大学英语语法 第十九讲 一致关系

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1 . 集体名词作主语, 如果指整体概念, 谓语动词用单数形式; 如果指具体成员, 谓语动词用


常见的这类名词有army, audience, class , club, offspring, company, committee, crowd, crew, couple, family, group , mob, government , jury, par ty, population, staff, team, union,

public, cabinet , faculty , board, band, orchestra, council , village, The B . B . C . (英

国广播公司) , Bank of China (中国银行) , The Ministry of Defence(国防部) , The Labour Party(劳动党) , England( the football team) , Liverpool ( the football team) , the press, the city, the neighbourhood 等。注意, 阅读本讲应参照第七讲。比较: The crowd are gone . 群众都散了。

The population of the earth is increasing very fast . 地球上的人口在迅速增长。 One third of the population here are workers . 这里的人口中有1/ 3 是工人。 His o f f spring(子女) surprises him every day .

His o f f spring are now going their separate ways .

By then, a new president , the opposition(反对党) f ears, will have begun a seven year term .

The opposition are meeting quietly to organize their forces . The choir(唱诗班) sings in Church every Sunday . The choir have all studied in a college of music . The crew has a long service record . The crew are daring, though fresh .

In most United States cities, the public travels by bus . (某范围内的公众) The television public is increasing rapidly . (某一部分公众)

Is there a public for that kind of activity ? (从事某项活动的公众)

The public now know (或knows) the whole story . (泛指, 谓语动词可用单、复数) The public are(或is) requested to obey the law . (泛指)

The company was set up last year . 这家公司是去年成立的。

The company are mostly young men . 这家公司的成员大都是年轻人。 The cavalry was assembled . 骑兵被集合起来了。

The cavalry wear scarlet trousers . 骑兵们穿着猩红色的裤子。 The team is well organized . 这个队组织得很好。

The team are all good players . 这个队的队员都是好样的。 This hotel is at the foot of a hill . 这家旅馆在一个小山脚下。

All the hotel are gathered in the hall . 全旅馆的人都集中在大厅里。 The young couple (或pair ) is happy . 这对年轻夫妇很幸福。

The young couple (或pair ) are quar relling with each other . 这对年轻夫妇在吵架。 What a good pair they are ! 他们是多好的一对儿!

The litter of kittens was born last night . 这窝小猫昨天生下的。

The litter of kittens are meowing . 这窝小猫都在喵喵叫。

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 767 一、主语和谓语的一致

Her f amily is all early risers . (误)

Her f amily are all early risers . (正)她家的人都喜欢早起。

There are only a few families in the village . 村子里只有几户人家。(多个家庭) Has she any family ? 她有子女吗? (子女)

The whole family are in trouble . 全家人都遇到了麻烦。(家人)

The committee is to deal with this matter . 委员会要处理这个事件。(机构) The committee are divided in opinion . 委员们意见不一致。(委员们) She is on several committees . 她是几个委员会的委员。(多个委员会) This class consists of twenty students . 这个班有20 个学生。(班级) This class are all boys . 这个班的学生全是男生。(班里的学生们)

Three classes are lining up in front of the building . 3 个班级在大楼前排队。(多个班级) There is no school today . 今天不上学。(抽象意义, 表示“上学”) There was no school here three years ago . 3 年前这里没有学校。

The whole school is talking about the new library . 全校学生都在谈论那个新图书馆。 (全校学生)

There are schools of ar t , law and medicine in the town . 城里有艺术学校、法律学校 和医学学校。(多个学校)

The village is not far from here . 那个村庄离这里不远。

The whole village are out greeting him . 全村人都出来迎接他。(村民们) All the village are for the plan . 全村人都赞同这项计划。(村民们)

There are several fishing villages along the lake . 湖岸上有几个小渔村。(多个村庄) There is a crowd of lookers-on there . 那里有一群旁观的人。(一群, 用单数)

There are crowds of visitors in the park . 公园里有一群一群的参观者。(多群, 用复数) The crowd are gone . 群众都散了。(群众)

There was a large audience at the concer t . 音乐会上观众很多。(表示“观众, 听众”, 有单复数变化)

The film draws large audiences . 这部电影吸引了很多观众。

The audience are dressed in a variety of ways . 观众穿戴各式各样。(总称“观众, 听 众”)

The audiencewas increasing then . 观众当时正在增加。(作整体看, 可用单数) The audiencewere (或was) moved by the show . 观众为演出所感动。(有时用单、 复数皆可)

.. 有时谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如:

The jury is(或are) about to announce the result . 裁判团即将宣布结果。 The enemy is(或are) fleeing in utter confusion . 敌人在狼狈逃窜。

The local council is(或are) to look into the matter . 地方政务将会调查此事。

The data we have collected is(或are) not enough to be convincing . 我们收集到的材料还 不足以令人信服。

The school..s teaching staff is(或are) excellent . 这个学校的教师是好样的。

Note: ①the proletariat(无产阶级) , the bourgeoisie (资产阶级) , the laity(俗人, 指非僧侣

阶级)等, 通常用单数谓语动词。例如:

The proletariat is dauntless . 无产阶级是无畏的。

The new bourgeoisie has taken over the power . 新兴的资产阶级接管了政权。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 768 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

②alphabet 有单复数形式。如果指一国语言的全部字母, 用单数形式; 指不同语言 的字母, 要用复数形式。一个字母要用letter。例如:

The English alphabet is not hard to learn . 英语字母不难学。

The English and French alphabets are nearly the same . 英语字母与法语字母几 乎相同。

The word has five letters . 这个单词有5 个字母。

③可以用every one ( a member ) of + 集体名词表示单数。例如:

Every one of the committee is for the plan . 委员会的每个人都赞成这项计划。 Two members of the team are absent . 队里有两人缺席。

④the whole + 集体名词作主语时, 动词用单数; all the + 集体名词作主语时, 动词用 单复数均可。例如:

The whole staff has signed the petition . 全体工作人员都在请愿书上签了字。 All the staff have(或has) signed the petition . ⑤比较:

Tunisia is a developing country . 突尼斯是一个发展中国家。(国家)

Tunisia are sure to win the match . 突尼斯球队一定会赢得这场比赛。(球队) ⑥比较:

The help is of great value to them . 这个帮助对他们极有价值。(帮助) The help are asking for higher wages . 佣人们要求更高的工资。(佣人们) ⑦比较twin (双胞胎之一)和twins (双胞胎)的单复数。 This twin is like the other . 这个孪生子像另一个。 These twins are like each other . 这对双胞胎很相像。

⑧population 和offspring 等词也可以有复数形式, 但要指不同的范围或所属。参见 上文。再如:

The population o f this city is large . 这座城市的人口众多。

The populations of the two cities are different . 这两座城市的人口不同。 Her of fspring is wealthy . 她的后代很富有。(一人的后代)

Their o f f springs are peasants . 他们的后代都是农民。(多人的后代) 2 . 有些有生命集体名词作主语时, 谓语动词只用复数形式

常见的这类名词有cattle, folk, people, police, gent ry, kindred, clergy, militia, youth , mankind, vermin(害虫) , personnel(全体人员)等。例如: The mankind long for peace . 人类希望和平。

The cattle are grazing in the field . 牛在田野里吃草。

The police have not made any arrests . 警方没有进行搜捕。

.. 上述名词中有的有复数形式, 但含义不同, 如: youths(青年人)。

Note: ①people 表示“民族”时有单复数形式, 但表示“人, 人民”时为复数意义, 不可加s。 例如:

The Chinese are a polite people . 中国人是一个有礼貌的民族。 There are many peoples in the world . 世界上有许多不同的民族。

They met all sorts of people on the way . 他们在路上遇到各种各样的人。 ②集体名词, 有些前面可以加数词。例如:

Ten police are standing by the road . 路边站着10 名警察。( = Ten policemen) Her three kindred are living in England now . 她的3 位亲属现在住在英国。

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 769 一、主语和谓语的一致

Six hundred cattle are impor ted . 进口了600 头牛。

Many gentry have come to the par ty . 许多绅士来参加了晚会。 Five clergy are sitting in the yard . 5 位牧师坐在院子里。

③这类名词有些有其相应的表示个体成员的词, 有单复数的变化。例如:

gentry→gentleman, →peasantry→peasant , mankind→man, police→policeman , militia→ militiaman, clergy→clergyman, laity→layman, infant ry→infant ryman, nobility→ nobleman, the English → Englishman, the Spanish → Spaniard, the Dutch → Dutchman, the British→Briton 等。比较:

Mankind are responsible for their behaviour . 人类要对自己的行为负责。 Man is responsible for his behaviour . 人要对自己的行为负责。 The youth are like the rising sun . 青年人就像初升的太阳。 A youth is knocking at the door . 一位青年在敲门。 3 . 无生命集体名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式

常见的这类名词有scenery, weaponry, machinery, clothing, poet ry, jewellery, millinery (女帽) , cutlery, stationary , crockery, hosiery, footwear, underwear, glasswear , hardwear , merchandise, foliage 等。例如:

The merchandise has gone through the examination . Much of her jewellery was missing.

4 . 单复数同形的名词作主语时, 谓语形式要根据句义来确定

常见的这类名词有aircraft , deer, fish , means, sheep, species , series , works, crossroads, headquarters , antelope(羚羊) , carp(鲤鱼) , salmon(鲑鱼) , trout (鲟鱼) , flounder (比目鱼) , lodgings , alms, amends, barracks , glass-works, golf-links, gallows , kennels , shambles 等。例如:

An alms was given to the old man . 这件救济品给了那位老人。 These alms were given to the old man . 这些救济品给了那位老人。 An amends is required . 需要作出赔偿。

These amends are enough . 这些赔偿费就够了。 A lodgings is easy to find . 找一个住所很容易。 Some lodgings are for rent . 有一些住所可出租。 The species of f ish are numerous . 鱼的种类繁多。

This species of rose is very curious . 这种玫瑰花很奇特。

Every means has been t ried . 每种方法都试过了。

The means of communication between here and outside are inter rupted . 这里同外界 的通讯工具都中断了。

A gallows is being set up . 一幅绞架正在被竖起。

Some gallows are being set up . 几幅绞架正在被竖起。 Poultry is rather cheap now . 目前家禽很便宜。(总称) Poultry is delicious . 家禽肉味道美。(作为食品)

The poultry are drinking water . 家禽在饮水。(作为活动的动物) Salmon is a good dish . 鲑鱼是一道好菜。(作为食品) Five salmon are in the basin . 盆里有5 条鲑鱼。

.. tidings(消息) , whereabouts(下落, 行踪)作主语时, 谓语用单、复数皆可。例如: The sheep is (或are) running . 羊在跑。(指一只羊用is , 指多只羊用are )

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 770 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

The escaped prisoner..s whereabouts is (或are) still unknown . 逃犯的下落仍然不明。 The tidings is (或are) bad . 消息不好。

5 . 用作书名、剧名、报纸名、国名、组织机构等的复数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式;

但如果是山脉、群岛、瀑布等的名称, 谓语动词用复数形式

The New York Times still has a wide circulation .《纽约时报》的销路仍很广。

“ The Arabian Nights”is a very interesting story-book .《天方夜谭》是一本非常有趣的 故事书。

The United Nations is an international organization . 联合国是一个世界性的组织。 The Canterbury Tales is my favourite book .《坎特伯雷故事集》是我爱读的书。 Gulliver..s Travels is very interesting .《格列佛游记》非常有趣。 Romeo and Juliet is a t ragedy .《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是一个悲剧。 The Himalayas are the roof of the world . 喜玛拉雅山是世界的屋脊。

The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River . 尼亚加拉瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上。 The Great Lakes lie between the U . S . A . and Canada . 五大湖位于美国和加拿大之间。 The Philippines lie on the southeast of China . 菲律宾群岛位于中国东南方。 The Olympics are held every four years . 奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。

Note: the Alps , the Rockies , the Andes , the Solomon Islands 等专有名词作主语时, 谓语 动词要用复数。

6 . 动词不定式短语、动名词短语、从句或其他短语作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式 To work hard is necessary . 努力工作是需要的。

Whether she comes or not is of no matter . 她来不来都没有关系。 Early to bed and early to rise is healthful . 早睡早起身体好。 Crossing the Atlantic by plane takes a few hours nowadays . How the book will sell depends on the author .

“ It pours cats and dogs”means it rains heavily . 比较:

Weeping and wailing does nothing towards solving the problem . (weeping and wailing 指一回事)

Reading three classical novels and making some social investigations are assignments for the students during the holiday . (指不同性质的两件事)

7 . 一些常用作复数或只有复数形式的名词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式

常用的这类名词有clothes , t rousers , shorts (短裤) , scales, spectacles , effects, goods , papers, arms , greens, tongs, riches, suburbs , wages , stockings, tweezers , customs ,

gloves , compasses , binoculars, jeans , shades, calipers , flares , forceps , suspenders, belongings,

bookings , clippings , diggings, earnings , filings , sweepings , takings (收入) ,

sur roundings(环境) , doings ( 活动, 所作所为) , eaves, odds , thanks , proceeds ( 收益) , woods , winnings, savings , remains, quarters , oats, premises , rapids , grounds , assets , archives 等。scissors 偶尔可用单数谓语动词。pliers 和tongs 等用作单、复数皆可。例 如:

The eaves are dripping . 屋檐在滴水。

Riches are not always dependable . 财富无常。

The odds are that he will fail his examination . 他多半通不过这次考试。 The scales are mine . 这杆秤是我的。(间或用单数scale)

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 771 一、主语和谓语的一致

The goods are to be exported to Canada . 这些货物要出口到加拿大。 The sightings were reported 20 years ago . 这些发现20 年前就报道过。

Note: ①若表示成双的东西的名词前面有数量词pair, 要根据pair 的单复数来确定谓语的 单数或复数形式。前有cluster, bunch , collection 等也是这种用法。例如: The scissors are on the ground . 这把剪刀在地上。

This pair o f scissors belongs to the tailor . 这把剪刀是裁缝的。 但也可说: A scissors is on the ground . 一把剪刀在地上。 A pliers is in the box . 一把钳子在盒子里。 The pliers are in the box . 这把钳子在盒子里。

A cluster o f grapes is on the table . 一串葡萄在桌子上。

Several clusters of grapes are on the table . 几串葡萄在桌子上。 Ten pair( s) of gloves are on show . 展出了10 双手套。

②5 , 000 dollars 表示一种价值, 72 degrees 表示一种温度, 像“多达5 000 美元”和“高 达72 度”这样的说法, 只能译为as much as 5 , 000 dollars 和as much ( high) as 72 degrees, 不可用as many as。

③pains(辛苦)虽为复数形式, 却不可用many 修饰, 要用great , much , a great deal of 等修饰, 谓语动词用单复数均可。例如:

Much pains has(或have) been taken to keep the plan secret .

8 . 表示时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的复数名词或短语作为一个整体看待时, 谓语动词一般


Fi f ty years is not a long time . 50 年并不长。

Four thousand dollars is more than she can afford . 她付不起4 000 美元。

Eighty dollars is what she needs . 她需要80 美元。( = the sum of eighty dollars)

Three days is too short a time for me to do it . 3 天时间要我做成这件事太短了。( = the period of three days)

Ten apples is enough . 10 个苹果就够了。( = Such a number of apples)

An estimated two hundred persons was killed in the battle . 在那场战斗中大约打死了 200 人。

A happy f ive days has passed like a dream . 那快乐的5 天像梦一样过去了。 The six months was a terrible dream to her . 那6 个月对她是一场噩梦。 That f irst f ive days was happy indeed . 起初5 天很愉快。

Note: 但若强调这类词组的复数意义, 谓语动词也可用复数形式。例如: Two hundred tons o f water were used last month . 上个月用了200 吨水。

The f i f ty miles were covered by the winner in three hours . 优胜者花3 小时跑完了 50 英里路程。

9 . 算式中表示数字的主语一般视为单数, 谓语动词多用单数形式

用plus 和and 表示“加”, 用minus 和less 表示“减”, 用times 表示“乘”时, 句中谓语动词

多用单数, 但也可用复数。例如:

Five plus ( and) five is( are ) ten . 5 加5 等于10。

Ten minus ( less) six leaves ( leave) four . 10 减6 等于4。 Ten times four makes (make) 40 . 10 乘4 等于40。

Note: 在用from 表示“被减”, multiplied by 表示“被乘”, into 和divided 表示“被除”时, 其

谓语动词要求用单数, 不可用复数。例如:

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 772 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

8 f rom 10 leaves 2 . 10 减8 等于2。

25 divided by 5 equals 5 . 25 除以5 等于5。 Two into eight goes four . 2 除8 得4。

5 multiplied by 8 equals 40 . 5 乘8 等于40。

10 . 以-ics 结尾的学科名词和疾病名词如optics(光学) , acoustics( 声学) , electronics, mechanics(

力学) , classics, linguistics, plastics, tactics, statistics, economics, measles( 麻

疹) , diabetes(糖尿病) , mumps( 腮腺炎) , shingles( 带状疱疹) , AIDS, mathematics, physics, ethics(伦理学) , politics 等, 作为学科或疾病名称时, 是单数名词, 谓语动词用 单数形式; 而如果转义表示具体实践活动、性能、现象等, 则是复数名词, 谓语动词用复 数形式

Mathematics seems to be difficult to him . 数学在他看来似乎很难。

His politics are very radical . 他的政治观点很激进。

The acoustics are imported from abroad . 这些音响设备是从国外进口的。 Statistics in his report are not accurate . 他报告中的统计数字不确切。 Tactics di f f ers from strategy . 战术与战略不同. His tactics are successful . 他的战术行动是成功的。

Athletics is recommended for the old . 老年人应参加运动。

Athletics include all kinds of sports, such as rowing and running . 运动包括各种竞技, 如划船和赛跑。

Economics is a study of production and consumption . 经济学研究的是生产与消费。 The economics in this country are stable . 这个国家的经济稳定。 Note: 个别疾病名词用单数或复数皆可。例如:

Mumps is(或are) fairly rare here . 腮腺炎在这里相当罕见。 11 .“the+ 形容词”作主语, 谓语动词用单数还是用复数 1)泛指一类人时, 谓语动词用复数形式

这类词有the poor, the rich , the deaf, the brave, the dead, the dumb, the old, the

young , the sick, the innocent(无知的人, 无辜的人) , the guilty(有罪的人) , the wise, the living(活着的人) , the unemployed(失业者) , the injured , the wounded , the strong(强者) , the weak(弱者) , the learned(有学问的人) , the aged(老人) , the down-trodden(受蹂躏的 人) , the oppressed(受压迫者) , the dying(快死的人) , the exploited(被剥削者) , the able bodied(身强力壮的人) , the mentally ill (精神病患者) , the deceased( 死者) , the bereaved (丧失亲人的人) , the beloved(心爱的人) , the departed(死者) , the assured(被保险人) , the pure in heart(心地纯洁的人)等。例如:

The old are well looked after by the government . 政府对老年人照顾得很好。 The living mourn for the dead . 生者哀悼死者。

The wise are perceptive men . 聪明人是有洞察力的人。 The good are happy . 善者长乐。

The op pressed are to rise one day . 受压迫者总有一天会反抗。 The walking wounded were left behind . 轻伤员被留在了后面。 The enemy abandoned their wounded . 敌人丢下了伤员。

2)指个别人时, 要看作单数, 谓语动词用单数形式。参见第一章。比较: His intended is a pretty girl . 他的未婚妻是个漂亮女孩。 The dead was about thirty years of age . 死者30 岁左右。

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 773 一、主语和谓语的一致

The accused was found guilty . 那个被告被证明有罪。

Several o f the accused were found guilty . 几个被告被证明有罪。 The bereaved was full of grief for his dead wife . 失妻者痛失良妻。

The bereaved were full of grief for their dead children . 丧失孩子的父母们为死去的孩 子而哀痛。

The beloved is forever in his heart . 被爱的人永远在他心中。(一个) The beloved are forever in his hear t . 被爱的人永远在他心中。(多个)

The deceased has left nothing to his children . 死者没给他的孩子留下任何东西。(一人) The deceased have left nothing to their children . 死者没有给他们的孩子留下任何东


The departed is gone forever . 逝者长已矣。(一人) The departed are gone forever . 逝者长已矣。(多人)

The assured has not been paid . 被保险者没有得到赔偿。(一人) The assured have not been paid . 被保险者没有得到赔偿。(多人) The condemned was sentenced to death . 犯人被判了死刑。(一人) The condemned were sentenced to death . 犯人被判了死刑。(多人)

3)以-sh, -ch 和-ese 等结尾的表示民族和国籍的名词, 表示总称, 谓语动词用复数形式 这类词有the Chinese, the English , the British (英国人) , the Spanish (西班牙人) , the Russian(俄国人) , the French(法国人) , the Swedish(瑞典人) , the Polish(波兰人) , the Dutch(荷兰人) , the Danish (丹麦人) , the Japanese ( 日本人) , the Portuguese ( 葡萄牙 人) , the Turkish(土耳其人) , the Welsh(威尔士人) , the I rish(爱尔兰人) , the Congolese (刚果人)等。例如:

The English are a little conservative . 英国人有点保守。 The Chinese is hard-working . (误)

The Chinese are hard-working . (正)中国人勤劳。

Note: ①Swiss 和Chinese 等指国人时单复数形式相同, 如a Swiss, two Swiss, a Chinese, two Chinese; 但Swede(瑞典人)和Jew(犹太人)指国人时有单复数变化, 如: a Swede, two Swedes, a Jew, two Jews。

②Jewish 是形容词, 意为“犹太人的, 具有犹太人特点的”, 表示犹太民族要用the Jews(注意下面泛指全体和指个别成员的不同用语) the British 英国人

two Britons 两个英国人 the Irish 爱尔兰人

two Irishmen 两个爱尔兰人 the Spanish 西班牙人

two Spaniards 两个西班牙人 the French 法国人

two Frenchmen 两个法国人

4)表示不可数的事物或抽象概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式

这类词有the worst (最坏的情况) , the latest ( 最新情况) , the smooth ( 好事) , the unknown(

未知的事) , the rough(难事) , the foreign(外国的事情) , the unreal (不真实的事

物) , the exciting(令人激动的事) , the lovely(漂亮的东西) , the mystical(神秘的事物) , the good(善) , the evil(恶) , the beautiful(美) , the ugly(丑) , the t rue(真) , the false(假) , the ridiculous(荒谬) , the sentimental(多愁善感) , the supernatural(超自然)。例如: The agreeable is not always the useful . 好看的不一定实用。 The beauti f ul is the ideal of life . 美是生活的理想境界。

The true looks less attractive than the false . 真往往不如假那么迷人。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 774 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

The white of an egg is full of protein . 蛋白的蛋白质丰富。

The mystical (神秘的东西) and supernatural(超自然的东西) in literature appeals to some people .

The unknown(未知的事物) is bound to come . The very best (最好的结果) is yet to come .

12. 某些企业、航空公司、俱乐部、球队等带有集体意义的专有名词作主语时, 谓语动词通常


John Ling and Son Ltd . announce the completion of the long-distance motorway . Air Canada are now being modernized .

Scotland(苏格兰队) are playing England in a football match next week .

13. 以-s 结尾的游戏名词, 如billiards, bowls, darts, dominoes, draughts, fives, ninepins(九 柱戏) , checkers(跳棋)等, 作主语时, 谓语动词一般用单数形式 Billiards(台球) is his favorite recreation .

Fives(手球) has continued to be played by the hand . Is draughts(跳棋) a game for two ? .. 但: Cards are allowed here .

14 .“a number of + 复数名词”的中心词是短语中的名词, 故谓语动词用复数形式; 而“the number of + 名词”的中心词是number, 故谓语动词用单数形式 A number of students were absent yesterday . 许多学生昨天缺席。

The number of pages in this book is nine hundred . 本书的页数是900。 比较:

A total of fifty thousand trees are planted this spring . 今年春天总共植了五万棵树。 The total o f trees planted this spring is about fifty thousand . 今年春天植树的总数大 约是五万棵。

An average of five books are read each month . 平均每月读五本书。

The average of books read is five each month . 每月读书的平均数是五本。

Note: 下面的短语作主语时, 谓语动词用复数: a majority of people(许多人) , a variety of colours(各种各样的颜色) , a sea of faces(人山人海) , a flood of resources(无数的 财富) , a mountain of grain bags(堆积如山的粮袋) , a rain of bombs(雨点般的炸 弹) , a storm of locusts(肆虐的蝗虫) , a trickle of customers(川流不息的顾客)。

15 . 表示数量的one and a half 后面一般要接复数名词, 作主语时谓语动词用单数形式 One and a hal f bananas is left on the table . 一根半香蕉剩在桌子上。( = a banana and a half)

One and a hal f dollars was spent on sugar . 花了1 .5 美元买糖。( = one dollar and a half)

It is one and a hal f meters long . 它一米半长。

A year and a hal f (或One and a half years) has passed . 一年半时间过去了。 Note: half a + 单数名词, 谓语动词用单数。例如: Hal f a dollar was spent on food . 花了半美元买食品。

16 . a herd of, a pack of, a flock of, a school of, a swarm of, a drove of 等表示数量的集体名

词短语, 如果指的是一个整体(一群人或动物) , 谓语动词用单数; 如果侧重于群体中的 每一个成员, 可以用复数动词

A f lock of sheep were running into the road and causing confusion among the traffic .

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 775 一、主语和谓语的一致

一群羊跑到了公路上, 给交通造成了混乱。

A pack of wolves was following them closely . 狼群紧跟在他们后面。

17 .“a series of , a portion of, a species of, a piece of 等+ 名词(单数或复数)”作主语时, 谓语


A series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by Mr . Stone . 据说斯通先生将要 作一系列关于心理学的演讲。

A large portion of her poems was published after her death . 她的大部分诗作都是在其 死后发表的。

18 . little, much, a little, only a little, quite a little, much more, a great deal of, an amount of, a quantity of 只能修饰不可数名词, 谓语动词用单数形式

A large amount o f money is spent on the project . 这项工程耗费了巨额资金。 .. a quantity of 间或也可以修饰可数名词。例如:

A quantity o f baskets were on sale . 有一批篮子待售。

19 . 用and连接的两个名词作主语, 指同一人或物或通常由两个部件配成的物品时, 用单数 谓语动词, 指不同的人或物或分开的东西用复数谓语动词

另外, 两种抽象的东西被人们看作是不可分的一个整体, 两个名词已构成一种食品等 时, 谓语动词亦用单数。

The secretary and manager was present at the meeting . 书记兼经理出席了会议。 The poet and singer has come . 那位诗人兼歌唱家来了。

My neighbour and colleague is watering the flowers . 我的邻居兼同事在浇花。

The secretary and the manager were present at the meeting . 书记和经理都出席了会议。 The iron and steel industry is of great importance to the national economy . 钢铁工业对 国民经济至关重要。(一种工业)

The food and the textile industry depend mainly on agriculture for raw material . 粮食工 业和纺织工业主要靠农业提供原料。(两种工业)

Truth and honesty is the best policy . 诚实才是上策。

Wit and humour abounds in the book . 这本书中充满了机智和幽默。

War and peace is a constant theme in history . 战争与和平是历史的永恒主题。

The number and diversity of British newspapers is considerable . 英国报纸数量大, 品种 多。

Brown bread and butter is usually eaten with smoked salmon . (涂了黄油的黑面包) Egg and rice is her usual breakfast . 她的早点通常是蛋炒饭。

Salt and water is also a kind of medicine . 盐开水也是一种药。

The hammer and sickle was flying from a tall flagpole . (铁锤镰刀旗)

Trial and error is the source of our knowledge . 磨难和错误是我们知识的来源。 His warmest admirer and severest critic is his wife . ( admirer 和critic 为一人) The candlestick and candle sells for one dollar . 烛台和蜡烛卖一美元。 A brace and bit is a tool for making holes . (手摇曲柄钻) The wheel and axle is out of order . (轮轴) The tumult and shouting was dying . (喧闹声) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy .

.. 其他如: a knife and fork(一副刀叉) , a cup and saucer (带茶托的茶杯) , a coat and skir t (一套上装和裙子) , a car riage and pair (双马拉的马车) , a coach and four (四轮大马车) , a

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 776 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

cart and horse (一辆(套着) 马( 的) 车) , a watch and chain (带链的挂表) , a desk and chair (一套桌椅) , bacon and eggs(咸肉鸡蛋) , cheese and wine(奶酪和葡萄酒) , tripe and onions(牛肚和洋葱) , sausage( s) and mash(香肠和土豆泥) , a needle and thread(针线(穿 了线的针) ) , duck and peas(鸭肉烧豌豆) , whisky and soda(威士忌加苏打水)。

.. 如果一个不可数名词被两个形容词修饰, 指两样东西, 动词用复数; 如果指一样东西, 动 词用单数。例如:

English and German grammar are different . 英语语法和德语语法是不同的。 Cool and fresh wind is blowing from the south . 凉爽而清新的风正从南方吹来。 .. 如果两个名词重复, 但指不同的东西, 谓语动词用复数。例如:

The situation before the war and the situation after the war are not the same . 战前的形 势和战后的形势是不同的。 比较:

Her home and of f ice is on the fifth floor . 她的家兼办公室在五楼。(一个地方)

Her home and her of f ice are on the fifth floor . 她的家和办公室在五楼。(两个地方) Fish and chips is a popular meal in Britain . 鱼炸土豆片在英国是很受欢迎的膳食。 Fish and chips are enough for me . 鱼和炸土豆片对我就够了。

.. 有时候, 两个抽象名词用作主语时, 谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如: His courage and endurance is (或are) admirable . 他的勇气和耐心令人称赞。 Care and understanding is (或are ) important . 关怀和理解是重要的。

Note: 两种以上的不同物质混为一体用作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数。例如: The smoke and gas f ills the building . (烟气)

Much mud and sand gathers to block the river , down which water and oil is flowing . (泥沙, 水带着油)


Your and my husband were present at the meeting . Good and bad butter are easy to identify .

.. 但是, 当justice and law(正义与法律) , time and tide(岁月) , fairness and impartiality(公正

和不偏不倚)等作主语时, 因其数的概念不明确, 故谓语用单数或复数均可。 20 . 用both . . .and 连接两个名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式

Both bread and butter were sold out in that grocery . 那家食品杂货店出售面包和黄油。 21 . 用and连接的两个单数名词作主语, 若前面有each, every, no 等修饰, 谓语动词用单数 形式

In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education . 在我国, 男孩 和女孩都有受教育的权力。

No teacher and no student is admitted . 师生一律不得入内。

Many a boy and many a girl has seen this painting . 许多男孩和女孩都看过这幅油画。 ( = Many boys and girls have . . .)

Not enjoyment , and not sorrow, is our destined end or way . 欢乐和悲伤都不是我们注 定的结果和道路。

Note: ①many 和another 搭配为一种特殊用法。例如: Like many another boy, Jim has passed the exam .

②many is the 后跟单数名词, 放在句首, 意为“多得是, 很多”。例如: Many is the man she has helped . 她帮助过的人很多很多。

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 777 一、主语和谓语的一致

Many..s the time I..ve seen him walk along the lake . 我有好多次看见他在湖边散步。 Many..s the job he..s left unfinished . 他留下了许多未完成的工作。

22 . 单数名词作主语, 后面紧跟aswell as, no less than, rather than, more than, but, except, besides, with, accompanied by, along with, together with, like, including, in addition to, combined with等时, 谓语动词用单数形式

The teacher as well as the students likes this painting . 不仅学生, 老师也喜欢这幅油画。 The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible . 应负责的是父亲, 而不是兄弟。

23 . 用or, either . . .or, neither . . .nor, not only . . .but also 等连接的名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词形式要同最近的主语保持一致

One or two f riends are coming this evening . 一两个朋友今晚要来。

Either the principal or his assistants are to attend the meeting . 校长或是他的助手要去 参加会议。

Neither I nor he is to blame . 我和他都不该受责备。

24 .“all( of) , half(of) , some(of)以及remainder(of) , the rest(of) , plenty(of) , a part of, enough

of , none of, most of, a lot of, lots of, abundance of , bulk of, mass of, a heap of,

heaps of, aworld of, a flood of, a store of, a percentage of , two thirds of, per cent of, a proportion of 等+ 名词”作主语时, 谓语动词的单复数取决于of 后的名词是单数还是复 数, 或者视具体的上下文而定 比较(参阅第七讲) :

Most of his spare time was spent in reading . 他的大部分业余时间都花在阅读上了。 Most of the houses in this town are new . 这座城市的大多数房子是新的。

Hal f o f the f ood is unfit to eat . 这食物中有一半不能吃。 Hal f o f the books are novels . 这些书中有一半是小说。 Abundance o f meat has spoilt . 许多肉都坏了。

Abundance o f birds have flown away . 许多鸟都飞走了。 Plenty of snow has melted . 大量的雪都化了。

Plenty of apples are needed here . 这里需要大量的苹果。

The rest of the money was locked in the safe . 其余的钱锁在保险箱里。 The rest of the peasants were still poor . 其余的农民还很穷。 A mass of snow lies in the yard . 院子里积了大量的雪。

A mass of customers are entering the supermarket . 大批顾客正走进那家商场。 Two thirds of the milk is sour . 三分之二的牛奶酸了。

Two thirds of the trees are newly planted . 三分之二的树是新植的。 The bulk o f the work has been done . 大部分的工作已经完成。

The bulk o f the villagers have gone fishing . 大部分村民都去捕鱼了。

A large proportion of her income is spent on clothes . 她的大部分收入都花在了衣服上。 A large proportion of the inhabitants are Chinese . 居民大部分都是华人。

A large percentage of water in the lake is polluted . 这个湖里的水大部分都被污染了。 A large percentage o f his novels are worth reading . 他的大部分小说都值得读。 Fi f ty per cent o f my task has been done . 我的任务已经完成百分之五十。

Fi f ty per cent of the students have passed the exam . 百分之五十的学生通过了这次考试。 A part o f the land was devoted to agriculture . 一部分土地用于农作物种植。 A part o f the f ields were watered . 一部分田地浇过水了。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 778 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

Most guests have left and the remainder are staying here for night . 大多数客人都走了, 留下的将在这里过夜。

25 . both, (a) few, many, several 等修饰的主语, 谓语动词用复数形式

Both( of ) the instruments are not precision ones . 这两种仪器并不都是精密的。 Few people live to be 100 . 很少有人活到100 岁。

Few( of ) the guests were familiar to us . 客人中没有几个是我们熟悉的。

Several of them have decided to walk home . 他们有几个人已决定步行回家。 Note: several 用作代词充当主语时, 谓语动词用复数。例如: Several were broken . 破了几个。

Several are in the garden . 有几个在园子里。

26 . 合成代词someone, anything, nobody, everyone 等作主语, 代词each, every one, no one,

either, neither, another, the other 作主语, 以及either, neither, each, every, many a, more than one 等+ 名词(代词)作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式

Nothing in the world moves faster than light . 世界上没有什么东西比光传播得更快。

More than one de f endant is involved in the case . 这个案件涉及到不止一个被告。 Many a little makes a mickle . 积少成多。

Many a ship has been wrecked on these rocks . Note:more persons than one 为复数。例如: More persons than one were arrested . 27 . 在“one of + the+ 复数名词+ 定语从句”结构中, 定语从句一般视为修饰复数名词, 故从


This is one o f the laboratories that have been built this year in our institute . 这是我院今 年建成的实验室之一。

Note: 在“ the one of + 复数名词和the only one of + 复数名词+ 定语从句”结构中, 定语从

句应视为修饰单数名词, 故从句谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize . 他是这些孩子中唯一得奖的。 This is the one o f the books on the subject that has been written in Chinese .

28 . 在“代词+ 定语从句”结构中, 从句谓语的人称、性、数要同被修饰的代词保持一致 I, who am wrong, should apologize to him . 我有过错, 理应向他道歉。

Each one of us who are now living is destined to witness remarkable scientific discoveries . 我们每个在世的人必定会亲眼看到一些卓越的科学发现。

29 . 由what 引导的主语从句, 谓语动词一般用单数形式, 但若从句谓语或从句后的表语是

复数形式, 则谓语动词用复数形式

What you said is quite to the point . 你说到点子上去了。

What we need are qualified teachers . 我们需要的是合格的教师。

What are often regarded as poisonous fungi( funguses) are sometimes safely edible . 一些 常被认为有毒的蘑菇有时却可以放心地食用。

What I say and think are no business of his . ( = What I say and what I think 为具有复 数意义的并列结构) 比较:

What she says and does do not agree . (“说”和“做”是两件事)

What she says and does does not matter much . (“说”和“做”为一件事, 总指其行为) What seems to be a cat is something else . (what = a thing that ) What seem to be cats are some other animals . (what = things that)

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 779 一、主语和谓语的一致

30 . 某些名词以-s 结尾, 形式上是复数, 但实际上作单数用, 后接单数动词 常见的这类名词有: gallows 绞架, summons 传票, news。例如: The summons was served on the man . 已向他发了传票。 There..s good news tonight . 今晚有好消息。

31 .“the + 形容词(数词)and the + 形容词+ 单数名词”结构用复数动词 The fourth and the last paragraph are well written . (指两段) The fourth and last paragraph is well written . (指一段)

The red and the white rose need watering . (两朵玫瑰, 一朵红、一朵白)

The red and white rose needs watering . (一朵玫瑰, 红白相间) 32 .none 的单复数问题

none of + 不可数名词接单数动词, none of + 复数名词接复数动词或单数动词均可。 none 单独使用时, 代表不可数名词动词用单数, 代表复数名词动词用复数或单数。例 如:

None of the money in the pocket is his .

I need some ink but there is none in the bottle .

Twenty guests were invited , but none have (或has) agreed to come . None of his colleagues know (或knows) the truth . None of the pens are (或is) mine .

None of the people there are (或is) Japanese .

.. 但下面一句须用单数动词, 因为表语sister 是单数: None of them there is his sister . 33 .manners 的单复数问题

manners 作主语时, 谓语动词用单复数均可。例如: Where are your manners ? 你还懂不懂礼貌? His manners are improving . 他更懂礼貌了。

Her manners are deplorable, but she has a heart of gold .

It wasn..t manners to make too many inquiries into others..affairs . 过多地打听别人的事 情是不礼貌的。

Good manners is a rarity today . It is bad manners to inter rupt . .. 注意下面一句:

Her only hope for the future is (或are) her children . 34 .“one or two + 复数名词”的单复数问题

“one or two + 复数名词”结构作主语时, 谓语动词总是用复数。例如: There are one or two problems to be tackled today . One or two soldiers have to be sent .

.. 但:Only a word or two is(或are) misprinted . A word or two is (或are) missing here . 35 . 并列名词后的单复数问题

几个名词并列作主语, 如果最后一个名词起着归纳和顶点的作用, 谓语动词用单数。例 如:

His proper ty, his family, his li f e was in danger . 他的财产, 他的家庭, 他的生命处于危 险之中。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 780 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

Your interest , your honour , God himself bids you do it . 你的利益, 你的荣誉, 上帝自己 叫你做这件事。

36 . 同位语的单复数问题

同位语作并列主语时, 谓语动词要同第一个词(中心词)一致。例如:

The famous statesman, or the man who drafted the Declaration of Independence, has been revered by later generations . 那位著名的政治家, 即《独立宣言》的起草者, 受到后 世人们的敬仰。

All his property , the books , the pictures and the house, was consumed by the fire . 他所 有的财产———他的书, 他的画, 他的房子———都被大火吞噬了。 37 . the following 的单复数问题

the following 作主语时, 谓语动词可用单数, 也可用复数。如果表语是单数名词或上下 文表示的是单数概念, 谓语动词用单数; 如果表语是复数名词或上下文表示的是复数概 念, 则谓语动词用复数。例如:

The following is the correct answer .

The following deserves(deserve) noticing . 下面一点(几点)值得注意。 The following have been chosen to play in tomor row..s match . The following are the alternatives we shall discuss . 38 . a grey hair 和a long beard

指一人的全部头发或多人的头发时, hair 是集体名词, 前不可加a, 后不可加s , 谓语动词 用单数; 指一根一根的头发时, hair 是可数名词, 有单复数变化。例如: He has grey hair . 他满头白发。

He has ( some) grey hairs . 他有了一些白头发。

These young men have long hair . 这些年轻人都是长发。

.. beard 是集体名词, 指一个人的全部胡须时用a beard, 指多人的胡须时用beards(注意与 hair 不同) ; 一根胡须要用a whisker 表示, 多根胡须用whiskers。例如: The old man has a long beard . 这位老人留着长胡须。

These old men have long beards . 这些老人都留着长胡须。 39 . 商店名称作主语的单复数问题

商店名称作主语时, 可看作单数, 也可看作复数, 因此谓语动词用单复数皆可。例如: Longman..s sells (或sell) this kind of cloth . 朗曼商店出售这种布。 Harrod..s is (或are) not far from here . 哈罗德店离这里不远。 40 . is partners with sb . 还是are partners with sb .

在下面的句子中, 系动词同主语一致, 而不受表语的影响, 还有些是名词与数词不一致, 另有一些是习惯用法。

These stars were his only guide . 这些星星是他唯一的向导。(不用was) His only pleasure is the cards . 他的唯一娱乐就是玩牌。(不用are)

The room is all bottles and newspapers . 房间里到处都是瓶子和报纸。(不用are) The park is all flowers and trees . 公园里到处是花和树。(不用are) Many fall victim . 许多人都是受害者。(不用victims) We are always the victor . 我们总是赢家。(不用victors)

They have become master of the Chinese language . 他们已掌握了中文。(不用masters) He is partners (或pals) with me . 他是我的搭档。(习惯用法) She is shipmates with Jim . 她同杰姆同乘一船。(习惯用法)

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 781 一、主语和谓语的一致

I am quits with the boss . 我同老板算清账了。

John is enemies with them . 约翰同他们关系不好。

She is great friends with my sister . 她同我妹妹是好朋友。

Parks are one of the places for children to play in . 公园是儿童玩的地方之一。 41 . 数词和量词的单复数问题

1)数词作主语时, 不论指人或指物, 谓语通常要用复数形式( one 等除外) Few know the secret . 很少有人知道这个秘密。 Six are missing . 丢了6 个。

A f ew have been wounded . 有几个受了伤。

Twenty head of cattle are in the field . 田里有20 头牛。 Eight yoke o f oxen are grazing . 八对共轭牛在吃草。 2)量词作主语时, 通常看作单数, 谓语动词也用单数 A little is enough . 一点就够了。

Too much old magazines is on sale there . 那里有许许多多的旧杂志出售。 Not much clothes is needed . 不需要很多衣服。

Too much f ruits is also harmful to your health . 吃太多的水果对身体也不好。

Note: 上面句中的magazines, clothes 和f ruits 均为复数名词, 但这里用much 修饰, 表示 “太多”的量, 不是从一本本、一件件、一只只去看的, 而是从总量上去看的, 故谓语动 词用单数。

42 .majority 的单复数问题

.. majority 是可数名词, 含义为great number , 指可数的概念, 不指量( amount)。the majority

作主语时, 如果泛指多数(与少数相对) , 谓语动词用单复数皆可。例如: The majority is (或are) doing its (或their) best . 大多数人都尽全力。 The majority is (或are) in favour of the plan . 大多数人赞成这项计划。 The majority is (或are) against him . 大多数人都反对他。

但: Themajority are doing their best . 多数人都在尽力干。(要用are, 因为句中有their ) .. 如果指整体、统一体, majority 常被看作单数。例如:

The majority is always able to impose its will on the minority . 多数总是能把其意志强 加于少数。

The majority is for him . 多数人支持他。

.. 如果指多出的数目, majority 常被看作单数。例如: Her majority was five votes . 她多五票取胜。

His majority was a big ( small) one . 他以绝大(微弱)多数票获胜。 .. 如果指多数中的各个成员, majority 被看作复数。例如:

The majority are of different minds on the matter . 大多数人在这个问题上持不同意见。 .. the majority of + 复数名词, 表示“大多数..”, 谓语动词用复数。例如:

The majority of doctors believe that smoking is harmful to health . 大多数医生都认为 吸烟有害健康。

The majority of her f riends have gone abroad . 她的大部分朋友都出国了。 .. the majority of + 集体名词, 谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如:

The majority of the population in the country lives (或live) in cities . 这个国家的大部 分人口都住在城市里。

The majority of the committee has (或have) ar rived . 委员会的大部分成员都到达了。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 782 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

.. a majority of + 复数名词, 表示“多数, 许多”, 谓语动词用复数。例如:

A majority o f workers now work five days a week . 现在多数工人每周工作5 天。 .. 表示量的概念要用most , 不用majority。例如: The majority o f the forest has been cut down . (误)

Most of the forest has been cut down . 这个森林大部分都被砍了。 The majority o f the area is covered by snow . (误)

Most of the area is covered by snow . 这个地区的大部分都被雪覆盖着。 比较:

The majority o f children like sports . (含有对比, 意指有少数小孩不喜欢运动) Most children like sports . (不含对比, 指一般小孩) .. majority 构成的习语:

win by (或with) a big ( small , narrow) majority 以绝大(微弱, 勉强)多数票取胜 be elected by a majority of 108 以108 票的多数当选 43 . amount 的单复数问题

1) a good (great , vast , large, small) amount of + 不可数名词 A vast amount o f heat is sent from the sun . A large amount o f danger is awaiting him . Only a small amount o f water was left .

2) the amount of + 不可数名词或复数可数名词, 但谓语动词用单数 The amount of work astonishes her .

The amount of books was huge . (美国英语, 可用amount 取代number) The amount of apples is at least ten truckloads .

3) large ( increasing, small) amounts of + 不可数名词, 谓语动词用复数 Large amounts of money were spent on the project . (不用was) Increasing amounts of f orce are necessary . (不用is)

Note: 注意不说a little amount 或a big amount , 并参阅有关部分。 44 . a group of + 复数名词的单复数问题

这种结构若强调整体, 谓语动词用单数形式, 若强调各个组成部分, 谓语动词用复数形 式。例如:


This group o f children is in the same class . (强调整体) This group o f children are in the same class . (强调个体) 45 . a pair of + 复数名词的单复数问题

这种结构通常要求用单数谓语动词, 与pair 保持一致; 但若强调个别成员, 也可用复数


A pair o f glasses is needed . 需要一副眼镜。

A pair o f thieves were caught yesterday . 昨天抓住了两个盗贼。 46 . a kind of 和this kind of 等后的复数问题

1) a kind ( sort ) of + 单数名词和this kind of + 单数名词用单数谓语动词

There is a kind of tree in the garden which flowers once every two years . 院子里有一种 每两年开一次花的树。

This kind of book is wor th buying . 这种书值得买。

.. 后接复数名词时, 也可用复数谓语动词, 这时强调名词的复数概念。例如:

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 783 一、主语和谓语的一致

This kind of men are(或is) dangerous . 这种人很危险。

The kind of books you..ve just mentioned are valuable . 你刚才提到的那种书很有价值。 2) these ( those) kind of + 单数名词或复数名词, 要求用复数谓语动词 These kind o f tree( s) are rare now . 这种树现在很少见到了。

3) these ( those) kinds of + 单数名词或复数名词, 要求用复数谓语动词 Those kinds of f ruit ( s) are cheap . 那些种类的水果便宜。 4)What kinds of + 单数名词, 要求用复数谓语动词

What kinds o f bird stay here for the winter ? 哪些种类的鸟在这里过冬? 比较:


What kind of f lower do you like most ? = What kind o f f lowers do you like most ? 你最喜欢哪些花?

What kinds o f f lower do you like most ? = What kinds of f lowers do you like most ? .. 注意下面两句的含义:

He served us a kind of coffee . 他给我们喝一种咖啡。

He served us with coffee o f a kind . 他给我们喝说是咖啡而非咖啡的东西。(徒有其 名, 实在太差) 比较:

Men o f this kind are dangerous . There are many kinds of apples . 47 . worth + 名词的单复数问题

1)worth + 单数名词或复数名词, 通常要求用单数谓语动词

The worth of the stamp is estimated at two hundred dollars . 这枚邮票估价2 百美元。 The worth of noble men is not always understood . 高尚的人并不总是被人理解的。 2)金额+ worth , 谓语动词形式要依金额是单数或复数而定 One dollar..s worth of stamps is bought . 买了1 美元的邮票。 Ten dollars..worth of stamps are bought . 买了10 美元的邮票。 48 . this, that 和another 后可接复数名词

this, that 和another 后也可接复数名词, 而且this 和that 作主语时, 其表语有时可以是 复数名词。例如:

this five weeks 这5 个星期(作一整体时段看待) that woods 那个树林

another six years 再过6 年

That is bad manners . 那是不礼貌的行为。 49 . neither of + 名词或代词的单复数问题

neither of + 名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词多用单数形式, 但也可用复数形式。例如: Neither of the children was hurt . 两个孩子都没伤着。

Neither of the books is satisfactory . 两本书都不令人满意。 Neither of them are rich . 他们两人都不富有。

Neither of the brothers were alive . 兄弟俩都不在人世了。 50 . two lumps of sugar 等的单复数问题

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 784 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

“复数量词+ of + 不可数名词”作主语时, 谓语动词有时用单复数皆可。例如: Two lumps of sugar are (或is) in the box . 两块糖在盒子里。

Three slices of bread have (或has) been thrown away . 扔掉了三块面包。 二、名词和代词的一致


People all over the world were tired not just of World War Two, but of war itsel f . 世人 不仅讨厌二次大战, 而且也讨厌战争本身。

The electrical properties of semiconductors depend very much on their purity . 半导体的 电性能与其纯度关系极大。

Everyone has his say at the meeting . No one can do it himsel f .

Something strange has happened, didn..t it ? 比较:

The owner and the captain discussed it with their colleagues . (两人, 用their ) The owner and captain discussed it with his colleagues . (一人, 用his)

She bought bread and butter at the shop, and they were very cheap . (面包和黄油, 两 样东西, 用they)

She ate bread and butter for breakfast , and it is her favorite food . (涂有黄油的面包, 一样东西, 用it )


表示时间、条件、伴随等的分词的逻辑主语必须同所在句中的主语保持一致。例如: Translated into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order . 翻译成英语, 这个句子的词序完全不同了。

Hearing the bad news , she burst into tears . 听到这不幸的消息, 她失声痛哭。 四、并列(平行)结构中成分的一致

1 . 为使句子前后保持平衡和协调, 句中的并列成分应在结构上保持一致


Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children . (均为动名词)她的工作是 洗衣服, 打扫卫生和看孩子。

The instrument has been welcomed by users because of its stability in serviceability, reliability

in operation and simplicity in maintenance . (均为名词)该仪器性能稳定, 操作 可靠, 维修方便, 因而受到用户欢迎。

2 . 在比较结构中, 被比较的事物应是同等成分

在比较从句中, 用that 代替前面的单数名词, 而用those 代替前面的复数名词。例如: The students in our depar tment are fewer than those in their depar tment . 我们系的学生 比他们系的学生少。

The climate of Beijing is not so changeable as that of the seaside town . 北京的天气不像 那座海滨小城的天气那么多变。 五、倒装结构中主谓语的一致

大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 785 测试练习︵十九︶

在倒装句中, 其他成分放到句子前部, 而主语则往往被臵于句子后部。这时要注意辨认主 语, 谓语动词要同主语保持一致。例如:

After the exams is the time for rest . 考完了试就可以休息了。

In the margins was written something in red ink . 有人在书页的行间用红笔写了些词句。 六、there be 句型中的主谓一致

在there be 句型中, 当be 动词后的第一个并列成分带有不定冠词时, 谓语动词按就近原则 用单数形式。例如:

There is a sausage, an orange and a piece of cheese on the table .

There was a long spring board and three rafts at varying distance from the shore . There was singing, dancing and laughter at the party .

There is a time to be silent and a time to speak , a time for study and a time for recreation . .. there is (was) 后有时也可接复数名词, 尤其在口语中, 这符合人们的思维习惯, 往往先说 出there is ( was) , 后才想起后面的名词。例如:

There..s thousands o f people gathering on the square . 广场上聚集着成千上万的人。 There..s good books and bad books . 有好书也有坏书。 测试练习(十九) 一、选择填空

1 . The examination will test your ability spoken English , nontechnical language, and cor rectly .

A . understand . . .read . . .write B . understanding . . .reading . . .writing

C . to understand . . .to read . . .writing D . to understand . . .to read . . .to write 2 . Lessing is so poor that even five dollars a big sum to him . A . is B . are C . add D . equal

3 . It is not I but you who the first to run to the goal in that competition . A . is B . was C . are D . is going to 4 . Part of the books arrived . A . is B . have C . was D . has

5 . Nearly all t rees have seeds that fall to the ear th, take root , and eventually . A . generate new seeds B . new seeds generated

C . by generating new seeds D . new seeds generated there

6 . Mary..s sun-tanned face is a suggestion that she in excellent health . A . be B . being C . is D . was 7 . to finish quickly .

A . No every student wants B . No every student want C . Not every student wants D . Not every student want 8 . Every means been tried since then . A . has B . have C . are D . is

9 . The office staff gathered to hear the President speak . A . is B . are C . be D . will

10 . The total number of articles published on cancer amazing . A . are B . is C . have been D . be

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 786 第十九讲 一 致 关 系

11 . A large number of cars parked in front of my house . A . is B . are C . was D . has 12 . There in this room .

A . are too many rooms B . are too much room C . are plenty of rooms D . is plenty of room 13 . The wheel and axle a rotating lever . A . is B . was C . are D . were

14 . Ignorance and negligence this mistake . A . cause B . have caused C . has caused D . are 15 . Truth and honesty always best policy . A . are B . is C . have been D . become

16 . No sulfur and no phosphorus(磷) present in this product . A . are B . were C . will D . is

17 . Every hour and every minute important . A . are B . were C . is D . will 二、辨认错误 1 . What is A

large and B

what is small are C

only relative

D .

2 .There have been A little B

change in the patient..s condition since C

he was out of D

danger .

3 .Two of them A

went out , the rest were doing B his C

homework in D

the classroom .

4 . A good artist like A

a good engineer learns as B

much from their C

mistakes as from D

successes .

5 .Professor Peter, with A

four of his graduate students , are B

attending a symposium in C

Nanjing on D

energy . 6 .As A

the crowd began to assemble B in C

the meeting hall , the president began to scan your D faces .

7 . Not only all A

the planets but also the sun are B in C

constant motion D .

8 .When he was A

a little boy, Mark Twain would walk B

along the piers(防波堤) , watch C

the river

boats, swimming D

and fish in the Mississppi , much like his famous character , Tom Sawyer .

