反意疑问句和综合时态练习 1

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( ) 1. Nobody says a word about the incident, ___________?

A. is he B. doesn’t he C. do they D. don’t they

( ) 2. You never told me why you were late for the class, ___________?

A. weren’t you B. didn’t you C. had you D. did you

( ) 3. They have to face the difficulty, ________?

A. haven’t they B. don’t they C. do they D. must they

( ) 4. There is not much news in today’s paper, _____________?

A. isn’t it B. are there C. is there D. aren’t there

( ) 5. The manager came here in a car, ________?

A. was he B. did he C. wasn’t he D. didn’t he

( ) 6. She dislikes this skirt, _________?

A. doesn’t she B. does she C. isn’t she D. is she

( ) 7. Peter hardly ever goes to parties, _______?

A. doesn’t he B. do he C. does he D. is he

( ) 8. What a lovely day, _________?

A. doesn’t it B. isn’t it C. shan’t it D. hasn’t it

( ) 9. Let me do it, _______?

A. shall I B. shall we C. will you D. will I

( ) 10. Nothing he did was right, ___________?

A. did he B. was it C. didn’t it D. was he

( ) 11. It is the third time that John has been late, ______?

A. hasn’t he B. isn’t he C. isn’t it D. hasn’t it

( ) 12. I suppose he is serious, ________?

A. do I B. don’t I C. is he D. isn’t he

( ) 13. I’d like to go with you, _______?

A. had I B. wouldn’t I C. hadn’t I D. would I

( ) 14. ----You are not a new member, are you?

---- _________. I joined only yesterday.

A. No, I’m not B. Yes, I’m not C. No, I am D. Yes, I am

( ) 15. My sister often needs help with her study, _______?

A. need she B. needn’t she C. does she D. doesn’t she

( ) 16. You’d better send for a doctor for your mother, ________ you?

A. had B. hadn’t C. would D. wouldn’t

( ) 17. Let’s go swimming, _________?

A. aren’t we B. shall we C. will you D. won’t we

( ) 18. Li Ming can’t be in the classroom, __________?

A. can he B. is he C. can’t he D. must he

( ) 19. None of the pupils attended the sports meet, ________?

A. did they B. do they C. didn’t they D. don’t they

( ) 20. I have nothing to do with the matter, ________?

A. have I B. has it C. do I D. does it

( ) 21. He was in good health when I saw him last time, _________?

A. wasn’t he B. didn’t he C. hadn’t he D. hasn’t he

( ) 22. John had his hair cut yesterday afternoon, ________?

A. haven’t he B. didn’t he C. hadn’t he D. hasn’t he


1. You’re not really enjoying this music, ________?

2. You can’t dance to jazz, ________?

3. There is nowhere to sit, ________?

4. They have played this song already, ________?

5. The Beatles sang this song, ________?

6. Jack plays the violin every morning, ________?

7. He has sung this song over 20 times, ________?

8. They listened to the song yesterday, ________?

9. The music sounds beautiful, ________?

10. Lingling has never heard of the singer, ________?

11. That was a wonderful night, ________?

12. Let’s have a free talk, ________?

13. There is something wrong with the computer, ________?

14. You can hardly understand me, ________?

15. Everybody here loves music, ________?

16. Let us help you out, ________?

17. They all disagreed with me, ________?

18. Very few people speak English here, ________?


1. 他没有姐妹,是吗?


2. 你们都玩得很好,是吗?


3. 明天我们必须8点到达那里,不是吗?


4. 本星期六晚上没有音乐会,是吗?


5. 他不必去那里,是吗?


6. 他从未说过这句话,是吗?


7. 你很少吃鱼,是吗?


8. 她很少给你写信,是吗?


9. 那人很粗心,不是吗?


10. 我们吃午饭吧,好吗?


11. 请把门关上,好吗?




( ) 1. It ______ 3 years since he left us.

A. is B. has been C. was D. were

( ) 2. 15 years ________ since I became a teacher.

A. passed B. has past C. have passed D. has passed

( ) 3. ---Could you go to buy some salt for me?

---Sorry, mum. I____ my homework.

A. am doing B. do

C. will finish D. have finished

( ) 4. My daughter won’t go to sleep until I _______ back.

A. go B. goes C. have gone D. will go

( ) 5. Kitty ________ games while I was cooking.

A. plays B. was playing C. make D. does

( ) 6. What ______ they doing then on the hill?

A. are B. were C. is D. was

( ) 7. He ________ his homework this time yesterday.

A. does B. was doing C. is doing D. is

( ) 8. The letter _______ a week ago and it______ yesterday.

A. posted; arrived B. was posted; arrived

C. is posted; arrived D. has posted; has arrived

( ) 9.They ________ friends since they met in Shanghai.

A. have made B. have become

C. have been D. have turned

( ) 10. The workers __________ many toys in the factory last year.

A. invent B. invented C. invention D. inventing

( ) 11. Neither you nor he ________ New York city.

A. has gone to B. have gone to

C. have been to D. has been to

( ) 12. ---I hear your father ____ to Japan once.

---Yes, he_______ there last year.

A. went, has been B. has gone, went

C. has been, went D. had gone, has been

( ) 13. I got up very late this morning. There _______ no time to have breakfast.

A. had B. has C. was D. is

( ) 14. So far we ________ the moon.

A. gets to B. arrived C. have reached D. have arrived

( ) 15. I _______ for them at the school gate ______ it began to rain.

A. didn’t wait, until B. didn’t wait, when

C. waited, until D. waited, because

( ) 16. What does the sentence “ Don’t trouble till trouble _____ you.” mean?

A. trouble B. troubles C. will trouble D. troubled

( ) 17. Two-thirds of the work __________ by the computer last week.

A. are done B. is done C. were done D. was done

( ) 18. He ________ his bag in the library this morning.

A. forgot B. lost C. had left D. left

( ) 19. My brother ______ while he _______ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell, was riding B. fell, were riding

C. had fallen, rode D. had fallen, was riding

( ) 20. Everyone except Tom and Johnny ____ there when the meeting began.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

( ) 21. Be quiet! Your father ________.

A. sleeps B. sleeping C. is thinking D. was working.

( ) 22. --- _____ will you finish writing the article?

--- In two days.

A. How long B. How soon

C. How often D. How fast

( ) 23. Someone _____ at he door when she was cooking in the kitchen.

A. had knocked B. has knocked

C. knocked D. was knocking

( ) 24. ---- Where is Teddy now?

--- He ____ his bike in the yard.

A. fixes up B. fixing up C. is fixing D. fixed

( ) 25. Nobody ________ a film if he’s free next Sunday.

A. see B. saw C. has seen D. will see

( ) 26. The photo ________ nice.

A. looks B. is looked C. look D. is looking

( ) 27. Great changes ______ in Shenyang during the past ten years.

A. have happened B. have been happened

C. happened D. was happened

( ) 28. The film _________ for five minutes.

A. has been B. has been on C. began D. has begun

( ) 29. Hurry! We _____ the train.

A. will miss B. miss C. missed D. have missed

( ) 30. Unless it ________tomorrow, I’ll go on foot.

A. doesn’t rain B. rains

C. will rain D. won’t rain

( ) 31. _____ Mr White ___ the doctor the day before yesterday?

A. Does, see B. Has, seen

C. Will, see D. Did, see

( ) 32. I’ll visit my teacher when she ________.

A. will return B. return

C. returns D. returned

( ) 33. ---What were they talking about when you ______ them?

--- About Yao Ming.

A. see B. had seen C. saw D. were seeing

( ) 34. One of my classmates___ for England this Friday. Shall we go to see her off at the airport?

A. are leaving B. is left

C. is leaving D. goes


1. She kept the radio on when she ______(do) homework.

2. –She was reading newspapers.

--What __you ___(do) ?

3. Lao Wang told the policeman that he _____(listen) to the radio at that time.

4. I ______(be) a teacher ten years ago but now ______(be) a manager.

5. While I ______(run)along. A dog suddenly ______(run) across the road.

6. Last night my father _____(read) a book while my mother ______(sew).

7. What _____you _____ (do) the whole Sunday? I ______(go)over my lessons.

8. When I _____ (get)home, the telephone bell _____(ring)

9. It was Sunday and we _________ (sit) at the table when father suddenly

_________(smile) and ___________(say) to us, “ Oh, dear me, I forgot __________(tell) you the good news. There is a letter from Granny. She ___________(come) to see us this afternoon. I ________(meet) her at the station, ” with these words he went out.

10. How happy we _________(be)! We ___________(not see ) Granny for half a

year and ____________(miss) her very much. After lunch my mother and I ___________(go) shopping. We ___________(buy) a lot of food that Granny liked. My sister __________(clean) the house. It ___________(be) four o’clock when we ____________(finish) and we ___________(sit) aroundthe table, ____________(wait) for Granny. At last the door __________(open) and in came my father, alone. “Where _________(be) Granny? “ We ___________(ask). Father _________(laugh) and ___________(say), “ April Fools!” “Today ___________(be) April 1st. April Fool’s Day.”


一、1-5.C D B C D 6-10. A C B C B 11-15.C D B D D 16-20. B B B A C

21-22.A B

二、1.are you 2. can you 3. is there 4. haven’t they 5. didn’t they

6. doesn’t he 7. hasn’t he 8. didn’t they 9. doesn’t it 10. has she

11. wasn’t it 12. shall we 13. isn’t there 14. can you 15. don’t they/doesn’t he

16. will you 17. didn’t they 18. do they


1. He doesn’t have any sisters, does he?/He has no sisters, does he?

2. You all had a great time, didn’t you? / You all have had a great time, haven’t you?

3. We must arrive there at 8 tomorrow, needn’t we?

4. There won’t be any concert on this Saturday night, will there?

5. He doesn’t need to go there, does he?

6. He has never said this, has he?

7. 8. 9. That man is careless, isn’t he?

10. Let’s have lunch, shall we?

11. Please close the door, will you?


I、 1-5 ADAAB 6-10 BBBCB 11-15 DCCCC 16-20 BDDAB 21-25 CBCCD 26-30 AABAB 31-34 DCCC


1. was doing 2. were doing

3. was listening

4. was, am 5. was running, ran

6. was reading , was sewing

7. were doing, was going

8. got, was ringing

9. were sitting , smiled , said, to tell, is coming, am going to meet, were , hadn’t seen , missed, went, bought, cleaned, was, finished, sat, waiting, opened, is,, asked, laughed, said, is

