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People in Los Angeles are known for their love of cars. The city is very large, and its public transportation is slow. So people drive everywhere. But now, a group of bicyclists are trying to get people out of their cars and on bikes.

Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streets. ―A lot of people are in a rush, and it's very difficult to keep careful, for they would rather care for their speed than your safety.‖ Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous, he prefers it to a car. ―It's much simpler than driving a car. For example, I don't have to worry about parking.‖

Roger Rosas drives to work. \always have to make sure you look to the other side because someone would rush across by bike. Or you can easily get into an accident. \

To make bicycling safer, some people who live and work near each other are riding to work together, which they call a \\Nona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group. 1. People in Los Angeles are known for their love of_________.

A. cars B. buses C. subways D. bicycles 2. Devon Fitzgerald finds it _________ to ride his bike in the streets.

A. safe B. dangerous C. boring D. exciting 3. Devon Fitzgerald likes riding a bike better because__________.

A. it's much cheaper B. it is full of fun C. it's safer everywhere D. it's much easier 4. From the passage we know that_________.

A. riding in a ―bike train‖ can help people feel safer B. Devon Fitzgerald helped to create L. A. Bike Trains C. Roger Rosas prefers riding a bike to driving a car D. people can easily get into an accident when riding together


I still remembered my first day of second grade. I was led to a room. No teacher yet. Girls talking. Boys trying to kill each other.

I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later, a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.

―What're you doing?‖ she said. ―Writing to 100,‖ I replied. ―Is that you can do?‖ ―No,‖ I said.

Then I rose from my seat to get my pencil sharpener. I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg.

Her name was Jane. From that day on--she was my best friend. Wherever we went--to school or church or basketball games, Jane saved me a seat or I saved one for her.

Many years later, after college, I moved to California and married. Jane stayed in our hometown to be a social worker. We were friends for more than 50 years. After her death seven years ago, I still think of her often, especially at the start of the school year.

TV ads try to tell us what children need for school—new shoes, clothes, backpacks. But really, children's needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved—they need the gift of friendship.

For years, I feared how people saw me. But one day, I finally understood. I didn't need to be smart or pretty or popular. I just needed to be kind.

My grandson Henry recently finished his preschool and received a prize for ―Friendship‖. Even an Olympic medal wouldn't make me prouder! I think children need to know that they are loved. They need to know that they have all they need and the best way to win friends is to be one. 5. When she came into the classroom, the writer ________.

A. went to talk with Jane quickly B. helped Jane write the numbers to 100 C. worked quietly at her desk alone

D. was afraid that others would fight with her 6. From the passage we know that__________.

A. the writer's leg was hurt on the first day of school B. the two girls were close friends until Jane died C. Jane often helped the writer to do some social work D. the two girls stayed in the same city after college

7. Henry received a prize for \

A. he was kind to others B. he was smart at his schoolwork C. he was loved by his grandma D. he joined in the Olympics 8.The best title of this article would be__________.

A. My Best Friend Jane B. How to Choose Friends C. My First Day at School D. Friendship Values


The winter of 1948 was very difficult for our family of eight living in Knoxvile, Tennessee. Unfortunately, Dad became ill and soon was out of a job. I was only 8 years old and my younger brother, Buddy was 7. After school we went to pick coal(煤) that fell from the coal train along the railroad near our home. When the train slowed down, we ran alongside it. After the train passed, we picked up the fallen coal.

One day, the train stopped for a short time unusually. My brother and I were digging around in the snow when the train's fireman came to the window and shouted to us, ―Why are you boys digging in the snow? Are you looking for gold?‖ he laughed.

―No, sir,‖ I replied, ―We are finding coal.‖

―Why doesn't your daddy buy coal? It's really dangerous here.‖

―Our daddy is very sick and we have no money to buy food and coal,‖ I answered.

The fireman turned and went inside. After a moment, he shouted again. ―Hey! Bring that coal bucket(桶子) here. I got something for you.‖ Then the fireman filled our bucket with clean coal. We were happy with his gift, and we knew we could go home early that day.

He smiled the kindest and warmest smile I had ever seen. ―You two boys come here the day after tomorrow and I'll throw off some coal.‖

Two days later, Buddy and I stood by the railroads as the train slowed down. The fireman waved to us, then disappeared. Suddenly, some coal and a piece of red cloth came out. In the red cloth were two pieces of bubble gum(泡泡糖) and a new one-dollar bill.

All that winter, three days a week, we received a bucket of coal, a gift and, sometimes, money. I never knew the person's full name, but to our family, he was a guardian angel. 9. The winter was very difficult for the family because____________.

A. the weather was colder than ever B. they couldn't afford food or coal C. the writer's father was paid a little D. they couldn't get help from the government 10. We can learn from the passage that___________.

A. in order to help his family the writer didn't go to school B. the fireman thought the boys were very brave to go near the train C. the train would stop for a while every time near their home D. the writer and his brother collected fallen coal to help their family

11. The underlined sentence ―he was a guardian angel‖ in the last paragraph means ―___________‖

A. the fireman was a close friend of the family B. the fireman often gave them good food C. the fireman protected the two boys from danger

D. the fireman had pity on the family and offered them help 12. The writer wrote the story mainly to____________.

A. tell us to be hopeful in times of difficulty, no matter how bad it is B. remember a difficult time during his childhood

C. show a little kindness can make a great difference to people in need D. show how he and his brother helped his family out



Dear Sir or Madam.

One of the teachers at my school in New York tells me that your school has summer course. I am planning to go to Beijing next summer and would like to take a short one-month course. I am 18 years old and have been studying Chinese for six years. I was born in the USA and have never been to China before. I am going to study Chinese at the university. I think the course will help me improve my Chinese.

Could you send me a catalogue(目录) and application form (申请表)? I would also like information about Beijing and other places nearby. I hope to do some travelling when the course is over.

Thank you! I am looking forward to your reply

Very truly yours,

Jim Green

1. Jim Green is a student from_______. .

A. America B. China C. Canada D. Australia 2. He was twelve years old when he started to_______.

A. go to school B. learn Chinese C. study in China D. travel in Beijing 3. How many times has he been to China before?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Many times. D. Never. 4. He will come to China next summer to_______. A. improve his Chinese B. visit friends C. look for jobs D. teach summer course 5. He will probably____ after the summer course.

A. graduate from university B. work in this school C. take a trip in Beijing D. post his application form

