
更新时间:2023-09-11 20:55:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




H3C 3100 和 H3600

2. 用翻转线接到console口上

3.保持终端连接交换机,然后重新启动该设备,在启动阶段看到显示“press ctrl-b to enter boot menu”界面时按Ctrl和B键。这样将进入启动菜单,一般这个密码是不会被设置的,默认是空口令,直接回车即可。如果这个密码也被设置那么我们就只有将设备返厂维修了。 4 .当交换机显示出boot menu界面时,我们会看到有9个选项,依次为download application file to flash(下载配置文件到flash中),select application file to boot(选择要启动的配置文件),display all files in flash(显示flash中保存的所有配置文件信息),delete file from flash(删除flash中的配置文件),modify bootrom password(修改boot menu的密码),enter bootrom upgrade menu(进入bootrom升级菜单),skip current configuration file(启动加载时跳过当前配置文件),set bootrom password recovery(设置bootrom恢复密码),set switch startup mode(设置交换机启动模式)以及最后的reboot(重新启动交换机),我们要恢复密码的话就选择skip current configuration file(启动加载时跳过当前配置文件)即可。

5.:选择skip current configuration file(启动加载时跳过当前配置文件)后我们继续选择reboot来重新启动交换机,不过这次启动和以往不同的是将不加载当前的configuration file配置文件,也就是说里面设置的密码验证都将暂时无效。

6.再次启动交换机自检完毕后就会显示startup configuration is skipped,user interface aux0 is available的信息,这表明当前的配置文件没有加载,用户顺利进入aux0即console控制台管理界面,我们不用输入任何密码就可以近来了。

7.接下来我们就可以“为所欲为”了,通过user-interface aux 0进入console设置模式,然后通过authentication-mode none将控制台验证密码取消。最后千万不要忘记使用save将修改保存,否则重新启动后又将回到之前的配置文件,同样需要密码验证了。

低端路由器(25XX系列,25XXE系列,16XX系列,4001/4001E)清除特权密码 重启路由器;

看到\的提示信息后,按Ctrl+b进入BootMenu菜单; 按Ctrl+p,屏幕上会显示几个\号和BootMenu的菜单; 选Reboot。

路由器重启后按几下Enter键就会直接进入特权模式,跳过了输入特权口令这个环节,这时候在全局配置模式下输入enable password new password,就可以将特权口令修改为new password了,这里要注意enable password这个命令要写全,否则系统会提示这是一个不正确的命令。



看到\的提示信息后,按Ctrl+b进入BootMenu菜单; 选择Clear application password,这样在下次启动时就不会提示输入特权口令; 选择Exit and reboot。


候在全局配置模式下输入enable password new password,就可以将特权口令修改为new password了,这里要注意enable password这个命令要写全,否则系统会提示这是一个不正确的命令。


AR路由器BOOTROM9.07清除CONSOLE密码: Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu Please input Bootrom password: Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash 5: Clear application password

6: Start up and ignore configuration 7: Enter debugging environment 8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software a: Exit and reboot Enter your choice(1-a): 选择5后选择a重启路由器 BOOTROM9.06 Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Clear application password

4: Start up and ignore configuration 5: Enter debugging environment 6: Boot Rom Operation Menu

7: Do not check the version of the software 8: Exit and reboot Enter your choice(1-8):


BOOTROM7.06 Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Clear application password

4: Start up and ignore configuration 5: Enter debugging environment 6: Boot Rom Operation Menu

7: Do not check the version of the software 8: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-8): 选3后选8重启路由器


Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu Please input Boot ROM password: Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Clear configuration

4: Start up and ignore configuration 5: Boot ROM Operation Menu

6: Do not check the version of the software 7: Exit and reboot Enter your choice(1-7):


启运完毕后将路由器配置DOWN下后更改密码后再导入 BOOTROM5.1

Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu Please input Bootrom password: Boot Menu:

1: Download application program 2: Download Bootrom program 3: Modify Bootrom password 4: Exit the menu 5: Reboot

Enter your choice(1-5):

按ctrl+p后再选择5来清除密码 忽略配置清除密码再导入配置步聚 1、重新配置路由器的以太网口地址

[Router-Ethernet1]ip address 2、保证PC与路由器的以太网口能够互通

3、在路由器上配置一个FTP帐号用来从PC中DOWN配置 [Router]local-user ftp password sim ftp ftp-directory flash:/ 4、启动路由器上的FTP服务 [Router]ftp-server enable

4、PC的运行栏中输入CMD FTP

输入用户名ftp密码ftp hash

lcd c:\\ 指定下载后的配置文件目录 get config



总结:BOOTROM 5.28/7.03/7.05/7.06/9.03/9.05/9.06/9.07清除密码的方式基本上是一样的,不外乎是 Clear application password或 是 Start up and ignore configuration BOOTROM 5.1清除密码是按ctrl+p

1、VRP97年版本,无法消除口令,则需要升级至2.0版本. 2、VRP 2.0版本

1> 上电自检时按“Shift+d\进入下载界面。 2> 出现口令后键入“*”

3> 键入“shift+3\即为输入“#”。 3、 vrp1.0版本

1> 上电自检时按“Ctrl+b\进入下载界面。 2> 出现口令后键入缺省为空,回车即可 3> 键入“Ctrl+p\。

删除密码后,第一次可以进入特权用户模式,但重新启动之后,还是向你索取密码。问题处在什么地方呢?原因是开发人员在设计时,只考虑让你消除密码后进入一次,用来修改改口令,修改口令的命令是条隐含命令enable password,第一次进入后修改口令并存盘,即可消除或修改为你知道的密码。


可以通过从BOOTROM中选择“忽略配置”启动路由器来获取和重新设备console的密码! 具体操作如下:

【第一步 重启路由器,按Ctrl+B进入BOOTROM菜单】 Starting at 0x1c00000...

******************************************** * * * Quidway Series Routers Boot ROM, V9.07 * * *


Copyright(C) 1997-2004 by HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD. Compiled at 18:10:29 , Oct 14 2004.

Testing memory...OK! 128M bytes SDRAM 32768k bytes flash memory Hardware Version is MTR 1.0 CPLD Version is CPLD 1.0 Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu

Please input Bootrom password: /默认密码为空/

Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM

2: Download application program with NET 3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash 5: Clear application password 6: Start up and ignore configuration 7: Enter debugging environment 8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software a: Exit and reboot Enter your choice(1-a):

【第二步 选择第六项“6: Start up and ignore configuration”,并确认】 Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash 5: Clear application password 6: Start up and ignore configuration 7: Enter debugging environment 8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software a: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-a): 6

Start up and ignore configuration, Are you sure?[Y/N]y Set Succeeds

【第三步 选择a项重启系统】 Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM 2: Download application program with NET 3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash 5: Clear application password 6: Start up and ignore configuration 7: Enter debugging environment 8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software a: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-a): a

Exit and reboot,are you sure?[Y/N]y Start to reboot...

【第四步 当系统以空配置起来以后,使用“more config.cfg”查看配置脚本】

