新视野大学英语读写教程第三版unit 3 讲义 - 图文

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Book One Unit Three

授课班级:___________ 授课教师:___________

I. Warming-up Activities

1. Preview and Lead-in (p60)

1). What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way of teaching and learning?

Traditional classroom Advantages: · more direct communication between teachers and students; · a better learning atmosphere. Disadvantages: · little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; · teachers tending to dominate the class; · writing on blackboard reducing efficiency. Multimedia classroom Advantages: · more vivid teaching materials; · students better engaged in classroom learning. Disadvantages: · too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms.

Studying online in the dorm Advantages: · being able to choose when and what you want to learn; · easy access to the wide range of online information Disadvantages: · making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; · lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and student; · the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction. 2). Which way do you prefer? Give your reasons. I prefer the multimedia way of learning: · it is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways · Compared with traditional classroom, it is more interesting. I prefer to study online: · manage my own time · have my own properties · do things at my own pace

3). Do you think the Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays? Why or why not?

The Internet is indispensable: · get access to the latest development of teaching and learning; · enjoy many interesting online courses · communicate with teachers after class The Internet is not indispensable: · teaching and learning have been carried out long before the Internet came into being;

· teaching and learning could surely continue without the Internet.


2. Background Information (教参p )

Wi-Fi Wi-Fi (or WiFi) is a local area wireless technology that allows an electronic device to participate in computer networking. It is defined as any ―wireless local area network (WLAN) product based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) 802.11 standards‖. However, the term ―Wi-Fi‖ is used in general English as a synonym for ―WLAN‖ since most modern WLANs are based on these standards.

Many modern devices can use Wi-Fi, e.g. personal computers, video-game consoles, smartphones, digital cameras, tablets and digital audio players. These can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. Such an access point (or hotspot) can cover an area as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves, or as large as many square kilometers by using multiple overlapping access points.

Wi-Fi allows cheaper deployment of local area networks (LANs). Spaces where cables cannot be run can also host wireless LANs. Manufacturers are building wireless network adapters into most laptops. The price of chipsets for Wi-Fi continues to drop, making it an economical networking option included in even more devices. Different competitive brands of access points and client network interfaces can inter-operate at a basic level of service.

Many traditional university campuses in the developed world provide at least partial Wi-Fi coverage. Carnegie Mellon University built the first campus-wide wireless Internet Network at its Pittsburgh campus in 1993. By February 1997 the CMU Wi-Fi zone was fully operational. Many universities collaborate in providing Wi-Fi access to students and staff through the eduroam (education roaming) international authentication infrastructure.

Laptop A laptop (also known as a notebook) is a portable personal computer designed for mobile use small enough to sit on one’s lap. A laptop is made up of a large number of components that all must function well in order for your computer experience to be complete, which include a display, a keyboard, a pointing device (a touchpad, also known as a trackpad, and/or a pointing stick), speakers, as well as a battery, into a single small and light unit.

Most laptops are designed in the flip form factor to protect the screen and the keyboard when they are closed. And modern ―tablet‖ laptops have a complex joint between the keyboard housing and the display, permitting the display panel to twist and then lay flat on the keyboard housing. They usually have a touchscreen display and some include handwriting recognition or graphics drawing capability.

Laptops were originally considered to be ―a small niche market‖ and were thought suitable mostly for ―specialized field applications‖ such as ―the military, the Internal Revenue Service, accountants and sales representatives‖. But today, there are already more laptops than desktops in businesses, and laptops are becoming obligatory for student use and more popular for general use. Smartphone A smartphone (or smart phone) is a mobile phone with an operating system.The majority of smartphones run on Apple iOS or Google Android, and many others use


Windows Phone or BlackBerry OS. Smartphones typically include the features of a phone with those of other popular mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants and GPS navigation units. Usually they have a touchscreen interface and can run 3rd-party apps.

With a smartphone, one can not only make phone calls, but also send and receive emails, and edit Office documents. But what makes smartphones so popular is that they can access the web at higher speeds, thanks to the growth of 3G and 4G data networks, as well as the Wi-Fi support. But as the technology is constantly changing, what constitutes a smartphone today may change by next week, next month, or next year. Stay tuned!

3. Pre-reading Activities (Compound dictation)

1)This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

But it also depends on the interest and ___________ of the teachers, and the goals and budgets of the schools. Schools are almost all _____________ to the Internet. But some have more technology, and use it more, than others.

For example, some schools use computers for _____________ like video conferencing, to bring the world into the classroom. And some classrooms ___________________ things like a Smart Board, a kind of interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards are large ___________ for presentations.

They connect to a computer and can ___________ by touch. They can be used for documents or writing or to ________ video. Some teachers are trying _________ new ways to teach with devices like iPods and mobile phones. But educators say the most important thing, as always, is the ________.

2) You are listening to As It Is, from VOA Learning English. I’m Catherine Cole.

American colleges are facing what some people are calling a ―______________‖ of problems. College costs are rising, and there are not enough jobs for all the students completing study programs. Yet ___________ say they cannot find enough workers with technical skills. Finding a solution to these problems can be difficult. But, as Avi Arditti reports, one solution may be found in the ___________ number and quality of online classes.

Such classes might ____________ colleges the way the Internet has already changed music, publishing, sales and other businesses.

At most colleges, a professor or ___________________ gives a lecture to students, who then do research, study, and homework alone. Student and __________ John Haber says online classes change everything around. ―They’re watching the lectures at home as homework, recorded lectures, and then when they get to class, they’re having more active discussions, or ______________ with the teachers or working on projects.‖

Experts say the new technology will have a major effect on colleges. Some


predict future classes may be a __________ of online lectures and professors helping students work through difficult problems in person.

Georgetown University _________________ Tony Carnevale says he would welcome these changes. He says a college education has to be less _________ and lead to skills needed by employers.

I’m Avi Arditti.

I’m Catherine Cole. That’s our show for today. 4. Topic-centered study of new words and their use

1. Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to write a ____________ Android app.

2. Discussions for this year’s _________ are likely to include higher fuel charges.

3. I used to have a __________ about my looks.

4. Jane was part of a team that had struggled hard to finish a difficult ____________.

5. Her center is __________ of many across the country–a non-profit organization that cares for about 50 children.

6. Those who have an ____________ complex feel that they are of less worth or importance than others.

7. His good personality made him popular with his ________.

8. This inexpensive art projector is easy to use, light in weight, __________ and gives a sharp image.

9. Please sit down and _________ why you feel so upset.

10. The hotel offers a high standard of service at very ____________ rates.

II. Vocabulary Study

1. transform vt. 使改观,使变形,使转化

They were trying their best to transform their university into a top school in the country.

Increased population has transformed the landscape. transformation n. (彻底的)改变,改观

In recent years, the movie industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. 近些年,电影业经历了巨大的变革。 transformer n. 变压器

It is also the name of a movie, do you know? 2. typical a. 典型的;有代表性的

typical British weather 典型的英国天气 This painting is topical of his work. 这幅画是他的典型作品

This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy. 这则广告是他们营销策略的一个典型例子。 3. access n. 享用权,享用机会,可以进入 have/get/gain access to

Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab. 大学的学生和教职员工可以免费使用那个机房。

The police managed to gain access to the room through an upstairs widow.


accessible a. 易得到的,易使用的,易到达的 The island is only accessible by boat.

4. response n. 1. 回答,答复 2. 反应,响应

We wrote to the manager to complain about the poor service, but received no response.


When he heard the news, his response was just a slight of shake of the head. 当他听到这个消息的时候,他的反应只是微微地摇了摇头。 respond v. 答复 ;回应;(对某种治疗)有良好反应 David didn’t respond to any of her emails. She has responded well to the treatment. 5. analyze/se v. 分析,剖析

The teacher analyzed our mistakes in order to help us find the causes. 老师分析了我们的错误,以帮助我们找到出错的原因。 She still needs to analyze the data. The cell samples are analyzed by a lab.

analysis n. 分析 blood analysis 血液分析 They were doing some type of statistical analysis. analyst n. 分析者

6. adopt v. 1. 采用,采纳,采取 2. 领养

If you want to improve your situation, you must adopt a positive attitude. 如果你想改善当前的处境,你必须采取积极的态度。

He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to adopt an orphan from the area.

这次地震让他感到心碎,他想从这个地区收养一名孤儿。 【辨】adapt v. 使适应;改编

We should learn to adapt to this new environment as soon as possible 7. regulate v. 1. 控制,管理 2. 调整,校准,调节

Legal and economic measures should be taken to regulate the food industry. 必须采取法律和经济手段来管理食品行业。 People sweat to regulate their body heat.

Can you regulate the pace of the watch so that it keeps good time? regulation n. 控制,管理;规则,条例

the regulation of public spending 对公共支出的管理

Under the new regulations, all staff must have safety training. 8. budget n. 预算 v. 做预算;安排

a welfare program with a budget of &2 million 预算为200万美元的福利计划。

They are preparing the company’s advertising budget for next year. 他们正在做公司明年的广告预算。 on/within budget 在预算内

under/over budget 低于/超出预算 on a budget 钱不多的

families on a tight budget 经济拮据的家庭 We’ll have to budget more carefully. 们必须更仔细地安排开支 。


9. estimate v. 估计,估算 n. 估计,估算

With so many variables, it is very difficult to estimate the exact cost of this project. 由于有这么多的可变因素,所以很难估算出这个项目的确切成本。 give/make an estimate 作估计

a rough/approximate estimate 粗略/大致估计 an accurate/reliable estimate 准确/可靠估计 estimated a. 据估计的

Every year an estimated five million children under the age of five die of nutrition-related causes .

每年估计有近500万五岁以下的儿童死于营养不良 。 overestimate v. 高估 underestimate v. 低估 10. compensate v. 补偿,弥补;赔偿

Do take care of yourself. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health. 要照顾好自己,失去了健康什么都无法弥补。

The insurance company will compensate you according to the policy for whatever loss you suffered.

保险公司会按照条例赔偿你的任何损失。 compensation n. 补偿;赔偿金

She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.

她得到了政府给她的财产损失补偿金。 III. Text Learning Text Analysis Language Points

1. Sentence pattern: X, long a place / thing of Y , is being transformed into Z; where X, Y, and Z are variables that vary from context to context. 表述“事物的变迁”


In this context, X = “the small island”, Y = “utter desolation”, and Z = “a popular holiday resort”;由于当地政府的努力:thanks to the local government’s endeavor. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

The small island, long a place of utter desolation, is being transformed into a popular holiday resort thanks to the local government’s endeavor.

这家俱乐部,长久以来知识社交聚会的场所,受这位学者影响,正在成为创新的源头。 In this context, X = “this club”, Y = “only sociable gathering”, and Z = “a source of innovation”;受这位学者影响:under the influence of the scholar. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

This club, long a place of only sociable gathering, is being transformed into a source of innovation under the influence of the scholar.

2. less than interesting/honest/helpful, etc. 一点也没有意思/一点也不诚实/一点也没有帮助等


The management of the college is less than satisfactory. 3. be tied to sth. 和某物联系在一起;依附于某物; 被某事物束缚/约束/限制 1).我们的经济和进出口紧密相关。 2).许多年轻母亲被孩子和家庭所牵绊


1). Our economy is closely tied to import and export.

2). Many young mothers are tied to the home and children 4. add to sth. 增加;增添


pale wooden floors; plenty of natural light; the relaxing atmosphere

Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxing atmosphere.

5. Sentence pattern: For X, Y is the fuel/stimulus of / to Z; where X, Y, and Z are variables that vary from context to context. 对事物之间关系的界定 对于Intel公司而言,创新是前行的动力。

In this context, X = “Intel Corporation”, Y = “innovation”, and Z = “forward motion”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

For Intel Corporation, innovation is the fuel of / to forward motion.


In this context, X = “millions of migrant labors”, Y = “family reunion during the Spring Festival”, and Z = “their traveling a long journey to arrive home on time”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

For millions of migrant laborers, family reunion during the Spring Festival is the stimulus to their traveling a long journey to arrive home on time. 6. visit with sb. 叙谈;闲谈


kids; it is better to do sth.; keep things pleasant and cheerful

When you visit with kids, it is better to keep things pleasant and cheerful.

7. Sentence pattern: X should not let Y take/steer it away from Z; where X, Y, and Z are variables that vary from context to context. 提出告诫 人不应该让物质不足使其失去精神富有。

In this context, X = “one”, Y = “material insufficiency”, and Z = “spiritual wealth”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

One should not let material insufficiency take him/her away from spiritual wealth. 年轻人不应让智能手机使其失去身边的美好世界。

In this context, X = “youngsters”, Y = “smartphones”, and Z = “the beautiful world around them”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

Youngsters should not let smartphones steer them away from the beautiful world around them.

8. take the lead树立榜样;带头;(赛跑或竞赛中)开始领先 1).主席做事总是一马当先,深受广大群众信任。 (take the lead / deeply trusted/ the masses)

The chairman always takes the lead in everything and is deeply trusted by the masses. 2). 休斯顿火箭队本赛季首次领先。

The Huston Rockets took the lead for the first time this season. 9. account for 1). 占,占据


According to the survey, students and children accounted for more than 50% of the visitors to Disneyland last year. 2). 是…的原因;引起;导致



The police are trying to find out what accounts for the high rate of crime in this area. 3).解释;说明


Can you account for your activities on that night?

10. A recent study/ research/ experiment found/ discovered/ indicated that …用于表达“某些研究、实验等所发现的结果”。

最近的一项研究发现,与动物进行积极的互动能降低一个人的血压。 (interact with/ active/ lower/ blood pressure )

A recent research discovered that interacting with animals in an active way may lower a person’s blood pressure.

11. fire off 匆忙发出(讯息或指示);开(枪)开(炮)

1). 在你作出愤怒的回应之前,先听我说。我所讲的事实也许会改变你的想法。 Before you fir off an angry response, listen to me, and the facts might change your view.

2). 刚过午夜时有人开枪,真是恐怖!

Someone fired off guns right after midnight and that was really scary. 12. inferiority complex 自卑情结;自卑感


An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle to success. 13. Sentence pattern: The focus on X prepares / conditions Y (better) for Z; where X, Y, and Z are variables that vary from context to context. [应用提示] 对事物关系的阐释


The focus on the progress of science and technology will prepare us better for success in time to come.


In this context, X = “energy efficiency”, Y = “the automaker”, and Z = “long-term growth”; 始于20世纪90年代末:as started in the late 1990s. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

The focus on energy efficiency, as started in the late 1990s, conditioned the automaker for long-term growth.

14. keep up with 1). 跟上;保持同步 如果你没跟上时代,时代也不会等你。 fail to do sth.; the times; refuse to wait for sb.

If you fail to keep up with the times, the times will refuse to wait for you.

2). 和(朋友)保持联系

现在的年轻人可以通过更多的方式和朋友们保持联系。 (means/ keep up with with)

Young people now have more and more means to keep up with their friends. 15. at a disadvantage处于不利地位的

许多学生担心,他们要参加工作时英语不够琉璃会成为一个劣势。 fear; when entering the work force; without sufficient fluency in English

Many students fear that they will be at a disadvantage when entering the work force without sufficient fluency in English. 16. stand out出色;显眼;突出



prove oneself proficient in writing; be more than likely to do sth.; job candidates

If you can prove yourself proficient in writing, you are more than likely to stand out from other job candidates.

17. fever pitch 极度兴奋(状态);狂热(状态) 极度兴奋状态一直持续到比赛结束。

Excitement remained at fever pitch until the end of the game.

18. Sentence pattern: The race/competition to do X with Y has reached fever pitch; where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context, while “do” stands for and verb available in the given context. 对现象的描述 欧洲许多国家的大学之间,通过更加专业的课程和更低的学费吸引国际留学生的竞争已经达到白热化状态。

The race among universities to attract international students with more specialized programs and lower tuition costs has reached fever pitch in many European countries.


The competition to draw more users with a better experience has reached fever pitch among mainstream mobile operating systems. 19. set up 建立;设立;创立


After he was laid off last year, he set up his own grocery store, and his business is thriving now.

20. in large part多半;在很大程度上;在大多数地方

这些年来,联想的发展和成功很大程度上归功于其文化。 Lenovo’s growth and success; over the years; due to

Lenovo’s growth and success over the years has been due, in large part, to its culture. 21. Sentence pattern: With the widespread application of …/With the fast/rapid development of …用于表达“某事或某物的发展或应用”。

随着互联网的迅猛发展和广泛应用,网络信息安全问题变得越来越严峻。 (seriousness/ information security/ on the rise)

With the rapid development and widespread application of Internet, the seriousness of Internet information security is on the rise. Text Questions

1. Can you find out the common point of these above missing words? (Para.1) digital technology Conclusion:

college campus → transform into → digital campus

2. The college today is being transformed into _____________________ by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and Internet connection 24 hours a day.

3. How do students use new technologies in and out of class? (Para. 2) 4. How do students feel about wireless Internet access? (Para. 4) ―I always feel like I have __________________________________


― in class and out of class,‖ says one biology major.

5. Can you supply some specific examples on how the teachers and students use new technology? (Para. 5) 6. Why is non-stop Internet connection becoming indispensable for the storage and management of the information? What is the advice offered by the writer? (Para. 6) Reasons: · to do homework · review lecture online · take part in class discussions Advice: · do not make the Internet just your toy or let the online world take you away from the real world

7. How fast has information technology developed on campus? (Para. 7) Time Content Budget many began wiring dorms with high-speed 2% to 3% mid-1990s connections schools have taken the lead by turning their past few campuses into bubbles of Wi-Fi networks 5% to 8% years 8. What did the universities do in order to maintain their competitive advantage? (Paras. 8-11) 9. Listen to the tape, fill in the missing words of the following paragraph.

Colleges around the world have been _____________ their computer systems for the past decade, in large part to provide students with the _______________________. The anywhere-anytime access has already ______________________ in education. With the ____________________ of computer technologies, we are going to produce a generation of _______________ and ________________, which is indispensable for the future of the world. (Para.12)


10. Part IV — (Para. 12)

The anywhere-anytime access has already _______________________ in education. With the widespread application of digital technology, we are going to produce _____________________________________________________. Main idea of the parts

Text A is an expository essay. It explains and illustrates what college education is like in the 21st century by analyzing the causes and effects of the application of new technologies in college education.

Part I (Para. 1) The college today is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smart phones and Internet connection 24 hours a day.

Part II (Paras. 2-6) Colleges have become the most Internet-accessible spots in the world. And this digital transformation has brought students various conveniences for their learning and lives.

Part III (Paras. 7-11) The information technology has developed fast on campus. In order to maintain their competitive advantage and attract students, colleges are competing with the best Internet services.

Part IV (Para. 12) The anywhere-anytime access has already yielded amazing benefits in education. With the widespread application of digital technology, we are going to produce a generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers. b. Structure of the text ? Introduction

? How the transformation influences student’s campus life ? How the transformation influences college ? Conclusion Summary of the Text

College life in the Internet age

The colleges today have become the ________________________ in the world. The Internet has brought students __________________ for their learning and lives. Students __________________ to each other, to professors and to their classwork in an ____________________


For universities, to _____________________________________ and attract students, they are competing with the best Internet services. _____________________________________ laptops and computer sciences, the universities are going to produce a generation of ________________________________, which is indispensable for the future of the world.


Revision of the useful expressions 1 新技术的前沿 2 源源不断的信息流 3 增加学生的兴奋感 4 深入思考 5 大学生活的动力 6 脱离现实世界 7 树立榜样,带头 8 自卑感 11 处于竞争劣势 12 脱颖而出 13 狂热 14 熬夜 15 同时 16 随时随地的 17 深受裨益 13

