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专升本辅导习题(词汇部分)UNIT 1

1、 The good chance the child had looked forward to _______ at last.

A. coming B. comes C. come D. came 2、I really don?t know _______ I kept the secret papers.

A. where was it B. it was where that C. where it was that D. where was it that 3、There are three reading-rooms in our new library, _________about four hundred students in all. A. seating B. sit C. seated D. sitting

4、It must have rained last light, ________ the ground is wet here and there. A. because B. as C. for D. since

5、_________ no knowledge what may happen in one hundred years? time. A. It is B. This is C. There is D. That?s

6、They won?t go back to work unless their demands are _________. A. met B. permitted C. given D. replied 7、----___________? ----Go ahead.

A. Can I use your pen for a while B. Shall I help you

C. Will you start now D. Would you like some coffee

8、What a poor memory I?ve got! I remember _________ the letter but forgot _________ it. A. to post … to stamp B. posting…to stamp C. to post…stamping D. posting…stamping

9、__________ arriving in Tibet, the soldiers at once joined them __________ their work. A. At…with B. On…in C. For…with D. After…to 10、----Who told you about Dad?s illness?

----The doctor in ________.

A. connection B. turn C. public D. charge 11、Is __________ you want to say?

A. all what B. which all C. that all D. all that 12、From this hill top, you can see many islands ________ the coast. A. off B. on C. from D. along

13、I?ve got to _________ up now. Someone is waiting to use the phone. A. give B. put C. look D. hang 14、The river is so dirty that the water ___________. A. is not fit to drink B. doesn?t fit to drink C. is not fit to be drunk D. doesn?t fit for drinking 15、----Why are your group so happy?

----Our group _________ theirs in the oral English competition.

A. has won B. have gained C. has beaten D. have defeated 16、The furniture here looks more beautiful than _______ in our room A. one B. the one C. those D. that 17、The area is _________ Wales.

A. twice big as B. twice the size of C. twice the length of D. twice as long 18、----How ________ will he come here?

---- __________ two days.

A. long; For B. often; Every C. soon; In D. fast; Within


19、The clock _______ nine and we realized that it was already late. A. knocked B. struck C. beat D. hit 20、----How did you like the food here?

----Oh, excellent! We _______ a better hotel.

A. couldn?t find B. won?t find C. mustn?t have found D. couldn?t have found 21、I like _______ history; by studying it , I can gain ______ knowledge of the past events. A. /,a B. /,/ C. the, a D. a, the

22、________ leaves the house last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 23、----Is she going to school?

----No, _________.

A. she doesn?t B. she goes by bus C. to the shops D. she is on the bike 24、The roof of our lab was damaged by a _______ tree in the great storm last night. A. fall B. fallen C. falling D. felled

25、Having made up his mind, he _________ to carry out his plan. A. set about B. set off C. set up D. set out

26、We should invite Jenny to the party. ________ , she is fond of dancing and singing. A. First B. The first thing C. For one thing D. For another 27、The girl seldom, if ________, turned to her brother for protection. A. never B. ever C. then D. always

28、I won?t think _______ of him because of his shortcomings. He is a good boy after all. A. much B. little C. any less D. any more 29、----- You were tired after the sports meet, weren?t you?

----- Yes, ________ . I could hardly stand.

A. not at all B. not a little C. not a bit D. not really 30、He didn?t go into detail on the subject. He spoke __________. A. in common B. in particular C. in general D. in short

31、Through the window I breathed fresh air _________ with the late night smell of grass. A. covered B. filled C. mixed D. taken

32、Popular music is liked by many people, but it is not to everyone?s _________. A. hearing B. sound C. smell D. taste

33、As a writer, he succeeded in calling _________ to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at

that time.

A. interest B. notice C. attention D. mind

34、It was freezing cold. I put on my overcoat, but it didn?t seem to _________ . A. help B. heat C. make D. warm 35、------ Would you like to join us?

------ Sorry, I?m not _________ as any one of you.

A. so a good player B. a player very good C. a so good player D. so good a player 36、It is quite warm these days ________ November. A. at B. on C. with D. for

37、The size of this kind of shoes is larger than ________ .

A. my feet B. my shoes C. that of my feet D. that kind of shoes 38、The car ________ on the way and we had to walk.


A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke away

39、They disagreed with one another and the meeting _________ without any result. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke away

40、Our school will _________ at the end of June and the students are ready to leave. A. break into B. break away C. break forth D. break up 41、The colour TV set __________ that factory ___________ well. A. turned out by , sells B. producing by , is sold C. turning out from , sell D. produced from , is sold 42、------I?m afraid no one will agree with you.

------ I don?t think it _________ .

A. is matter B. matters C. the matter D. minds 43、-----I have two tickets for the film, will you go with me? -----Yes, ___________ .

A. it?s a pleasure B. with pleasure C. thanks D. I shall 44、He studied very hard and in the end turned _________ .

A. scientist B. a scientist C. the scientist D. out a scientist 45、We would have our party in the hall _________ in the garden.

A. instead B. in the place of C. rather than D. but not 46、They move to another house to make _________ the new comers. A. a room for B. some room to C. room for D. rooms for

47、I?ve visited a lot of different places and stayed in a lot of different hotels, but nothing else

_________ this one.

A. wins B. matches C. makes D. takes 48、Poisons should be kept out of the __________ of children. A. reach B. catch C. grasp D. hold 49、While playing in the garden, _________ .

A. a stone hit me B. a stone fell down upon my shoulder C. my leg was heavily hit by a stone D. I was hit by a stone 50、What he said at the meeting is _________ worth _________ .

A. well, to listen B. very, listening C. very, to the listening to D. well, listening to 51、What the young man said sounds strange, _________ it is true. A. but and B. yet and C. and but D. and yet 52、-------David has made great progress recently. ------- __________ , and _________ .

A. So he has …so you have B. So he has … so have you C. So has he … so have you D. So has he … so you have

53、There was one listener in the lecture hall and only ten minutes later did I see ________ . A. the other B. another C. other one D. some other 54、-------Would you do me a favor and give me a ride?

------- ___________ .

A. Yes, that?s right B. No trouble at all C. Never mind D. With pleasure 55、I shouldn?t have left Jimmy __________ I the room. A. single B. himself C. lonely D. alone 56、The footsteps __________ his return.


A. told B. expressed C. indicated D. announced 57、__________ all her efforts, she failed to reach her aim.

A. Together with B. In spite of C. Instead of D. Because of 58、It won?t _________ a hero just to do one good deed. A. make B. be C. build D. bring

59、After three days, our food _________ , and we had to return to our camp. A. gave away B. gave out C. gave off D. gave up 60、--------Is __________ here?

--------No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave.

A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D.nobody 61、I?m sorry for what I?ve said. I __________ .

A. hold it back B. take it back C. keep it back D. get it back 62、The highway is about __________ .

A. three thousand long miles B. long three thousand miles C. three-thousand-mile-long D. three thousand miles long 63、------- Can he carry the heavy bag alone?

------ ___________ . He is too old to do it.

A. Yes, of course B. Afraid not C. Certainly D. I don?t think it 64、A dozen years ________ , but the pretty woman remains __________ . A. passed, the same B. has gone by, unchanged C. passed by, unchanging D. went by, like before 65、Huck _______ me staying there a little longer.

A. remained B. kept on C. insisted on D. stuck to

66、Anyone who has __________ the magazine please give it back immediately. A. taken B. received C. accepted D. brought

67、Professor Smith lives _______ the second storey, this is _________ the second floor. A. in…on B. on…in C. in…in D. on…on 68、The song sounds _________ , doesn?t it?

A. well B. moved C. beautifully D. sweet 69、_________ it is to swim in rivers or lakes.

A. What a fun B. How fun C. What fun D. What funny 70、Don?t get ________ to the dog. It is dangerous.

A. closely B. nearly C. nearby D. close

71、Every means __________ prevent the water from ___________ . A. are used to, being polluted B. was used to, polluting C. is used to, polluted D. is used to, being polluting 72、Let?s cut the apple __________ and share it.

A. into half B. by half C. into halves D. in halves 73、He stole the money and was put __________ .

A. at prison B. in prison C. at the prison D. in the prison 74、He started early ___________ he could get there before nine.

A. in order that B. because C. so as to D. in order to

75、When you do fine, close work, such as reading or drawing, raise your eyes __________ and

look into the distance.


A. once for a while B. once in a while C. once at a while D. once of a while 76、It was __________ that he couldn?t finish it alone.

A. so difficult a work B. a so difficult job C. such a difficult work D. so difficult a job 77、Everybody has to spend _________ in bed.

A. some times B. some time C. sometime D. sometimes 78、Never waste anything, but __________ never waste time. A. above all B. after all C. for all D. all above 79、The boy stared at his book, ___________ .

A. with pen in hand B. a pen in hand C. pen in his hand D. pen in hand 80、She has _________ .

A. a gift for languages B. a gift in languages

C. a present for languages D. some cleverness to languages 81、Look, __________ !

A. here the bus comes B. here comes the bus C. here is the bus coming D. here the bus is coming 82、He has _____________ .

A. a ten-years-old daughter B. a ten-year-old daughter C. a ten year old daughter D. a ten-year-old-daughter 83、She must have arrived, _________ she?

A. mustn?t B. haven?t C. hasn?t D. didn?t 84、No one enjoys __________ at.

A. laughing B. to laugh C. being laughed D. to be laughed 85、------What do you suppose made her worried?

------ a gold ring.

A. Lose B. loss C. losing D. Because of losing 86、He has no interests, _________ his work.

A. apart from B. beside C. besides D. accept 87、Our teacher gives lessons in ___________ .

A. compositions B. composition C. the composition D. a composition 88、Yesterday we called at ________ .

A. Mary?s sister?s B. my aunts C. a friend of my uncle?s D. my uncle 89、She has __________ Robert for a year.

A. married B. married to C. been married to D. been married with 90、His house is easily __________ from the rest. It has a large blue door. A. picked out B. picking out C. picked up D. picking

91、It was about 600 years ago ________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. that B. when C. before D. until 92、He has been here for __________ .

A. two and a half month B. two and half a month C. two and the half months D. two and a half months

93、Shortly after the accident, two _______ police were sent to the spot to keep order. A. dozen of the B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozens of 94、Your advice that she _________ more exercise is reasonable. A. takes B. take C. does D. carries out


23、Ironically, racial discrimination, which is _______ with democratic principles, has existed in

America, “ his greatest democracy in the world ”.

A. incompatible B. unanimous C. disagreeable D. contrary

24、The professor needs an assistant that he can _____ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out

25、I am not sure whether I can get any profit from the business, so I can?t make a(n) _____

decision about what to do next.

A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite

26、Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are ________ in stores. A. ready B. available C. probable D. approachable

27、The photos on the wall _______ grandma of those happy old days when a large family lived


A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind

28、We all hope he?ll soon _______ his disappointment and be happy again. A. get through B. get away C. get up D. get down 29、The problem of environment protection has been studied ________ . A. extremely B. intensively C. originally D. violently 30、“ Did you buy anything at the clothing store? ”

“ Yes, I bought three _______ shirts for just $ 120. ”

A. fifty-dollar B. fifties-dollar C. fifty-dollars D. fifties-dolls

31、His written English was first-class, and he had a(n) ______ vocabulary for a sophomore. A. intimate B. initial C. inevitable D. incredible

32、After the company ______ the problem of unfair competition, its sales figures dropped to a

record low.

A. look into B. ran into C. come into D. put into 33、Last year, the production rate ________ by 20 %. A. rose B. raised C. arose D. aroused

34、Each person in the world has a(n) _______ personality. They are different from one another. A. only B. sole C. unique D. one 35、I am sorry to ________ your feelings.

A. have spoilt B. have destroyed C. have hurt D. have damaged 36、He is so wise a man that all the people __________ .

A. look him up B. look into him C. look up to him D. look to him

37、Though Mum is very busy, she always _______ some time every day to read to her children. A. sets off B. sets in C. sets aside D. sets up

38、He participated in the reconstruction of the city _______ the war was over. A. before long B. soon after C. long after D. soon before

39、A teacher who is _______ to the needs of individual student is sure to achieve some success. A. serious B. sensitive C. secure D. senior

40、Staying in a hotel costs ______ renting a room in an apartment for a week.

A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. much as twice as 41、The next afternoon he went to _________ Mr. Smith again. A. call forth B. call off C. call by D. call on 42、You should not _______ too much fun from him.


A. expose B. express C. expect D. experience

43、At least twenty firemen were killed ______ of the collapse of the building during the fire


A. as a rule B. as for C. as a result D. as far

44、Make sure to ______ the children ________ swimming in the dirty river. A. protect, from B. keep, from C. avoid, from D. ask, from

45、In the advanced reading course students must take tests at monthly _______ . A. distance B. length C. periods D. intervals

46、The scientist was so absorbed in his work that he was not _______ of the fire that was

spreading to his room.

A. adequate B. alive C. aware D. awake

47、The manager _______ all the engagements on the ground that he needed more rest. A. canceled B. announced C. eliminated D. kept

48、The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a _______ of fruit and

green vegetables.

A. variety B. fraction C. section D. series

49、Jack spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was ________ easy. A. nothing but B. something except C. anything but D. all except

50、Mrs. Jones seems to think that the delay of the conference is to suit the director?s ______. A. confidence B. curiosity C. convenience D. challenge

专升本辅导习题(词汇部分)UNIT 6

1、Nobel Prizes are annual made to persons who have contributed to the good

of mankind.

A. salaries B. awards C. wages D. rewards

2、The professor found no student in the lecture hall when he arrived. Only then did he

realize that he came early.

A. too much B. so much C. much too D. much so

3、Peter said he was in no for going to the movie with me because he had to

make preparations for his GRE.

A. mood B. motive C. mind D. liking 4、The minister gave a report the effect on the economy after China became a

member of WTO.

A. involving B. relating C. regarding D. as for

5、When she found her daughter was running a high fever, she took her to


A. promptly B. consequently C. consistently D. provokingly 6、Most Americans would like to do shopping in the weekends since they expect to pick

up wonderful in the supermarkets or shopping malls.

A. batteries B. bargains C. baskets D. barriers

7、She did not throw away the stockings until they were so that they couldn?t

be mended anymore.

A. wearing off B. worn out C. wearing out D. worn off


8、The young engineer was quite excited when he the experts in this

complicated project.

A. insisted B. assisted C. resisted D. persisted

9、The book is as it was the only one ever signed by the President last month in

the White House.

A. common B. unique C. rare D. singular

10、The day she got married is a day she will always though her children have

grown up and also got married.

A. look up to B. look forward to C. look back to D. look down upon

11、The launching of China?s first manned-spaceship was televised by CCTV. A. alive B. live C. life D. lively 12、It would do no _______ to call him.

A. well B. good C. better D. best

13、I enjoy the peaceful and ______ environment of the country. A. silence B. comfortable C. leisure D. quiet

14、The breakfast at the school cafeteria usually ______ fired eggs, bread and milk. A. consists of B. is consisted of C. makes up D. is included

15、The seller signed the ______ , promising to ship the goods before the end of July. A. contact B. treaty C. contrast D. contract

16、Many children chose “ Animal World ” as their ______ TV programme. A. favor B. favorite C. favorable D. favoring

17、They always keep on good ______ with their next-door neighbors for the children?s sake. A. friendship B. terms C. relations D. relatives 18、This light bulb doesn?t work. Can you _____ it by another one? A. substitute B. replace C. change D. exchange 19、I?m afraid that there is no ______ for you in my car. A. place B. seat C. corner D. room

20、The real trouble _______ their lack of confidence in their abilities. A. lies in B. lies on C. results in D. leads to

21、I don?t feel like swimming in the sea today, I?d rather lie on the ______. A. coast B. bank C. seaside D. beach

22、He behaves in a strange manner, and nobody can ______ this. A. account for B. care for C. allow for D. call for 23、It is good manners for men to behave _______ toward women.

A. considerably B. consciously C. considerately D. contentedly 24、She has been working in this factory _______ .

A. in 1980 B. after 1980 C. since 1980 D. until 1980 25、It is the girl?s laziness that _______ her failure in the exams.

A. resulted in B. resulted from C. brought in D. led into 26、All parts of the house _______ the windows were in good condition.

A. other than B. rather than C. no more than D. better than 27、The big room was almost empty _______ a table or two.

A. besides B. except C. in addition to D. except for 28、He was said to be very formal, rigid and ______ conventional.


A. hopelessly B. desperately C. carelessly D. splendidly 29、The soft handwriting _______ a thoughtful soul and clever mind. A. reminded B. reflected C. attracted D. affected 30、It was very dark in the tunnel so he ______ a match. A. hit B. fired C. struck D. burned

31、After a very busy schedule in the past three weeks, John plans to take things ______ for a


A. at ease B. easily C. ease D. with ease 32、The scientific concepts can be ______ by words and diagrams.

A. conveyed B. concluded C. contained D. continued

33、People in that area experienced a serious storm. It was so ______ that many buildings


A. destructive B. constructive C. instructive D. inclusive

34、Linda is a good teacher, she always _______ our memory when we can?t remember. A. arouses B. refreshes C. wakes D. stimulates

35、The pile of books fell down from the shelf and _______ all over the floor. A. scattered B. slipped C. extended D. separated 36、We would much ______ it if you could do us a favor.

A. associate B. prove C. appreciate D. praise 37、The candidate arrived _______ at 8 o?clock for the job interview.

A. directly B. punctually C. properly D. immediately 38、The music would stop at the intervals, then ______ after a while. A. restore B. recover C. resume D. reform

39、The boy who applied to join the army was _______ because he was under age. A. turned away B. turned down C. turned over D. turned up 40、The actual cost of the house was higher than their original _______ . A. consideration B. plan C. judgment D. estimate 41、Don?t _______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. A. reject B. prevent C. hesitate D. refuse 42、Let?s hang up some paintings on these _______ walls. A. bare B. empty C. blank D. free 43、At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into ______ with

the Party leadership.

A. action B. crisis C. conflict D. power

44、They have developed techniques which are _______ to those used in most factories. A. more talented B. better C. greater D. superior 45、Man must stop ________ the earth?s atmosphere.

A. filling B. emitting C. polluting D. wasting

46、No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _______ of how life began. A. problem B. cause C. puzzle D. logic

47、Unfortunately, very few ship _______ the severe winter last year. A. survived B. endured C. spent D. remained alive

48、They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no _______ . A. end B. conclusion C. result D. judgment


49、Well, let?s put our heads together and find ________ to the problem. A. an answer B. a way C. a solution D. a method

50、The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet ________ , where they had spent

several years immediately after their marriage.

A. pace B. suburb C. neighborhood D. area

51、Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother ________ some money from their mother?s purse. A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealing 52、I was _______ to find his article on such an ________ topic so ________ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored

53、The two boys had so ______ in common that they soon became good friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many

54、If you undertake this project you are bound to _______ many difficulties. A. encounter B. face with C. overcome D. handle 55、I suddenly realized that he was trying to ________ quarrelling with me. A. consider B. enjoy C. avoid D. prevent

56、The three hours I spent in the school library ______ my old passion for reading. A. brought about B. brought over C. brought forth D. brought back 57、The real trouble _______ their lack of confidence in their abilities. A. lies in B. lies on C. results in D. leads to

58、Henry looked very much _______ when he was caught cheating in the biology exam. A. discouraging B. embarrassed C. disappointing D. pleasing 59、I am afraid I won?t have any influence over my 18-year-old daughter ______ her mind is made


A. at the moment B. in order that C. once D. because 60、Jane?s dress is similar in design _______ her sister?s. A. with B. like C. to D. as 61、There was more than ______ rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been

severely flooded this spring.

A. extra B. efficient C. effective D. adequate

62、It was not a serious accident, the car needs only some ______ repairs. A. major B. secondary C. minor D. primary 63、Don?t be afraid to ______ him if you are in trouble.

A. turn in B. turn down C. turn to D. turn against 64、Going out of the room, ________ .

A. the air felt cool and fresh B. the sun had risen

C. a boy was seen in a tree D. she saw a big bird in the tree 65、Luckily, most ship _______ the flood last month.

A. endured B. survived C. lived D. passed 66、We can depend on John to make a _______ choice. A. sound B. loud C. noisy D. well 67、It was getting late, so we set off _______ .

A. to home B. at home C. for home D. home

68、Finding it difficult to ______ to the climate there, he decided to move to the north.


12、Am I to understand that his new post ________ no responsibility with it at all?

A. keeps B. supports C. carries D. possesses

13、Animals that could not ________ themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived. A. change B. adapt C. modify D. conform

14、The membership card entitled him ________ certain privileges in the club.

A. on B. in C. at D. to 15、Obviously, the chairman's remarks at the conference were ________ and not planned. A. substantial B. spontaneous C. simultaneous D. synthetic 16、For the success of the project, the company should ________ the most of the opportunities at hand.

A. obtain B. grasp C. catch D. make 17、Failure to follow the club rules ________ him from the volleyball team. A. disfavored B. dispelled C. disqualified D. dismissed 18、The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with ________ hope. A. eternal B. infinite C. ceaseless D. everlasting 19、At first the company refused to purchase the equipment, but this decision was ________ revised.

A. subsequently B. successively C. predominantly D. preliminarily 20、The local police are authorized to ________ anyone's movements as they think fit. A. pause B. halt C. repel D. keep 21、Have you ever received ________ of what has happened to her? A. the word B. words C. word 22、Twelve is to three ________ four is to one. A. what B. as

C. that

D. the words D. like

23、Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her ________ seemed to change. A. affair B. luck C. event D. chance 24、Although I spoke to her about the matter several times, she took little ________ of what I said.

A. remark B. warning C. notice D. attention 25、The scheme was ________ when it was discovered it would be very costly. A. resigned B. surrendered C. released D. abandoned 26、Yesterday my aunt bought some new ________ for her flat at the seaside. A. furniture B. furnitures C. possession D. possessions 27、My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn't very ________ about the food he eats. A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. specific 28、Your advice would be ________ valuable to him, who is now at a loss as to what to do first. A. exceedingly B. excessively C. extensively D. exclusively 29、More often than not, it is difficult to English.

A. exchange B. transfer

________ the exact meaning of a Chinese idiom in

C. convey

D. convert

30、She refused to ________ the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit.


A. hand in B. hand out C. hand down D. hand over

31、The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think it best to ________.

A. engage B. devote C. seek D. pursue 32、The Olympic Games ________ in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Greece. A. originated B. stemmed C. derived D. descended 33、We should always bear in mind that ________ decisions often result in serious consequences. A. urgent B. instant C. prompt D. hasty 34、The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement ________ five separate unions has led to long negotiations. A. over B. upon C. in D. with 35、The chairman of the company said that new techniques had ________ improved their production efficiency. A. violently B. severely C. extremely D. radically 36、The local authorities realized the need to make ________ for elderly people in their housing programmes. A. preparation B. requirement C. specification D. provision 37、The guest team was beaten by the host team 2 ________ 4 in last year's CFA Cup Final. A. over B. in C. to D. against 38、The police let him go, because they didn't find him guilty ________ the murder. A. of B. in C. over D. on

39、The police have offered a large ________ for information leading to the robber's arrest. A. award B. compensation C. prize D. reward 40、I arrived at the airport so late that I ________ missed the plane. A. only B. quite C. narrowly

D. seldom

41、The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers' fears were completely ________. A. unjustified B. unjust C. misguided D. unaccepted 42、The head of the Museum was ________ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts. A. promising B. agreeing C. pleasing D. obliging 43、The multinational corporation was making a take-over ________ for a property company. A. application B. bid C. proposal D. suggestion 44、The party's reduced vote was ________ of lack of support for its policies. A. indicative B. positive C. revealing D. evident

45、There has been a ________ lack of communication between the union and the management. A. regretful B. regrettable C. regretting D. regretted 46、The teacher ________ expects his students to pass the university entrance examination. A. confidentially B. proudly C. assuredly D. confidently 47、The ________ family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housing than before. A. normal B. average C. usual D. general 48、The new colleague ________ to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.

A. confesses B. declares C. claims D. confirms 49、During the reading lesson, the teacher asked students to read a few ________ from the novel. A. pieces B. essays C. fragments D. extracts 50、During the summer holiday season it is difficult to find a ( n)

________ room in the


hotels here. A. empty

B. vacant C. free D. deserted D. get across

51、The old couple will never ________ the loss of their son.

A. get over B. get away C. get off

52、Scientific research results can now be quickly ________ to factory production. A. used B. applied C. tried D. practiced

53、Do you think there's any ________ of him passing the exam?

A. Chance B. opportunity C. occasion D. expectancy 54、If reading is to accomplish anything more than ________ time, it must be active.

A. wasting B. spending C. passing D idling

55、My cousin Mary is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it's because she is ________ child.

A. one B. a unique C. a single D. an only 56、On January 1st many people make a New Year ________.

A. intention B. determination C. dedication D. resolution

57、The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours

________ last night. A. at length B. in full C. on end D. in time 58、The juvenile delinquent was released in ________ of his good behavior.

A. case B. way C. view D. event

59、Kenya's Tsavo Game Park ________ Susan much of the wildlife park she had visited in New


A. reminded B. recalled C. received D. remembered 60、When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on the canvas, shouts and cheers

________ from it. A. broke up B. broke forth C. broke through D. broke upon 61、Outside my office window, there is a fire ________ on the right.

A. ladder B. escape C. steps D. stairs 62、The ________ crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.

A. valued B. valueless C. invaluable D. worthy 63、I don't think those curtains ________ very well with the wallpaper.

A. suit B. go C. fit D. match

64、He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second ________ when it was offered.

A. load B. pile C. helping D. sharing 65、The outline of the figure was barely ________ in the darkness.

A. susceptible B. invisible C. perceptive D. perceptible 66、They bought the land with a ________ to building a new office block.

A. purpose B. reason C. view D. goal

67、Maggie tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ________ when she

was trying to go to sleep. A. sounding B. humming C. ticking D. ringing

68、Mrs. Smith is afraid that she and her husband don't see ________ on New Year Resolutions.

A. face to face B. eye to eye C. hand to hand D. heart to heart 69、Fred has ________ kind of humour that can only be appreciated by those willing to search

beneath the surface. A. an obvious B. a hidden C. a subtle D. a controlled 70、His argument does not ________ up to close scrutiny.


A. hold B. stand C. come D. look 71、The sight of the fruit salad made John's mouth ________.

A. wet B. ooze C. water D. moisten 72、He promised to return the book next day without ________.

A. fail B. default C. trouble D. failure

73、The ________ in David's character has hindered him from advancement in his career.

A. weakness B. shortcoming C. demerit D. defect 74、The government is doing a ________ of people's changing social habits.

A. plan B. survey C. project D. research 75、By cutting down trees we ________ the natural habitat of birds and animals.

A. damage B. injure C. hurt D. harm 76、The snow seems to have set ________ for the evening.

A. upon B. in C. about D. down

77、________ of the department, I would like to thank Mr. Jones for his stimulating lecture.

A. On behalf B. On account C. In person D. Instead 78、Be careful with John; I think he has ________ motives for being so generous. A. ultimate B. ulterior C. interior D. hidden

79、Paul earns very little as a classical cellist, ________ his brother's pop musicals have made


A. in contrast to B. compared with C. whereas D. though 80、It is bad manners to ________ other people behind their backs.

A. do up B. do by C. do away with D. do down 81、Samuel has curly hair but his twin sister's is quite ________.

A. even B. straight C. uneven D. regular

82、My classmates stood there looking uneasily at me, puzzling why I hadn't got annoyed this

time when I couldn't get my own ________. A. way B. wish C. will D. desire 83、The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic ________ for Europe.

A. outlook B. lookout C. foresight D. project 84、Jenny is not in the ________ for going to the party tonight.

A. temper B. condition C. mood D. health 85、There is no ________ in applying for that job, as you are not properly qualified.

A. reason B. point C. result D. chance 86、After leaving the art college, she ________ as an interior designer.

A. took up B. got up C. set up D. put up 87、Henry Adams felt so hungry that he ordered a double ________ of fish.

A. part B. piece C. section D. portion

88、It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ________ in London in

the early 18th century. A. affair B. situation C. condition D. matter

89、The Martian surface temperature is 100 degrees below zero at night, so that but-ter put

outside will not ________. A. thaw B. dissolve C. melt D. fuse 90、Having kissed her son, Eve gave him a dismissive ________ towards the car.

A. push B. pull C. draw D. drag 91、Wild ducks always fly in a definite ________.


A. figure B. formula C. shape D. formation 92、This road is completely ________ deep at night.

A. isolated B. lonely C. deserted D. neglected 93、It rained heavily last night; ________ the land was flooded.

A. in other words B. consequently C. in addition D. besides 94、When our university laboratory bought this microscope we were given a one year's

________. A. reservation B. security C. proof D. guarantee

95、Don't ________ about lunch for the instructors, because they promised to get some on the

way. A. bother B. fuss C. trouble D. think

96、Caracus has been called the Los Angles of South America; at ________ they look exactly the


A. short notice B. first sight C. first impression D. first appearance 97、A Dictionary of the English Language , ________ by Dr Samuel Johnson, was the first real

attempt as a systematic and interestingly written survey of English usage. A. constructed B. composed C. compiled D. collected

98、After I heard that I took a deferred pass in botany, I was in a ________ emotional state.

A. highly B. doubtfully C. greatly D. nervously

99、Since I could not see anything through the microscope, ________ my careful adjustment, I

gave up. A. for all B. above all C. after all D. in all 100、 When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went ________ their way to entertain

the guests. A. in for B. over C. out of D. back on

专升本辅导习题(词汇部分)UNIT 12

1、Peter ________ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room. A. kept B. held C. blew D. grasped

2、 The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect ________, so a walk along Huai Hai

Road is an enjoyable discovery. A. harmony B. order C. control D. action

3、 The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary

chemical reactions to ________ in his body. A. conduct B. proceed C. progress D. practice

4、 When John was away on business, his neighbor gave his wife ________ with the housework.

A. an aid B. a help C. a hand D. a lift 5、 We know she was always as ________ as her word, so we trusted her.

A. good B. honest C. faithful D. true 6、 Newspapers vary greatly in their ________ to the government.

A. opinion B. attitude C. bias D. comment

7、 The members in the testing team were quite ________ and could change their schedule upon

request. A. lenient B. supple C. flexible D. gentle

8、 Marge's bedroom was in a ________, with books and papers covering every possible surface.

A. litter B. mess C. rubbish D. disorder


A. sources C. elements B. environment D. resources

45、The article implies that people have realized the dangers of automobiles. and they are

becoming less ________ them. A. attached to B. detached from C. inclined to D. aware of 46、His friend suggested that he should ________ advice from the legal department. A. seek for B. seek after C. seek D. seek out

47、The bad news deprived them ________ the hope that there was a safe and socially approved

road to success and happiness. A. from B. with C. about D. of

48、Most of the employees are said to ________ the proposed new training system.

A. object B. oppose C. disagree D. opposite

49、No one at the meeting seemed to ________ to the closing of the old airport.

A. object B. oppose C. opposite D. opposed

50、Many parents are apparently ________ to the religious education in schools.

A. object B. disagreement C. opposed D. objected

51、In 1998, Jenny ________ divorce, saying that her husband physically and psychologically

abused her. A. filled in for B. filed for C. sued for D. applied

52、\he said, \more interested in writing ________ and billing patients than

caring for and about them.\A. prescriptions B. descriptions C. transcriptions D. subscriptions

53、The couple bought their son an annual ________ to the tennis club as a birthday gift.

A. prescription B. description C. transcription D. subscription 54、The graduate students in the English department were told to study the phonetic ________ of the conversations. A. prescriptions B. descriptions C. transcriptions D. subscriptions 55、With a new wife, alimony and child support to pay, he struggled to ________. A. make ends meet B. take ends meet C. manage ends to meet D. bring ends to meet

56、Barnes ________ to involuntary manslaughter, and on May 29, 1981; a judge gave him three years in prison. A. pleaded guilt B. admitted guilt C. pleaded guilty D. admitted guilty


57、Money, the lifestyle and respect in the community were what ________ him.

A. caused B. drove C. caught D. motivated 58、The young man seemed to have few regrets for the damage he had him.

A. inflicted B. afflicted C. conflicted D. relied

on those closest to

59、The arguments the writer made in chapter III and chapter VIII obviously ________ with each other. A. inflicted B. afflicted C. conflicted D. contradictory 60、It is a disease which mainly ________ children below the age of 6. A. inflicts B. afflicts C. conflicts D. effects 61、I kept her ________ till her parents returned home. A. the company B. the companion C. company D. companion

62、Cathy doesn't care what she eats, but she is very ________ about what she wears. A. particular B. caring C. careless D. demanding

63、________ his right hand left the railing of the bridge, Buttenhoff knew he'd made a mistake. A. Instantly B. The instant C. At once D. Whenever

64、He had learned the story of these remarkable women from his mother, and was ________

their courage, passion for life and their inner peace. A. with bewilderment about B. for fear of C. under impression of D. in awe of 65、Dale said, \me was not ________. A. in vain B. for vain C. no use D. worthy 66、On Take Your Daughter to Work Day, I brought my niece to the office with me so she could experience many ________ of being a social worker. A. respects B. ideas C. reasons D. aspects 67、It is common that some young mothers decide to postpone their ________ and look after their

kids at home. A. preparations B. aspirations C. inspirations D. speculations

68、The government ________ great importance to intellectual property protection.

A. attaches B. puts C. associates D. emphasizes 69、The speaker ________ the importance of adopting a positive attitude towards life. A. attached B. emphasized on


C. stressed D. pointed

70、More ________ the issue of business ethics in the context of economic globalization.

A. emphasis should be placed on B. stress should be put about C. attention should be paid on D. efforts should be made with 71、The investigators ________ the possible consequences of the incident. A. analyzed about B. studied C. discussed about D. pointed

72、A recent study has shown that the ________ to child care centers, for working mothers, is the all-purpose grandmother, who watches the children and does much of the cleaning, shopping and cooking. A. option B. choice C. alternative D. substitute 73、Please contact the supervisor if you have questions ________ the accommodation on campus.

A. concerning B. concerned C. concerning with D. concerned about 74、Some people don't want to get up simply because they don't like the activity that ________ them.

A. stimulates B. awaits C. irritates D. pleases 75、This article states that Indians have had a hard time ________ their pride because they have had many problems. A. maintaining B. remaining C. detaining D. attaining 76、Color blindness is a genetically-caused condition in which a person cannot detect all colors, and this ________ is more common in men than in women. A. fault B. defect C. shortcoming D. disease 77、Barnes was arrested on at least five occasions and spent less than two years at any one time behind ________. A. windows B. doors C. bars D. jails 78、Whether it's pride or delusion, Donald ________ believes he has the skills of a physician. A. genuinely B. genially C. genetically D. generously 79、Gerald's interest in medicine began as a boy, but he never really ________ medical career. A. pursued B. took C. found D. practiced 80、Joanne ________ the newspaper for damages after they wrongly described her husband as a drug dealer. A. accused B. sued C. pushed D. filed 81、My mother used to ________ to a gardening magazine. A. describe B. transcribe C. prescribe D. subscribe


82、To his amazement, no one ever bothered to check his bona fides as a druggist, or ________

his credentials as a doctor. A. verify B. justify C. prove D. rectify 83、Introducing oneself is an important part of establishing ________ with one's students. A. agreement B. rapport C. harmony D. connection 84、Nonverbal communication ________ the information, attitudes, or feelings that we communicate to others without using words. A. prefers to B. defines as C. refers to D. associates with 85、Over many centuries, the Silk and Spice Routes, two of the greatest trade routes in our history, ________ their way across Asia, linking its people and those of Europe. A. wounded B. wove C. won D. wound 86、Developments in ship design and construction methods came about in ________ to challenges encountered in trading ever farther afield. A. awareness B. response C. contrast D. agreement 87、The art of writing has enabled people to make ________ records of their achievements and culture.

A. permanent B. pertinent C. prominent D. personal 88、Patiently and persistently, man learned his art by ________, passing on his specialized knowledge over thousands of years by example and word of mouth. A. effort and failure B. attempt and mistake C. trial and error D. hard work and luck 89、China's glass production may have ________ a debt to the West, but in ceramics the situation was reversed. A. owned B. paid C. owed D. become 90、In many places, illness was seen either as an invasion of the body by some poison or it was ________ to the work of an angry god, malignant magic, or witchcraft. A. contributed B. distributed C. tributed D. attributed 91、If you are ________ on finding a new job or career, the Web is the place to start. A. bent B. determined C. eager D. engaged

92、A part of the education we seek to ________ at school is that each individual does bear some responsibility for his own choices. A. impair B. inform C. impart D. impel 93、When he heard the news, Wold realized that there was a lot more ________ risk than his camping trip.


A. at C. in B. off D. of

94、You must insist that students give a truthful answer ________ with the reality of their world.

A. relevant B. simultaneous C. consistent D. practical

95、In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to ________ with some of her most treasured

possessions. A. divide B. separate C. part D. abandon 96、The car was in good working ________ when I bought it a few months ago.

A. order B. form C. state D. circumstance 97、The customer expressed her ________ for that broad hat.

A. disapproval B. distaste C. dissatisfaction D. dismay

98、In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals, a farmer must indeed

be ________. A. restless B. skilled C. strong D. versatile 99、His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in ________ to his income.

A. comparison B. proportion C. association D. calculation 100. Although he has become rich, he is still very ________ of his money.

A. economic B. thrifty C. frugal D. careful

101. As the manager was away on a business trip. I was asked to ________ the weekly staff

meeting. A. preside B. introduce C. chair D. dominate 102. The ________ of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from Greek.

A. origin B. generation C. descent D. cause

专升本辅导习题(词汇部分)UNIT 10 1、 She did her best to stay awake, but the performance was so boring that she just ________ to


A. dropped in B. dropped out C. dropped off D. dropped down 2、 Paul was a very lively child, always in ________.

A. excellent spirits B. good spirits C. high spirits D. bright spirits 3、 Lilly made no attempt to ________ the problem.

A. tackle B. try C. undertake D. achieve 4、 The boy began to cry and tears slowly ________ down his face.

A. oozed B. trickled C. dribbled D. leaked 5、 On January 1', many people make a New Year ________.

A. intention B. determination C. dedication D. resolution 6、 In this country it is against the ________ not to wear seat belts in a car.

A. rule B. regulation C. law D. order 7、 Johnny's parents always let him have his own ________.

A. will B. way C. wish D. demand 8、 Our telephone has been ________ for a month.

A. out of order B. out of line C. out of touch D. out of place 9、 She was extremely ________, always ready to agree with other people's wishes.

A. mellow B. moderate C. adaptable D. supple 10、The woman tripped over the uneven pavement and ________ her elbow.


