
更新时间:2024-05-26 17:05:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


一方面 核安全是通过有核国家的责任来维护的 一方面是核实力是国家实力的重要标志

[Opening]Good afternoon. Today, my topic is whether the developing countries should possess and develop nuclear weapons. I would like to share some of my thoughs.

Lately, the news that the DPRK restarts operating nuclear facility brings the topic back under the spotlight. A nuclearweapon is an explosive device that derives its

destructive force from nuclear reactions. Due to its great

destruction,it is considered as a threat to the world security. There hasbeen a heated discussion between whether the developing countries should develop and possess nuclear weapons or not.

Some people insist on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, while Ibeg to differ.

As we all know, there are 8 countries that are generally acknowledged as nucleararmed country. Among them, only India and China belongs to developing countries.The developed countries like the US impose strict restrictions on the development of nuclear force in developing countries. We must admit that the Treaty on the Non- proliferation of Nuclear Weapons indeed has some positive influence on the nuclear security. However the fact is that the total number of nuclear bomb that already exist in the world is around 30 thousand. This amount of nuclear weapons is sufficient to destroy the earth. So the point of maitaining nuclear security is to avoid nuclear war. It is of vital importance that those countries that lauchthe nuclear program are fully awareness of the critical risk of such weapons of mass destruction, and are responsible for the world peace and human development.

On the other side, the nuclear power is a symbol of the national strength. Strong nuclear power is a powerful guarantee of the national security and a solid foundation of national status in the international community. The developing countries may have

more chips to strive for an equal voice in the negotiation of

international affairs and competitions, and get rid of the domination of the superpowers. That the possession of nuclear power in developing countries helps avoid the excessive centralization of desicion-making power in superpowers keeps up with the trend

of multi-polarization, and promotes the world fairness.

In a word, the key of the problem lies not on the number of nuclear-armed countries,but on the obligation and responsibility of those states. The possession of nuclear force may help the developing countries counterbalance the developed countries in

the international arena. I sincerely hope that more responsible

developing countries like China may develop their own nulear force, and take part in the course of maitaining world peace.

