第四册 Unit 4 Work and Career TP

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A Teaching Plan for Unit 4

(In Integrated English Course Book 4)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims:

Text A : Work, Labor and Play

1. Let students acquainted with some new words and expressions:abolish, classify, commit, division, fashion, gamble, hunt, necessity, senseless, voluntary, considerable, coordination, declaration, derive, evaluate, moderately, slight… 2. Teach students to learn to use suffix-ary and -ory Text B : Choosing an Occupation or Career 1. Teach grammar : 动名词用法

2. Grasp the key word and phrases and complete Word Detective

Ⅱ. Teaching Contents:

Text A : Work, Labor and Play 1. Lead-in

2. Pre-reading Activities 3. Structure of the Text 4. Language Points

Text B : Choosing an Occupation or Career 1. Grammar:

2. Reading comprehension 3. Language points

Ⅲ. Teaching Time

Six class hours

Ⅳ: Teaching Focal Points

Text A : Work, Labor and Play

1. Analyze the structure of several compound sentences and comprehend them. 2. Learn to use suffix-ary and -ory

Text B : Choosing an Occupation or Career 1. Teach grammar : 动名词用法

2. Enable students to grasp the main idea of the text.

Ⅴ. Teaching Difficult Points

Text A : Work, Labor and Play 1. The deep understanding of the text

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2. Learn to write the theme-related composition Text B : Choosing an Occupation or Career 1. Ask students to retell the story 2. Grasp some CET-4 words.

Ⅵ Teaching Methods


Ⅶ Teaching Aids

1. PowerPoint 2. Blackboard

Ⅷ Teaching Procedure Text A: Work, Labor and Play

1. Lead-in:

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 1. What do you think work can provide?

2. What factors do you think one should take into account when choosing a career? 3. What kind of job do you think will be suitable for you? ▇ Answers for reference:

1. Work can provide us with the necessities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter. Work can also provide us with spiritual satisfaction, such as happiness and a sense of achievement.

2. There are several factors we should take into account when choosing a career such as interest, ability, personality, pay, and so on. Interest is where our passion for work comes from. Ability guarantees that we are qualified for the job. Personality determines whether we are suitable for the job or not. And a good pay helps us to live a decent life.

3. Most students would probably say that they would choose an occupation which is related to what they are learning at college now and which would provide them with ample opportunities to develop their potential and prove their worth. Section B Watching and Discussion

▇ Watch the following video clip “How to Choose the Right Career” and do the tasks that follow:

插入视频片段: “How to Choose the Right Career.wmv”

1. Please decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) based on the information in the video clip.

( T ) To choose the right career, you should firstly figure out your passions and interests.

( T ) You can increase your knowledge and develop new skills in order to

have more career choices.

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( T ) Making a list of your personal preferences and needs is helpful in

choosing the right career.

( F ) You should take some qualification tests to get ready for your chosen career.

( F ) Before choosing a career, you should research the job market to see if

you have the required skills.

( F ) The video is to persuade people to believe in themselves and aim high. 2. Do you think the speaker’s suggestions helpful? Do you have more suggestions? Script:How to Choose the Right Career

With some effort, perseverance, and guidance, you’ll be able to choose the right career for you. You will need: reflection, research and a belief in yourself.

STEP 1 (Figure out your interests): List your passions and interests. Do you like working with your hands or sitting at a desk? Working with numbers or managing money? Teaching or helping people? Selling or creating things?

STEP 2 (Identify strengths, skills, and talents): Identify your strengths, skills, and talents – things that come easily that you enjoy doing. Don’t let lack of skills limit your choices. You can always increase your knowledge and develop new skills.

STEP 3 (Make a list):List your personal preferences and needs. What is the lowest income that you will accept? Are you willing to commute or relocate? Can you go back to school for additional training?

STEP 4 (Take career and self-assessment tests):Get professional advice by taking career assessment tests and tests that evaluate your personality and temperament. Some career assessment tests are free; others are available from a career counselor.

STEP 5 (Research the job market):Research the job market to learn about careers that match your interests and personality. Check the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries, found online or at the library.

STEP 6 (Get ready):Prepare to begin a new chapter in your life as you pursue a career that will make you happy and bring you satisfaction. Aim high!

Did you know Vincent Van Gogh was a schoolmaster, a student priest missionary, and an art dealer before he became a painter?

Part II Listen and Respond


Attitude Makes a Difference

Attitudes affect the way people get along at home, at school, and at work. Your attitude will influence your feelings of job satisfaction and your career success. Attitude is the way you think about things and act toward others.

In fact, many employers believe that the most important factor in job success is a positive attitude. They know that an employee’s work performance is closely related to his or her attitude. Employees with a positive attitude enjoy better business performance.

If you view a new job as an opportunity, a chance to learn new things, and act with interest and enthusiasm, you are expressing a positive attitude. You also demonstrate a positive attitude when you are polite, cooperative and considerate with your co-workers and superiors. People with a positive attitude view the world as a friendly place. They take responsibility for their decisions and have the ability to control their feelings. People with a positive attitude are easy to get along with. They

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are honest in expressing their thoughts and feelings. And they are open to suggestions and constructive criticism.

As you begin your new job, guard against a negative attitude. People with a negative attitude frequently complain and have careless work habits. They always blame others for their own problems. Besides, they are critical and indifferent to the needs of others.

Part III Read and Explore

Text A

Section A Discovering the Main Ideas

Exercise 1: Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.

1. How does the author define a laborer and a worker?

2. What is the difference between the attitudes of workers and laborers towards leisure according to the author?

3. What are the results technology and the division of labor have brought about according to the author?

4. Why do workers seldom commit acts of violence according to the author? 5. What is the author’s attitude towards workers and laborers? ▇ Answers for reference:

1. According to the author, a man is a laborer if he is not interested in what he does but is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family. A man is a worker if he is truly interested in the job he does; what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.

2. According to the author, to a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently. He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much. To a laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.

3. According to the author, technology and the division of labor have done two things. Firstly, they have made a very large number of paid occupations which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labor. Secondly, they have reduced the number of necessary laboring hours.

4. According to the author, workers seldom commit acts of violence because they can put their aggression into their work, be it physical like the work of a smith, or mental like the work of a scientist or an artist. In other words, being so engaged in their job, workers probably do not bother to commit acts of violence after work. 5) The author tends to take a positive attitude towards workers and a negative attitude towards laborers. According to the author, whether one is a worker or a laborer depends not on the job itself but on whether he enjoys what he is doing or not. The author believes that workers are happier because they are not compelled to do what they do not enjoy. Workers need leisure time only to relax in order to work more efficiently, while laborers want as much leisure time as possible so that they could play.

Exercise 2: Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part. Part Paragraph(s) Main Ideas The author explains his understanding of work, labor, and play. One 1-3 Whether one is a laborer or a worker has little to do with whether 第 4 页 共 18 页

he or she is doing a physical or a mental job but with the attitude he or she takes towards the job he or she does. In the author’s eye, the majority of people in a modern Two 4 technological society are laborers rather than workers. The author stresses the two negative aspects of technology and the division of labor, that is, by eliminating the need for special skills, Three 5 they turned enjoyable work into boring labor and by increasing productivity they give people excessive leisure time. Key Words and Expressions for Text A in the strict sense in the most limited meaning 从严格意义上说 e.g. 1. In the strict sense, it is not a piece of classical music.

2. They are not immigrants, at least not in the strict sense. 从严格意义上来说他们不是移民。

abolish vt. bring to an end by law; stop 废除;取消

e.g. 1. The government is determined to abolish abuses of power.

2. These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws. 这些改革措施将彻底废除带有种族歧视的法律。

3. The end of law is not abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.

法律的目的不是废除或约束而是维护并扩大自由。 CF: abolish, cancel



cancel:用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。 Collocation:

utterly abolish gradually abolish

wage n. wages, a payment made for work done, calculated by the hour, day, or week or by the amount produced, and usu. received daily or weekly (按钟点、按日、按周或按件计酬,通常每日或每周发薪的)工资,薪金,工钱 e.g. 1. The workers have asked for a wage rise of 10%.

2. Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices. 他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。

CF: earnings, allowance, income, salary, wage, pay, fee


earnings: 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。 allowance: 指收入中的补贴部分。 salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。 wage: 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。

pay: 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage. fee: 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用。

necessity n. [U (of, for)] the condition of being necessary or unavoidable; need [常与of或for连用](迫切)需要;必要(性)

e.g. 1. The teacher urged on us the necessity of practice.

2. Most women, like men, work from economic necessity.

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