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Unit 6 Injection Molding
Injection molding (Fig 6.1) is the predominant process for fabrication of thermoplastics into finished forms, and is increasingly being used for thermosetting plastics, fiber-filled composites, and elastomers.
It is the process of choice for tremendous variety of parts ranging in weight from 5g to 85g. It is estimated that 25% of all thermoplastics molded. If newer modification, such as reaction injection molding, and the greatly increased rate of adoption of plastics as substitutes for metals are considered, it is likely that the worldwide industrial importance of injection molding will continue to increase. Currently, probably close to half of all major processing units is injection molding machines. In 1988, a dollar sale of new injection molding machinery in the U.S. was approximately 65% of total major polymer machinery sales volume; this included 4,600 injection molding units. The machines and their products are ubiquitous and are synonymous with plastics for many people.
A reciprocating screw injection molding machine combines the functions of extruder and a compressive molding press. It takes solid granules of thermoplastic resin, melts and pressurizes them in the extruder section, forces the melt at high velocity and pressure through carefully designed flow channels a cooled mold, then ejects the finished part(s), and automatically recycles. This machine is a descendant of the plunger type “stuffing machine” patented by the Hyatt brothers in 1872 to mold celluloid. In 1878, the Hyatts developed the first multicavity mold, but it was not until 1938 that Quillery (France) patented a machine incorporating a screw to plasticize the elastomer being molded. In 1956, Ankerwerk Nuremberg commercialized the modem reciprocating screw injection molding machine for thermoplastics. Today, over 50 machine manufacturers are listed in Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, offering machines to the U.S. market ranging from 2 to 6,000 tons clamping capacity. (A machine with a 10,000-ton capacity has been built to mold 264-gallon HDPE trash containers.) A host of suppliers of auxiliary equipment, molds, instruments, and controls service this major segment of the polymer industry.
Injection molding is particularly worthy of intensive study because it combines many areas of interest extrusion, mold design, rheology, sophisticated hydraulic and electronic controls, robotic accessories, design of complex products, and, of course, the integration of materials science and process engineering. The objectives of injection molding engineers are simple enough: to obtain minimum cycle time with minimum scrap, to attain specified product performance with assurance, to minimize production costs due to downtime or any other reasons, and to steadily increase in expertise and competitiveness. Profit margins for
custom injection molders are said to be generally skimpy; an established way to improve profits is to be selected for more demanding, higher margin jobs demand the highest level of efficiency and competence.
This text will concentrate on the reciprocating screw machine thermoplastics, which has largely replaced the older reciprocating plunger types except for very small-capacity machines.
Injection Molding Materials
It is not possible to injection-mold all polymers. Some polymers like PTFE (Poly-tetre-fluoro-ethylene), cannot be made to flow freely enough to make them suitable for injection molding. Other polymers, such as a mixture to resin and glass fiber in woven or mat form, are unsuitable by their physical nature for use in the process. In general, polymers which are capable of being brought to a state of fluidity can be injection-molded.
The vast majority of injection molding is applied to thermoplastic polymers. This class of materials consists of polymers which always remain capable of being softened by heat and of hardening on cooling, even after repeated cycling. This is because the long-chain molecules of the material always remain as separate entities and do not from chemical bonds to one another. An analogy car, be made to a block of ice that can be softened (i.e. turned back to liquid), poured into any shape cavity, and then cooled to become a solid again. This property differentiates thermoplastic materials from thermosetting ones. In the latter type of polymer, chemical bonds are formed between the separate molecule chains during processing. In this case the chemical bonding referred to as cross linking is the hardening mechanism.
In general, most of the thermoplastic materials offer high impact strength, corrosion resistance, and easy processing with good flow characteristics for molding complex designs. Thermoplastic are generally divided into two classes: namely crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline polymers have an ordered molecular arrangement, with a sharp melting point. Due to the ordered arrangement at molecules, the crystalline polymers reflect most incidents light and generally appear opaque. They also undergo a high shrinkage or reduction in volume during solidification. Crystalline polymers usually are more resistant to organic solvents and have good fatigue and wear-resistant properties. Crystalline polymers also generally are denser and have better mechanical properties than amorphous polymers. The main exception to this ruler is polycarbonate, which is the amorphous polymer of choice for high-quality transparent molding, and has excellent mechanical properties.
The mechanical properties of thermoplastics, while substantially lower than those of metals, can be enhanced for some applications through the addition of glass fiber reinforcement. This takes the form of short-chopped fibers, a few millimeters in length, which are rsndomly mixed with the thermoplastic resin.
The fibers occupy up to one third of the material volume to considerably improve the material strength and stiffness. The negative effect of this reinforcement is usually a decrease in impact strength and an increase in abrasiveness. The latter also has an effect on processing since the life of the mold cavity reduced from1,000,000 parts for plain resin parts to about 300,000 for glass-filled parts.
Perhaps the main weakness of injection-molded parts is the relatively low service temperatures to which they can be subjected. Thermoplastic components an only rarely be operated continuously above 250℃, with an absolute upper service temperature of about 400℃. The temperature at which a thermoplastic can be operated under load can be defined qualitatively by the heat deflection temperature. This is the temperature at which a simply supported beam specimen of the material, with a centrally applied load, reaches a predefined. The temperature value obviously depends upon the conditions of the test and the allowed deflection and for this reason, the test value are only really useful for comparing different polymers.
Cycle of Operation
The reciprocating screw injection molding machine is considered as consisting of two: a fixed injection side, and a movable clamp side. The injection side-contain the extruder that receives solid resin in pellet or granular form and converts it into a viscous liquid or melt that can be forced through the connecting nozzle, spine, and runners to the gates that lead into the mold cavities. The mold is tightly clamped against injection pressure and is cooled well below the melt temperature of the thermoplastic. When the parts in the cavities have cooled sufficiently the mold halves are opened at the mold parting plane and the parts ejected by a knockout system drop into a receiving bin below. This summarizes the overall cycle, but leaves out much vital detail that is necessary for understanding the process. However, with this introduction, it is possible to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the process.
Effects of Process Variables on Orientation
In injection molding, any variation in processing that keeps the molding resin hot throughout filling allows increased and, therefore, decreased orientation. Some of the steps
that can be taken to reduce orientation are as follows.
Faster injection (up to a point): less cooling during filling, hence a thinner initial frozen layer, lower viscosity due to shear thinning; better flow to corners; and less crystallinity all favor lower subsurface orientation. The primary effect is that the gate will freeze more quickly. At that point, orientation stops and relaxation starts.
Higher melt and mold temperature: lower melt viscosity, easier filling, and greater relaxation favor reduced orientation.
Reduced packing time and pressure: overpacking inhibits relaxation processes. Reduce gate size: larger gates take longer to freeze off and permit increased orientation.
Excessively high injection speed can cause high surface orientation and increase susceptibility to stress cracking. For example, molding that are to be electroplated, and will be subject to acid solutions during plating, must be made using very slow injection speeds to minimized surface orientation. On the other hand, the transverse motion component of the melt front in most molding can cause transverse subsurface orientation superimposed on the primary orientation, giving a desirable biaxial orientation effect.
Orientation can be seriously increased by obstruction to flow during filling of the cavity. Flow around an obstruction causes a decrease in melt front speed and leads to high local viscosity and reduced relaxation. This is also likely to occur near the end of the filling phase if gating is inadequate.
The molder must recognize the dangers of excessive fill speed, insufficient injection pressure, excessive melt temperature, and inadequate packing. These dangers are weighed against the opposing effects on orientation discussed above. Thicker parts delay cooling and increase relaxation time and tend to result in lower orientation. Thicker parts also tend to warp less. Therefore, a minimum wall thickness can be established by experience for various shapes, materials, and process combinations. Lower molecular weight broader molecular weigh distribution in thermoplastic favor lower orientation and reduced internal stress in moldings.
The skin thickness ratio is affected by process variables in the same way as one would predict for the orientation; that is, it decrease as the melt for mold temperatures and cavity pressure increases. Thensile strength and stiffness increase as skin thickness ratio increases. Microscopic examination thus provides another way of studying the process efficiently.
1. High production rates. For example, a CD disk can be produced with a 10-12s cycle
in high melt flow index PC.
2. Relatively low labor content. One operator can frequently take care of two or more machines, particularly if the moldings are unloaded automatically onto conveyors.
3. Parts require little or no finishing. For example, flash can be minimized and molds can be arranged to automatically separate runners and gates from the part itself.
4. Very complex shapes can be formed. Advances in mold tooling are largely responsible.
5. Flexibility of design (finishes, colors, inserts, materials).More than one material can be molded through co-injection. Foam core materials with solid skins are efficiently produced. Thermosetting plastics and fiber-reinforced shapes are injection molded.
6. Minimum scrap loss. Runners, gates, and scrap can usually be reground. Recycled thermoplastics can be injection molded.
7. Close tolerances are obtainable. Modem microprocessor controls, fitted to precision molds, fitted to precision molds, and elaborate hydraulics, facilitate tolerances in the 0.1% range on dimensions and weights (but not without a high level of operational skills in constant attendance).
8. Makes best use of the unique attributes of polymers, such as flow ability, light weight, transparency, and corrosion resistance. This is evident from the number and variety of molded plastic products everyday use.
Disadvantages and Problems
1. High investment in equipment tools requires high production volumes.
2. Lack of expertise and good preventive maintenance can cause high startup and running costs.
3. Quality is sometimes difficult to determine immediately. For example, post-mold warpage may render parts unusable because of dimensional changes that are not completed for weeks or months after molding.
4. Attention is required on many details requiring a wide variety of skills and cross-disciplinary knowledge.
5. Part design sometimes is not well suited to efficient molding.
6. Lead time for mold design, mold manufacture and debugging trials is sometimes very long.
第六章 注塑成型
注射机是使塑料塑化和均化,并在很高的压力和较快的速度下,通过螺杆和柱塞的推挤将熔料注射入模具的成型机。它利用热塑性树脂的固体颗粒,挤出机的压力使他们融化,通过精心设计的熔体流道使之进入高流速和高压力的冷却模具内,完成成型过程,回收,然后过程循环。本机是1872年凯悦兄弟的后代塑造赛璐珞发明的一种柱塞式“馅机”机械。1878年,海厄茨开发了第一个多腔模具,但直到1938年Quillery(法国)发明了一种机器装有螺杆塑化成型但是没有弹性体的模具。1956年,Ankerwerk纽伦堡商品化调制解调器用于热塑性塑料螺杆往复式注塑机。今天,超过50家机制造商都列在现代塑料百科全书中,在美国生产的注塑机有2 6000吨锁模能力。 (一个有10,000吨的能力已建机模具264加仑的高密度聚乙烯垃圾容器。)是关于辅助设备,模具,仪器仪表和控制这种聚合物服务行业的主要供应商。
注塑机值得深入研究,因为它结合了挤压工艺,模具设计,流体力学,精密液压和电子控制,机器人配置,复杂产品设计等许多领域,当然,也是材料学科和工艺技术的集成。注塑成型工程师的目标是很简单:在最小废料最小循环时间为前提的条件下,保证达到规定的产品性能,最大限度地减少生产成本,并逐步增加专业知识和竞争力。定制注塑商的利润通常说是少得可怜;必须用一个既定的方式来提高利润,追求更高利润、更大就业需求、更高效率和能力的最高水平。本文将主要介绍往复螺杆机热塑性塑料的注塑成型,它已在很大程度上取代小容量机器的类型,除了比较古老的大型往复柱塞式注塑机。 注塑成型的材料
也许,注塑件的主要缺点是工作时能承受的温度相对较低。热塑性塑料部件只有很少部分能连续运行250℃以上, 400℃是绝大部分材料的温度上限。热塑性材料可根据负荷运行温度,将其定义为热变形温度。这是在温度达到了预定义,此种材料组成简支梁的中央载荷达到预定义,比较不同的聚合物后,材料允许挠度的测试的目的是用于说明温度值取决于测试值。 循环操作
外壳厚度比受加工变量影响的方式与方向性预测一样;也就是它能随融化或成型温度及模腔压力的增加而减少。拉伸强度和硬度随外壳厚度比增加而增加。因而显微镜检查提供了有效研究该工艺的另一方法。 优点
1. 高生产率:例如,一张CD盘在高融体流动指数生产控制中只需10~12s一个循环就能生产出来。
2. 相对较少的工作内容:一个操作者经常可以照看两台以上机械,尤其是当成品能自动卸到输送机上时。
3. 零件几乎不需要修整:例如,飞边可以最小化并且模具能被设计成自动将浇道和闸道从零件本身分离。
4. 非常复杂的形状也能成型:模具的进步很大程度上是可靠的。
5. 设计的灵活性(光洁度、颜色、插入物、材料):通过复合注塑可以成型多于一种材料。可以高效地生产带有固体外壳的泡沫型芯材料。热硬化性塑料和纤维加强形状都可以注塑成型。
6. 废料损失最小化:浇道、闸道和废料通常可以重新研磨。循环热塑性塑料可以注塑成型。
7. 能得到接近的公差:现代微处理器控制、合适的精密模具和精心制作的液压设备使得尺寸和重量的公差保持在0.1% 的范围内(但不是没有在持续照看时的高水平操作技能)。
8. 充分利用聚合物诸如流动能力、重量轻、透明和耐腐蚀等独特属性:从日常使用成型塑料产品的数量和种类就能明显看到。 缺点和存在的问题
1. 较高的设备和模具投资需要较高生产量才合算。
2. 缺少专门技术和良好的预防性维修会导致较高的启动和运行成本。 3. 质量有时难以马上确定。例如,成型后的翘曲会导致零件不能用,因为在成型后几星期甚至几个月尺寸变化都不能完成。
4. 对许多需要广泛多样性技能和交叉学科知识的细节必须加以注意。 5. 零件设计有时不能很好地适应有效率的成型。
6. 模具设计、模具制造和调试试验这些先导工作有时要花费很长时间。

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