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Previously, on \\吸血鬼日记\前情提要...
For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一个世纪以来 我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. 直到现在
I know the risk, 我知道这很冒险
but I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她
Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Elena 她简直就是Katherine的翻版 What happened to your face? 你的脸怎么了? It's nothing. 没什么
It didn't look like nothing. 这看起来可不像没什么
Matty tells me you broke his heart. Matty说你伤透了他的心
- Mom. - He found his rebound girl. - 妈 - 他有新欢了
There's a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有一个墓穴
You saved everyone in the church? 你把教堂里的所有人都放出来了? vampires, Damon. 个吸血鬼啊 Damon
You can't just bring them back. 你不能只把他们带回来就完了 It's Harper. 是Harper
I'm glad you found us. 很高兴你找到了我们
Annabelle, close the door, please. Annabelle 请关上门
仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组bbs.cnscg.com==-- 协调: 忧心如熏 时间轴: Idol
翻译: *叶* Flower一休 Miller's玫瑰 星河 fabulous_carr
校对: 甜蜜的向往 夏天的熏风 Hey. Bouffin. 嘿 Bouffin
What are you guys watching? 你们看什么呢?
You guys have been watching the same thing the whole time?
你们一直没换过台 看得不烦啊?
There are over channels. It's called a remote control.
有超过个频道呢 这个叫遥控器 This button changes the channel. 用这个按钮换台 Hold it like this. 这样拿着 Hmm. 嗯
Did you get enough, sweetheart? 饱了吗 亲爱的? For now. 目前饱了
Anna, are you hungry? Anna 你饿了吗? Do you want a little? 想吸些吗?
No. Thank you, Miss Givens. 不 谢谢 Givens小姐
Why don't you lay down for a while and get some rest?
你为什么不躺下休息会儿呢? She's fine. 她没事
Aren't you, Miss Givens? 是吧 Givens小姐? Of course, I am. 当然了 我没事 I'm fine.
吸血鬼日记 第一季 第集 Hey, mom.
嘿 妈 Mom. 妈
Hey, mom. 嘿 妈
What? I'm trying to sleep. 干嘛? 打扰我睡觉
Uh, I was just making sure you were alive. 嗯 我只是想确定你还活着 I'm sorry, sweetie, 对不起 甜心 it was a late night. 昨天睡太晚了
My head is throbbing. 我脑袋嗡嗡地疼 Yeah, 是啊
I'd appreciate it
if you wouldn't bring the party home. 我就感激涕零了
And I'm pretty sure the neighbors would appreciate it, too.
而且我相信邻居也会很感激你的 It wasn't a party. It was one guy. 那不是一个派对 只是一个男人 Don't be so judgey. 别总带着有色眼镜
Yeah, well I talked to Roberta at the grill 是啊 话说 我和餐馆的Roberta谈过了 and there's still a bartending position open. 他们现在还需要一个招待员 If you, uh, wanted to get a job. 如果 嗯 你想要份工作的话 Well, I figured she'd still be pissed
呃 我想她应该还在为我上次在那工作时 about the last time I work there. 发生的事 耿耿于怀呢 I think she's desperate. 我想她现在急需人手 I'll check it out. 我会去试试 Yeah? 真的? Don't act so surprised. 别这么惊讶嘛
Well, I mean, I just... 呃 我是说 我只是... I didn't know how long 我不知道你打算
you planned on sticking around. 在这里停留多久
Well,there's back grant due. 我能得到补助的啦
It's back in everything, mom. 那也不是万能的 老妈
I guess, then, I'll check it out. 我想 等下 我会去试试 Who's that? 谁啊?
That's Caroline. 是Caroline Ecch. 切 Easy. 对她好点 Yeah, come in. 好的 进来吧
Hi, Mrs. Donovan. 嗨 Donovan夫人 I, uh, ok, well, 我 嗯 好啦
we're gonna be late, 我们快迟到了
So, let's just get going. 所以 快走吧 Yeah. 好
Hi. How are you? 嗨 你怎么样啊? Good. 很好
Damon hasn't said a word to me. Damon什么都没和我说
Every time I try to talk to him, 每次我想和他认真谈谈
- He shuts me down. - Do you think - 他就不理我了 - 你觉得
He's still trying to find Katherine? 他还打算继续找Katherine吗? I don't know. 我不知道
He waited years, 他等了年了
only to find out that Katherine could not care less.
却发现Katherine一点都不在乎他 I mean, that's gotta hurt, right? 这挺让人伤心的 不是吗?
And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 人好点就不会碰上这破事了
You have every reason to be upset with him. 你完全有理由生他的气
- Mm-hmm. - Have you thought any more - 嗯 - 你有没有什么
about what you're going to do? 新的打算? About what? 关于什么?
Isabel, my vampire birth mother, Isabel 我的吸血鬼生母
who's related to my vampire ancestor Katherine,
她和我的吸血鬼祖先Katherine有点联系 who screwed over your vampire brother? 那个女人把你的吸血鬼哥哥骗得团团转 Nah. Haven't thought about it at all. 没有 我一点都没想过 I'm sorry I brought it up. 抱歉我提起了这些 It'd just be nice 如果我们哪天可以
if we could get through one day 不用考虑任何
without having to deal with any of it. 与之相关的事 就太爽了 No vampire mother or brother.
没有吸血鬼母亲 或者吸血鬼兄弟 No vampires at all? 完全没有吸血鬼吗? No vampires but you. 除了你之外 I just want to get us back to normal stuff 我只想让我们能回归到一些正常的事情 like school. 比如学校
And homework. 还有作业
And here's a thought. 还有一点 Fun. 快乐
Ooh, that sounds good to me. 哦 听起来棒极了 When do we start? 我们什么时候开始?
We can watch a movie at my place. 我们可以在我家看场电影 Uh, with your mom? 嗯 和你妈妈一起? And a -pack? 再喝点小酒?
You know, you don't really help the situation. 你知道吗 你这样于事无补 You could at least try to be nice. 你至少试试和她和睦相处嘛 Oh, I'm sorry. 哦 对不起
It's hard for me to show kindness 对那些讨厌我的人好 to people that hate me. 对我来说太难了 I'm not that evolved. 我思想境界没那么高 So, what movie tonight?
那么 今天晚上看什么电影?
Whatever you want to do is fine by me. 你想做什么我都陪你
But I'm late and I gotta go, ok?
但是我现在迟到了 得走了 好吗? Ok. 好的
And the keypad is for texting, 键盘是用来发短信的
which is what you do when you want to avoid talking to someone.
当你不想和某人面对面说话时 你就发短信 Anna, it's Jeremy, Anna 我是Jeremy
I haven't heard from you for a while. 我很久都没有你的消息了 I'm not stalking you. 我不是在跟踪你
Have a good day. I am... 祝你今天愉快 我... I didn't break it, I swear. 我没摔坏它 我发誓
I was just showing Harper what you taught me.
我只是在转授Harper你教我的东西 What a marvelous device. 多么先进的设备啊 Who was that? 谁打来的啊? Jeremy Gilbert. 是Jeremy Gilbert Is that your boyfriend? 你男朋友吗? Of course not. 当然不是
Uh, what do you think? 你觉得怎样?
You're very respectable. 相当体面
That's the goal. 正如我愿
I can't say that I miss corsets. 我不怀念紧身胸衣了
Susie Sunshine gave me her car keys Susie Sunshine给了我她的车钥匙 - and her ATM card. - What's that? - 还有她的ATM卡 - 那是什么? I'll explain later. 我待会儿解释
Where are you going? 你们要去哪?
We have some business in town. 我们要去镇上办些事
We'll be back as soon as we can. 会尽快回来 I trust that you'll keep an eye on things. 我相信你会照看好一切 So, I'm the babysitter now. 所以 我现在是保姆了 Frederick. Frederick啊
If this is going to work, 要想达成目的
we have to cooperate with one another. 我们就要相互合作 So you say. 按你说的做吧
I'll watch things, Miss Pearl. 我会留心的 Pearl小姐 Thank you, Harper. 谢谢你 Harper
I'm thinking nothing huge, 不用太隆重
just dinner at the grill, 就在餐馆吃个饭 Maybe late movie. 或许再看场午夜电影
You mean like a double date? 你是说四人约会吗?
pair out on a friday night, 两对情侣在周五晚上出去 Coupled. 成双成对
Yeah, a double date. 是啊 四人约会
Do you think that's a good idea? 你觉得这样好吗? Why not? 难道不好吗?
You know, we all haven't gone out together before
and I don't want it to be uncomfortable for us. 我不想让大家觉得尴尬
Like, the couple dynamics have changed, 情侣组合变了
and there's been a little awkwardness 你 Matt和我之间
between you, Matt and me,
and I just think it's important 我觉得我们有必要 that we get over it. 消除这种尴尬
- I don't know. - You know wha... - 我不知道 - 那什么...
I... I think that sounds like a great idea. 我... 我觉得这主意听上去不错嘛 - You do? - Yeah.
- 你这么认为? - 没错
Yeah, a nice evening out with friends. 和朋友们晚上一起出去玩 Sounds fun.
听上去很有意思嘛 As in fun.
像你说得那样 开心一下 Hmm? 嗯?
A double date it is. 那就这么定了吧 Ok. 好的
So, we will see you tonight. 今晚见喽 - Ok. - Ok. - 好的 - 好的 Ok. 好的
Hello, Damon. 你好 Damon
Ever hear of knocking? 你敲门了吗?
An invitation wasn't necessary. 我们不用邀请也能进来的
I'm surprised that no living person resides here.
没活人住这儿真让我惊讶啊 Is it just you and your brother? 就你和你弟弟住这儿吗? Yeah. 是的
But he keeped out all walking vampires. 可所有的吸血鬼都进不来这里 Killed 'em. 我杀了他们 Unh! 呃! Damn! 该死!
Have a seat, Damon. 请坐 Damon
I was hoping we could have a word. 我本希望我们能谈一谈的 Sure. 当然可以
是布拉德皮特把我变成吸血鬼的 去拉斯维加斯找Wayne Newton 怎么杀死吸血鬼呢? 用Paula Abdul的血 Freak. 神经
用木锥插入心脏就可以了 你信吗? 难道你不信?
We've taken up residence 我们在镇子外的
at a farm house just outside of town. 一个农场定居下来了 It'll suffice for now. 暂时够了
All vampires? 全部个吸血鬼? Not all. Some. 没有 只有一些
I imagine that a few have already left town. 我估计有一些已经离开了镇子
Others are probably still in the woods 其它还有一些可能还在树林里 or, like us, acclimating.
或者像我们这样 适应新环境 How'd they get out of the tomb? 他们是怎么离开坟墓的? I think the woods screwed up 我想应该是我们的戏法 that part of our hocus-pocus.
Her parents got seated at the next booth. 他的父母就在隔壁房间
Oh, and Matt had me pretend that I was choking
哦 Matt让我假装卡到嗓子 so we could get away. 找机会逃跑
Except her dad was a doctor, 但她爸爸是个医生
so, he jumped up to save her. 所以 他跳过来救她
And I ran and slipped on the wet floor 我开始跑 但在湿地上滑倒了 and bit it.
狠狠地摔到了地上 In front of everyone. 在大家面前
Do you remember that? 你还记得吗?
stitches, a hangover for days, 缝了针 脑袋晕了好几天
and I was grounded from seeing this one for a week.
我还被禁足 一个星期不能见这个家伙 Well, I'm gonna go to the restroom. 呃 我要用一下卫生间 Elena? Elena啊? Quick, hide. 快 藏起来 We're not here. 我们不在这儿
Why? Where'd we go? 为什么? 我们去哪?
Children under our care at : p.m. 孩子们在我们点钟方向 This is not role modelish. 这不是个好榜样 Kelly, damn. Kelly 该死 Ohh! 噢!
Ok, so, uh, what made you and your mom 好吧 你和你妈妈怎么 decide to stay in town? 决定留下来了?
Oh, she got this business opportunity. 噢 她找到了工作的机会
She's gonna open up a little store. 她要开间小店
It's always been her dream. 这就是她的梦想
So, yeah, we're staying. 所以 是的 我们留下来
And I'm thinking about going back to highschool.
So, you'll be seeing a lot more of me. 所以 你会常见到我 Oh, yeah? 哦 是吗?
Enough of home schooling. 受够了家庭学校
You know? I'd like to be a normal teen for once.
你知道吗? 我想做个正常的少女 But I have to ask my mom first. 但我必须征得我母亲的同意 She'll have an opinion. 她来决定
Yeah, well, I wish you were there now. 嗯 我真希望你现在就在
I actually have to write another paper. 我其实有篇论文要写
I was thinking about squeezing one more out 还想继续写
on the vampires of Mystic Falls. Mystic Falls的吸血鬼 Really? 真的吗?
Haven't you exhausted the subject? 你还没写烦吗?
No. No, I want to go deeper, you know? 不 不 我还想深入探讨 你知道吗?
I want to understand why people were labeled as vampires
我想知道 为什么以前有的人
back in the day. 会被说是吸血鬼
I mean, maybe there is such a thing as vampires.
我是说 可能真有吸血鬼存在
They're just different from the way we always thought they were.
他们只是与想象中的不同罢了 What do you mean? 你什么意思? Well, uh, 呃
Maybe they're normal and good, 也许他们很普通 很善良 just outsiders, you know? 只是外族人而已 知道吗? Um, misunderstood. 呃 可能是误解
You're kidding, right? 你在开玩笑 对吗?
Don't you think it could be possible? 你不认为这是可能的吗? You did give me all that info. 你跟我说过的
Jeremy, I made it up, ok? Jeremy 我编的 行吗?
I mean, you were all cute and fluffy 我是说 你很可爱又天真
and I wanted to make a good impression. 我只想给你留下个好印象
Is there anything you're not good at? 你有不擅长的事情吗? Double dating. 四人约会
This is all kinda new to me. 对我来说很新鲜
I usually keep to myself. 我一般独来独往 I don't always fit in. 我不太合群
That's because you're that guy. 那是因为你是那种人 What guy? 什么人? The guy who seems like he has everything. 看起来拥有一切的人
So, the people who don't kinda run the other way.
所以 其他人会离你远远的 Is that what I seem like? 我看起来是这样吗? Pretty much. 很像 Hmm. 嗯
What a dick. 真操蛋 Yeah. 是啊 Yeah. 是啊 So, um, 所以 呃
What are you doing? 你在干什么? What? 什么?
Well, the point of this
好吧 此次约会的目的在于
was to show him how much you care about Stefan.
You're not to hopscotch down memory lane. 而不是让你们感怀往事
I was just trying to make conversation. 我只是在找话说 Well, try less. 那就少说点吧 Caroline. Caroline啊 Katherine. Katherine啊
I'm sorry. You have the wrong person. 对不起 你认错人了 Elena, come on. Elena 快来 My mistake. 我认错了
How's everything going? 你们进展如何? Matt's cheating. Matt耍诈
No need. I'm awesome. 用不着 我可厉害了 Stefan Salvatore. 是Stefan Salvatore Is everying ok? 一切都好吗?
Everything's great. 一切都好极了
So you haven't seen him before? 那你以前没见过他?
No, there was nothing from her. 没有 没有她的消息 There wasn't at all. 一点都没有
All right. Let's call it a night. 好吧 我们今晚就谈到这吧
You know? Send Matt and Caroline home? 你知道? 要带Matt和Caroline回家? You know, the whole point of tonight 我们今晚就
was to not have to deal with this stuff. 不该谈这件事
We need to get through one night. 我们该共度一晚 One normal night. 寻常的一晚 You sure? 你确定?
No, I'm not sure. 不 我不确定
But I don't know what else to do. 但我不知道还能干什么
Look, if there's another vampire in town, 听着 如果镇上还有另一个吸血鬼 he'll still be here tomorrow. 他明晚还会来的
We'll deal with it tomorrow. 我们明天再处理吧 Ok. 好
Oh, it's them. 哦 是他们 Come here. 过来 Yeah. 是啊
Uh, yeah, this is much better 是啊 这可比看
than watching \\拜访熟女镇\强多了 No offense. 请别见怪
Don't remind me. 不用这么说
Man, I've always wanted to see 伙计 我一直想来看看
what it looks like in this place. 这地方是什么样 Yeah, I guess it's, uh, 没错 我想这么说 a bit much. 有点夸张
Yeah, my entire house could fit in here, like, twice.
没错 我家只有这的二分之一 I feel like I've been here before. 我觉得以前来过这 It's weird. 真奇怪
Do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?
你们想看电影还是干别的? Whoa, these are great. 哇哦 这可真棒啊 That's, uh, 那是
just a little hobby of mine. 是我的小爱好
I did the entire Mustang series when I was . 我九岁时 收集了整套野马系列 You like cars? 你喜欢车啊?
That's an understatement.
保守的说 没错 Come with me. 跟我来
So, the thing about cherries, 吃樱桃啊 you have to. 你必须
Oh, my goodness. 哦 我的天啊
That's amazing. You were quick. 厉害啊 你动作真快
And that would be my cue. 那是给我的暗示吧
You've giving up already? 你已放弃了? Oh, yeah. 哦 没错
See you guys. 再见
Prepare yourself, my friend. 准备好了 朋友 Ahem. 嗯
Whoa, wait. 哇哦 等等
How do you have this? 你怎么有这个的?
Got passed down rough the family. 家里传下来的 Why don't... 为什么不... I mean... 我说...
Why don't you drive it? 你为什么不开?
Well, it, uh, doesn't run. 好吧 这车开不了
I mean, it's not that I could figure out. 那不是我能解决的
Why would you keep a car that doesn't run? 那你为什么留着开不了的车? Be more of a girl right now. 你现在倒是温柔多了 Hey, why don't you 嘿 你为什么
come take a look at this for me? 不过来帮我看看这个?
Elena, remember the old Camaro Elena 还记得你爸爸 your dad used to have?
的那辆老式卡马罗汽车吗? Of course. 当然
Hey, I built and rebuilt that engine times. 嘿 那引擎我重组了次 Wow. 哇哦
Well, I don't like sports cars. 好吧 我可不喜欢跑车
They're too hard to make out in. 它们不好掌控
Nah, it wasn't that bad. 不会啊 没那么糟 I'm sorry, man. 对不起 伙计 No, no. 不 不
Don't worry about it. 别担心了
You and Elena, you guys have a history 刻意忽视你和Elena的过去
and ignoring it doesn't do anybody any good. 也不见得有什么意义 She's good with you. 她选你是对的
You know, I wasn't sure, but she's happy 我以前不太确定 但看她很幸福 and I'm glad. 我也为她高兴
All right. Let's take a look at this. 好了 我们来看看这个 Ouch! 哦
Damn it! 该死的!
Need some help? 需要帮助吗? Damn it!
真见鬼! Stupid shoe. 该死的鞋 Oh! 哦!
Gotta pick up your other foot. 抬起你另一只脚 Thanks. 谢谢 Ahem. 嗯
There you go. 给你 Thanks. 谢谢 I think. 我想说的
Was that Damon Salvatore you were with? 和你一起的是Damon Salvatore吗? The one and only. 说得没错
You know him? 你认识他?
We go way back. 我们关系不错
He still live out by Miller Lane? 他还住Miller Lane吗?
Uh, he lives in the old boarding house. 他住老房子里
By Wickery Bridge. 在Wickery Bridge那 He's still in there 如果你想打招呼
if you wanna say \他还住那
I'd rather stay here and talk to you. 我情愿留这和你聊天 Ohh. 哦 Nice. 不错
Very smooth with the shoe and the flirt. 鞋子和调情都处理得恰到好处啊 But I'm a little drunk. 但我有点醉了
And high guy plus drunk me equals very bad things.
高个男人和醉酒的我等于非常不好的事 No. 不
I'm pretty sure you'd like it. 我确信你会喜欢的 Sorry. 对不起
That was a seriously lame pick-up. 你真想带个瘸子走啊 I'm sorry. 对不起
That is a nice scent you're wearing. 你身上有很好闻的味道 What is it? 是什么? I don't know. 我不知道 It was a gift. 是个礼物
And that is a cab, so. 那有辆计程车 所以 Vervain. 马鞭草
Making it hard to find something to eat in this town.
- Caroline - I don't want to talk about it. - Caroline - 我不想说这个 You are being ridiculous. 你太无理取闹了
And insecure and stupid, 还有多疑和愚蠢
but that doesn't change the fact 但那改变不了
that Matt's always gonna be in love with you, Matt一直爱着你的事实
and I'm always gonna be the backup. 而我总是后备
- You're not the backup. - Yes, I am. - 你不是后备 - 没错 我是 I'm Matt's Elena backup.
我是Matt对Elena的后备 I'm your Bonnie backup. 我是你对Bonnie的后备
Now it's about me and Bonnie? 现在又说我和Bonnie了? You don't get it. 你不会明白的 Why would you? 为什么是你?
You're everyone's first choice. 你总是大家的首选 Piece of cake. 小菜一碟
You know what? 你知道吗?
Why don't you guys go ahead 你们干嘛不开它 and take it for a spin? 出去兜兜风? - Really? - Yeah. - 真的? - 是啊 Caroline. Caroline啊 You all right? 你还好吧?
If it's not vampires, it's girlfriends. 不是吸血鬼 而是女朋友的事 All right. Roast beef, turkey. 好吧 烤牛肉 火鸡 What do you want? 你要什么?
Oh, let's do the works. 哦 让我们尽所能 Pile it high. 堆得高高的
All right. I like your style. 好吧 我喜欢你的风格
Will you grab the bread for me? 你能把面包递给我吗? Ok. 好啊 Ohh! 哦!
What are you doing? 你在干什么? It's just a cut.
Will you hand me that towel? 你能把毛巾递给我吗? I... I... I can't.
我... 我... 我不能
You got a problem with blood, Anna? 你害怕见到血吗 Anna? What's matter? 怎么了?
It's just blood, Anna. 只是流了点血啊 Anna
- What are you doing? - I knew it. - 你想干什么? - 我就知道 Go for it. 来吧 Jeremy. Jeremy啊
Jenna. Hey, what's, uh... Jenna 嘿 怎么 呃... what's up? 怎么了? Regret. 不好意思
Make sure you lock that up. 记得把窗户锁上
Did I just pass their driveway? 我是不是开过了他们的车道? Uh, I think it's up there. 呃 我想应该还在前面吧 This is an amazing car. 这辆车真是太赞了 Did I pass?
The whole double date thing
很明显 整个我们两对儿的约会 was obviously a test 是一个考验
to see how I would do around Elena. 用来考验Elena在场时 我的表现 I don't know. 我不知道
You were eminiscing
about the Elena years all night. 和Elena在一起的时光 Caroline, Caroline啊
that stuff came before, ok? 那些是以前的回忆 好不好? It's not just gonna go away. 不会那么快忘却的 I know that, ok? 我知道 好吧? No. No, you don't. 不 不 你还是不明白
Because you're letting it turn you into a crazy person.
因为 这件事已经把你变得很疯狂了 Look, it's my fault. 听着 这是我的错
I, you know, I made it pretty clear early on 我之前已经向你解释得很清楚了 that Elena still means something to me. Elena在我心里还有一定分量 But all that talk,
但是 我们所说的那些话 that was just 那只是
old friends and some memories. 两个老朋友在一起叙叙旧
Tonight wasn't about me and Elena. 今晚 我和Elena不是主角 I was there 我去那里
because I wanted to be with you. 是因为我想和你在一起
And I don't know what this means 我不知道这样意味着什么 or what we are,
but I do know that you're the only person 我只知道 此时此刻 在这辆车里 I want to be in this car with right now. 我只想和你在一起
I don't even know if this makes sense, 我不知道你是否明白我的意思 because I'm not really that good at expressing myself.
因为我不善言辞 No, no. 不 不
I think you're doing just fine. 我明白你的意思 Ow! 噢!
Sports cars. 跑车的劣势 - Yeah. - Hmm. - 是啊 - 嗯 Kelly, well. Kelly啊
Now that you've got me here. 既然你把我带到了这里
What are you gonna do with me? 你想做什么呢? I'm going to... 我要...
going to do this. 这么做 Ohh! 噢! Mom? 妈妈? Damon? Damon吗?
Oh, my god. Matt. 哦 我的天啊 Matt Oh, my god. 哦 我的天啊
- I gotta... - It's fine. Just go. - 我要... - 没事 你走吧 I... I'll take her home. 我... 我送她回家 Thanks, man. 谢谢你 哥们儿
Where have you been? 你去哪里了?
Um, I needed some air. 我出去散步了 For hours?
Tell me. Where have you been? 告诉我 你到底去哪里了? Out. 出去了 I was out.
我只是出去了一下 Annabelle, don't do this. Annabelle 别这样 I can't fight you, too. 我不能也与你为敌 What? 怎么了? I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
Sorry I'm bailing. 很抱歉我得走了
Just wish you'd let me drive you home. 我只想 你能让我送你回家
Normal people don't have chaperones or bodyguards
普通人是不会有随从 保镖 or babysitters. 或者是保姆的
We're normal tonight, remember? 今晚 我们是普通人 还记得吧?
I know, I just get so worried about you. 我知道 我只是很担心你
Stefan, I can't live every minute Stefan 我不能时时刻刻都担心
afraid that someone's gonna come after me. 有人会跟踪我 I won't. 我不会的
That's not living. 那样活着太累了 Ok. 好吧
Call me when you get home safe? 当你安全到家时 给我来个电话吧? - Mm... hmm. - Ok. - 嗯... 嗯 - 好的 - Bye, Stefan. - Bye. - 再见了 Stefan - 再见 Don't look at me like that. 别那样看我 Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?
Save the lecture. Look...
省省你的长篇大论吧 听着... Aah! 啊!
仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组bbs.cnscg.com==-- 协调: 忧心如熏 时间轴: Idol
翻译: *叶* Flower一休 Miller's玫瑰 星河fabulous_carr
校对: 甜蜜的向往 夏天的熏风 Damn it. 我靠 Aah. 啊
I remember them. 我记得他们 From .
They were in the tomb. 他们该在墓地里啊 Yeah. 是的
About that.
关于那个 得跟你谈谈 Matt Matt啊 Matt... Matt啊...
I don't wanna hear it, mom. 我不想听 妈 Look. 听着
Matty, please. Matty 求你了
Do you know what I was doing tonight, mom? 你知道我今晚做了什么吗 老妈?
I was having fun. 我玩得很尽兴
You know, trying to forget 试着去忘记
about all the crap that I have to deal with every day?
Just enjoy a night with my friends.
只想和我的朋友们痛痛快快地玩一个晚上 And then, there you are. 然后 你出现了 Wasted at the bar, 喝得烂醉
where I work, by the way. 还是在我工作的酒吧里
To pay the bills that you don't pay. 我挣钱帮你付那些你没付的账单
And then you're off acting like a freaking kid? 然后 你却表现得跟个小屁孩一样 Hookin' up with some guy half your age. 老牛吃嫩草
I'm the kid, mom. 我才是个孩子 妈妈
You're supposed to be responsible for me. 你本该管教我的 I know, Matt. 我知道 Matt
How was your night? 你今晚过得怎么样啊? Oh, same old, as old. You? 哦 和往常一样 你呢? Yep. 我也是
So where is Bethanne? Bethanne呢?
She won't be coming back. 她不会回来了
What happened? where is she? 出什么事了? 她人呢? Well, you were right. 你说得对
We shouldn't have left. 我们不该离开 No. 不
You hungry? 你饿了吗? Unh! 啊!
Next time, you'll listen to me. 下次你就会听我的话了 I'm home. 我到家了
Teeth brushed, ready for bed. 刷过牙了 准备睡觉了 Safe and sound. 安然无恙
Oh, good. I'm glad. 哦 好 我很高兴
Is everything all right? 一切还好吧?
You sound serious. 你好像很严肃啊 no, no, no. 不 不 没有 Uh, not tonight. 呃 今晚没有
You still have a few more minutes left of normal.
你还有几分钟的时间做平常人 I'll pay you back tomorrow, ok? 我明天会补偿你的 好不好?
I had a really nice time on our date tonight. 我们今晚的约会 我真的很开心 Such a liar. 胡说
No, I'm serious. 不 我是认真的
In a way, it was exactly what it was supposed to be.
从某种程度上来说 今晚就该是这样 I had really nice time, too. 我今晚也很开心
Could you help me out a little bit? 你能帮我一下吗? What the hell? 吓死人了
I could have killed you.
我原本可以杀了你的 Yeah, but you didn't. 是的 但你没有 I should have. 我本应杀了你的 But you didn't. 但你没有
How did you know? 你是怎么知道的? I knew this girl, Vicki.
我知道一个叫Vicki的女孩儿 She, uh, 她 呃
she was attacked by an animal, 她被一种动物袭击了 a bite on the neck. 咬到了颈部
She started acting crazy.
然后 她就开始表现得很疯狂 You know, weird, 很奇怪
and it... and it seemed like drugs, 看起来... 看起来就像吸毒了一样 but then, you showed me those arties. 但之后 你给我看了那些文章 And then, I saw your face. 我看到了你的脸 And how it changed. 以及它的变化
That night in the cemetery when I kissed you. 就在墓地里我亲你的那晚 Look. 听着
You know you can't tell anyone, right?
你知道你不能把这件事告诉任何人 对吗? Ha. Who'd believe me? 哈 有谁会相信我呢? You'd be surprised. 你绝对会想不到的 Why didn't you?
你为什么没有那么做? Kill me?
为什么没有杀我? I don't know.
Maybe I'm a sucker for guys like you. 或许 对你这样的人 我难以招架吧 Like what? 我哪样的? Lost. 迷茫型
Why would you confront me about it? why would you risk it?
你为什么敢让我这么做? 你为什么要冒这个险?
Because if it was true maybe, 因为如果这是真的话 maybe it's true about Vicki.
可能Vicki是吸血鬼的事也是真的 And also because... 还因为...
I want you to turn me.
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