Chinese folk art - 图文
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Chinese folk art is an important part of the country's extremely rich cultural and art heritage. Chinese folk art has won recognition and praise from experts both at home and abroad for its great variety, sincere rural content, rich flavor of life, distinctive local style, and its artistic approaches of romanticism.
Like a galaxy of brilliant gems, folk art embraces all aspects of daily life and is loved by the masses. The materials that most commonly used are the ordinary natural substances that come readily to hand. Works of folk art afford people not only aesthetic enjoyment and amusement, but also knowledge and education. Beijing opera
The Chinese opera has gained fascination by various people worldwide. It is a grand performance casted by several performers in vibrantly colored costumes moving along a swift and dramatic music.
It is the traditional form of Chinese theatre, which combines dialogue, music, vocal performance, dance, kung fu(gong fu), acrobatics, and so on.
Main instruments
Jinghu fiddle Erhu fiddle Bamboo flute Four roles 二 胡 单皮鼓 笛 京
The Sheng (生) is the main male role in Peking opera. This role has numerous subtypes. laosheng (including hongsheng), xiaosheng, wusheng, wawasheng.
The Dan (旦) refers to any female role in Peking opera. Dan roles were originally divided into five subtypes. Laodan, wudan, daomadan, qingyi, huadan.
The Jing (净) is a painted face male role. Three main types of Jing roles are often seen. These include tongchui, roles that heavily involve singing, jiazi, roles with less emphasis on singing and more on physical performance, and wujing, martial and acrobatic roles.
The Chou (丑) is a male clown role. The Chou usually plays secondary roles in a troupe. Chou roles can be divided into Wen Chou, civilian roles such as merchants and jailers, and Wu Chou, minor military roles.
Facial painting is a prominent feature of Beijing Opera.
It shows the character's age, profession and personality by using different patterns and colors. Each color symbolizes a certain characteristic; red for loyalty and uprightness;
black for a rough, stern or honest nature; yellow for rashness and fierceness;
white for cunningness and deceitfulness; purple for bravery and wisdom;
blue for a daring and vigorous character;
gold and silver for gods and demons. (没心帮我用彩色的字来做唔~~)
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