
更新时间:2023-03-08 07:02:18 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1.What time is it now?

A.8:15. 【答案】A

B.7:45. C.7:00.

【备注】W: It’s getting dark. Do you have the time? M: It’s a quarter after eight.

W: Time flies. It feels like it’s only seven! I’d better start heading for home.

2.Who is wanted on the phone?

A.John Smith. 【答案】C

B.Sarah White. C.Chris Watson.

【备注】M: Hello. This is John Smith.

W: Hello. This is Sarah White. Can I speak to Chris Watson, please? M: Just a minute please. Hey! Chris! The phone is for you!

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She plays tennis well. B.She seldom plays tennis. C.She plays tennis regularly. 【答案】B

【备注】W: You play really well! How often do you play tennis? M: About once a week. What about you? W: Me? Just three or four times a year.

4.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Play chess with him. 【答案】B

B.Clean up the house. C.Have a chat with him.

【备注】M: Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute? W: Sure. What’s on your mind? M: I’m fed up with this mess. W: Oh. Sorry. I’ll tidy up tomorrow.


5.What’s the weather like tomorrow?

A.Rainy. 【答案】A

B.Sunny. C.Windy.

【备注】W: Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?

M: Yeah. It’s supposed to keep raining tomorrow. And it may clear up on Friday.


6.What is not included in the free breakfast?

A.Eggs. B.Rolls. C.Juice.

7.How are the rooms of the hotel?

A.Large. 【答案】

6.B 7.B

B.Clean. C.Quiet.

【备注】W: I like this hotel. M: What do you like about it?

W: We get a free breakfast, with toast, ham, eggs, fresh fruit and juice. M: Wow! That’s nice. Let’s stay for two nights. W: And the rooms are clean, too. M: Do they allow pets? W: No pets, no smoking.


8.Why did the man go to Hawaii?

A.To live there. B.To go on business. C.To go on holiday.

9.How did the man spend his night?

A.Went swimming. 【答案】

8.C 9.B

B.Ate out. C.Went walking.

【备注】M: I went to Hawaii on vacation. W: Do you like it?

M: I love it. I want to live there. W: It must be attractive.


M: Yes, the island is so green, and the water is so blue. W: What did you do at night?

M: At night I went out to eat. The food was delicious. W: People who live in Hawaii are lucky.


10.Who are the speakers waiting for?

A.The manager. B.The waiter. C.Their friends.

11.How long will they go on waiting before leaving?

A.15 minutes. B.10 minutes. C.5 minutes.

12.What do they probably think of the service of restaurants?

A.Good. 【答案】

10.B 11.C 12.B

B.Poor. C.Average.

【备注】W: Have you seen our waiter? M: Here he comes now.

W: We’ve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes. M: Oops, I guess I was wrong. That isn’t our waiter. W: We can give him five more minutes, and then leave. M: I’ll go up to the front and talk to the manager. W: That’s a good idea.

M: Maybe they’ll give us free drinks for waiting so long. W: Maybe he’ll send us our waiter immediately. M: Every time we eat out, it’s an adventure. W: Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen. M: We’ll never go there again.


13.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

14.What’s the house like?

B.Boss and secretary. C.Salesman and customer.

A.Modern and beautiful.

B.Big and beautiful.


C.Cheap and small.

15.What difficulty do the speakers have buying the house?

A.It’s inconvenient for the man. B.It’s too expensive. C.Its style is not to their taste.

16.What decision do the speakers finally make?

A.Buying the house. B.Choosing another house. C.Discussing with the kids. 【答案】

13.A 14.B 15.A 16.B

【备注】M: Do you like this house? W: Yes, it’s beautiful.

M: It’s perfect for us and the kids.

W: Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a big backyard. M: And we can afford it! W: So are we going to buy it? M: I’m afraid not.

W: It’s too far from your job, isn’t it?

M: Yes, I can’t spend four hours on the road every day. W: By the time you get home, you’ll be too tired to even eat. M: I won’t be able to play with the kids.

W: No, we have to find someplace closer to your job.


17.What’s the speaker talking about?

A.The approaches to learning English. B.The importance of learning English. C.The difficulties in learning English.

18.What are you advised to do to change attitude?

A.Go abroad. B.Realize your goal.


C.Learn through the Internet.

19.What’s the purpose of exposing yourself?

A.To develop a taste. B.To accept new concepts. C.To create an English atmosphere.

20.What does the speaker encourage learners to do by mentioning David Beckham?

A.To learn from him.

B.To broaden learners’ horizons. C.To care less about mistakes. 【答案】

17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C

【备注】We would simply advise you to think of the word CEK which stands for changing attitude, exposing yourself and keeping talking.

Change attitude: The point is that you should realize that your goal is to communicate with people in English. It is acceptable for the beginner to say he don’t know instead of he doesn’t know. At least it is less annoying for them to wait for you.

Expose yourself: This step means to expose yourself to an English environment. This is the twenty-first century and English is already everywhere. Movies, music, newspapers, articles and hundreds of tourists who walk past you every day can be great learning sources.

Keep talking: Whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skills, just do it. Do not worry about mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, Tiger Woods, David Beckham etc. Come on. Let’s go out and create your own world of English.


21.—Which of these methods do you like best?

— . They are all more difficult to use than I have expected. A.Neither 【答案】C



B.No one C.None D.Nothing

22.People still don’t know they should drink a cup of coffee in the early morning. A.whether 【答案】A

B.what C.when D.how


23.Yao Ming has been nominated for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, which probably him

the first Chinese player to receive the honor. A.makes 【答案】C


24.The number of children being home educated in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.

B.has made C.will make D.will have made

A.being recorded 【答案】D

B.to be recorded C.recording D.recorded

【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:根据记录,英国接受家庭教育的儿童数量在近6年内增加了65%。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作后置定语,修饰The number of children being home educated, record与其逻辑主语The number of children being home educated为动宾关系,且非谓语动作已发生,故应用过去分词形式。

25.The survey shows that the US is still a favorite for studying abroad.

A.opportunity 【答案】B

B.destination C.challenge D.qualification


26.Although his family couldn’t afford his education, he managed to find a place at the College of Art word of his talent quickly spread. A.whose 【答案】D


B.when C.which D.where

【解析】考查定语从句。句意:尽管他的家里无法供他上学,但是他设法进了艺术学院,在那里,他极有绘画天赋的消息很快就传开了。分析句子结构可知,where在句中引导定语从句,修饰the College of Art,并在从句中作地点状语。

27. how these things came about just makes celebrating Christmas that much more wonderful.

A.Know 【答案】B

B.Knowing C.Having known D.Being known


28.—Come on! Jim. We’ll be late for our train.

— . I’m taking a short cut. We’ll arrive at the train station on time. A.Not bad C.Take it easy 【答案】C

【解析】考查交际用语。——快点!吉姆。我们要赶不上火车了。——别着急,我正在抄近路,我们会准时赶到火车站的。Take it easy\放轻松,别着急\符合语境。故答案选C项。

29.There is no doubt that those who want to buy a house are the proposal that the government should bring

B.Don’t mention it D.It depends

down the housing price. A.in favor of 【答案】A

【解析】考查介词短语。句意:毫无疑问,那些想买房的人都赞成政府应该降低房价的提议。根据语境可知,in favor of\赞成\符合语境。in honor of意为\为纪念……\意为\寻找\意为\需要\。

30.To the man’s relief, he could stations all over Europe with his new radio.

B.in honor of C.in search of D.in need of

A.set up 【答案】B

B.pick up C.take up D.bring up

【解析】考查动词短语。句意:令这个人感到欣慰的是,通过新买的收音机,他可以收听全欧洲的电台了。pick up意为\接收(信号),收听(电台)\符合语境。


31.Many people think that the sentence of death is too severe a(n) for any crime.

A.defeat 【答案】C

B.treatment C.punishment D.injury

【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:许多人认为死刑对任何犯罪来说都是太严厉的处罚。a severe punishment表示\严厉的处罚\故选punishment。

32.Although these states and their people are , they share the common goal of economic development.

A.diverse 【答案】A

B.suitable C.distinct D.apparent


33.It took what seemed to be years the football star appeared, which made the fans disappointed and angry.

A.when 【答案】B

B.before C.since D.until


34.However, the government has been accused of its election promises even though more changes have taken

place. A.betraying 【答案】A


35. what would happen the next day, they would have had second thoughts.

B.achieving C.rejecting D.disapproving

A.Were they to know C.Should they know 【答案】B

B.Had they known D.Did they know


【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:要是他们早知道第二天将发生的事情,他们会改变主意的。根据句中的\would have had second thoughts\可知,此处表示的是与过去的事实相反的假设,故从句用had done结构。本条件状语从句中省略了if,故须把had提前。故答案选B项。


Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? YouTube star Andy George has, and he took it into his own hands to 36 . George hosts\ 37 that shows the entire process of creating 38 items like tools and suits. George’s latest work was to 39 the process of making a chicken sandwich from scratch. The entire 40 list for the sandwich included tomatoes, sunflowers, eggs, salt, honey, wheat, milk, and so on. George 41 his entire sandwich-making process on the YouTube website,\already has over half a million 42 .

To make the sandwich, George 43 all of the ingredients himself. This included planting seeds in a community garden to grow 44 , taking honey out from a local bee farm, milking a cow to make butter and cheese, and 45 wheat to create bread. The 46 ingredient to prepare for the sandwich was the salt — George had to leave his home to 47 salt water and then he turned it into salt.

George says that his\ 48 as a documentary project, and it 49 became a series as he found it an interesting way to 50 the world and view it in a new way.

Through his station George hopes to bring 51 to how much time and effort goes into making products as 52 as a sandwich, which he believes some people take for granted.\ 53 world that goes on behind the scenes in everyday items that we buy, use and throw away,\

For his next project, George hopes to travel to Mexico to create coffee and chocolate from scratch. He plans to set up a fundraising page 54 the upcoming weeks to help pay for the 55 . 36. A.stand out 37. A.channel 38. A.usual 39. A.develop 40. A.element 41. A.launched 42. A.choices 43. A.gathered 44. A.vegetables 45. A.selling 46. A.smallest 47. A.research 48. A.started

B.turn out B.page B.daily B.instruct B.function B.posted B.fans B.purchased B.fruit B.turning B.hardest B.select B.existed

C.find out C.site C.common C.follow C.member C.downloaded C.views C.reviewed C.rice C.processing C.greatest C.inspect C.contributed


D.make out D.section D.popular D.document D.factor D.reported D.readers D.produced D.trees D.watering D.quickest D.collect D.differed

49. A.hopefully 50. A.explore 51. A.topic 52. A.practical 53. A.wonderful 54. A.in 55. A.fee

B.immediately B.influence B.attraction B.useful B.incredible B.by B.charge

C.eventually C.impress C.focus C.basic C.mysterious C.until C.cost

D.suddenly D.correct D.awareness D.delicious D.invisible D.from D.invention


36.C 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.B 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.A 51.D 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C



全过程,故此处指他自己动手一探究竟。故空格处填find out,意为\发现,找出,探个究竟\。


















45.根据下文的\可知,此处指把小麦加工成面包。故用processing\加工,处理\。 46.根据下文的\ salt water and then he turned it into salt\可知,三明治所需






50.根据下文的\可知,此处指他发现这是一种有趣的探索世界的方式,故用explore。 51.根据下文的\可知,制作不被一些人当回事的基本的东西非





54.根据空前的\可知,建立筹款网页还没有发生,因此选in,表示在未来几周里。 55.根据上文的\可知,安迪·乔治希望能够解决



Recently, Danny Meyer, founder of the Shake Shack chain, announced that his restaurants will do away with tipping. He plans to pay his staff higher wages and pass the cost to customers by raising prices on menus. Is this a good idea?


I’m sure Meyer’s latest move will be a winner. The new model could work in Meyer’s restaurants because he draws a particular type of customers who are there for a high-end experience. Besides, if the restaurants charge more for meals, they’ll pay higher in taxes. As restaurants move to higher wages, the benefit costs will be higher, too. —Mel Robbins

For a European, eating in an American restaurant is like attending a high school reunion. Tipping turns the whole process into a drawn-out experience where money is at the center stage. There are so many opportunities for embarrassment. So I think Danny Meyer’s proposal will change it for the better. —Andre Spicer

Danny Meyer is doing the right thing by stopping tipping. Eating out costs what it costs and workers are hard-working humans who deserve the stability of a wage. It may take a while to catch on, but we’ll get there and it’ll become the norm. —Kat Kinsman

I’ve found that the practice of tipping has traditionally attracted millions of employees to our industry. The current tipping model still has strong support from diners and they are more than happy to reward good service. But it is vital that restaurants continue to have the freedom to choose what works best for their business and their employees. —Cicely Simpson

56.Who considers giving waiters tips as an embarrassment?

A.Mel Robbins. B.Kat Kinsman. C.Andre Spicer. D.Cicely Simpson.

57.The four people’s topic is focused on . A.how diners feel in American restaurants B.whether diners should be charged more C.how restaurants can offer good service D.whether restaurants should ban tipping 【答案】

56.C 57.D



at the center stage. There are so many opportunities for embarrassment\及对应的人物\可知答案。




Studying abroad will shape you in various ways. You will learn things you never would have if you study overseas. But college is expensive in the United States. It’s cheap or free in other countries even for foreigners, so why not get out of here and come back smarter?

More and more American students are currently studying at German colleges. That number has increased by 20% over the last three years. Living costs are about $7,000 a year, which is even lower than in other European countries and a great appeal to many students wanting to studying abroad. Besides, Germany encourages international students. They create a multicultural landscape that benefits German students as well. According to a new report, Germany is home to six of the world’s 100 best universities. These schools offer around 900 degrees completely in English and many German students speak the language.

You could be part of Finland’s excellent education system. The Finns charge no tuition and offer a number of courses purely in English. They would be happy for you to add flavor to their school scene. Cost of living there is high. Be prepared for frosty winters, but you will get that sweet midnight sun in the summer.

Many other European nations provide cheap or free college for foreign students, but if South America is more your thing, try Brazil. Most of the education will take place in Portuguese, so if that is in your plan you can study near beautiful beaches and jungles. The University of S?o Paulo and State University of Campinas are both highly ranked internationally. Your money will go a long way there, too.

Living on the economy in a foreign country will keep you on your toes. You will learn new customs, how to bargain, stay safe, budget and become more flexible with people. There is no better way to learn a language than by immersing yourself in it. What’s more, you will become a more balanced person. New situations and challenges, from buying bread to traveling across town, will pop up daily. You will handle them and you’ll make it by yourself. Before long, you will be ready for anything. Life in any part of the world will no longer surprise you. In your future career, this will be a benefit. International study on your resume will speak to your adaptability.

58.German universities are popular among US students mainly because .

A.they offer a multicultural landscape B.they belong to the world’s best ones C.the students can get their degrees easily D.the cost of living there is affordable for them

59.The last but one paragraph suggests that in Brazil .

A.studying costs are relatively lower B.students can earn some money after class C.many universities are top-ranked in the world D.colleges offer excellent education to foreigners

60.What is the author’s attitude towards studying abroad?

A.Approving. 【答案】


B.Doubtful. C.Critical. D.Neutral.


59.A 60.A



countries and a great appeal to many students wanting to studying abroad\可知,在德国读书的生活费少是吸引美国学生的一个主要原因。故答案选D项。

59.考查推理判断。从第四段的\可知,在巴西读书花费也是很低的。 60.考查观点态度。从第一段中的\

come back smarter\和最后一段的内容不难推知,作者是鼓励出国留学的。故答案选A项。

Imagine a picnic dinner held at a location only made known hours before the meal, where guests are invited to decorate tables and chairs, bring their favorite dishes and wear white to reflect the simplicity of the event. This was the scene at a PopUp dinner held on June 13 in Brooklyn, New York’s Prospect Park. PopUp dinners are popping up nationwide — not just in Brooklyn. Garrett Sathre and his wife and business partner, Nicole Benjamin-Sathre are the team behind Hand Made Events and the creators and hosts of PopUp dinners. Sathre, a former restaurateur and head chef with Bubba’s Diner and Kitchen 39, both located in the Bay Area, came up with the concept of the flash dinner after he was inspired by the annual D?ner en Blanc held in Paris.

In 2011, Hand Made Events used the power of social media to get the word out and soon, enough interest was attracted. In October 2011, it held its first flash dinner, calling the evening Le D?ner à San Francisco at Golden Gate Park’s outdoor Music Pavilion. He described it as a picnic dinner for 3,500 people.\anywhere between 300-500 people to attend. Two articles ran a week later about my crazy idea and we got 15,000 emails within three days,\

After the success of the San Francisco dinner, Sathre decided to expand his\country in major markets such as Brooklyn, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Sathre says their Brooklyn PopUp on June 13 sold 5,000 tickets in just four days with 5,000 on the waiting list raising over $160,000 in ticket sales. Those are some big numbers. Hand Made Events partners with the Prospect Park Alliance and gives all of their proceeds to the non-profit group. In total, the Brooklyn PopUp dinner raised over $60,000 for the Prospect Park Alliance. Hand Made Events sees the same interest in their smaller city locations.\markets — Minneapolis, San Diego, Charleston, and Miami every year,\

Hand Made Events has eight more dinners planned nationwide this year, and six already scheduled for next year. The popularity is not just here in the states. Sathre says he sees photos of other groups holding similar events everywhere through social media. Just last year, Hand Made Events helped a woman in Kenya plan her own flash dinner via Skype.\people together like the PopUp,\

61.Which words can best describe the event held in Brooklyn?


A.Popular and simple. C.Random and crazy.

B.Creative but undesirable. D.Inspiring but unsuccessful.

62.We can learn from the passage that Hand Made Events .

A.is an organization which helps the homeless and the poor B.is made up of about 500 volunteers around the world C.has already held several dinners in some smaller cities D.intends to collect money for non-profit groups

63.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The Sathres are proud of the contribution they have made. B.Social media has promoted the spread of PopUp dinners. C.Hand Made Events has planned six dinners in Kenya. D.The PopUp dinner is gaining its popularity worldwide.

64.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.A new kind of cooking culture has spread worldwide on social media. B.PopUp dinners provide diners with unique outdoor experience. C.Flash dinners influence the dining culture in the US. D.Picnic dinners are very popular in the US. 【答案】

61.A 62.C 63.D 64.B



PopUp on June 13 sold 5,000 tickets in just four days with 5,000 on the waiting list raising over $160,000 in ticket sales\可推知,在布鲁克林举行的这次活动是简单且受欢迎的。故答案选A项。


said\可知,Hand Made Events在一些更小的城市也举办了这样的活动。故答案选C项。


holding similar events everywhere\可知,PopUp dinner正受到世界各地的人们的青睐。故答案选D项。

64.考查主旨大意。本文主要讲的是Hand Made Events组织的一项特殊的PopUp dinner活动,它给参与者特



