fires in the stern9船尾), and once this was cooked the vegetables were fried in another pan of sizzling oil. When the meal was ready, everyone aboard could wolf down (狼吞虎咽地吃)three or five bowls. By then it was dark.)

(3) 芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子、几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街。铺子和铺子是那样的挤密,以至一

家煮狗肉,满街闻香气;以至谁家娃儿跌交碰脱牙、打了碗,街坊邻里心中都有数;以至妹娃家的私房话,年轻夫妇的打情骂俏,都常常被隔壁邻居听去了,传为一镇的秘闻趣事,笑料谈资。偶尔某户人家弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴,整条街道便会骚动起来,人们往来奔走,相告相劝,如同一河受惊的鸭群,半天不得平息。不是逢圩的日子,街两边的住户还会从各自的阁楼上朝街对面的阁楼搭长竿,晾晒一应布物:衣衫裤子,裙子被子。山风吹过,但见通街上空“万国旗”纷纷扬扬,红红绿绿,五花八门。再加上悬挂在各家瓦檐下的串串红辣椒,束束金黄色的苞谷种,个个白里泛青的胡芦瓜,形成两条颜色富丽的夹街彩带----人在下边过,鸡在下边啼,猫狗在下边梭窜,另有一种风情,另成一番景象。(The main street of Hibiscus (木槿属植物)was not big. Paved with flagstones(石板,扁石) it was wedged挤入) between a dozen shops and a few scores of houses. These buildings were so packed together that if one shop stewed dogmeat, the aroma filled the whole street; if some child fell and knocked out a tooth or smashed a bowl, the whole street knew of it; neighbours often overheard the secrets girls confided to (向――吐露)each other and the jokes between young married couples, then regaled(款待,使高兴) the whole town with these titbits.(珍闻,珍品) If brothers fell out(争吵,闹翻,结果) or husband and wife came to blows,(动手互殴) the whole place was in a turmoil as all rushed to intercede.(说情,调解) On days when there was no market, people fixed up long bamboo poles between their upstairs windows and those across the street, to sun their clothes and bedding. The wind blowing from the hills made these flutter like flags all the colors of rainbow. And the clusters of red peppers, golden maize cobs,(玉米棒子) pale green calabashes(葫芦) and gourds (葫芦)hanging from the eaves (屋檐)formed bright borders on either side. Below, people came and went, cocks crowed, cats and dogs padded (走路,步行)to and fro---it was a distinctive sight.)

第三节 英汉语对比 一、形合(hypotaxis)和意合(parataxis) 1. 英语的形合手段 1.1关系词和连接词

(1)When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expects, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other.(为什么如此众多的美国人不能如想象中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有二,而两者之间有有深浅之分。)

(2)It had been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall.(那是个天气晴朗、金黄可爱的秋天,美好的秋色为那些青年们送别。待到战后和平时期,黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临时,当日的青年已经失去了青春,有的丧失了生命。) (3)It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection.(认为自己的思想深奥,不可能表达很清楚,让任何人都能理解,这是一种虚荣的念头。这样的作家当然不会想到,问题还是出在自己脑子缺乏精确思考的能力。)

(4)It was what sentimentalists, who deal in very big words, call a yearning after the ideal, and simply means that women are not satisfied until they have husbands and children on whom they may centre affections, which are spent elsewhere, as it were, in small change.(一般情感主义者喜欢用大字眼,称之为对于理想爱情的渴望。换言之,他们认为女人的情感平时只能零星发泄,必须有了丈夫和孩子,情感收集起来有了归宿,自己才能得到满足。) 1.2介词

(1)She said, with perfect truth, that ―it must be delightful to have a brother,‖ and easily got the pity of tender-hearted Amelia, for being alone in the world, an orphan without friends or kindred.(她说道,“有个哥哥该有多好啊,”这话得入情入理。她没爹没娘,又没有亲友,真是孤苦伶仃。软心肠的阿米利亚听了。立刻觉得她可怜。)

(2)Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.(本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。)


(3)The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.(当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。) 2.汉语的意合形式 2.1语序

(1)人不犯我,我不犯人。(We will not attack unless we are attacked.) (2)说是说了,没有结果。(I‘ve made proposals, but they proved futile.) (3)打肿脸来充胖子,吃亏是自己。(If you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.)(out of/beyond one‘s depth非某人力所能及/理解)

(4)抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。(Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved.)

2.2反复、排比、对偶、对照等。这些句式词句整齐、匀称,往往不用关联词。 (1)种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。(As you sow, so will you reap.) (2)吃苦在前,享受在后。(Be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts.) (3)聪明一世,糊涂一时。(Smart as a rule, but this time a fool.)

(4)不知苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?(If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey?) 2.3紧缩句

(1)有饭大家吃。(Let everybody share the food if there is any.) (2)不到黄河心不死。(Until all is over, ambition never dies.) (3)狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。(However sly a fox may be, it is no match for a good hunter.) (4)狼披羊皮还是狼。(A wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheep‘s clothing.) (5)上梁不正下梁歪。(If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant./When those above behave unworthily, those below will do the same.) 2.4四字格

(1)不进则退。(He who does not advance falls backward./Move forward, or you‘ll fall behind.) (2)酒醉智昏。(When wine is in, wit is out.) (3)物极必反。(Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.) (4)玩火自焚。(Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.) (5)欲盖弥彰。(The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.) (6)远交近攻。(Befriend those far away while attacking those nearby.) 二、综合语与分析语(synthetic vs analytic)

A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships.拉丁语、德语和古英语等都属于这类语言。

An analytic language is characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms.汉语是典型的分析语。现代英语属综合-分析语(synthetic-analytic language)。

1. 英语有形态变化,汉语没有严格意义的形态变化 英语可以运用丰富的词缀构词造句,如: He moved astonishingly fast.

He moved with astonishing rapidity.

His movements were astonishingly rapid. His rapid movements astonished us.

His movements astonished us by their rapidity. The rapidity of his movements was astonishing. The rapidity with which he moved astonished us. He astonished us by moving rapidly.

He astonished us by his rapid movements.

He astonished us by the rapidity of his movements.(他行进的速度快得令人惊讶。/他行进速度之快,令人惊



2. 英语词序比较灵活,汉语词序相对固定

与汉语比,英语词序倒置的现象比较多。H. Fowler将英语词序的倒装现象归为九类: (1)Interrogative inversion(疑问倒装句)

What in the world do you mean?(你的意思究竟是什么?) (2)Imperative inversion(命令倒装句) Come you, everybody!(大家都来吧!) (3)Exclamatory inversion(惊叹倒装)

What a beautiful voice you have!(你有多么好的桑音啊!) (4)Hypothetical inversion(假设倒装)

A pair of black eyes might have done some execution had they been placed in a smoother face.(一对乌溜溜的眼睛长在一付再细净些的面庞上,就足以迷人的了。)(do execution奏效,见效;(喻)(姿容等)感人,杀伤) (5)Balance inversion(平衡倒装)

Inexpressible was the astonishment of the little party when they returned to find that Mr. Pickwick had disappeared.(当这一伙人回来发现皮克威克先生不见了的时候,那惊愕之态简直无法形容。) (6)Link inversion(衔接倒装)

Such are the rewards that always crown virtue.(这样的报酬常常是美德所应得到的。) (7)Signpost inversion(点题倒装)

By negation is meant the denial or absence of facts.(否定是指否认事实或不存在事实。) (8)Negative inversion(否定倒装)

Not a finger did I lay on him.(我从没有指责过他。) (9)Metrical inversion(韵律倒装) Good friend for Jesus‘ sake, forbear To dig the dust enclosed here,

Blessed be he that spares these stones And curst be he that moves my bones.(W. Shakespear) (好朋友呀,看在耶酥的份上,请你住手 别来挖掘这块土丘。

那肯保存这几块石头的,但愿他添福添寿, 那要来打扰我的骸骨的,但愿他挨骂挨咒。)



1.A: a very important question一个很重要的问题 B: a question of great importance

2. A: a debatable subject一个可以辩论的题目 B: a subject which can be debated


1. Keith: a little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar.(一个讨饭的,身材矮小,面色苍黄,衣衫褴褛,


2. She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.(她心地厚道,为人乐观,性


3. She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in


时间顺序和逻辑顺序不同。如: 1. I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and

energetic member of the European Community.(我强烈地认为,英国应该继续是欧洲共同体中一个积



2. I was all the more delighted when , as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to

reinstate the visit so quickly.(由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快地重新实现访问。这使我感到特别高兴。)

3. I believe (1)that I speak for every sincere and serious representative in the United Nations(2)-----so I am encouraged to believe by the speeches to which we have already listened this morning(3)-----when I say (4)that the anniversary must be an occasion for an honest assessment of our failures in the past, (5)matched by an equally determined will to do better in the future, (6)so that we can escape from frustration (7)and turn the anniversary into an inspiration and an achievement.(8)(这次周年纪念应该是一个老老实地评估我们过去的失误的时机,同时也应该是一个表达我们有同样决心要做好今后工作的时机。这样我们就可以免遭挫折,并可把这次周年纪念变成一种鼓舞和成就。当我讲这番话时,我相信——今天上午我们听到的发言也使我相信——我是代表联合国每一位真诚和严肃的代表讲话的。)(5—6—7—8—4—1—3—2)

4. He had flown in just the day before from Georgia (1)where he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job (2)he had been engaged in in the South.(3)(他本来在南方从事一项建筑工程;任务完成之后,他就上格鲁吉亚去度假,享受高加索的阳光,昨天才坐飞机回来。)

第四节 词语的理解与翻译

1、 词语的意义:(1)指称意义:是语言符号和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界或客观世界的实体和事件之间的关

系。指称意义和字面意义(literal meaning)虽然在大部分情况下是重合的,却是两个不同角度去看的两个不同概念。字面意义是单个词语最先在语言使用者脑中唤起的概念或形象。如Indian meal(指称意义指“玉米粥”,字面意义是“印第安饭”)和 Indian summer(指称意义指“小阳春”,字面意义是“印第安夏天”)。类似的有American Beauty(月月红)和German wool(细毛线)。(2)言内意义:是语言符号之间的关系,包括传统语义学的系统意义(即词在特定语言词汇结构系统中的地位,即词的值)。言内意义可以从音系意义,语法意义和词汇意义上考虑。(3)语用意义:包括表征意义、表达意义、社交意义、祈使意义和联想意义等。

2、 翻译下面划线部分的词语

(1) 我因坎坷一生碌碌无为而遗憾。(I regret few achievements in a troubled(不安的,忧虑的,动乱的) life.) (2) 龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日里,聚会的苗族同胞,每年有三四万。(The

Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration(庆祝,庆祝会) of the Miao people, who live along the Qingshui River in southeastern Guizhou Province. Every year between 30000 and 40000 Miao participate in the festivities(节日,节日活动).)

(3) 吃、穿、住、行、用等各方面的工业品,包括彩电、冰箱、洗衣机,都大幅度增长。(Production of processed

food, clothing, housing, transportation and commodities for daily use, including major appliances such as colour TV sets, refrigerators and wahing machines, increased by a wide margin.)

(4) 全部成品出厂前必须在实验室里进行检验,严格把关,一丝不苟。(All products must be inspected strictly

and scrupulously in the lab of the factory before delivery.)

(5) 我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。(I still remember how funny I looked

the way I was dressed---in a blue cloth gown(长袍,长外衣) with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a skull cap (室内便帽)on the head.)

(6) 他听傅芳把共产党说成神出鬼没似的,便觉得非常有趣。(He was immediately tickled (逗乐,使高兴,

觉得痒)by Fufang‘s account of elusive,(躲避的,难以理解的) will-o‘-the-wisp (鬼火,磷火,捉摸不定的东西)communists.)

(7) 对于我们的这样发展中的大国来说,经济要发展得快一点,不可能总是那么平平静静、稳稳当当。(For

a major developing nation like China, it is impossible to attain a slightly faster economic growth always at such a calm and smooth pace.)

(8) 南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、

仁人志士在这里角逐争雄、一逞英豪。(Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many


distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeals, 9感染力,号召力)a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideas have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead (主角,榜样)or to give play to their genius and virtues.)

(9) 黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉。泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫。(The yellow ones

were simple and elegant; the white ones, pure and noble; and the purple ones, warm and deep; all were in full bloom, dancing in the autumn breeze.)

(10) 在四川,有一美妙去处。它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。名胜古

迹荟萃,这就是松潘县的黄龙。(One of Sichuan‘s finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains. Its lush(茂盛的,葱翠的) green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty.)

(11) 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。(The West Lake is like a mirror embellished all around with

green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.)

(12) 他笔下的翎毛花卉,墨彩交融,无不栩栩如生,具有强烈的感染力。(His resplendent(灿烂的,辉煌的,

华丽的) flower-and-bird paintings, executed with easy command of the brush, are noted for their elegant fine lines and delicate colours blended with splash-ink in perfect harmony.)

(13) 没有盼头的日子是苍白不可想象的。人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡。(A day without hope

would be unimaginably pale. There must be something to look forward to each day to brighten one‘s life and keep it out of shadows.)

(14) 跑了不知多少趟,总算有眉目了,又得往这一处签字,那一处盖章,看种种脸色,候种种传唤,为的是

得一份充分的证明,可以去换张票子。(After making you don‘t know how many visits, there eventually appear signs of a positive outcome. Then you have to go here and there to get a signature or a seal, meet with all sorts of cold reception and wait for all sorts of summonses(召唤,命令)-----all for the purposes of obtaining a useful certificate to buy a ticket with.)

(15) 就四川的名山秀水而论,总是有他们各自的独特风格和个性。如峨嵋山的“秀”,青城山的“幽”,剑门

山的“险”,夔门的“雄”。(Sichuan Province is rich in scenic wonders, each with its own distinctive features-----the elegance of Mount Emei, the serenity of Mount Qingcheng, the sharp precipice(悬崖,峭壁) of Jiamen Pass, and the grandeur of Kuimen.)

(16) 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。(Fifht when you can win, move away when you cannot win.) (17) 这小子干活真冲。(This young fellow does his work with vim(活力,精力) and vigor. be full of vim and vigor


(18) (大家快走啊,前面是无锡胜景之一,)先睹为快啊!(The sooner you see, the happier you will be!) (19) 抱着书生之见,我决定坐木船。(It was with this impractical view that I decided to take a wooden boat.) (20) 他把事情一五一十都给父母讲了。(True to type he told his parents the whole story.)(true to type典型的


(21) 我的邻居是一位六十多岁的老太太,隔三差五,到街头饭馆改善一次生活。(One of my neighbours is a

woman over sixty. Every now and then, she goes out for a meal for a change.)

(22) 他们闹着要吃温小马的喜酒。(They insisted jokingly that Wen Xiaoma should invite them to a wedding


(23) 作品的生命力,大约和作家的胆识有关系;短命,常常是由于短见。((The vitality of a work is probably

closely related to the courage and insight of its author; its short-livedness is often due to its author‘s short-sightedness.)(long-lived,short-lived)

(24) 天下真有这样标致的人儿!我今日才算看见了!况且这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是嫡亲

的女儿似的。(She‘s a beauty, Grannie dear! If I hadn‘t set eyes on her today, I shouldn‘t have believed that such a beautiful creature could exist! And everything about her so distingue! She doesn‘t take after your side of the family, Grannie, she‘s more like a Jia.)(distingue高贵的,雍容华贵的)

(25) 于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影,雨里、雾里、风里、雪里,只盼着早些回家。(Thus the


gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crow. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps.)

(26) 在盼中,日子真的流得飞快,转眼上了小学,继而初中,然后高中,最后大学;盼的欲望更加强烈,盼

的内容也逐渐丰富了:盼好成绩毕业,盼有一份好工作,盼事业有成,盼挣钱替父母分忧,盼有一个好爱人----不知不觉,天天踩着盼的石阶而上,自己竟成了一个大男人,一个挣钱养家糊口的忙碌人。(Days spent in expectation come and go really very fast. Very soon I finished primary school, went to junior and senior school, and finally to college; with very greater desire for more varied things; for graduation honors, for an ideal job, for a successful career, for more earnings to share my parents‘ burden, for a satisfactory wife,--- Climbing the upward steps of hope I had become a fully grown man before I was aware of it, a busy breadwinner with family on hands.)

第五节 英语的无主语句或无人称主语句

1. 省略主语句

(1) Stop heating, or it will burst.(停止加热,不然就要爆炸了。)

(2) Let us not leave the wartime period without a further look at de Gaulle‘s political role.(我们还是不要撇开战


(3) Just think of the difficulty.(考虑一下困难吧。Just在这里起缓和语气的作用。)

(4) To think that you should fail!(想不到你竟会失败。表示说话者感到意外的语气。句子前边省略了It is

surprising that之类的东西。)

(5) To think that it should come to such a pass!(想不到事情竟弄到这种地步。a pretty/fine/nice pass(口)指困


(6) Would it were otherwise!(如果事情不是这样,多好啊!

(7) Would that they were safe home again!(但愿他们能平安地再回到家里!这两句话都省略了主语I。这里


2. 顶替

(1) It requires heat to change water into gas.(把水变成气需要加热。) (2) It is no use trying.(试也没有用。)

(3) It is the people that are really powerful.(真正强大的是人民。) (4) It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.(智者千虑,必有一失。)

(5) It is his or her job to study the given problem, lay out a plan for its solution, and present the plan to the computer,

together with all the necessary instructions as to how to use it.(他或她的工作就是研究特定的问题,制订解决问题的计划,并把计划连同怎样使用计划的所由于必要的指令送给计算机。)

(6) It says much for the state of his defences throughout the country that he had in that area, ready to march, a

sufficient force to repel a landing of larger scale.(下列情况很能说明他在全国部署的防务情况:他在那个地区已有一支随时可以出动、人数充足到可以击退一次更大规模登陆的部队。)

(7) It would have been easy, but for pedantic denials in the minor sphere, to have added the control of the Aegean, and

very likely the accession of Turkey, to all the fruits of the Italian campaign.(如果不是那些居于次要地位的人员的迂腐顽固的反对,我们本可以在意大利战役的所有战果之外,又轻易地得到爱琴海,而且很可能得到使土耳其参战的结果。)

(8) It was agreed that personal expenses of the delegates should be defrayed by their respective constituencies.(大家一


(9) It will be remembered that the Morning Advertiser computed the numbers attending a former meeting at 300,000.


(10) There was more mischief that harm in him.(他喜欢恶作剧,并没有什么害人之心。)

(11) There is nothing he cannot do a little of and yet nothing he can do thoroughly: he is Jack of all trades and master

of none.(他没有一样不能做一点,但没有一样精通:此人是多面手,却是个半瓶醋。) 3、 无生物名词作主语




(1)1979 saw the establishing of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.(中美两国于1979年建立外交关系。)

(2) The rain prevented me from coming.(因下雨,我不能来。) (3)The night breeze brought him the perfume of the general‘s cigarette.(夜晚微风徐徐,他闻到了将军烟卷的香味。) (4) Dusk found him crying in the street.(到了黄昏时,他在街上哭了起来。)

(5) 1949 witnessed the founding of the People‘s Republic of China.(1949年中华人民共和国成立了。)

(6) Night found him legweary, with hands and face lashed by the branches.(夜晚来了,他腰酸腿痛,手和脸都被枝条打得又痛又肿。)

(7)Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.(黑暗使人更加珍惜光明;寂静教人体会到声音的欢乐。) 3.2用表示情感的名词做主语

(1) Astonishment deprived me of my power of speech.(我惊讶得说不出话来。) (2) My heart failed me at the sight.(一见那情景我就失去了勇气。) (3) A chill of horror suddenly swept over him.(他突然感到不寒而栗。)

(4) His first thought made him sick and numb.(他的第一个念头使他作呕,浑身瘫软没劲。)

(5) A thought struck him like a silver dagger.(像一把银色的匕首,一个念头在他脑海里清晰地闪过。) (6) All my courage deserted me.(我完全失去了勇气。) 3.3用表示地点的名词作主语

(1) Britain saw the first jet airline in 1952.(第一架喷气飞机于1952年在英国诞生。) (2) Rome witnessed great historic events.(在罗马发生过许多重大历史事件。) 3.4其他无生物名词作主语

(1) Rest brought him new confidence and almost a feeling of security.(休息之后,他充满了新的自信,几乎有了一种相当安全的感觉。)

(2) The softness of the earth gave him an idea.(踏着松软的泥土,一个主意油然而生。)

(3) Sleep didn‘t visit Rainsford although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle.(尽管丛林里是死一般的寂静,瑞斯福德还是毫无睡意。0

(4) A ten minutes‘ walk brought us to the hotel.(我们步行十分钟,就到了旅馆。) (5) Business took him to the town.(他因事进城去了。)

第六节 汉语无主语句的翻译


汉语是非形态语言,并不注重句法结构形式上的完整,只要在上下文中句义清楚,省去句中的主语或其他成分就是常见的,因此汉语是主题显著的语言,其所突出的是主题而不是主语。而英语中形合法现象较为普遍,为使句子在形式上保持结构完整,其绝大部分句子都不能没有主语。及物动词后面不能没有宾语,即使没有合适的主语或宾语,也常常要拉出一个诸如it,this,that等来作为形式主语或宾语填补上,以满足形式完整的需要。因此,英语是主语显著的语言它所突出的是主语。汉语无主句或主语省略句译成英语时应根据上下文增加主语或变换句式。一、增加主语: 汉人讲“天人合一”,主体意识强,说话时往往省略第一人称,译成英语时须补上。1.黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。Pitch dark, I don‘t know whether it is day or night.2,采取积极措施,促进全社会固定资产投资较快增长。We will adopt vigorous measures to promote rapid expansion of total fixed asset investment. 3.促进自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合,推动哲学社会科学以及管理科学的发展。继续完善国家科技创新体系。We will encourage the integration of natural and social sciences to enhance the development of philosophy and other social sciences and management science. We will continue to improve the state scientific and technological innovation system. 例2、例3引自政府工作报告。有不少句子是祈使句,主语明确,指“我们”。翻译时不必译成祈使句,否则通篇都是命令或请求。除了加第一人称主语外,还可加其他人称。1.任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船。You can sit tight in the fishing boat despite the rising wind and waves.2.学而不思而罔,思而不学则殆。He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks does not learn is perilous.3.“不坚持,就会失败。“One will fail unless one perseveres.””



(1)始终微笑的和蔼的刘和珍君确是死掉了,这是真的。有她的尸骸为证;沉勇而友爱的杨德群君也死掉了,有她自己的尸骸为证;只有一样沉勇而友爱的张静淑君还在医院里呻吟。(So gentle Liu Hezhen who was always smiling has really died. It is true: her body is the evidence. Yang Dequn, a brave and true friend, has also died, her body is the evidence. Only Zhang Jingshu, just as brave and true a friend, is still groaning in hospital.) (2)发挥工会和职工代表大会在民主决策,民主管理,民主监督中作用。(The role of trade unions and workers‘ congresses in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision should be enhanced.) (3)桂林山水甲天下,在当时,我们哪有闲情逸致去欣赏这“画山秀水”呢?(Guilin‘s beautiful mountains and rivers are world-famous, but how could we enjoy its picturesque landscapes in those war years in a leisurely mood?)(隐性重复)

(4)我坚信,世界上赞成马克思主义的人会越来越多起来,因为马克思主义是科学。(I am convinced that more and more people will come to believe in Marxism, because it as a science.)

第九节 汉语叠词的翻译

叠词(reduplicated word)是汉语的一中特殊词汇现象,使用非常普遍。汉语的名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词以及象声词都有重叠变化。汉语词汇重叠后,词义大都发生变化。这种变化使得叠词除了具备信息功能外,还具备表情功能与美感功能,使语言生动活泼,更富有感染力。叠词词义变化可归纳为三种情况:(1)增义:即增加语意。名词、数词、量词等重叠后,往往增加“每一”和“很多”的意义。如“事事”、“斤斤”、“一群群”等。(2)强义:即加强语意。形容词、副词重叠后,数量词重叠后起副词作用时,动词以A呀/啊A、A着A着、A里AB等重叠后,以及动词AABB格式重叠后起形容词后副词作用时,都使词义程度加重和强调。如“轻轻(的)”、“刚刚”、“一口一口(地)”、“跑呀跑”、“跳着跳着”、“糊里糊涂”、“跑跑颠颠”等。(3)弱义:即减缓语意。动词重叠后和形容词以ABAB格式重叠后起动词作用时,都使词义程度减弱、缓和、委婉,表示的动作往往是一次体或尝试体。如“试试”、“看一看”、“考虑考虑”、“进屋来暖和暖和”等。

1. 借助every (every-), all, each等词语,以表达“增义”的语义。

(1)这些战士个个都是好样的。(Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle(气质、气概).) (2)件件衣服都很漂亮。(All of these suits of clothes are beautiful.) (3)绿化祖国,人人有责。(It‘s everybody‘s duty to make our motherland green.) (4)不要斤斤计较。(Do not haggle (争论不休,讨价还价)over every ounce.) (5)地里的活她样样都会。(She knows how to do every kind of farm work.)

(6)他们的战术是步步为营、稳扎稳打。(Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench (牢固树立地位,使盘踞,挖壕沟)themselves at every step, and then strike sure blows.)


英语中,同一个词用介词(after, by, in, to, upon, with)连接起来使用,用and连接起来连续使用,用连字符(hyphen)连接起来使用,或者用逗号隔开重叠使用。 (2) 一天一天、一年一年,他们顽强地生活和战斗在荒山野林里。(Day after day and year after year, they fought

and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forest.)

(3) 洪水慢慢地退了。(Little by little the flood water receded.)

(4) 要么就一点也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。(And trust me not at all or all in all.) (5) 农民犁田只能一块一块地犁。(Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot.) (6) 走呀走,走了很久,孩子们才走到目的地。(The children walked on and on. It was after a long walk that they

arrived at the destination.)

(7) 他读啊读,读了整整一天,终于把这本书读完。(He read and read, and finally got the book through after a

whole day.)

(8) 医生仔仔细细给病人作了检查。(The doctor examined the patient very, very carefully.) (9) 我们有许许多多有趣的游戏。(We have many, many interesting games.) (10) 街撒谎能够除了他们沉重的军用靴子的通通声外,一切都是静悄悄的。(The streets were silent except for

the clop-clop (马蹄等敲打地面的得得声)of their heavy military boots.) 3. 用复数形式翻译,表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。

(1) 学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。(The students took their seats in the classroom by twos and threes.)


(2) 假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园内。(The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on


(3) 山林炊烟缕缕上升。(Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the mountain village chimneys.) (4) 一群一群的人蜂涌而进大厅。(Crowds of people swarmed into the hall.) (5) 大批大批的物资被立即送往地震灾区。(Thousands of goods and materials are immediately sent to the

earthquake-stricken area.)

(6) 成群成群的蝗虫毁灭了大片大片的稻田。(Hordes of locusts ruined the crops in tracts of rice field.)

4. 用语义相符的英语表达方式或语法结构表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。 (1) 他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来。(As they listened they burst into laughter.) (2) 数着数着,两只兔子快到对岸了。(As they counted (the turtles)the two rabbits found themselves quite near

the other side of the river.)

(3) 我们的事情太多了,做都做不完。(There are too many things for me to attend to.) (4) 他思绪滚滚,早已忘却约会一事。(He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the


(5) 他很听话,我们的话句句听。(He was very obedient and always did as we told him.) (6) 我们应扎扎实实地把这个问题解决好。(We must work in a down-to-earth way.)

5. 用have/make/take/give+名词的结构翻译汉语动词重叠形式。所表达的动作多为一次体或尝试体。此结


(1) 你们只可以吓一吓他,可别把他大伤了。(You may well give him a fright, but be sure not wound him.) (2) 让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道。(Give the enemy a taste of our shells.) (3) 这东西需要检查检查。(It‘s necessary to have a check-up.) (4) 你们俩交换交换意见。(You two have an exchange of views.) (5) 让他试试那件上衣。(Let him have a try on the coat.) (6) 请闻一闻牛奶的气味。(Please take a smell at the milk.)

6. 用英语的回声词翻译汉语的叠词。回声词通过间接摹声来象征语义,与汉语的叠声词颇类似,有很好


(1) 爱情在他们心里噗噗地跳。(Love pit-a-patted(劈劈啪啪地,扑扑地跳) in their heart.) (2) 她是那么圆滚滚、矮墩墩的,我感到奇怪她怎么能动作迅速地捉到小鸟。(She was so round and roly-poly

(矮胖的,圆胖的) I used to wonder how she ever moved fast enough to catch hold of a bird.)

(3) 表演场地上让比赛车塞得满满的。(Exhibition floors were chock-a-block (塞满的/地,挤得满满的)with

racing and sports cars.)

(4) 我们不得不零零星星地尝付。(We have to pay in dribs and drabs(点点滴滴,丝微).) (5) 我们要求把事情完全摆在桌面上,而不是鬼鬼祟祟。(We wanted things to be completely above board and

no hanky-panky.(阴谋诡计,花招play hanky-panky with sb.)

(6) 那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。(The path zigzags up the hill.)

7. 采用英语头韵、押韵等来译,表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。 (1) 青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。(Green grows the grass upon the bank, The will-shoots are long and lank(细长


(2) 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。(So dim, so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank(阴湿的), so


(3) 祝大家平平安安。(Wish all of you safe and sound.)

(4) 现在我们的衣服干干净净,但过去我父亲却穿得破破烂烂。(My clothes are neat and clean, but my father‘s

were worn and torn.)

(5) 两家生活都被弄得颠颠倒倒,混乱不堪。(The lives of two families are turned topsy-turvy.(颠倒的/地,乱


(6) 我们听到雨夹雪大在冰冻的玻璃上的滴滴答答的声音。(We heard the tick-tack of sleet on frosted


8. 用加强语势的办法来翻译,表达“增义”或“强义”语意。


(1) 星星之火,可以燎原。(A single spark can start a prairie fire.) (2) 科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。(Science means honest, solid knowledge,

allowing not an iota(微小,丁点儿) of falsehood, and it involves herculean(费力的,艰巨的,力大无比的) efforts and grueling(使筋疲力尽的) toil.)

(3) 他们的房间暖烘烘的。(Their room was good and warm.)

(4) 树阴底下凉凉爽爽。(It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree.) (5) 对待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不关心。(We should be warm towards our comrades, not ice cold

and indifferent.)

(6) 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密逢,意恐迟迟归。(Thread from the hands of a doting(偏爱的,溺爱

的,老糊涂的) mother, Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son. Before his departure, were the close, fine stitches set, Lest haply(偶然地,侥幸地) his return be long delayed.) 9. 根据上下文,体味其意思,选择意义相近的词语,尽量译得传神些。 (2) 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以上去滚一滚。(They even loll for a minute or two on the

ivory-inlaid beds.)(土豪劣绅:local tyrants)

(3) 我万万没有想到。(This idea never occurred to me.) (4) 那是万万不行的。(That‘s absolutely out the question.)

(5) 鲜红的五星红旗徐徐升起。(The bright Five-Star Red Flag slowly went up the pole.) (6) 路上的行人渐渐少了。(The number of pedestrians gradually dwindled.) (7) 家乡的景物处处使人想起了往事,许多往事可以追溯到幼年时代。(The hometown was full of reminiscence,

many going back to early childhood.) 第十节 文化词语的翻译

文化词语分为文化词(cultural words)和文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases)。文化含义词视其构成和意义特点可以分为三类:(1)切分和归类不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different classification),如称谓词语;(2)联想不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different association),如猪的联想;(3)语用规范不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different cultural norms),如Would you like to have high tea?是邀请你去吃便饭。

文化词的处理法:(1)全式借用(full borrowing),如来字法语的garage, reservoir, detente9缓和)等;(2)半式借用(semi-borrowing),基本保持原状,只是拼写和发音略作改动,如senenade(小夜曲)来自法语的senerade。(3)音译(transliteration, loan words);(4)半音译(semi-transliteration),如tong oil来自汉语的桐油;(5)仿译(loan translation, calque),合成词或复合词可以采取按构成全部意译的办法借用。如蜜月来自honeymoon等。翻译下列句子,注意划线部分的翻译。

1.有个老李带来个八九岁的小姑娘,因为没有吃的,愿意把姑娘送给人家逃个活命。二诸葛---就替小二黑收作童养媳。(Lao Li brought his daughter of about eight or nine years with him. To avoid starvation, he was willing to give the girl to anybody who wanted her. Kong Ming the Second---took her into his house as little Erhei‘s future wife.) 2.袭人握了自己的嘴,笑的说不出话来,半日才说道:“那是新娶的二奶奶。”---宝玉道:“好糊涂!你说的‘二奶奶’,到底是谁?”袭人道:“宝姑娘。”(His-ren put a hand to her mouth to hide her laughter, so amused that she could not speak. ―That‘s new Second Young Mistress.‖---Pao-yu cried, ―Don‘t be silly! What Second Young Mistress do you mean?‖ ―Miss pao-cai.‖) 3.行者道:“嫂嫂休得推辞,我再送你个点心充饥!”又把头往上一顶。那罗刹心痛难禁,只在地上打滚,疼得他面黄唇白,只叫“孙叔叔饶命!”行者才收了手脚道:“你才认得叔叔么?我看牛大哥情上,且饶你性命!”(―Don‘t stand on ceremony, (讲究客套,客气)sister!‖ Monkey continued. ―Here‘s some cake to stay (阻止,抑制,坚持)your hunger.‖ And he butted(碰撞,抵触) with his head till she felt an excruciating (极痛苦的)pain in her chest. She rolled on the ground, her face waxed and her lips white, screaming, ―Spare(饶恕,赦免) me, brother! Spare me!‖ At that Monkey stopped laughing her and said, ―So now you recognize your brother in law, eh? For the sake of brother Ox, I‘ll spare your life.‖) 4.贾母---说:“你替我告诉他(指林黛玉)的阴灵:‘并不是我忍心不来送你,只为有了个亲疏。你是我外孙女儿,是亲的了;若于宝玉比起来,可是宝玉比你更亲些。’”(The Old lady instructed, ―tell her spirit from me, it‘s not because I‘m heartless that I‘m not coming to see you off, but there is someone closer here whom I have to see to. As my


daughter‘s daughter you are dear to me; but Pao-yu is closer to me even than you.‖) 5.凤姐道:“明儿宝玉圆了房亲家太太抱了外孙子,那时候儿不是更是笑话了么?”(His-feng said, ―Soon Pao-yu will have consummated(完成,使完善) his marriage, and then Aunt Hsueh will have a grandson to dandle(播弄,宠)-----won‘t that be a still better joke?‖) 6.林妹妹早就知道了,他如今要做新媳妇了。自然害羞,不肯见你的。(She knows already. And as your bride-to-be, she would be much too embarrassed to receive you now.)

7.不久人们的视线都集中到一个小小的行李卷上,那上面插着用漂亮的白绸子包起来的南胡、箫、笛,旁边还放着整洁的琵琶、月琴、竹笙,----这是贩卖乐器的吗?(Before long the attention of quite a few was caught by some unusual luggage: a small bedding-roll to which were tied a fiddle, a bamboo pipe and a flute, each wrapped in fine white silk. Nearby was a balloon guitar, a moon-guitar and a small reed(芦苇,芦笛)-organ.---Some passengers surmised (推测,猜测)that these must belong to dealer in musical instrument.)

8.夏天,他穿着仿绸大褂或者竹布大褂、千层底布鞋;冬天是绸子棉袍外面罩上一件蓝布大褂,头上是一顶宽边礼帽,脚底下竟是穿起了又肥又厚象小船一样的“老头靴”。(In the summer he wore a silk or glazed cotton gown and thick-soled cloth slippers; in winter, a padded silk gown under one of plain blue cloth, a broad-brimmed hat and thick, boat-like boots of the kind usually worn by elderly men.) 9.他穿着一件灰布中山装,戴着半旧的灰呢帽。(He was wearing an old felt hat and a grey cotton suit buttoned up to the neck.) 10. 女学生穿着白洋布短旗袍、白线袜、白运动鞋。(the schoolgirl was wearing short white muslin gown, while cotton stockings and white canvas shoes.)

11.所以他便赶紧拔起四个萝卜,拧下青叶,兜在大襟里。(He hastily pulled up four turnips, tore off the leaves and stuffed them under his jacket.) 12.穿的是新夹袄,看去腰间还挂着一个大搭连。(He was wearing a new lined jacket and at his waist hung a large purse.) 13.我曾经仔细想:阿Quei,阿桂还是阿贵呢?倘使他号叫月亭,或者在八月间做过生日,那一定是阿桂了;而他既没有号——也许有号,只是没有人知道他——又未尝散过生日征文的贴子:写作阿桂是武断的。又倘使他有一位老兄或令弟叫阿富,那一定是阿贵了;而他又只是一个人;写作阿贵,也没有佐证。(I have given the question a careful thought. Ah Quei---would that be the ―Quei‖ meaning fragrant osmanthus or the ―Quei‖ meaning nobility? If his other name had been Moon Pavilion, or if he had celebrated his birthday in the month of the Moon Festival, then it would certainly be the ―Quei‖ for fragrant osmanthus. But since he had no other name or if he had, no one knew it and since he never sent out invitations on his birthday to secure complimentary(补充的) verses, it would be arbitrary to write Ah Quei (fragrant osmanthus). Again, if he had had an elder or younger brother called Ah Fu (prosperity), then he would certainly be called Ah Quei (nobility). But he was all on his own; thus there is justification for writing Ah Quei (nobility).

14.最恼人的是在他头皮上,颇有几处不知起于何时的癞疮疤。这虽然也在他身上,而阿Q的意思,倒也似乎以为不足为贵的,因为他讳说“癞”,以及一切近乎“赖”的音,后来推而广之,“光”也讳,“亮”也讳,再后来,连“灯”、“烛”都讳了。(The most annoying were some patches(补钉,斑) on his scalp (头皮)where at some uncertain date shiny ring-worm(金钱癣) scars had appeared. Although these were on his own head, apparently Ah Q did not consider them as altogether honorable, for he refrained from using the word ―ringworm‖ or any words that sounded anything like it, later he improved on (对作出改进)this, making ―bright‖ and ―light‖ forbidden words, while later still even ―lamp‖ and ―candle‖ were taboo.) 15小林,这么说吧,一个木字是独木,两个木就成了你那个林,三个木变成巨大的森林时,那么,狂风再也吹不倒它们。(See, Tao-ching, it‘s like this. The character mu is only a single tree, but two of them make a wood like your name, and three or more form a huge forest that no storm or wind can destroy.) 16.两星期前开来了一连兵---向商会里要五十个青年的女人——补洗衣服;商会说没有,那些八太爷就自己出来动手拉。(Only two weeks ago a company of troops arrived in our town and demanded that the Chamber of Commerce should supply them with fifty young women---to darn (织补)and wash for them, they said. When the Chamber of Commerce said that they couldn‘t help them, the soldiers set out themselves to find them.) 17.老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。(Absorbed in his walking, Old


Chuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distantly ahead of him.) 18.“读过书----我便考你一考。茴香豆的茴字,怎么写的?”“谁要你教,不是草头底下一个来回的回么?”(―Well then, I‘ll test you. How do write the ?hui‘ as in aniseed (茴香子)peas?‖ ―I don‘t need you to show me. Isn‘t it the hui written with the element for grass?‖) 19.他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂。(He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.)

20.二诸葛说是个便宜,先问了一下生辰八字,掐指了半天说:“千里姻缘一线牵。”(Kong Ming the Second thought it a good bargain; he cast (计算,投)her horoscope(星占,算命天宫图) and declared, after much calculation, ―Two beings destined to marry each other, though born a thousand miles apart together by a single string.‖ 21.便叫薛蝌:“办泥金庚贴,填上八字,即叫人送到琏二爷那边去,还问了过礼的日子来,你好预备。”(She told Hsueh Ko, ―Get a gilded card and write her horoscope on it, then have it sent at once to Second Master Lien and ask the date for the exchange of gifts, so that you can make preparations.‖) 22.二诸葛说:“不犯罪就好,结婚可不行,命相不对!”(It‘s all right so long as they‘ve violated no law.‖ Said Kong Ming the Second. But they mustn‘t get married. Their horoscopes are against each other.‖)

23.第一,小二黑是金命,小芹是火命,恐怕火克金。(First, Erhei‘s horoscope was characterized by ―Metal‖ while Little Qin‘s was by ―fire‖, so fire would melt metal.)

24.二则也给宝兄弟冲冲喜,借大妹妹的金锁压压邪气,只怕就好了。(---and secondly, in the hope that Cousin pao-chai‘s golden locket will bring Pao-yu good luck, overcoming the evil influence so that he recovers.) 25.真作孽!我们在上海一点不知道。(But that‘s outrageous! (蛮横的,无耻的,使人憎恨的)Of course, here in Shanghai we never know what‘s actually happening down in the country.)

26.二诸葛---抬手动脚都要论一论阴阳八卦,看一看黄道黑道。(Kong Ming the Second was addicted to deviation(背离,偏向) and would never do anything without consulting some deity (神)or other.)

27.你在家时,谁敢来放个屁?(When you were at home, who dared to come near and pass his wind?)(When you were at home, who dared to come and insult me?)

28武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一片声喝道:“放屁!放屁!”(Now Wu the priest longed much in his heart to eat, and so how could he be willing to listen to this explanation? He bellowed froth, ―Pass your wind---pass your wind!‖)

29.把你的鬼八卦收起吧!你一辈子放个屁也要卜一课,究竟抵了些什么事?(Enough of your stupid fortune-telling! Didn‘t you foretell great danger for Erhei this time? What‘s the use your predicting this and that all your life?) 30.他---咬着牙齿在心里骂道:“老乌龟!这还成话么?——何慎庵是存心来开你的玩笑啊!(He began reviling(谩骂,辱骂) himself through clenched teeth, ―You old cuckold! (奸妇的丈夫,使戴绿头巾)You‘re making yourself ridiculous! He Shen-an‘s just making a fool of you!‖) 31.“忘八蛋!“秀才在后面用了官话这样骂。(‖Turtle‘s egg!‖ shouted the successful candidate, cursing him in mandarin from behind.)

32.“你混进来听声,王八兔崽子!”(You spy! You bastard!(私生子,杂种)) 33.“叫人好找,揍死你这老王八操的。”(‖Bastard! Leading us such a dance.‖(给某人造成许多麻烦,使人疲于奔命)) 34.“阿Q, 你的妈妈的!你连赵家的佣人都调戏起来,简直是造反。害得我晚上没有觉睡,你的妈妈的!”(―Curse you, Ah Q!‖ said the bailiff.(法警,执行官,地主管家) ―So you can‘t even keep your hands off (不再由某人掌管)the Zhao‘s servants, you rebel! You‘ve made me lose my sleep, damn it!‖)

35.但阿Q 又说,他却不高兴再帮忙了,因为这举人老爷实在太“妈妈的”了。(But according to Ah Q‘s further statements, he was unwilling to go on working there because this successful candidate was really too much of a ―Turtle‘s egg.‖) 36.“这是翻把帐。操他妈的,把我的名也写上了,好大的胆子。”(That‘s a black list! Son of a bitch! He put my name down too. What a bloody nerve(勇敢)!‖

37他们愚弄过我们,我们要以其人之道还治其人之身。(We will pay them back for the trick they played on us.)(仿译)

38“君子动口不动手!”阿Q 歪着头说。(‖A gentleman uses his tongue but not his hands!‖ protested Ah Q, his head


on one side.)(―The superior man moves his mouth and not his hand!‖ shouted Ah Q, with his head twisted to one side.) 39.风浪是意料中的事;所谓“道高一尺,魔高一仗!”(heavy seas were only to be expected. ―While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten!‖ was the way it went.) 40.第一是文章的名目,孔子曰:“名不正则言不顺。”(The first was the question of what to call it. Confucius said, ―If the name is not correct, the words will not ring true.‖)

41.他活着的时候,人却叫他阿Quei,死了以后,便没有一个人再叫他阿Quei了,那里还会有“著之竹帛”的事。(During his life everybody called him Ah Quei, but after his death not a soul mentioned Ah Quei again; for he was obviously not one of those whose name is ―preserved on bamboo tablets(书板,碑,小片) and silk.‖) 42.古人云,“士别三日便当刮目相待”,所以堂倌、掌柜、酒客、路人,便自然显出一种疑而且敬的形态来。(The ancients say, ―A scholar who has been away three days must be looked at with new eyes‖. So the waiter, tavern-keeper, customers, and passersby all quite naturally expressed a kind of suspicion mingled with respect.) 43.把总近来很不将主人老爷放在眼里,拍案打凳的说道,“惩一儆百!”(Recently captain(首领,队长) had come to treat the successful provincial candidate quite disdainfully. So hanging his fist on the table he said, ―Punish one to awe one hundred!‖)

44.旁边一人鼓掌大笑曰:“此事易如反掌,何必多议!”(The one of those about him suddenly clapped his hands, crying, ―It‘s easy as turning over one‘s hand! Why so much talk!‖) 45.中国有句老话:“瓜熟蒂落”,“水到渠成”。(As the old Chinese sayings go, ―When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem,‖ and ―when water flows, a channel is formed.‖)

46.如今听见周瑞家的捆了他亲家,越发火上浇油。(The news now that Chou Rui‘e wife had had a relative of hers tied up added fuel to the fire of her indignation.)(替代)

47.只是从敌人扫荡以来,好些地主趁火打劫,向农民倒算、收地、夺佃、逼交几年的“欠租”,把粮食都刮走了。(When Japanese power was at its height, the landlords had fished in troubled waters. They repossessed the land which the peasants had taken, seized additional property, forced payments of back rent and confiscated food.) 48.“木已成舟罢!好在这个弟子会读书。”(What‘s been done can‘t be undone! It‘s a good thing though, this boy studies well.)

49.特别是她——那时的“密司林佩瑶”,禀受了父亲的名士气质,曾经架起了多少的空中楼阁----(She herself, Miss Lin Pei-yao, endowed with here scholarly father‘s idealistic temperament, was specially fond of building castles in the air.) 50.有话不分明说,许你们这样鬼鬼祟祟的干什么故事?(But why not talk openly instead of in this hole-and corner (秘密的,偷偷摸摸的)fashion?) 51.吴用道:“休得再提。常言道:‘隔墙有耳,窗外岂无人。’只可你知我知。”‖You must not mention it,‖ said Wu Yung.‖There is a saying, ?walls have ears, and outside the window is there not a man?‘ This plan must be kept between you and me only.‖) 52.“这实在是叫作‘天有不测风云’,她的男人是坚实人,谁知道年纪青青,就会断送在伤寒上?---”(It was really a bolt from the blue. (晴天霹雳,意外不幸事件)Her husband was so strong, nobody could have guessed that he would die of typhoid fever.‖)

53.吴荪甫忍不住独自个哈哈笑了。可是皇天不负苦心人么!(Wu Sun-fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter. Heaven helps those who help themselves, and no mistake about it.) 54.现在的共产党真厉害,九流三教里到处全有。(They are up to all sorts of tricks now. They‘ve everywhere. You‘ll find them in all walks of life.)(释义) 55.夫“不孝有三,无后为大”,而“若敖之鬼馁而”,也是一件人生之大哀。(As the saying goes, ―There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants,‖ and it is one of the tragedies of life that ―spirits without descendants go hungry.‖) 56.但他对于“男女之大防”却历来非常严。(he had always shown himself most scrupulous in observing ―strict segregation of the sexes.‖)

57.初六倒是个黄道吉日,可惜地干了。(The sixth day was lucky according to his calculations, but his fields had, unfortunately, become dry by then.) 58.她一进门就说:“村长!捉贼要赃,捉奸要双。当了妇救会主席就不说理了?”(She blurted out loudly,‖Comrade


Village Head, accusations must be based on evidence! Does being the head of the women‘s league give one the right to do as one please?‖) 59.然而真奇怪,向来是气魄非凡,动辄大刀阔斧的吴荪甫此时却沉着脸儿沉吟了。(But, strange to say, Wu Sun-fu, who was known for his drive (动力,魄力)and ability to make snap decision, now hesitated and looked worried.) 60.后来出嫁了,两个人还藕断丝连,这只能怪包办婚姻,不能怪她。(and after she was married they still kept it up. The arranged marriage was the cause of this; she can‘t be blamed.) 61.他只好硬着头皮,装出也不在乎的态度。(he had no alternative but to brazen it out (厚着脸皮对待)and pretend that he did not care either.)(brazen lie厚颜无耻的谎言;brazen-faced厚脸皮的)

62.范进---被胡屠户一口啐在脸上,骂了个狗血喷头---(Butcher Hu spat in his face, and poured out a torrent of abuse.) 63.问:“今年几岁了?”答:“属猴的,十二岁了。”(―How old are you?‖ ―I‘m twelve now.‖)(省译) 64.他说:“了不得呀了不得!丑土的父母动出午火的官鬼,火旺于夏,恐怕有些危险了。唉!人家把他选成青年队长,我就说过不叫他当。”(Everything now is fraught with(充满) danger! When Erhei was elected captain of the Youth Vanguard, I told him not to accept the post.‖) 65.因为他长得伶俐可爱,大人们都爱跟他玩;这个说:“二黑,算一算十岁属什么?”那个说:“二黑,给我卜一课!”(As he was such a lovely child, all grown-ups enjoyed joking with him.) 66.当他六岁时,他爹就教他识字。识字课本既不是《五经》、《四书》,也不是常识国语,而是天干、地支、五行、八卦、六十四卦名等学起,进一步便学些《百中经》、《玉匣记》、《增删卜易》、《麻衣神相》、《奇门盾甲》、《阴阳宅》等书。(When he was six, his father started teaching him some characters from books on the art of fortune-telling, rather than the Chinese classics.) 第十一节 汉语缩略语的英译 一、意译法: 这是一种完全避开“缩略结构”的意译法。缩略语初次使用,或使用时间不长,媒体宣传少的情况下,必须把缩略语所含的信息全部表达出来,便于读者理解。如:1.抓大放小。to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones. 2.三陪服务(指有关人员为赚钱而在酒吧、宾馆、舞厅、卡拉OK厅等场所陪客人喝酒、唱歌、跳舞)。escort services. 3.建成“三河三湖”流域水污染治理项目44个。We completed 44 projects designed to prevent and control water pollution in the valleys of the Huaihe, Haihe and Liaohe rivers and Taihu, Chaohu and Dianchi lakes.(“三河三湖”指淮河、海河、辽河、太湖、巢湖和滇池。)4.近年来,在各级政府和有关组织的支持和带动下,农村贫困地区妇女积极参加“双学双比”活动。In the past years, led and encouraged by governments at all levels and organizations concerned, women in poor rural areas have taken an active part in the campaign of ―learning culture and technology, and emulating each other in achievements and conditions‖.(“双学双比”指学文化、学技术、比成绩、比贡献。) 5.从试点情况看,农村税费改革规范了农民与国家、集体之间的分配关系,有效减轻了农民负担,遏制了农村“三乱”。

Experiments showed that this reform helped standardize income distribution between farmers on the one hand and the state and the collective on the other hand and effectively reduced the financial burden on farmers by combating indiscriminate fines, charges and levies in rural areas.(“三乱”指乱罚款、乱收费、乱征税。) 6.为了支持社会保障制度改革,做好“两个确保”工作,2001年中央财政将继续增加用于社会保障方面的资金。Funding for social security has again been increased in the central budget for 2001 to support reform of the social security system and ensure adequate funds used to pay living allowances for workers laid off from state owned enterprises and pension benefits for retirees from state-owned enterprises in full and on time.(“两个确保”指保证有足够资金全额及时支付国有企业下岗工人的生活费用和退休人员的养老金。)意译法的缺陷是不经济,当一篇文章需要数次出现这个缩略语时,每次要重复冗长的结构,显得很累贅。二、模拟法:缩略词语的结构特点是:数词+共有词(或领词)。模拟法就是用类似的结构进行意译,即保存数词的意译法。如“三通”指通商、通航、通邮,其共有词是“通”,译为three links:link of trade, travel and post. 1.“三讲”three advocatings

2.“五讲四美三热爱”five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love 3.“三废”治理 to bring the ―three wastes‖ under control 4.“一国两制” one country, two systems 5.“三民主义” three principles of the people 6.“五


行” five agents 7.“八仙” the eight immortals 8.“和平共处五项原则” the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 采用模拟翻译的缩略语,一般是那些为媒体经常使用,并且被广大读者所接近的缩略语。有些汉语缩略语英译已收录英语辞书,如“五福”(five blessings)、“四书”(the four books)、“五经”(the five classics)等,翻译时可以照样译成缩略语。三、模拟加注法:有些缩略词只有模拟法翻译还不够清楚,还应该在其后加上文字说明。 1.“为了在现代化建设中坚持正确的方向,他旗帜鲜明地提出坚持四项基本原则。”To ensure a correct direction for the modernization drive, he raised the question of adhering to the four cardinal principles in clear cut terms. (adherence to the socialist road, the people‘s democratic dictatorship, the Communist Party leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.) 2.“两个基本点”Two focal points, two of the major points of the line set by the 13th congress of CPC, i.e., upholding the four cardinal principles and policies of reform, opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy. 3.按照“三个代表”的要求,抓住机遇,加快发展。According to the requirements of the Three Represents‘ (the CPC represents the requirement to develop advanced productive forces, an orientation towards advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China). We must seize opportunities and accelerate development. 4.本店售出的货物实行“三包”。The goods sold by the shop have three guarantees (for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products).四、首字母译法:仿照英语缩略语的构成,把汉语中常见的机构名称、专有名称或文章中重复出现的词组或短语,取其英文首字母缩略而成。如“国企”指国有企业,译为state-owned enterprises,缩写成 SOEs.“江泽民号召加快国企改革”可译为Jing Zemin calls for speedy SOEs reform.常见的机构名称或专有名称的英文缩略语,列举如下: 1.人大 NPC (the National People‘s Congress) 2.政协 CPPCC(the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference) 3.中共 CPC (Communist Party of China) 一些简化的外国机构汉译名称回译时也采用原来的缩略词语。如:1.北约(北大西洋公约组织)——NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 2.欧佩克(石油输出国组织)——OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 3.教科文组织(联合国教育科学及文化组织)——UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

第十二节 汉语成语的英译

成语在汉语中数量较多,占着很重要的地位。有很大一部分成语是文言的,其中有的是有出典的。成语的字数较少,往往以四个字组成,因而有“四言成语”之称。汉语成语中的翻译方法有:套译、直译、意译。 一、套译: 英语中有不少习语或成语和汉语成语意思相近,因而翻译时可照搬照抄。1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.一箭双雕 Kill two birds sith one stone. 3.一丘之貉 birds of a feather 4.同舟共济 be in the same boat with 5.同甘共苦 share weal and woe 6.骑虎难下 He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 7.欲加之罪,何患无辞 Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 8.空中楼阁 castles in the air 9.浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled water 10.趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot. 11.骨瘦如柴 as lean as a rake 12.噤若寒蝉 as mute as a fish 13.守口如瓶 as close as an oyster 14.如坐针毡 sit on thorns 二、直译: 对形象生动和具有中国特色的成语,只要不会引起误解,一般都采用直译的办法把原来的形象和色彩在译文中保留下来。1.对牛弹琴 play the harp to a cow 2.七嘴八舌 seven mouths and eight tongues 3.倾国倾城 overthrow cities and ruin states 4.雪中送炭 fuel in snowy weather 5.千载难逢 an opportunity of a thousand years 6.怨声载道 Voices of discontent are heard everywhere. 7.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 How can one get tiger cubs without entering the tiger‘s lair? 8.瞎子摸象 a blind man groping for fish 9.一孔之见 a peep-hole view 10.削足适履 cut the feet to fit the shoes 11.冷嘲热讽 burning satire and freezing irony 12.叫苦连天 be complaining to high heaven 三、意译: 有些成语不能套译或直译,只好翻译成语的意思。如:1.研究制定西部地区人才开发规划和政策,形成优秀人才脱颖而出和人尽其才的机制,加强干部和人才交流。We will work out plans and policies for the development of trained personnel in the western region and develop a mechanism allowing outstanding people to emerge and to take full advantage of their skills and knowledge. The exchange of cadres and expert personnel between regions will be increased. 2.改革开放以来,中国的现代化建设事业蒸蒸日上,取得了举世瞩目的发展。Since the introduction of reform and opening to the outside world, the modernization drive in


China has been burgeoning with each passing day, and achieved success attracting worldwide attention. 3.全党同志要居安思危,增强忧患意识,不骄不躁。All comrades in the Party must be mindful of danger and stay prepared for adversities in times of peace, guard against conceit and impetuousity. 4.在中国共产党成立之前的八十年,封建统治者丧权辱国,社会战乱不断,国家积贫积弱,人民饥寒交迫。In the first 80-year period, the feudal rulers surrendered the country‘s sovereign rights under humiliating terms, the whole society was thrown into the utter chaos caused by wars, the country became impoverished and weak and the people lived in hunger and cold. 5.有了中国共产党,中国的面貌就焕然一新。With the Communist Party, China has put an entirely new look. 6.领导干部要有识才的慧眼,用才的气魄,爱才的感情,聚才的方法,知人善任,广纳群贤。Leading officials should have the insight to identify the talents, the resolve to use them, the passion to love them and the ways to get them together and should know how to judge and use people and pool the talents together. 7.在世界社会主义发生严重曲折、国内外风云急剧变幻的局面中,我们党砥柱中流、岿然不动,社会主义在中国展现出蓬勃的生机和活力。

Even in a situation where world socialism experienced serious twists and turns and domestic and foreign situations changed drastically, our party steadfastly stood, its ground like a firm rock in midstream, and socialism in China has displayed its vigor and vitality. 8.改弦易辙 abandon one‘s old ways and make a new 9.熟视无睹 close one‘s eyes to 10.古为今用 make the past serve the present 11.美国对少数民族的歧视根深蒂固。 Discrimination against minorities is deeply rooted in America. 12.从五四运动开始,中国工人阶级作为先进的社会力量崭露头角。Starting from the May 4th Movement, the Chinese working class began to cut a striking figure as an advanced social force in the country. 13.心有余而力不足。 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak/unable to do what one wants very much to do. 汉语成语也可以译成相应的英语单词。如 1.欣欣向荣 thriving/flourishing/prosperous 2.颐指气使 order 3.举世瞩目的成就 remarkable achievements 4.(旧西藏)发展水平低下,人民生活朝不保夕。 Low level of development and precarious life. 5.进行不屈不挠的斗争 wage an underlying struggle 6.四分五裂 break up 7.格格不入 misfit 8.神乎其神 miraculous 9.变本加厉 step up 10.分崩离析 disintegrate

第十三节 .词语增译法

在翻译中应该遵循的原则是语言服从思想,形式服从内容。和英语比,汉语句子结构严谨,词约义丰。因此,汉英翻译必须增补一些原文省略而译文无法省略的词语。这样做主要基于以下两个原因:一是译文句子结构的需要;二是上下文的逻辑关系或句子衔接的需要。一、增补冠词: 汉语没有冠词,但英语除了抽象名词、专有名词和物质名词外,其他名词前一般都有冠词表示特指或泛指。汉语名词译成英语时一般要加上冠词。1.他在那个大学里任语文教员。He worked as a language teacher in that university. (冠词表类别)2.老师应当爱学生。A teacher must love his students.(表类别)3. 这些是我想看的小说。These are the novels I want to read.(特指) 二、增补代词: (一)增补作主语的代词, 汉语无主句译成英语时一般要增补作主语的代词。1. 有失才有得。You cannot make omelets without breaking eggs. 2.活到老,学到老。 No one is too old to learn. 3.没有水,就不能生存。 We can not live without water. 4.只有播种才有收获。 One must sow before one can reap. (二)增补物主代词: 汉语中的物主代词远不如英语中使用广泛。英语中凡涉及到人体器官及归他所有的或与他有关的事物时,总在其前加上必不可少的物主代词。 1.她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。She covered her face with her hand as if to protect her eyes. 2. 他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一句话不说。He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. (三)增译作宾语的代词: 汉语中作宾语的代词常常省略。但英语及物动词均带宾语。因此汉译英时要增补作宾语的代词。1.“你喜欢这本书吗?”“我很喜欢。”―Do you like this book?‖ ―Yes, I like it very much.‖ 2.请原谅,打断一下。Excuse me for interrupting you. (四)增补反身代词: 1.扇扇子时我们感到凉快些。We feel cooler when we fan ourselves. 2.他们躲藏起来了。They hide themselves. 三、增补动词: 汉语中名词、形容词或词组等都可作谓语,英语中只动词才能作谓语。如果汉语不是动词作谓语,译成英语时要增补动词。1.别傻里傻气。Don‘t behave foolishly. 2.打字机价廉物美。The typewriter is low in price and fine in quality. 3.金杯牌充气床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,舒适大方,携带方便。The ―Golden


Cup‖ brand air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology. With novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns, they are comfortable and convenient to carry. 四、增补介词: 现代汉语的介词一般是由动词演变而来的,数量远不及英语。英语用介词表示词与词之间的语法关系。汉语中的时间状语、地点状语和方式状语等译成英语时都要增补介词。1.星期天上街去了。We went to the street on Sunday. 2.一九四九年中华人民共和国成立。The People‘s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 3.明天坐车去公园。We are going to the park by bus tomorrow. 4.公共场所禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited in public places. 五、增补连词:汉语很少用连词,句子结构常按时间顺序和逻辑关系排列。英语中词与词、短语与短语和句子与句子之间通常用连词连接。1.我帮助他,他帮助我。I help him and he helps me. 2.你不去,我也不去。I won‘t go if you are not going. 3.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。As long as the green mountains are here, one should not worry about firewood. 4.我们有船、有人、有钱、有各种物品。We have ships, and men, and money and stores. 六、增补it:it在英语句子中可作形式主语,形式宾语或引导强调结构。某些汉语句子译成英语时,从英语句子结构的角度出,需增补it。1.他感到帮助别人是他义不容辞的责任。He feels it his burden duty to help others. 2.他表明了他不可能这样做。He made it clear that it was impossible for him to do so. 3.你这样想是很自然的。It is natural for you to think so. 4.我们是在火车上见到他的。 It was on the train we met him. 七、增补汉语中暗含而无需说明的部分:汉语和英语的表达方式不同。汉语表达力求简洁,削尽繁琐,但翻译英语时要把隐含的意思表达出来。为此,需增补适当的词。 1.报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.2.科技事业要提倡顾全大局。The spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration is advocated in the cause of science and technology. 3.王子犯罚,与庶民同罪。When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished. 八、从文化的角度增译词语: 汉语中具有文化色彩的人名、地名或专有名称译成英语时,后面应加上一些说明性的文字,便于外国读者理解。1.三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Chukeh Liang the master mind. 2.班门弄斧。Show off one‘s proficiency with the exe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 3.济公劫富济贫。Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor. 4.百花齐放。

Let a hundred flowers bloom, permit the airing of conflicting views.5.铁饭碗。 ―iron rice bow‖, China‘s system of lifetime job and income security. 6.“黑孩子”。―black children, who are born in violation of China‘s one-child policy. 第十四节 . 词语省译法

在双语符号的转换过程中,从译文的可接受性出发,对源语结构作些调整或增减词语是必要的。这是因为,每一种语言都有独特的构词方式和语法结构。就汉英语言而言,汉语重意合,英语重形合。汉语遣词造句,力求辞约义丰,削尽冗繁。而英语则语言组织丰满,力求言能尽意。汉英语言结构的特点都是由各自的民族文化决定的。正如翻译理论家刘宓庆所说:“语言的许多形式问题实则都是基于其内在的机制而发之于外在的表现现象。”词语省略是翻译中的常见技巧。所省译的往往是原文结构视为当然、甚至必不可少、而译文结构视为累赘的词语。省译并不减少词汇所表达的实际概念,丝毫不影响原文的思想内容。省译的目的就是保证译文简洁明、严谨精练。省译可从语法、修辞和意义等方面考虑。 一、省译表范畴的词语: 汉语中有些词如“任务、工作、情况”等,通常有具体的意义,自然应当照译,但是它们用来表明范畴时,则失去了具体含议,可省译。如“分析问题”中的“问题”一词,就有具体含义,非译不可。而“人民内部矛盾问题”中的“问题”则是表明范畴的,不必译出,只需译作contradictions among the people就行。下面四字词组中,后两个词都是范畴词,可省略。 说服工作——persuasion 落后状态——backwardness 准备工作——preparation 紧张局势——tension 自满情绪——arrogance 疯狂行为——madness 敌对行为——antagonism 紧张关系——tension 再如:“讨论的范围涉及中美关系、中俄关系。” 译:The discussion covers Sino—U .S.relation and Sino—Russian relation. 二、省译重复词语: 重复在汉语修辞学上又称反复,是汉语一种常见的语言现象。它通过有意识地重复某个词语或句子,达到突出某种思想,强调某种感情或增强节奏的目的。汉语的重复现象有两种:一是同词重复;二是异词同义重复。同词重复可通过英语语法手段省略。例如:1.继续开展打击走私犯罪、打击骗取出口退税和逃汇


骗汇、打击制售假冒伪劣商品等各项斗争,全面整顿商品市场、金融市场、资本市场、建筑市场,规范经营秩序。译:We will continue the fight against smuggling,fraudulent export tax debate,evasion of foreign exchange repayment and obtaining foreign exchange under false pretense and production and sale of sake and shoddy goods.Building on their base,we will rectify the commodity,financial,capital,construction and cultural product markets in all—round way and to standardize order in business operations. 2.搞好重点商品、重点市场、重点地区大案要案的清查。译:We should investigate key commodities,markets and areas to clear up major cases. 3、增强自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新意识. 译:Increase the awareness about self—reliance,competition,efficiency,and democracy and the rule of law,as well as the pioneering and innovation spirit. 从上述例子看出,汉语重复的词语,无论是作修饰成分,还是作被修饰成分,翻译时只需用一个与之相应的词语表达即可,不必每个重复词都表达出来,因为英语中有一个修饰成分同时修饰多个名词或多个修饰成分同时修饰一个名词的现象。常见的结构有:adj. (n)+n1+n2?+n结构(例2),adj.1(n1)+adj.2(n2)?+n结构(如:例1)和n+of+n1+n2结构(例3)。英汉语都有一个及物动词同时带几个宾语的情况,但汉语为强调作用,往往会重复动词,译成英语时,只用一个动词即可(例1)。可见,汉语用词重复译成英语时不能机械对应,要从英文的可接受性出发,通过适当的变通形式再现原文的内涵。异词同义重复,即同义词的重复,这在汉语中十分普遍,尤其是四字对偶词组,如残酷无情,铜墙铁壁,无独有偶,直言无隐,横行霸道,自言自语,冷言冷语,字斟句酌等等。英语同义相构的词语也有,但比较少,如:wear and tear,bag and baggage等。汉语语言表达中同义反复,叠床架屋的现象按西方思维,就不符合逻辑,视为英文表达的大忌。因此,汉语译成英语时,往往省译同义词。如: 贪官污吏——corrupt officials 土崩瓦解——fall apart 精疲力尽——exhaustion 街谈巷议——gossip 医德医风——medical ethics 取之不尽,用之不竭——the inexhaustible source 1.全体员工精诚团结,上下一心。译:All the staffs unite in absolute sincerity. 2.目标的轻重缓急,孰先孰后,是在那里决定的。 译:Target priorities were established there. 3.做好今年的经济工作,对于保持国民经济快速健康发展,为“十五”计划开好头,起好步,具有非常重要的意义。译:Success in economic work for this year is of vital significance to our effort to maintain steady,rapid and sound development of the national economy and to get off to a good start for implementing the tenth five-year plan.三、省译没有实际意义的词语: 汉语修辞语在程度上往往强于英语,“大词”的使用频率偏高。汉语表达习惯于在形容词和动词前加上副词修辞,只是起强调作用,或便于阅读时朗朗上口,实际上,加了副词与不加副词在意义上并没有多大区别。如“重要”和“十分重要”相比,在语义上并不逊色多少。同样地,在“真抓实干”、“切实加强”、“认真执行”、“彻底粉碎”等副词+动词的短语结构中,副词都没有实际意义。1.所有这些,都是为了不断实现好、维护好和发展好最广大人民的利益,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。 译:All this is aimed at continuously accomplishing,safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people through always maintaining the Party‘s blood-and-flesh contacts with the people.2.我们要大力发扬求真务实,勇于创新的精神。译:We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality,truth-seeking and courage in innovation.3.狠抓管理,安全生产。译:Improving management and ensuring safe production.四、调整句法结构,省译某些词语: 翻译只求意义对等,不求词语数量对等或结构形式对等。汉译英时,适当变换句法结构,可以省略某些词语,而这些省译的词语的意义却蕴含在英语句子中。1.连续三年的财政政策的实施,有效地增加了国内需求,集中力量办成了一些多年想办而未办成的大事。译:The implementation of the pro-active fiscal policy has effectively boosted domestic demand.We made great efforts to accomplish some major tasks which have longed to fulfill for years.2.马克思主义的发展史充分说明:解放思想,实事求是是引导社会前进的强大力量。 译:The history of Marxism fully shows that the principle emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts leads to great social progress. 3.继续清理行政审批事项,能精减的精减,可改为备案的改为备案管理。译:We will continue to review the matters that are subject to administrative examination and approval procedures and cut them down when necessary.Some of them can be put under recording keeping.说明:例1中的“而未办成”蕴含着“想办”之意中,因而省译。例2通过改变句子结构而省译“强大力量”。例3带点口语色彩,是常见的汉语


句型,英语也有,如All that can be done is done.但汉语译成英语时没必要套用英语句型,否则会显得啰嗦。五、省略缩略词语: 缩略词语的作用可以使语言简洁。但缩略语有时效性、地域性和层级性的特点。汉译英时,大都要把缩略语表达的含义表达出来,这样才能让译文读者理解。当汉语的缩略语和其所表达的概念并用时,可省译缩略语。1.各类社会中介组织要逐步与政府部门脱钩,自觉按照公平、公开、公正的“三公”原则履行法定职能。译:Intermediary institutions affiliated to government departments should gradually cut their ties with their departments and perform their functions as prescribed by law following a principle of fairness,transparency and justice.2.取缔无资金、无场地、无设备的“三无”企业和无照经营活动。译:We will outlaw enterprises with no capital,premises and facilities and businesses operating with no license.例1的“三公”指公平、公开、公正,例2的“三无”指无资金、无场地、无设备。“三公”、“三无”均省译。 六、从文化角度省译词语: 有些对外宣传资料喜欢堆砌辞藻,用一些华丽的词语对场景作过分的渲染。从汉英文化角度出发,这些华丽词语大都不必译出,因为它们对材料内容的宣传并没有实际意义。再则,如果按汉语思维行事,势必导致译文文字堆砌,语义失真。最佳办法是择其要者而翻译。下面一例选自一企业简介的两段话,译文按照英语思维作了适当调整。 逶迤秦岭,气象峥嵘;潺潺山泉,峭壁奇峰。蓝天白云,鸟唱蜂鸣。走进秦岭,你就像回归了远古,走进了童话般的境界。这里是中国南北的分界线,是长江、黄河两大水泉的分水岭。这里资源丰富,动、植物种类繁多,单种子植物就有122类,671属、1988种,药用植物种类510种,闻名世界的蜂蜜上品山花蜜就出产在这祟山峻岭中。 在秦岭山脉北坡,关中平原两端,闻名遐迩的陕西宝鸡市高新技术开发区,坐落着一家专门研究蜂乳生物科学、生产“雒老大”牌系列蜂乳蜜酒的生产厂家——陕西黑马蜂乳生物技术发展有限公司。译:On the north slope of Qingling Mountain is Shaanxi Dark Horse Honey Biological Development Co.Ltd. Qinglin Mountain,located in central China,has a varied climate and grand landscapes.It is a place where visitors can enjoy blue skies and white clouds.The region abounds in living things.There are l988 different species of vegetables and 550 species of medicinal herds.Wor1d famous quality honey is also produced here. 从语言的实用性考虑,上例中的划线部分实属多余。所以译文要么作一些轻描淡写的描述,要么干脆不译。这样翻译,无损于原文的思想内容。

第十五节 “X-化”的译法

语言是反映社会现实的一面镜子。语言词汇具有民族语义色彩和时代性特征。自从改革开放以来,新生事物层出不穷,新词新语大量涌现。据中国国家语言文字工作委员会统计,20世纪80年代平均年新增词语600左右,90年代每年增添300至400个。在所有新词语中,以“化”字作词缀的词语出现频率较高。诸如“制度化”、“法制化”、“民主化”、“社会化”、“一体化”、“自由化”、“年轻化、知识化”、“产业化”、“信息化”、“企业化”、“全球化”、“私有化”、“网络化”、“智能化”、“数字化”等词语频频见诸于各种报刊和新闻媒体。这些词语反映了在社会转型时期政治经济体制的巨大变化。翻译这类词语,有些可以套用英语中相应的词语,有些则要视句子的意义作灵活处理。追根溯源,汉语中作词缀用的“化”字并不是“土生土长”的汉语词缀。它译自英语的词缀-en、-ze (-ise)、-fy和-ation,不过经过归化后具有很强的能产性,大大丰富了汉语词汇。词缀“化”字具有语法功能,能够引起词类的转化,即加在名词或形容词之后构成动词,表示转变成某种性质或状态,使词语的意义抽象化。在汉语中带有词缀“化”字的二字词组一般由形容词加“化”字构成,大多数成为固定词组,收录于汉语词典中。这类词组在英语中大都可以找到相对应的词语表达,在构词方面与英语完全一致。英语中也是形容词(或少量的名词)加词缀-en或 –fy构成动词的,如deepen—深化、beautify—美化、purify—净化、weaken—弱化、quantify—量化、strengthen—强化等。带有“化”字的三字词组一般由名词加后缀“化”字构成。这类词组可分为两种类型:一种是固定词组,在专业领域使用,成为专业术语词汇,具有特定的含义。如现代语言学中有“语法化”、“范畴化”、“概念化”、“主观化”、“主题化”、“术语化”、“认知化”等专门术语。另一种不是固定词组,其构成具有随意性。诸如“个性化(服务)”、“社区化(管理)”、“规模化(办学)”、“形象化(工程)”等词语都不是固定词组。由于这些词语在媒体中被反复使用,因而成为大众化词语。有的词语只是在一定的上下文中使用,成为一家之词。比如有人说:“如何摆脱翻译的工具论,这才是我们真正需要首先课题化的问题”。其中的“课题化”是不常用的。其他的词语如“汉语化”、“演艺化”、“精品化”、“问题化”、“舞台化”、“校园化”等都只是在一定的上下文中使用。正因为如此,汉语词典不收录带有“化”字词缀的三字词组。带有“化”字的三字词组在用法上也和带有“化”字的二字词组不同。除了在句子中作谓语外,还可以作宾语(如“实现四个现代化”)和定语(如“科学化管理”)。它们中有不少词语(尤其是专业词语)是从英语中


翻译过来的,有相应的动词和名词形式。如“电气化”(electrify-electrification)、“电子化”(electronicize-electronization)、“计算机化”(computerize-computerization)、“数字化”(digitize-digitization)、“全球化”(globalize-globalization)、“现代化”(modernize-modernization)、“国际化”(internationalize-internationalization)、“机械化”(mechanize-mechanization)“政治化”(politicize-politicization)、“革命化”(revolutionize-revolutionization)、“法制化/法律化”(legalize-legalization)、“女性化”(femalize-femalization)等。所以这类词语的翻译大都可以对号入座。例如:“推进国民经济信息化。”译为try to informationize the national economy.(或promote informationization of the national economy.)汉语中许多带有“化”字的词组在英语中没有相对应的词语,表现出英汉语言在词语方面的非对应性。造成英汉词语非对应性的原因有以下两方面:一是词缀“化”字具有很强的能产性。汉语构词只要符合规则,就可以创造出许多新词;二是现代汉语大有滥用词缀“化”字的趋势,这在时尚文章中表现尤为突出。现代翻译理论认为,如果源语词语与译语词语在语义上有冲突或源语词语在译语出现空缺,可采用意译或解释性翻译等手段。同样地,翻译带有词缀“化”的词语时也需要对原文内容酌情进行一些调整,包括语义调整或重新分布。下面就时文翻译中涉及带有“化”字的词语的译法作一归纳总结,供读者参考。一、以与汉语不带“化”字的词语相应的英语词语作词根加后缀-driven,-oriented,-led,-governed或-based来构词,组成复合式形容词,在句中作定语或表语。汉语词缀“化”字的潜在含义与上述英语后缀词的含义大致相当。比如“经济市场化”就是指经济发展应以市场为导向。这种译法得到广泛应用。例如,“应试教育”译为test-oriented education,“应用型科学研究”译为application-oriented scientific research,“素质教育”在不同的媒体中分别译为quality-oriented education, competence-oriented,quality-directed education, quality-based education, quality-centered education for all-round development等形式。再如:

(1) 国民经济市场化程度进一步提高。

The national economy has become more market-oriented. (2) 海域使用管理开始步入法制化轨道。

Work began to make the management of sea areas more law-based.


The reform and opening-up has enabled ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet to progress in a law-governed manner.

二、根据语义,翻译成与汉语不带“化”字词语相应的英语形容词(或名词)。汉语中有些带有“化”字的词语作定语用时,“化”字的语义属性和语法功能已经淡化了,其意义与不带“化”字的形容词相当,比如“智能电脑”和“智能化电脑”、“网络教学”和“网络化教学”、“军事管理”和“军事化管理”、“数字彩电”和“数字化彩电”、“科学管理”和“科学化管理”等。这类词语可译成相应的英语形容词(或名词)。比如“社区化管理”可译为community administration。其他的如“老龄化社会”译为the aging society,“数字化世界”译为digital world,“网络化教学”译为networking teaching即是采取这种译法。再如:

(1) 军以下部队开展武器装备管理科学化、制度化、经常化的考评活动。

The forces at and below the corps level have carried out examination and appraisal relating to the scientific, institutional and regular management of weaponry and equipment.

(2) 我国的国防建设不断加强,军队革命化、现代化、正规化建设不断推进。

Steady progress has been made in the drive to build a revolutionary, modern and regular army.

上述作定语用的“化”字词组,有的可以在英语中找到相应的动词表达,因而也可以译成英语动词的过去分词,如例2的“革命化、现代化和正规化”就可译为revolutionized, modernized and regularized。

三、使用英语语法中的比较级形式来英译带有“化”字的新词。例如,“保证决策的科学化、民主化”就可译为to ensure that the decision-making is more scientific and democratic,其中的“科学化”和“民主化”就成功地借用了形容词的比较级,使之转化成“更科学”(more scientific)和“更民主”(more democratic),译得流畅、玲巧。再如:

(1) 我们要按照“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”的要求,采取积极措施,培养和选拔大批优秀青年


We should take active measures to select and train a great number of fine young leaders to make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average, better educated and professionally, more competent.

四、使用英语make sb./sth. adj.句型或turn---into (change---into)短语翻译带有“化”字的汉语词组。如果带有“化”字的词语在句子中作谓语,而且没有相应的英语词语表达,可采用英语主语+谓语+宾语+补语的句型


或其他动词短语翻译。比如“管理科学化”意指使管理更加科学,译为make management more scientific。同样地,“城市园林化”译为make the city green with parks or woods。再如:

1. 推行城市生活垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化政策。

The policy for reducing domestic waste, for turning it into a resource and making it non-harmful will be promulgated.

五、仿照英语构词法创造新词。创造新词是语言充满生命力的表现。语言学中的一些术语,如grammaticalization(语法化), topicalization(主题化), subjectivisation(主观化)等词语就是根据英语构词规则创造的新词。同样地,翻译时也可以大胆地创造新词。比如“市场化”可译为marketization, “中国经济逐步市场化”译为continue the gradual marketization of the Chinese economy.

六、根据语境,灵活表达。有些带有“化”字的词组,按照上述方法中的任何一种都不好表达,这时只能意译。例如,“规模化办学”和“农田水利化”分别译成running schools in large scale和bring all farmland under irrigation。其中的“规模化”和“水利化”只好译成介词短语。再如:


The two great theoretical achievements constitute Marxism that have been localized in China, embodying both the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and the splendid thoughts of the Chinese nation and the practical experiences of the Chinese Communists.

所谓“?国化”是指使具有某国的民族特色。汉语的“美国化”(Americanize)、“日本化”(Japanize)、“俄罗斯化”(Russianize, Russify)、“法国化”(Frenchify)、“德意志化”(Germanize)等词语在英语中都可以找到相应的表达,但“中国化”在英语中没有相应的词语。“中国化了的马克思主义”意思是“具有中国特色的马克思主义”。因此,译成Marxism that have been localized in China,即“在中国地方化了的马克思主义”,基本符合原文的意思。


Important progress was made in outsourcing college services to independent service providers.

“高校后勤社会化”是指后勤服务从高校中分流出去,实行社会化管理。也可照字面直译成socialization of college services,但意义上没那么清晰。


Work has begun to ensure that administrative law enforcement is carried out as an institutional practice, by following procedures prescribed in relevant laws and in accordance with the laws applicable to the specific cases.

这是典型的意译例子。“规范化”和“法制化”相当于英语的standardization (regularization, normalization)和legalization,但“程序化”在英语中没有相应的表达。为了行文的需要,译者没有采用对号入座的译法,而是灵活变通,把原文隐含的信息全部表达出来。

(3) 积极推进农产品优质化、区域化,建设优势农产品产业带。

We must work energetically to improve the quality of farm products, ensure that crops are grown in areas with the best conditions, and develop industrial belts for production of competitive areas.


(4) 近年来,程控交换机等大批高新技术成果快速实现产业化。

In recent years, a lot of hi-tech research results have been put into prompt industrial and commercial use, such as program-controlled switchers.

(5) 发展农业产业化经营

develop the industrialized agricultural production (7) 支持企业技术改造和高新技术产业化。

supporting technological upgrading in enterprises and commercialization of high new technology. (8) 全面推行清洁生产,积极探索污水、垃圾处理的企业化经营途径。

We will promote cleaner production in all areas and develop environmentally friendly industries, exploring ways to industrialize sewage and refuse treatment.

(9) 应用型科研机构向企业化转制,形成了以市场需求为主要导向的研究开发新格局。


A R&D pattern guided by market demands has been established after application-oriented scientific research institutions‘ transformation into business operators.

(10) (对学校等实行)企业化管理

to manage (a school, etc.) in the same manner as what is done to an enterprise

第十六节 契约文体与翻译: 一、契约文体的特点:契约语言属于法律语言的范畴。契约文体别具一格,具有条理性和规范性的特点。契约的基本体式是纲目、条项及细则,因此,契约语言要求条理清晰、纲清目明,句法力求简洁明了,尽力避免拖沓的铺述性或描述性扩展句。契约文体又属于庄严体,用词规范庄重,行文准确严谨。下面结合实例,从契约语言的词语特点和句法特点两方面进一步阐述契约文体的特征。(一)契约文体的词语特点:词是语言的基本单位。词与文体关系密切。从文体学角度看,词的选用往往要顾及文体特点,正如英国作家斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)所说:“把恰当的词用在恰当的地方。”在契约文体中,构成契约语言的词语具有如下特点。(1)契约语言多使用十分文气的、正式的词语。1. The personnel shall not partake in any political activities in Iraq.所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。2. The Chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one third of the total number of directors.董事长得根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,召集临时董事会。例1的―partake in‖较 ―take part in‖正式,例2的 ―convene‖ 和―interim‖都是正式的用词。(2)契约语言用词注重严谨,常使用一些源自法语或拉丁语的词义范围明确的词,而极力避免使用弹性大的常用的“小词”。常用的法语词或拉丁词如:force majeure (不可抗力)、bona fide(真正的、真诚的)、 inter alia(特别)、 proviso(附文、限制性条款)、 quorum (法定人数)、in lieu of(代替)、 quasi(即、宛如)、 ad valorem(从价、按值),等等。(3)古词在契约语言中比比皆是。常见的古词大多是以―there‖ 、―here‖、 ―where‖为词根加后缀构成的,如:hereby (特此)、hereinafter(在下文)、 hereto(对此)、 hereof(由此、因此)、thereon(在其上)、 whereas(鉴于、而)、 whereby(由是、凭那个),等等。古词的使用,既体现了契约文体的庄重,又避免了词语的重复。IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been duly executed by the Parties hereto on the date first above written.作为此项协议的证明,与约双方从上面首写之日起由其正式授权的代表执行。例中whereof指 of the agreement, hereto 指to the agreement(4)成双成对或多个同义词的使用比较普遍。例如:1. This Agreement is made and entered into by and between ABC Co. and XYZ Co. ABC公司和XYZ公司双方签订本协议。(同义分词和介词成对出现。)2. Any disputes controversies or differences which may arise between the parties, out of or in relation to or in connection with this contract may be referred to arbitration.有关本合同买卖双方间所引起的任何纠纷、争议或分歧,均可付诸仲裁。(名词和介词短语重复使用。)同义词的重复使用可避免词义的细微差别。(5)―shall‖在契约语言中,具有特殊的含义,表示法律上可以强制执行的义务。All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this contract, shall be settled through friendly negotiations.所有由于执行本合同或与本合同有关而发生的争议,应通过友好谈判加以解决。(二)契约文体的句法特点:契约语言追求句子表达的严密性、客观性和准确性。契约文体的句法具有如下特点:(1)句子结构完整,前后统一,不存在半截的句子和句首与句末不一致的句子。行文严谨,排斥一切歧义现象。1. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this contract.下列文件应被认为、读作、解释为本合同的组成部分。2. This agreement may not be amended, changed, modified, supplemented, deleted, assigned, discharged, or abandoned in any manner, orally or otherwise, except an instrument in writing signed by duly authorized officers or representatives of each of the parties hereto.若本契约无双方当事人的合法代表签署的文件,不得以口头等其他任何方式修改、增删、转让和撤消。(2)长句子多。这是出于语言表达的精细和严密的角度考虑的。在契约文体中,句子结构大同小异。契约文体句子扩展的基本模式是复合式和并列式。在复合句中,主句与分句既有语义上的联系,又有逻辑上的联系,彼此密不可分。在并列句中,各分句可以独立开来,但在表意上却没有那么完整。Should the good be found, on their arrival at destination, to be different from the sample, if by that difference their character is not altered, or if they are in merchantable condition though inferior in quality to the sample, the buyer shall take delivery of the goods on condition that a reasonable allowance to be made on the contract price by subsequent mutual negotiation.货物到达目的地时,如


发现与样品不符,但货未发生质变,或货物仍可销售,买方仍应照常提货,但合同价将酌予削减,其数额由双方议定。例中有四个条件状语从句,主句只有一个,这在其他文体句中是很少见的。(3)在契约文体句中,状语的位置比较特殊。为了使文字不产生歧义,常常把状语放在距离所修饰的词最近的位置上,因而句子隔裂现象比较普遍。Based on the forgoing, and upon such investigations of law as we have deemed appropriate, we advise you that, save as noted below, in our opinion the Agreement is, and the Note when duly executed and delivered by the Borrower will be legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower, enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their respective terms under the law of the state of New York, subject to applicable bankrupecy, insolvency, moratorium and similar laws affecting creditors‘ rights generally, and subject, as to enforceability, to general principles of equity (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or at law.)基于上述事项,对于法律进行我们认为适当的调查后,兹通知,除下述指明的以外,我们认为,本合同以及在借款人签署并提交后的票据是借款人合法有效和约束力的义务。根据纽约州法律的各自条款,可以对借款人执行。但须依照适用于破产、无力偿还、延期偿还及一般地影响债权人权利的类似法律,以及衡平法的一般原则(不论是按照衡平法或法律的审理要求执行)。例句中有多个状语,位置比较灵活。根据语义联系它们,分别出现在句首、句中和句尾。(4)程式化的语句多。契约文体属于应用文体,有不少句式都是约定俗成的,起草契约时可照搬照用。例如,在正式而重要的合同中,尤其是在英美法系合同中,合同的开头部分都是约因条款,其基本句式为:This Agreement made… WHEREAS… and WHEREAS …Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of … it is herby agreed as follows.合同的结尾条款有固定的句式。In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract in duplicate by this duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.作为所协议事项的证据,双方授权代表于上面首次写明的日期正式签署本协议,一式两份。


契约属于法律范畴。它是规定缔约双方权利和义务的法律文件。契约一经签订,对缔约双方都有法律效力,任何一方不得随意更改。翻译契约必须严肃认真,丝毫不得马虎。任何曲解条文或误解词句的做法都是不允许的,因为一字之差,后果就会不堪设想,轻则使缔约双方产生误解,引起纠纷,重则导致巨大的经济损失。例如,据报道,某非英语国家,由于译者误将“国债”一词译为“至高无上的借方”,使该国背上四亿美元的国债。翻译契约应以准确为宗旨。首先,词语翻译应该准确。词是组成契约文书的基本单位。契约的准确性主要取决于用词的准确性。词语翻译要准确,必须注意以下几点:第一,避免使用模棱两可的词。例如,在短语“in a week‖中的 ―in‖和句子 ―shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 metric tons each‖。中的bimonthly就应该避免使用,因为它们都会产生歧义。 “in a week”既可理解为“一个星期内”又可理解为“在一个星期之后”。如果我们想说后者就用 ―after a week‖。 ―bimonthly‖ 这个词既可解作“两月一次”又可解作“一月两次”。那么例句表达的意思究竟是每两个月运出600公吨,还是每半月运出600公吨,就没个准,缔约双方难免会发生分歧。第二,在同一份契约中,关键词语的使用要始终一致,不能随意用其他同义词替换,如前面使用 ―machine‖一词,后面就不要用―equipment‖, ―appliance‖ , ―instrument‖或 ―facilities‖ 替换,因为两个名词总有两个含义,随意使用同义词,可能造成误解或歧义。第三,对于某些特殊词语的翻译,不要望文主义,以免闹出笑话。例如,“专利技术”和“专有技术”虽然只有一字之差,但它们所包括的内容不完全相同,“专利技术”仅包括产业部门的技术发明,“专有技术”不仅包括产业部门的技术发明,还包括商业、旅游等方面的经营管理经验,“专利技术”译为―patent technology‖,而“专有技术”应译为 ―know-how‖ 。再如,在技术转让合同中,“提成费”指技术使用费,在英语中―royalty‖表达这一概念,如果译成 ―technical use charge‖或别的短语,就成了外行话。第四,遇到汉语意义相同而在特定上下文中搭配不同的词语时,要注意语言的逻辑性和词语的搭配性。例如 observe, obey, abide by和comply with 这几个词语在词典上都有“遵守”的含义,但它们的用法不尽相同。比如“合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定”,这句话的主语是“活动”,汉译英时谓语动词应选择―comply with‖ 表示―to act in accordance with a provision rule, demand‖,全句译为 ―All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People‘s Republic of China‖ 。在“工人应遵守工地的规章”这句话中,主语为“工人”,应选用observe,全句译为 ―Workers shall observe the rules


and regulations of the worksite‖。第五,是少用代词,因为代词使用过多会引起含混现象,指代不明,从而产生歧义。在行文中,为了准确起见,宁可重复名词,少用代词。第六,巧用古词,古词应用于契约中,更显契约的庄重和严谨。初学古词时容易混淆,但只要记住 ―here‖ 代表―this‖ ;―there‖ 代表―that‖; ―where‖代表 ―what‖或 ―which‖ ,就易学易记多了。有些古词有相应的中文词表达,翻译时可对号入座,如:―hereby‖ 相当于中文的“兹”和“特此”,―whereas‖意为“鉴于”,常引导“鉴于”条款。使用古词,可做到准确、简洁、避免重复。翻译句子时,应力求结构严谨,行文流畅。在句子的准确性与流畅性不能兼顾时,应选择前者。准确翻译句子以准确理解原文为前提。理解原文不能只局限于表面文字,应该从逻辑和法律的角度去分析句子的内在联系和深层意义。所以译者翻译契约只有语言知识是不够的,还应具备逻辑知识和法律知识,这是因为,一方面,有些句子的内在联系只能从逻辑的角度判断,如“因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,由中国仲裁机构进行调解或仲裁,也可由双方协议在其他仲裁机构仲裁”。此句中的“由??也可由??”看似并列关系,实际上是选择关系,因为两者不相容。全句译为“All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through mediation or arbitration by another arbitration agency agreed upon by the both parties‖,另一方面,中外法律差异很大,因而对条文的理解不一。例如:如果将“卖方必须在1993年7月31日前交货”译为 ―The seller shall deliver the goods before July 31,1993.‖ 就引起理解上的差异。因为我国都理解为包括7月31日在内,而英语国家则理解为只包括7月30日以内而不包括31日。如果我们明确地说:―The seller shall deliver the goods on or before July 31, 1993.‖那就不会引起争议了。翻译契约,不仅要注意表达的准确性,还要注意行文的规范性。因此,组词造句,力求结构规范,符合语法学家总结的结构规则。从中英契约翻译实践看,在行文方面,有两个问题需要引起重视:一是句子结构的对称问题;二是词组的搭配问题。试举例说明。1.乙方保证合同和技术转让协议规定的技术全部转让给合营公司,并保证提供的技术是乙方同类技术中最先进的技术,设备的造型及性能质量是优良的,符合工艺操作和实际使用的要求。原译:Party B guarantees that technology stipulated in this contract and the technology transfer agreement shall be fully transferred to the joint venture company, and pledges that the provided technology should be truly advanced among the same type of technology of Party B, the model, specification and quality of the equipment are excellent and it is to meet the requirement of technological operation and practical usage.2.为了在中国境内外销售产品和进行销售后的产品维修服务??原译:In order to provide maintenance service to the products sold both in China or abroad…例句1中,中文句子是并列结构,译成英文也应该用并列结构。并列句的特点是结构对称。例句译文中―guarantees…and pledges…‖结构对称,但 ―pledges that…‖之后的结构却没有对称,句子条理不清,如果改译为 ―…pledges that the provided technology should be truly advanced among the same type of technology of Party B and that the model, specification and quality of the equipment are excellent and meet the requirement of technological operation and practical usage.‖意思就清楚了。例句2中,―both…or‖属于搭配不当,应改为 ―both … and‖或 ―either…or‖。根据原文意思,应选用前者为宜。

第十七节 汉英实用翻译技巧:

一、同名异译和异名同译:词语是表达概念的。有时相同的词语却有可能表达不同的概念。翻译时也要区别对等。例如“沙眼”。如果管子有沙眼,即是管子有小孔(small hole);如果是人有沙眼,即是说他的眼睛患有沙眼病(trachoma)。1.“珍穗”宁宝系列精制米粉具有外观光滑透明,粗细均匀,口感柔软细腻,滑爽,韧性好,富有弹性,久煮不糊不断,烹调简易方便等特点。2.精制水磨米粉具有细、白、糯、爽等四大特点,主要用于速冻汤圆及其他各类食品。例1的“米粉”实际上是指“米粉条”(rice flour noodles),因为“韧性好,富有弹性,久煮不糊不断。”例2的“米粉”指“糯米粉”(glutinous rice flour),因为它“主要用于速冻汤圆及其他各类食品。”异名同译是指不同的词语表达同一概念,其译名只有一种。实际上是语言变体在词汇上的具体体现。例如“荸荠”(chest waternut)一词在上海话中叫“地栗”,在广东话中叫“马蹄”,所以“太阳”牌荸荠罐头和“甜美”牌马蹄罐头都译为canned chest waternut。再如“玉米”(corn 或Indian corn)一词东北话叫“包米”、南京话叫“玉蜀黍”、四川话叫“包谷”、上海话叫“珍珠米”、山东话叫“棒子”、广东话叫“包粟”、杭州话叫“六谷”、福建话叫“金豆”等等。在食品名称中,有“麻菇、花菇、云菇”等叫法,英语中只有mushroom一词表达,所以都译为 mushroom。同样地,“红薯、白薯、甘薯、番薯、山芋、地瓜、红苕”等都是指同一种食物,译为


sweet potato。二、实则虚之与虚则实之:实则虚之是指把具体概念概括化,即源语表达某一概念时比较具体,而翻译时用概括的词语表达,因为读者只注重概念所表达的客观事物,概念过于具体化反而不利于原文传递信息。比如“南城五黑鸡”译为black chicken即可,不必译为 five-black chicken。同样的,“三黄鸡”译为 yellow chicken 。再如“丝丝甜、片片香、粒粒脆”,不看文字说明,还真不好译,看了说明才知道指的是风味豆食品系列。所以,概括译为flavored bean food series。虚则实之,是指把原语中概括的词语具体化,使原语信息更加清晰。比如,汉语喜欢使用缩略语。由于缩略语在一定的时期和一定的范围内使用频率较高,所以即使不加注说明也为读者理解。但是,翻译时必须把缩略语所包含的意义全部表达出来,以使意义明确。例如:南城五黑鸡具有“二低、三高、多药”的特点。例句中的缩略词语“二低、三高、多药”不知何指,通过上下文才知道指的是“脂肪、胆固醇含量极低,黑色素、氨基酸、免疫球蛋白较高,有多种药用价值”。所以全句译为:The Nancheng black chicken have low-fat and cholesterol content, high black pigment, amino acid and immune globulin and many medical values.把缩略语所含的信息全部译出而省译缩略语。其他的缩略语如“三讲”、“三个代表”、“三来一补”、“两个基本点”等等,都应该把它们所含的信息表达出来。三、意译和音译:中文的名称在英语中能找到对应的词语时用意译法,否则用音译。如“葛藤粉”译为Kudzu vine powder。中文名称在英语中找不到对应的记号语时用音译法。如“藠头”、“杨桃”等,都用音译法。地名也有音译,如“百花洲”不必译为hundreds of flowers islet,译为 Baihuazhou 即可。有些名称意译、音译均可。如“豆腐”,源自中国,意译为bean curd ,音译为toufu。四、区别术语与普通用语:术语,又称行话,具有丰富的内涵和严格的外延。翻译时,把术语词汇普通化,或普通词语术语化都是不可取的。比如“广昌莲子具有清火功能”。这里,“清火”是中医学术语,如译为extinguish the fire(有人曾这样译过),则会闹出翻译笑话,应译为 remove the internal heat。严格地讲,表达术语的词语都是固定的,不能用普通词语代替。五、省译:省译是常用的翻译技巧。省译不是篡改原文的意思,而是把一些不必要译出的词语省去,因为有些词语照译不误反而让读者不知所云。根据笔者的翻译实践,认为下列情况可以省译。(一)产品前的地名:1.名称:“桔都”牌水咸菜:简介:本产品具有口感独特,酸咸适度,香脆可口,色味俱佳等特点。有桔都咸菜皇、桔都咸菜丝、桔都橄榄菜、桔都萝卜等四大类。2.名称:风味食品系列:简介:大余县南丰食品厂生产的南安牛肉辣椒酱、南安豆腐乳、南安豆酱及周村芋荷等系列风味食品,是利用新鲜芋梗、辣椒、黄豆等经传统工艺加工而成,不加任何防腐剂的纯天然食品。例1产品说明中的“桔都”是地名,可省译。例2中的“南安”、“周村”也是地名,同样省译。(二)产品名称前某些具有修饰性的词语:1.“华康”牌乡吧佬系列烤卤食品:“乡吧佬”按音译,“老外”不知何意,如意译为bumpkin 又有贬意。中文用“乡吧佬”形容食品,恐怕是指食品口味符合大众化,而英语中bumpkin却有不敬之意,所以最好省译。同样“快餐王”也省译。(三)意义重复的词语:南安风味食品具有健胃消食,增进食欲等功能。“健胃消食”和“增进食欲”指的是一回事,所以只译其一。(四)构成食品名称的组成部分的词语:简介:主要产品有:三笋罐头(清水冬笋、清水春笋、清水小竹笋)、蘑菇罐头、豌豆罐头等品种。“清水竹笋”已形成一个概念整体,译bamboo shoots即可。“清水”省译。

第十八节 旅游资料的翻译

1. 增译:在译文中,对一些地名、人名、朝代名、佛名等翻译时增加一些解释性的文字。如:(1) (介绍崂

山的资料)三官殿里有一株茶花树,在寒冬蜡月开出一树鲜花,璀璨如锦,因此又名“耐东”。There is a camellia tree in the Sanguan Palace blooming fully in midwinter, so it is called Naidong, meaning it can stand bitterly cold winter. (2)路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书“云外流春”四个大字。To its left is a rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) hand-written by Su Dongpo (1037-1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). (3)(海南岛著名景点)“天涯海角”和“鹿回头”分别译为Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and the edge of the sea)和 Luhuitou (turn-round Deer )scenic spot. (4) “卦台山周围有龙马洞、分心石、洗脚石等景点。Around the Guatai Mountain are the Longma (Dragon-and horse ) Cave, Fenxin (Distracting Attention) Rock, Xijiao (Washing Feet) Stone and other scenes. 2. 删译:即删去中文资料中对译文理解没有帮助的东西。如:(1) “烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人依栏杆水拍堤。”这是古人赞美青岛海滨的诗句。青岛是一座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶州湾入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80多华里的海


滨组成了一幅绚丽多彩的长轴画卷。Qingdao is a beautiful city. It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter. The 40-kg-long scenic line begins from Tuan Island at the west end to Xiaqing Gong of Mount Lao at the east end. (2) 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿扬夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞赛得天独厚。Famous for its ―tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation‖, Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for the Dragon Festival. 3. 转译:把中文资料中的内容转化为外国游客熟悉的同类内容。如将“梁山伯与祝英台”转作“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,把济公比作Robin Hood,把苏州比作威尼斯。 4. 改写: 即把中国古代的纪年、古地名、古官职等,改写成公历、现地名及职务。如:(1) 刘备章武三年病死于白帝城永安宫,五月运回成都,八月葬于慧陵。Liu Bei died of illness in 233 at present-day Fengjie County, Sichuan Province, and was buried here in the same year. (2)满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、香气朴鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花朵味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开放、争妍媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香朴鼻而来。The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colours are fragrance of their blossoms.

第十九节 产品说明书的翻译

1饮此茶,可怡神醒脑,明目清火,消食除腻,减肥健美和降血压。(浙江某茶叶厂茶叶说明) Therefore to drink tea regularly helps one to refresh oneself , improve eyesight and remove inner-heat ,promote digestion, dissolve fat and reduce blood pressure. 2. 珍珠冲剂含有精氨酸、赖氨酸、门冬酸等十九种氨基酸及丰富的活性钙,能清热解毒,护肝明目,安神定惊,增强记忆力,对老年骨质疏松及小儿缺钙症效果更加显著。(金日牌即溶珍珠冲剂说明书) Pearl Powder contains 19 kinds of amino acid such as arginine, bysine, aspartate which have rich active calcium. It is good for clearing away heat and toxic material, reinforcing the liver to improve the acuity of sight, tranquilizing and improving memory. Pearl Powder has more evident curative effects in treating the aged for osteoporosis and children for acalcicosis. 3. 天津红小豆颗粒饱满、均匀、色泽鲜红、具有皮薄、沙性大、易煮烂等特点。是红豆中之优良品种。红小豆既可做小豆粥、豆沙包、年糕、切糕等家常小吃,还可以制成上百种琳琅满目的各式糕点。每逢盛夏,可用红豆制成雪糕、冰棒、冰淇淋、红豆汤等消暑佳品。红小豆营养价值高,含有多种维生素、蛋白质、糖和矿物质等成分。还具有一定的药物作用。中国传统医药专家称红小豆有利尿、消肿、解毒排浓、消热祛温、健脾止泻的功用。许多中医将其推荐为药品,尤其为妇科所常用。经常食用,有益健康。天津红小豆出口历史悠久,是天津传统出口商品。Plump, evenly shaped and in bright rd colour. Thin skin, rich texture and taking little time to cook----these are all of its characteristics. It is a fine species of red beans. Small Red Beans can make congee and all sorts of cakes. They can also make cool and refreshing ice cream, Popsicles and red bean soup. Small Red Beans are highly nutritious. They contain vitamin, protein, sugar and minerals. They also have some medical effect. According to the traditional Chinese medical specialists, Small Red Beans are good for diuretic, swelling, pustule, internal heat and dampness, diarrhea and the spleen. It is recommended by Chinese doctors to use as medicines, especially for gynecology. Small Red Beans are nutritious food to take regular. Tianjing Small Red Beans have a Long export history. They are our traditional export product. 4. 亨氏高蛋白营养米粉:本产品是根据“亨氏”——美国最著名的食品公司之一——的品质标准而配制的优质婴儿食品,亨氏食品公司有超过一百年的食品制造经验,在美洲、欧洲和澳洲所制造的食品,行销世界各地。亨氏高蛋白营养米粉是采纳了中国营养专家所提供的意见来配制,强化了婴儿生长发育所需的铁、锌、钙、维生素等,帮助婴儿健康成长。亨氏高蛋白营养米粉,是值得您信赖的优质婴儿食品。开调方法:八个月以上婴儿理想的辅助食品。1、将所用的喂哺用具洗刷干净,加水煮沸10分钟。2、开调婴儿米粉,请用煮沸的水。3将一份米粉加入到二至三份温开水中(约70度),放置约30秒后搅拌约半分钟,成糊状即可喂哺。本品经现代化蒸压煮熟,毋需再煮,否则会变稀分层。请置产品于通风干爽地方。本产品系根据亨氏公司授予的商标许可证由亨联有限公司(中美合资企业)制造。Heinz Hi-Protein Nutritious Cereal. This quality product is made to the standards of the H. J. Heinz Company, one of the leading food companies of the United States. Heins has been making a wide range of food products for over 100 years and manufactures Baby Foods in North America, Europe and Australia for sale throughout the world. Guided by Chinese nutritionists, we have fortified this product to give your growing babies an excellent source of iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin. Heinz is the brand you can trust. Mixing Directions: An ideal supplement for babies 8 months and over. 1. Wash the feeding utensils thoroughly and boil for 10 minutes. 2. To mix the cereal, use water that has been boiled for 5 minutes. 3. Mix 1 part of cereal with 2-3 part of preboiled lukewarm water (around 700C ), let it soak for 30 seconds and then stir for 30 seconds. This product is pre-cooked by steam pressure process and needs no further cooking; otherwise thin consistency and


separation will be caused. Store in cool, dry place. Manufactured under trademark license from H. J. Heinz Company by Heinz-UFF L td., (U.S.-China joint venture), in Yan Yang, Shahe, Guangzhou, China. 5. 报刊广告: 平阴系山东省会济南的市郊县,属沿海经济开放区,东依泰山,西傍黄河,交通便利。全县总人口38万。平阴迄今已有1400年的历史。这里物华天宝,人杰地灵。在得天独厚的物产中,玫瑰、阿胶、天然矿泉水、大理石、林果、桑蚕和畜产水产品对国内外客商有着极大的吸引力。随着改革开放的不断深入,平阴经济有了长足的发展。一是综合经济实力明显增强。到1992年国民生产总值达到8。7亿元,工农业总产值达到18。7亿元。二是工业经济持续高速增长。到1992年,全县工业产值达到14。2亿元。初步形成了能源、机械、化工、医药、造纸包装、纺织服装、食品饮料、建筑建材八大行业经济。三是农村经济全面发展,1992年全县农村经济总收入厂达到9。6亿元,粮食总产达到2。14亿元。林果、畜产、水产、蔬菜、桑蚕等五大农副产品商品基地初具规模。四是第三产业蓬勃兴起。五是外向型经济取得了突破性进展,利用外资近2000万美元。平阴现已具备了良好的投资环境,通讯实现了现代化,开通了国际直拨电话和电传。县委和县政府制定了《关于改善投资环境,扩大对外开放的优惠政策》。我们将以最优惠的政策,最优良的环境和最优质的服务,热诚欢迎海内外客商来平阴经商置业,投资办厂,与我们携手合作,共创美好前程。Pingyin is a suburrban county if Jinan, the capital of Shandong province and is a coastal economic zone opening to the world. It has very convenient transportation facilities with Mt. Tai in the east and the Yellow River to the west. It has a population of 380,000. With a history of 1400 years, Pingyin county is rich in natural resources. Roses are famous both at home and abroad. Other products include Ejiao (donkey-hide gelatin), mineral water, marble, fruits, vegetables, silkworm cocoons, animal by-products and aquatic products. All these products have a strong appeal to business people both at home and abroad. With the development of the reform, the economy of Pingyin county has made great strides forward. By the end of 1992, the output value reached 870 million yuan RMB. The industrial economy is developing with a high speed. By the end of 1992, the gross industrial output velue of the whole county has reached 1.42 billion yuan RMB. An economic structure of eight industries has been formed including energy resources, machinery, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paper-making and package, texitiles and garments, food and drink. The rural economy is developing swiftly with the grain output reaching 214 thousand tons. A commodity base of agricultural and by-products has been formed. The service trade and foreign-oriented economy are developing quickly. The investment environment of Pingyin county is greatly improved. With the preferential policy made by the government of Pingyin county, Business people from all over the world are warmly welcome to invest in Pingyin county.

第二十节 如何校译:

校译工作一般由语文水平比较高的人完成。如果是专业性很强的作品,还得请懂专业的人校译。校译的内容包括:(1)校核译文在人名、地名、日期、方位、数字、符号等方面有无错漏;(2)校核译文的段、句或重要的词有无错漏;(3)修改译文中译错的和不要的词句;(4)力求译文段落、标点符号正确无误。(1)、(2)项属于核实,(3)、(4)项属于文字润色,也是校译的重点: (一)词语搭配是否得当:词语搭配有多种多样,有主谓搭配、动宾搭配、修饰语与中心词之间的搭配等,无论哪种搭配方式,都是约定俗成的,不得自由组合。而且词语搭配是以译语为标准,不受原文的约束。 Next morning I had an idea.It was nothing clear-cut,merely speculative,but I considered it a11 the way to schoo1.Then after assembly as soon as they were quiet.I waded in.原译:第二天早上,我有了个主意。只是推测,还不明晰。不过在去学校的路上,我一直在考虑着,随后,学生集合完毕。他们一静下来,我就精神饱满地开始。在上述这段话中,英语短语wade in是不及物动词,意思是“精神饱满地开始”。但直截了当地按词典的译义译成中文,就不符合中文的表达习惯。联系上下文,最后一句宜译为“我兴致勃勃地谈论我的想法。(二)是否有翻译腔:中西文语言有很大差异,汉语以意统形,词约义丰;西文语言重形合,追求形式丰满。用汉族的意合语言译西方的形合语言,必然要作结构上的调整,否则就会出现翻译腔。The true civilization is where every man gives to every other right that he claims for himself.(R.G.Ingeroll)原译:真正的文明表现在每个人都给予别人为自己要求的每一项权利的地方。原译冗长拖沓,语言表达不符合经济性原则。改译为:真正文明表现在这样的地方,即人人都把自己要求有的每一项权利给予别的每一个人。当然,去除翻译腔并不是说凡是翻译都应该采用归化的手段,即意译。实际上,在能确切地表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,采用洋化(即直译)手段是有其可取之处的。一方面,洋化手段有助于保存原著的格调,亦即鲁迅所说的保持“异国情调”和“洋气”;另一方面,又有助于不断从国外引进一些新鲜、生动


