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1、简历(resume) 说明:请根据以下内容,写一份简历。



学习经历:1992-1998 南宁市第三中学 1998-2001 中南职业技术学院

工作经历:2001-2003 南方电子公司网络技术部经理助理 2003 至今 南宁阳光计算机公司计算机程序员 专长:计算机编程 英语 Words for reference:

1. 个人基本情况应包括: name, date of birth, sex, health, marital status,

address, telephone number 和e-mail等。 2. 发挥本人的专业:display my specialty in ... 3. 晋升机会

下面是简历的五大部分的标题。填写其他内容时,请注意基本格式! RESUME

Personal Information: Job Objective: Education :

Work Experience: Specialties:



Personal Information: Name: Wang Weihong

Date of Birth: December 12,1981 Sex: Female Health: Good

Marital Status: Married, no child

Adress: 28 Minzu Avenue, Nanging City Guangxi, 530022 e-mail: huangweihong@hotmail.com TEL: 0771-5854238

Job Objective: Position in which i can fully display my specialty in computer science with advancement opportunities based on performance

Education : 1998-2001 Zhongnan College of Professional Technology

1992--1998 Nanning No.3 Middle School


Work Experience: 2003--Present Computer rogrammer, Nanning Sunshine

Computer Company

2001—2003 Assistant to the Head of Net-work Technology

Department, Nanfang Electronics Company

Specialties: Computer Programming and English Language 2、求职信( letter of application) 求职信1:假如你是以为即将毕业的大学生。从报上得知一家美国公司正在招聘销售人员。写一封信:

1) 简单介绍自己情况(学历,工作经历,业余爱好等); 2) 表示有意向进入该公司任职。

3) 索要申请表,并告知希望得到的薪水和工作条件等情况; 4) 希望能早日得到答复。

注意:必须包括称谓,写信日期,发信人的签名等基本格式。 参考答案:

May 2, 2003

Dear Sir,

I read your advertisement for salespersons in the newspaper and I would like to apply for this position.

I am a college student, majoring in Marketing and I am going to graduate this summer. I had some part-time job working experiences.

I would be grateful if you could send me an application from and give me further information about the salary and working conditions. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Hong


1. 看到十一月二日《人民日报》招聘文秘的广告,你想申请这份工作。

2. 有在ABC公司(a large food manufacture)三年的工作经验,具备较高的文秘工

作技能和丰富的实践经验,打字速度快为每分钟90词并且每分钟听写130词,自认为能胜任这份工作。 3. 期待答复。 4. 申请人:李虹

5. 时间:2006年11月5日 参考答案:

November 5, 2006


Dear Sir,

I have read your advertisement for a secretary in the China Daily of 2nd November, and I would like to apply for this job.

This job sounds particular interesting to me because it is just the kind of work i have wanted to do for years. I have been working as a secretary for three years in ABC Company, a large food manufacturer, and have high secretarial skills and rich practical experience. I can type ninety words per minute and take dictation at one hundred and thirty words per minute. So I feel that I am the ideal person for the job!

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


3、申请表(application form)

说明:请以中国学生张锦秋(女)的身份填写下列表格。 具体信息如下:

出生年月:1982年10月16日 联系地址:燕京市虹桥路496号 电话:000-67289879



Test preparation Course Application Form

Family Name:_________ First Name(s):____________ Date of Birth:__________ Nationality:______________ Sex: ___________ Telephone Number:__________ Address:__________

Please write your current education, your strengths and weaknesses in English and your experience in English learning. (about 30 words)


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

Test Preparation Course Application Form Family Name: Zhang First Name(s): Jinqiu Date of Birth: Oct. 16, 1982 Nationality: Chinese Sex: Female Telephone Number: 000-67289879 Address: 496 Hongqiao Road, Yanjing City I am a sophomore in Liaoning University. I am majoring in international trade. Though I have little difficulty in reading English materials, I am totally at a loss when I attend my American teacher’s


lecture. I’m eager to improve my listening ability in your seminar. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 4、邀请函及回复(letter of invitation & reply) Letter 1 (letter of invitation)


内 容:1.邀请Jane暑假期间到北京来度假。 2.陪同他游览长城,故宫,颐和园等。 3.请他回信告之是否能来。 写信日期:2003年6月25日

Letter 2 (reply)


内 容:1.感谢并接受张铃的邀请。 2.决定7月初来北京。 回信日期:2003年6月30日 Words for reference:

长城 the Great Wall 故宫 the Imperial palace 颐和园 the Summer palace



June 25,2003 Dear Jane,

I would like to invite you to come to Beijing during your holiday. I will show you around the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace and the summer Palace.

I look forward to hearing from you to know whether you can come or not. Yours, Zhang Ling (2)

June 30th, 2003 Dear Zhang Ling,

Thank you for your invitation. I am very pleased to accept your invitation

and plan to go to Beijing in early July.

Yours, Jane 5、电话留言(telephone message) 说明:按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书Helen的名义,给Mr. . White 写一份电话留言,包括以下内容。

1. 来电人: 霍尼韦尔 (Honeywell )公司的 Mr. . Johnson 2. 来电时间:2001年6月25日上午10时


事由:Mr. Johnson明天要出差去北京,因此原定与Mr. . White后天上午的约会只能取消,等出差回来后再与Mr. . White约时间会面。


To: Mr. White

Time: 10 a. m., June 25, 2001

Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Co. is going to Beijing on business tomorrow.

His appointment with you on the morning of the 27th has to be

cancelled. Mr. Johnson will contact you for another appointment when he is back.

From: Helen (secretary)

6、请假条(病假条----a certificate for sick leave ) 说明:根据所给信息以Jack Hopkins的名义给Smith教授写一张请假条。 1. 本人因患急性阑尾炎,于2004年6月9日住院; 2.医生建议立即手术,估计将于2004年6月19日出院; 3.请病假两周。

Words for reference:

急性阑尾炎 acute appendicitis

住院 be admitted into the hospital 参考答案:

Dear Professor Smith,

I was admitted to the hospital on June 9, 2004 because of acute appendicitis. My doctor has suggested an immediate operation. It is expected that I will be well in about 10 days and discharged on June 19, 2004. I am writing this note to ask for sick leave for the coming two weeks. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Jack Hopkins

7、备忘录(memo) 备忘录的内容可以分为以下几项: 书端(Heading)

收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee‘s Name, Title, Address) 称呼(Salutation) 事因(Subject) 正文(Body)

结束语(Complimentary Close)

署名(Signature) 可以不写,看要求


