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Agricultural Bank of China

International Settlement Business

Company Overview

中国农业银行股份有限公司的前身最早可追溯至1951年成立的农业合作银行。上世纪70年代末以来,相继经历了国家专业银行、国有独资商业银行和国有控股商业银行等不同发展阶段。2009年1月15日,由国有独资商业银行整体改制为股份有限公司。2010年7月15日和16日,分别在上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所挂牌上市,完成了向公众持股银行的跨越。The predecessor of Agricultural Bank of China is Agricultural Cooperative Bank established in 1951. Since late 1970s, the Bank has evolved from a state-owned specialized bank to a wholly state-owned commercial bank and subsequently a state-controlled commercial bank. On 15 January 2009, the Bank was restructured into a joint stock limited liability company. On 15 and 16 July 2010, the Bank was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange respectively, which marked the completion of our historical transformation into a public shareholding commercial bank.

中国农业银行股份有限公司是一家面向“三农“、城乡联动、融入国际、综合经营的境内外上市的大型商业银行,截至2010年末,中国农业银行股份有限公司总资产103,374亿元,各项存款88,879亿元,各项贷款49,567亿元,资本充足率11.59%,全年实现净利润949亿元。Capitalizing on the comprehensive business portfolio, extensive distribution network and advanced IT platform, the Bank provides various corporate and retail banking products and services for a broad range of customers and carry out treasury operations for our own accounts or on behalf of customers. As at 31 December 2010, the Bank had total assets of RMB10,337,406 million, deposits of RMB8,887,905 million and loans of RMB4,956,741 million. Our capital adequacy ratio and non-performing loan ratio were 11.59% and 2.03%, respectively. The Bank achieved a net profit of RMB94,907 million.


In 2010, the Bank ranked No. 141 in the global Fortune 年,本行穆迪信用评级为A1/稳定。

500 companies, and ranked No. 14 in The Banker's "Top 1000 World Banks" list in terms of profi t before tax for the year of 2009. In 2010, the Bank was rated A1/Stable by the Moody's.

Settlement Network


On the strength of our 23478 向超过3.5亿客户提供便利、高效、优质的金融服务。

domestic branches and 1171 correspondent banks overseas, the Bank provides highly qualified, effective, and convenient financing services for over 350 million customers with the comprehensive business portfolio, extensive distribution network and advanced IT platform.

International Settlement



The Inward Remittance and the Outward Remittance are two types used in the 要有电汇和票汇。

Remittance Settlement service, including telegraphic transfer (T/T), mail transfer (M/T) and demand draft (D/D), of which T/T and D/D are most frequently used.

1、汇入汇款指国外代理行接受汇款人委托,将款项汇入农业银行并指示其将该笔款项解付给贵公司的结算方式。The Inward Remittance is a type of settlement service where a foreign correspondent bank remits money to ABC at the request of the remitter and instructs ABC to pay the remitted money to the customer (the payee).

电汇汇入汇款:是农业银行根据国外代理行的SWIFT汇款指示,将款项解付给贵公司的业务。Under T/T, ABC pays the remitted money to the customer according to the SWIFT instruction of the correspondent bank.

票汇汇入汇款:是收款人将国外代理行的汇票提示给农业银行,农业银行核对汇票无误且资金到账后将款项解付给贵公司的业务。Under D/D, the customer presents the draft issued by a foreign correspondent bank, and then ABC pays the remitted money after the draft is checked and the remittance has reached ABC.

2、汇出汇款是指农业银行按照贵公司的指示,以一定的方式将一定的外汇款项支付给指定收款人的结算方式。The Outward Remittance is a type of settlement service where ABC transfers a certain amount of foreign exchanges to the designated payee as instructed by the customer.


Under T/T, ABC transfers a certain amount of foreign exchanges via SWIFT to the bank account of the payee designated by the customer.

票汇汇出汇款:是农业银行签发的以农业银行账户行为付款行,以收款人为抬头人的外汇银行汇票,由贵公司自寄收款人或自行携带,凭票到汇入行(付款行)领取款项的一种汇款方式。Under D/D, ABC draws a foreign exchange demand draft ordered to the payee with an ABC branch as the paying bank, and the payee can get payment from the inward remittance bank (the paying bank) by presenting the draft.


进口代收业务(Import Collection):是指农业银行作为代收行,收到国外

托收行寄交的托收单据后,按照托收行的指示,向贵公司提示单据,要求其付款或承兑赎单的业务。进口代收按照交单方式,可分为付款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)。 The Import Collection is a service in which ABC acting as the collecting bank, upon receiving collection documents from an overseas remitting bank, presents documents to our customers for payment or acceptance as instructed by the remitting bank. By how documents are delivered, the Import Collection is divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

出口跟单托收(Export Documentary Collection):是指农业银行作为托收行,代贵公司将汇票连同商业单据一起交进口商银行,委托其代为向进口商收取款项的结算方式。出口跟单托收按交单方式,分为付款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)。The Export Documentary Collection is a settlement mode where ABC, acting as the remitting bank of the customer, sends the draft and shipping documents to the importer's bank and then delegates the importer's bank to collect money from the importer. According to how the documents are delivered, the Export Documentary Collection is divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

Letter of Credit

进口信用证:是农业银行根据贵公司的申请,向受益人开出的、保证规定时间内收到满足信用证要求单据的前提下,对外支付信用证指定币种和金额的结算方式。进口信用证业务包括开立(开证、修改、注销、撤销)、到单处理(电提、审单、拒付)、承兑/承诺延期付款/付款。农业银行可根据贵公司需要开立各种类型的信用证,如即期、延期、承兑、议付、可转让、保兑、循环、背对背信用证等。The Import Letter of Credit (L/C) is a settlement mode where ABC issues a L/C to the beneficiary upon receiving the customer's application, and promises to pay a specific amount to the exporter in the designated currency, after receiving the documents that comply with the L/C requirements within the specified time. Import L/C services include issuance (opening, altering, deregistering and cancelling L/C), documents processing (telegraphic notice, documents review and dishonor), and acceptance/promise of payment or deferred payment. ABC may open any type of L/C appropriate for the customer's needs, such as sight, deferred payment, acceptance, negotiation, transferrable, confirmed,

revolving and back to back L/Cs.

出口信用证是农业银行作为贵公司银行,根据进口商银行开来的跟单信用证,为贵公司办理的信用证结算业务。主要包括信用证通知、转通知、撤销、转让、审单、寄单索汇、出口收汇等业务。The Export Letter of Credit (L/C) is a L/C settlement service provided by ABC as the exporter's bank in accordance with the documentary L/C opened by the importer's bank. Export L/C mainly provides services, such as L/C advice,cancellation, transfer, documents examination, sending documents for reimbursement, and collection of payment.

Contact us

Agricultural Bank of China Limited


Customer service center:95599

Agricultural Bank of China Xinjiang Branch

Address:NO.66 Jiefang South Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

Phone number: +86-0991-2836318

