译林版3B《Unit5 How old are you》优秀教学设计 - 图文

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Content Topic School 三下Unit 5 How old are you? (Period 1) How old are you? Date Students Teacher 一、教学目标 1.围绕话题How old are you?,学生在开放的语境中能够主动输出与年龄有关的单词及句型,并能主动建构、理解和运用Story time部分教学的句式结构。 2.提高听说读的能力,学生能够具备良好的语音、语调,感受到英语的语言美。 3.学生在学习过程中,具备大胆、自信地进行对话的良好学习品质,以培养学生口语交际的能力。 二、目标制定依据 1.教材分析: 本单元为译林版三下Unit 5 How old are you?,主要是围绕“How old are you?”来展开话题。本单元Story time部分的学习内容多数在牛津小学英语1B中有所涉及,Cartoon time部分的内容在译林版三上 Unit 2有所涉及。因此,本单元的知识对学生们来说,学习难度不是很大。教师要引导学生通过本课的学习,能够运用文中的重点句型(疑问句)来询问别人年龄。 本单元可分为六个课时进行教学。第一课时的主要教学内容为Story time部分,主要是结合语篇进行词汇和祈使句句式的教学。第二课时主要教学内容为Fun time和Checkout time部分,教学重点为巩固Story time中的词汇和如何谈论年龄。第三课时主要教学内容Cartoon time,教学重点为继续巩固本单元的疑问句句式。第四课时为Sound time 和Rhyme time教学。第五课时是利用听、说、读、写多种方式综合复习本单元的学习内容,完成Ticking time部分。第六课时是练习课。 本节课为第一课时,阅读课。文中涉及的重点句式询问年龄、赠送礼物。学生在一年级已经初步接触此句型,因此学生在学本课时内容时会轻松应对。我将本节课的重点放在了对句式结构的理解和灵活运用上。让学生在开放的语境中主动建构、理解和运用Story time部分教学的句式结构。三年级阅读教学着重培养学生的听、说、演的能力,使学生养成大胆、大声地读和说的良好英语学习习惯。教材中的图片为学生的阅读提供了视觉线索,为学生进行猜测、理解文意提供了基础。

2.学情分析: 本班共有45位学生,由于寒假刚结束,学生们的学习状态还有待调整,师生与生生间的默契度要慢慢建立。课堂上会有一部分学生随意讲话、做小动作的现象,这需要教师在课堂教学中采用多种教学手段,激发不同层次的学生参与课堂的热情,使他们有事可干。课堂上教师要加强对学生的良好学习习惯的培养,特别是听课习惯和书写习惯的培养。 Teaching Procedure Procedure Teacher’s activity 1. Say a rhyme. 2. Free talk. door ./close the window. T: …,can you count from one to ten? Warmer What’s this number? (呈现数字8) 3. Present the topic: T: Look, this is Mike. Mike is nine. And how old are you? Ss: I’m eight/nine /ten . T: This is a museum. Mike and his family are in a museum. Learn to say . What can you see? Ss: Toys. . T: Yes, and what are they going to do ? Let’s have a look. Work in pairs 借助文中的主情景图直观呈现学习内容,引起学生强烈的视觉感受,从特殊疑问句引入到一般疑问句,激发学生说的兴趣,自然进入课文的学习。 同桌之间、师生之间操练句型How old are you? I’m… While- Do they see toys in the 通过看卡通快速地 Learner’s activity Purpose 通过free talk环节,创设学习英语的氛围,激起学生的旧知,揭示本单元主题。 T: …, please close the Read the topic. Pre-reading

reading museum? 帮助学生记忆动画中的活动,并通过听听、做做、说说等活动及时巩固疑问句句式,新授单词。 新授句型This is for you. Here you are . 通过让学生自读,引导学生找出本课的重点句型,并根据所提取的句型进行文本叙述,促进学生语言运用能力的形成。 学生通过再次看动画,模仿语音和语调,让学生感受到英语的语言美。 丰富话语系统,促进学生进行课文复述时,有新的资源生成,从而激发学生更好地进行语段输出。 How do they feel? Find the Watch and say. sentence: Look!How lovely! Listen and do. T: Q1:How old is Mike? Q2:How old is Helen? Q3:How old is Tim Q4:What is Mike/Helen/Tim? for Read after the computer. Retell the text in groups. Read in roles Post- T:Now I’m the worker at the Make a dialogue 创设情境,让学生

reading Toy Museum. Look at the toys . Ss: How lovely! T: Hello! How old are you? S: I’m … . T: This …is for you./Here you are. 选择一个场景综合使用本课重点句型进行说的练习。 Assignment 1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the 巩固所学内容,延伸课堂教学。 pronunciation. 2. Read and recite Story time. Unit 5 How old are you? A: How old are you? Design Content Topic School B: I’m … . A: This is for you./Here you are. B: Thank you. /How lovely! 三下Unit 5 How old are you? (Period 2) How old are you? Date Students Teacher Teaching Procedure Procedure Teacher’s activity 1. Free talk T&S: Good morning. How are you? Warmer How old are you? 2. Review the numbers PPT shows some special numbers, ask the Ss to read (PPT: 110, 119,…..) Pre-reading 3. Brain storm 通过游戏的方式,激发学生强烈的学Put some number cards on Listen and do. Learner’s activity Say together. Purpose 通过free talk环节,创设学习英语的氛围,激起学生的旧知,揭示本单元主题。

