2015年12月CET-6真题(第3套)答案 - 图文

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Part I Writing 审题思路

这是一篇六级考试中常见的图画作文。本篇话题是“误导性信息”,题干中明确要求focus on the harmcaused by misleading information online,所以文章重点应该放在harm“危害”这个词上面。简单描述图片之后,可以从网络信息带给我们的好处过渡到主题词misleading information“误导性信息”,之后重点讨论误导性信息的严重危害,内容层层递进。在论述时可以举例加以佐证。文章最后采用建议式的结尾方式,针对之前提到的危害提出解决措施。


一、描述图片内容,并介绍图片令人关注的关键信息(the most striking feature)

三、提出建议:采取措施来防止我们被垃圾信息误导,并提出个人见解——学习识别信息的真实性(someeffective measures be taken,learning to identify the authenticity of information)


扩展内容 主题词汇

convenience便利性hinder阻碍webpage网页violate违反spread传播regulate规范judge判断harmful impacts不利影响tell the right from the wrong辨别是非severe consequences严重

后果critical thinking批判性思考


1.Along with the development of society and technology,an increasing number of problems are brought to ourattention,one of which is that…随着社会和技术的发展,越来越多的问题日益引起我们的关注,其中一个就是……

2.If the misleading news isn't corrected soon.there may bea trust crisis between…and…如果误导性信息没有及时被改正,将会造成……与……之间的信任危机.

Part ⅡListening Comprehension

1.W:I Was shocked to hear of your wife’s illness.Is she going to be all right?

M:A—t first,the doc—tors weren't sure,but she's really improved.一She?II be home next week.

Q:What do we learn about the man’s wife from the conversation? D)。未听先知.四个选项的主语均为She,且出现了recovered,operation,critical condition,gettingmuch better,故推测本题考查的内容与某位女士的身体状况相关。


2.M:Excuse me.Can I get a ticket for a sleeping compartment on this train? W:Yes.There are four left.The price is 60 pounds per person,including a confrontal breakfast.

Q:What is the man doing? C)。未听先知.四个选项都是以动词的.ing形式开头,故推测本题考查的内容与动作行为相关。


3.M:Janet,here’s the book I borrowed from you,but I'm SO sorry that I can?t find its jacket. W;It doesn?t matter.Anyway,you are one of the few people who actually return books to me. Q:What does the woman imply? A)。未听先知.四个选项中均出现了book(S)一词,且出现了borrowers,returned,lent out等词,故推测本题考查的内容与借书、还书相关。


4.M:Lisa,have you been to the new supermarket yet? W:Yes,and n0.I went there last Saturday for their grand opening sale,but I drove around the parking lotf0r nearly an h0ur,looking for a space before I finally gave up and came home. Q:What does the woman mean?



5.W:You?ve been sitting at the computer for hours.Let’s take a coffee break,shall we? M:1 wish I could.You know,I'm up to my neck in work.I've got to finish this report.I don't want to missthe deadline. Q:What does the man mean? C)。未知先知.四个选项主语都是He,且出现了bothered,report,computer,coffee break,missed等



6.M:What do you think of this gallery space?They offered to let me exhibit some of my paintings here.W:Are you kidding?Any art student I know would die to have an exhibition here. Q:What Can we infer from the conversation?

A)。未知先知.选项中出现了art students,gallery,paintings,exhibition layout等词,故推测本题考查的内容与在画廊展出作品相关。


7.W:Garry,my assistant is in hospital now.Is there anyone in your department can give a hand for a fewdays? M:I think SO.I'll ask around and get back to you. Q:what do we learn from the conversation?



8.W:Did you read the article in the paper about the mayor's speech at the economic forum? M:—Sure I did,b—ut I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.一And it’s。not the first tiine for them to doSO.

Q:What does the man say about the paper’s article?



Conversation One

W. Oh, hello, John. Are you using your dictating machine this morning? I've got a long report I must dictate.Can I borrow your machine?

M: Of course. But can you spare me a second? (9-1) It's the message you sent to me about the delivery delayon the control desks. What's gone wrong? W: Everything, John. (9-2) We have to get the steel sheets we need for these desks from new suppliers.Well,the suppliers have got some trouble or other. (10)They say they will be a bit later for the delivery.M:But they can?t be!These control desks are a special order.They are wanted for

one of the big computercompmfies.It’s a very important contract.

W:When did we promise delivery?

M:On Thursday next week.And there’s a penalty?clause.We stand to lose lo percent of our price for eachweek of overdue delivery.

W:(11-1)Oh,these penalty clauses!Why did you sales people accept them? M:(1l-2)We have to accept them,otherwise we don't get the contracts. W:Well,let’s get on to the Buying Department.I only heard about the delay yesterday because we kept tlle

production line clear to handle these special sheets.It’s a dreadful nuisance.

M:tt will be more than a nuisance.If we don?t meet on the delivery date,it will cost us a lot of money.

W:Keep caIin,John.(12)We can perhaps claim compensation from the steel suppliers for failure to deliveron time.That?ll offset the penalty clause.

M:Well.ifwe can.


9.Why did the woman send the message to the man?


10.What does the woman say about the new suppliers?

C)。详解.对话中女士明确告诉男士,新的供货商无法按时供应钢板,故C)为答案。 11.How did the man get the contracts?


12.What does the woman suggest they do?


Conversation Two

M: Cathy, chaos theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics. (13) You are an economist, so howdoes it influence your work? W: Well, in several ways. I'm responsible for financial development programmes in many parts of theworld, so forecasting long range trends and making predictions on the basis of present evidence is what Ido. (14) Chaos theory was developed by scientists trying to explain the movement of the planets andchanges in environmental conditions. Both of these things are also about making long term predictions onthe basis of present evidence.

M: Are many econonmists involved in this field?

W: An increasing number. In the 1990s, many economists began to look at chaos theory as a way of providingmodels for forecasting.

M: What kind of \

W: Well, that's a good question. Because the basic idea of chaos theory is that there aren't any \

M: Doesn't that mean that forecasting is impossible?

W: No, but it certainly makes it more of a challenge, Mandelbrot, who did the experiment with stockexchange prices, for example, noted that although the outcomes were variable, there were in fact certainconstants. What we have to do is make sure we know what these are and take into account all the possiblevariables.

M: But do economics and finance work in the same way as weather conditions or the movement of planets?W: Well, no, of course not.There are certain underlying similarities. But we have to leave them for anothertime.

未听先知.预览三道题各选项,其中出现了Economist,financial health,Chaos theory,global econorniccrisis等词,可以判断对话是有关经济方面的,并涉及了混沌理论。

13.What is the woman’s profession?



14.What was chaos theory supposed to do when it Was first formulated?


15.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


Section B Passage One

People write to ask me if there's correlation between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence. Myanswer is no. You can have a high IQ and a high EQ, which, of course is a winning combination, or be highin one and low in the other. (16) The best study was done at Bell Labs in New Jersey, a very high IQ place.They do research in development for the communications industry. In the division of electronics engineers,who were designing equipment so advanced that they work in teams of up to 150, co-workers and managerswere asked to nominate the standouts--the stars in productivity and effectiveness. They came up with 10 or 15names, and that group of stars was compared with everyone else. It turned out there was no difference in IQ,no difference in academic qualifications, no difference in years on the job.(17) The only difference wasemotional intelligence. The stars were people who knew how to get along. He knew how to motivatethemselves, usually the kind of people you like to hang out with. When these people nm up against to atechnical problem, to which they have to turn to someone else for an answer, they e-mail and get the answerright away, because they built up networks of people before they needed them. The other people would e-malland walt up to two weeks for an answer. (18) So you can see how being good in the interpersonal reahnactually was a direct benefit, even for effectively pursuing a technical task. 未知先知.预览三道题各选项,由选项中的hard work,star engineers,job training,Devotion,interpersonalrelationships.working experience等词,可以推测短文与员工所具备的素质相关。

16.What does the speaker say about Bell Labs?



17.What categorizes the stars nominated at Bell Labs?


文凭没有差别,工作年限也没有差别,唯一的区别表现在他们的情商上,故B)为答案。18.What does the speaker say contributes to effectively pursuing a technical task?


Passage Two

(19) Here's Biography of John Muir-John Muir's own writings to bring readers a life story of thisremarkable man who did so much to raise the America's awareness of environmental issues. As America's firstenvironmentalist, John Muir lived his life for ever daring for undertaking new adventures. He spent most of hisdays outdoors and had deep love for the wild lands. In the book, we meet John Muir as a youth fearlesslyclimbing the roof of his house. He captures birds only to let them go when he realizes the cruelty involved. He

becomes an inventor and sells his inventions in order to attend the .tmiversity. (20) As a young man, he beganwalking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to Californiaand north to Alaska, where readers are taken a long and particularly hair-raising adventure on a large mass offloating ice. Muir's learning in observation throughout his life led him to devote his last years to preserving thenatural environment. (21) His writing and speaking raised the awareness of the importance of conservationand helped bring about our national park system. Readers may feel they know John Muir after reading his storyand may catch his passion for preserving the riches of our land. The others' port,it of Muir's life is a testmonyto what it means to be lifelong learners and to use that learning to inform and bring about change.


19.What kind of book is the speaker introducing? D)。详解.短文开头提到了《约翰·缪尔传》这本书。接着对这部自传进行了介绍,故D)为答案。

20.What do we learn about John Muir when he was young? B)。详解.短文开头提到约翰·缪尔的一生都在冒险,接着说道在他年轻的时候,他就开始到全国各地


21.what did John Muir intend to do through writing and speaking?,C)。详解.短文中提到缪尔通过写作与演讲让人们意识到环境保护的重要性,也促成了国家森林公园体系的建立,故C)为答案.

Passage Three

Disaster movies often portray catastrophes that destroy, or at least threaten to destroy eaxthS entirepopulation. In fact, a virus emerged in the 1970s that could've been just that fatal. (22) Named after a riverthat passes through the Congo, the Ebola virus originally manifested itself in the interior of Africa in 1976.(23) Two strains of the disease, with almost identical symptoms, affected humans: Ebola Zaire and EbolaSudan. The Sudan version was deadly enough, killing 50% of those infected.However, Zaire with its90% mortality rate was even worse. The origins, though not the cause of Ebola Sudan, can be traced backto a single individual in a Sudanese town. Ebola Zaire seemed to erupt in over 50 villages simultaneously.(24) Both strains quickly invaded local hospitals when needles sharing and other unhealthy practices ensuredthe rapid spreading of the infection by bringing people into contact with contaminated body fluids. If the virushad been capable of spreading through the air, or if one infected person had unknowingly entered a largepopulation center, Ebola might have become a worldwide epidemic.However, soon after these fierceoutbreaks, the virus died out, at least temporarily. Ebola was so deadly and killed so quickly that within ashort period of time, there was no one around to infect. Hospital workers in at least one case deserted theirworkplace in panic, thus halting the administering of potentially unclean disease-spreading injections, butEbola has not disappeared. (25) With no known vaccination or cure available, it seems only a matter of timeuntil another epidemic erupts. 未知先知.预览四道题各选项,出现了Africa,doctor,Cong0,symptoms,dru9,Ebola epidemic等词,可以推断本文与出现在非洲的Ebola病毒有关。

22.what is Ebola viras named after?


23.what do we learn about Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan? A)。详解.短文中提到,人类感染的Ebola病毒有两种,分别是Ebola Zaire和Ebola Sudan,而且这两种病毒所导致的症状几乎完全相同,故A)为答案。

24.How did people get infected with the disease according to the speaker?


25.What does the speaker believe?C)。详解.短文末尾部分提到,Ebola病毒到目前为止,并没有消失,而且也没有找到合适的疫苗或是有效的治疗方法,因此,下一波病毒的爆发只是时问问题,即迟早还会爆发Ebola病毒,故C)为答案。


27.appear to be。详解.空格处应填入一个动词或系动词,与前面的would一同构成谓语,并连接后面的表语charming,stimulating,and easygoing。appear to be意为“看起来是,似乎是”。




31.take the initiative in。详解.空格处应填入一个动词或动词短语,作句子的谓语。take the initiative in意为“采取主动;主动提起”。


33.a degree of.详解.空格处应填入一个形容词或能对后面的名词进行修饰限制的短语。a degree of意为“一定程度的”。

34.simulated。详解.空格处应填人一个谓语动词,连接主语it和宾语the gradual changes。simulated意为“模拟,模仿”,由于这里用了虚拟语气,故用动词过去式。

35.appropriate。详解.空格处应填入一个形容词,修饰time。appropriate意为“合适的”。 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension Section A 选项归类



形容词:F)ideal理想的;L)ready准备好的,乐意的 副词:A)alternatively非此即彼,二者择一地;C)chronically慢性地,持久地;H)necessarily必要地,必然地


36.B)caters。详解.该空格位于以that引导的定语从句中,并且充当定语从句的谓语,其主语是先行词aculture,因此应填入动词第三人称单数形式,且此动词还应能与t0连用构成固定搭配,综合上下文考虑,此处可填人catem,cater t0为固定搭配,含义为“迎合”,本句句意为“除此之外,我们的文化也在迎合那些晚睡者的需要”。备选项中其他动词与上下文语义不符,故均排除。

37.M)recommended。详解.该空格位于as之后,by sleep experts之前,可填入一个过去分词,表示“就像被睡眠专家所……的一样”,综合上下文考虑,可选择recommended,本句含义为“超过半数的美国成年人做不到睡眠专家所推荐的每晚7到9个小时的睡眠”。在备选项中debated及negotiated与上下文语义不符,故均排除。






43.L)ready。详解.该空格位于系动词is之后,动词不定式to endorse之前,可填入形容词,综合上下文考虑,应选择ready,be readyt0是固定搭配,意思是“乐意的,准备好的”。本句含义为“但是,刘教授并不愿意认可这种先是睡眠不足,然后再补觉的生活习惯”。备选项中只剩ready一个可选形容词。



Section B 详解详析

46.When people find they ale powerless tochange a situation,they tend to live with it.译文.当人们发现自己无力改变一种情形时,就会选择去接受它。


47.To be effective.environmentalmessages should be carefullyframed. 译文.为了提高效率,应精心设计环境信息。

定位.由题干关键词envi—ronmental messages定位到原文画线处。

48.It is the government’s responsibilityto persuade people into makingenvironment—friendly decisions.


定位.由题干关键词government’sresponsibility和persuade people定位到原文画线处。

49.Politicians are beginning to realise theimportance of enlisting psychologists?help in fighting climate change.

译文.政治家们开始意识到在应对气候变化时谋求心理学家帮助的重要性。定位.由题干关键词psychologists?help和fighting climate change定位到原文画线处。

50.To find effective solutions to climatechange,it is necessary to understandwhat motivates people to makechange.

译文.为了找到有效解决气候变化的方法,我们需要了解人们做出改变的动机。 定位.由题干关键词what motivatespeople,和make change定位到原文画线处。

51.In their evolution.humans havelearned to pay attention to the mosturgent issues instead of long—termConcerns.

译文.在人类进化过程中,人们已经学会关注最紧急的问题,而非做长远的考虑。 定位.由题干关键词evolution,humans以及the most urgent issues定位到原文画线处。

52.One study shows that our neighbours?actions are influential in changing ourbehaviour. 译文.一项研究表明,邻居的行为对于我们自身行为的改变有影响。 定位.由题干关键词neighbours?actions定位到原文画线处。

53.Despite clear signs of global warming.it isnot easy for most people to befeve climatechange will affect their own fives.


定位.由题干关键词global warnting,most people和befeve定位到原文画线处。

54.We should take our future into consideration inmalting decisions concerning climate change before itis too late.

译文.我们在做与气候变化有关的决策时应考虑未来,以免为时过晚。 定位.由题干关键词making decisions和too late定位到原文画线处。


55.Existing social networkscall be more effective increating change inpeople’s behaviour.


定位.由题干关键词social networks 和creating change定位到原文画线处。 详解.[0]段提到,尼克·帕克斯指出,使用现有的民间社会机构或网络能够更有效地创造变化,显然英国工会是最大的民间社会网络之一。题于中的can be more effective对应原文中的is a more effective way,故答案为[O]。

Section C Passage One 详解详析

56.D)。定位.由题干中的traditional educators?interpretation定位到文章首段最后一句:From thestandpoint of a traditional educator,this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help studentsthink about ecosystems and extinction,major scientific ideas·



57.A)。定位.由题干中的college students,different和children定位到文章第二段第三句:0n this task,they found large difference.和第六句:The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions,the cornerstone of critical thinking.



58.B)。定位。根据题干中的benefit of asking questions和no ready answers定位到文章第三段第三句:Wefound that when we taught participants to ask“What if?”and“How can?”questions that nobodypresent would know the answer to and that would spark exploration,they engaged in better inquiry atthe next exhibit--asking more questions,performing more experiments and malting betterinterpretations of their results.



59.A)。定位.由题干中的advantage和informal learning定位到文章第四段第二句:Informal learningenvironments tolerate failure better than schools.



60.C)。定位.由题干中的encourage educators和at the end of the passage定位到文章最后一段最后三句:But people must acquire this sldll somewhere.Our society depends on them being able to makecritical decisions about their own medical treatment,say,or what we must do about giobal energyneeds and demands.For that,we have a robust informal learning system that gives no grades,takesall comers,and is available even on holidays and weekends.




Passage TWO 详解详析 61.B)。定位.由题干中的failure和VSS Enterprise定位到文章首段最后一句:But insurance will be coldcomfort following the failure on October 31st of VSS Enterprise,resulting in the death of one pilotand the severe injury to another.和第二段:0n top of the tragic loss of life,the accident in Californiawill cast a long shadow over the future of space tourism,even before it has properly begun.



62.C)。定位.由题干中的the space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic定位到文章第三段第四句:Virgin Galactichad,prior to this week’s accident,seemed closest to starting regular flights.



63.D)。定位.根据题干中的the 2004 Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act定位到文章第五段第二句:The 2004 Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act,intended to encourage private spacevehicles and services,prohibits the transportation secretary(and thereby the FAA)from regulatingthe design or operation of private spacecraft,unless they have resulted in serious or fatal iaiury tocrew or passengers.



64.D)。定位.由题干中的FAA和the recent accident定位到文章第五段第三句:That means that the FAAcould suspend virgin Galactic’s licence to fly.


65.A)。定位.由题干中的private space travel定位到文章最后一段最后一句:?Illere is no

doubt thatspaceflight entails dsl(s,and to pioneer a new mode of travel is to face those risks,and to reducethem with the benefit of hard—won experience.



Part Ⅳ Translation 参考译文

China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community to eliminate extreme

poverty by 2030.

Since the late 1970s, having implemented the reform and opening up policy, China has helped up to fourhundred million people out of poverty. In the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developingcountries in reducing poverty, developing education, agricultural modernization, environmental protection andmedical care.

China has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty, and has made unremitting efforts to promoteeconomic growth, which will encourage other poor countries to respond to the challenges of their owndevelopment. These countries can learn from the experience of China when they seek to develop their owncharacteristics.


1.翻译第一段时,可按照原文顺序将“帮助国际社会于2030年前消除极端贫困”作为目的状语,将“中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色”作为主句,即To help the international community to eliminate extreme poverty by2030,China is acting a more and more important role.另外一种译法是用play a role in sth.结构来翻译。此外,要注意“消除极端贫困”的正确译法是eliminate extreme poverty。

2.翻译第二段第一句时要注意时态,根据关键句式“自……以来”可知,应用现在完成时,可由since来引导。另外需要注意“改革开放”和“摆脱了贫困”的翻译方法。“改革开放”是专有词组,常泽为the reform andopening up poficy;“摆脱了贫困”可译为get rid ofpoverty,也可像参考译文那样译为help…out ofpoverty。

3.翻译第二段第二句时,主要使用provide aid/assistance to sb.in(doing)sth.结构,需要注意原文中的“减少贫困、发展教育、农业现代化、环境保护和医疗保健”等既有动词结构,也有名词结构,上述句式in后面的动词结构需转化为动名词结构,而原有的名词结构既可

按照参考译文直接按照名词形式翻译,也可把名词结构转化为动词结构,即把“农业现代化…?环境保护”和“医疗保健”分别译为modernizing agriculture,improvingenvironmental protection and medical care。

4.翻译第三段第一句时,有两种方法。第一种是像参考译文那样翻译成非限制性定语从句;另外一种翻译方法就是把整个句子分成两部分来翻译,即China has made significant progress in poverty reduction,and hasmade unremitting efforts in promoting economic growth.Both the progress and the efforts will encourageother poor countries to cope with challenges brought by development.此外,这句话中难度比较大的是“不懈努力”的翻译,若知晓unreming意为“不懈的”,则就很容易了。还有“应对自身发展中的挑战”既可以按照参考译文译为“对自身发展中的挑战做出回应”,即respond to the challenges oftheir own development,也可以把“发展中的”译为一个过去分词短语,修饰“挑战”,即cope with challenges brought by development。

5.第三段最后一句话包含一个时间状语从句,需要注意的是时间状语从句的位置比较灵活,既可以像参考译文那样把主句前置,也可以把状语从句前置,即When…,these countries Can learn from China's experience.值得注意的是,当时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,可以将从句主语省略,把从句谓语动词变成V-ing形式,即When exploring the distinctive development road of their own.these countries call learn fromChina's expenence.“寻求具有自身特色的发展道路”可以直译为explore the distinctive development road oftheir own,也可以像参考译文那样简略译为“发展自己的特色”,即develop their own characteristics。此外,“借鉴经验”可翻译为learn from…或draw lessons from…。

附:最全历年英语四六级真题答案及下载大汇总! http://www.233.com/cet4/zhuanti/linianzhenti/

