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摘要:为筛选出针对防治万州区猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)溃疡病菌的高效药剂,将初筛出的10种常见商品杀菌剂分别采用纸碟法和平板划线法进行室内抑菌试验,进一步筛选出6种抑菌效果较好的药剂进行室内毒力测定。结果表明,乙蒜氯霉的抑菌效果最好,EC50为36.34 mg/L;其次是新田秀才6号、农用硫酸链霉素,其EC50分别为83.21、92.34 mg/L。 关键词:猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis);溃疡病;杀菌剂;毒力

中图分类号:S482.2;S663.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)07-1560-03 Indoor Screening of Bactericides against Kiwifruit Canker in Wanzhou Distict LIU Lan-quan,WANG Dong,LIU Lu,QIN Gui-yong,WU Qiong

(Department of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology,Chongqing Three Gorges Polytechnic College,

Chongqing 404155,China)

Abstract: In order to screen the highly efficient medicines against the Kiwifruit canker in Wanzhou district, 10 preliminarily screened common medicines were used for indoor antibacterial tests with paper plates and plate streaking method. 6 kinds of medicine with relatively better

antibacterial effect were selected for indoor virulence test. The results showed that Chloramphenicol B. garlic had the best antibacterial effects with the EC50 of 36.34 mg/L, followed by the New

Tianxiucai No.6 and agricultural streptomycin sulphate ranking the second and third with the EC50 of 83.21 mg/L and 92.34 mg/L, respectively.

Key words: Actinidia chinensis; canker; bactericide; toxicity

猕猴桃溃疡病是猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)生产上的重要病害之一,主要危害主干枝条、花及叶片,可引起枝干溃疡或枝叶萎蔫死亡,可致叶片产生暗褐色不规则病斑[1]。猕猴桃溃疡病于1980年在美国加利福尼亚州和日本神州静冈县发现,中国最早于1986年在湖南省东山峰农场发现[2],随后安徽、四川、福建、陕西等省相继报道此病的发生,并将该病列为全国森林植物检疫对象[3-5]。目前万州区大面积栽种猕猴桃,生产过程中溃疡病发生严重,个别果园甚至面临毁园的局面,给万州区猕猴桃生产带来巨大威胁。虽然国内外关于此病的报道较多,但由于各地理区域气候等条件不尽相同,不能照搬套用其防治技术。为做好万州区猕猴

