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博士生入学考试英语辅导(写作部分) 黄 年 根


Lecture on WritingFor Non-English Major Doctor Candidates

By Prof. HuangEngineering Institute of Engineer Corps, PLA University of Science and Engineering

Requirement:write a passage of 120--140 words in 30 minutes

Grading Criterion:1. coherence (内容切题): related ideas, topic sentences in paragraphs; 2. construction: full development, unity, logic, cohesion, being clear and to the point; 3. transition and variation of sentences; 4. grammar and diction

SampleTopic: Do you think it a good idea to have the graduate students participate in more physical activities in the army, factories or the countryside instead of concentrating on their textbooks alone? Give your reasons to support your opinions

I think it a good idea to have the graduate students participate in more physical activities in the army, factories or the countryside instead of concentrating on their textbooks alone. It bases on the following reasons. The most important of all, These activities is good to our health. By more physical activiteis in the army, factories or the countryside. Our body can be exerciesed stronger and more heathy. So It can deal with our poor health after long term studying. Secondly, It can make us connect the knowledge with the proactieces. Our knowledges are often limited to the textbooks and we often find it is impractcable after we graduate from colleges. So, It is useful to make out knowledge more reasonable. Thirdly, It help us develop the patrocism idea. And recognize our nation’s real situaltion. Based on the above reasons, I think we should participate in more such activities.

AppraisementI think it a good idea to have the graduate students participate in more physical activities in the army, factories or the countryside instead of concentrating on their textbooks alone. It bases on the following reasons. The just important of topic direction Para. 1most a copy of the all, These activities is good to our health. By more physical bases on…‖ the army, be correctedthe ―It is based Our Mistake in ―It activiteis in It should factories or as countryside. body can be exerciesed stronger and more heathy. So It can deal with on….‖ health after long term studying. Secondly, It can make us our poor connect the knowledge with the proactieces. Our knowledges are 1. Capitalization:textbooks and we often find it is impractcable often limited to the after we graduate from colleges. So, It is useful to make out 2. Spelling mistakes knowledge more reasonable. Thirdly, It help us develop the 3. Grammar mistakes patrocism idea. And recognize our nation’s real situaltion. 4. Based on the above reasons, I think we should participate in more Illogic such activities. 5. Poor diction

Sample 2:Not just on your textbooksAs a graduate student, you can not just pay attention to your textbooks. You should participate in more ph

ysical activities in the army, factories or countryside. First of all, we are in a society that is full of all kinds of knowledge. It is necessary for us to learn them in the society. Then, if you want to be competitive in applying a job after graduation, you had better participate in more physical activities. For a company, your social experience may be more important than your knowledge from your textbooks

Not just on your textbooksFinally, taking such activities can help you grasp your textbook better. When you solve the practical problem with your knowledge, you improve it also. I would like to give the suggestion: Don’t missing any opportunity to participate in physical activities.

评析:观点明确,文字连贯。应得8分。Para.2 and Para. 3 can be combined to have a close-knitted passage. Too simple conclusion.

Styles Of WritingDescription: describing the appearance, inner structure, etc of certain objects or the steps or stages of a process, a method, etc.Sample: The most famous of the Egyptian pyramids are the pyramids of Giza. These pyramids were built more than 5,000 years ago. The biggest of them is the Great Pyramid‖, the Pyramid of Khufu. It was 146 metres high, and each of the four sides measured 230 metres and faces exactly north, south, east or west. It was made of about 2,300, 000 blocks of stone, all exactly the same shape. The weight of each block is about 2.5 tons. The inside blocks were cut out of rock near the pyramid. ….

Styles Of WritingNarration: recording a series of events that occur one after another. Events are often stated or narrated in their natural time order.Sample: The origins of Nanjing Engineering Institute can be traced to a department of Harbin Military Engineering Institute in the 1950’s. In 1964 it was moved to xi’an. There it went through various difficulties and obstacles. 15 years later it merged with Nanjing Engineering School. It started to admit students from the national examination in 1978. At the Threshold of the 21st century it will see another major change and challenge.

Styles Of WritingExposition: explaining or expounding a physics law, a natural or social phenomenon, or applications of a new discovery, etc. With the aim of giving knowledge or information.Sample: What is stress? In simple medical terms, stress can be defined as the response of the body to any demand. Stress is the state you are in , not the agent that produces it which is called a stressor. Cold and heat, for example, are stressors. But in man, …. Definition of stress and stressor

Styles Of WritingArgumentation: raising or arguing for views to try to convince the reader of truth and reasons you provide.Sample: Some have begun to suggest that there are too many women in the workforce today. To solve the problem, some have suggested that some working women, not all, stay at home, while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, familie

s would retain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better. The suggestion has been flatly rejected by 9 out of 10 people polled. This proves that most people reject the idea of women returning home. Women’s liberation depends in the final analysis, on economic status, said one woman human rights advocator.

Popular Writing in the Exam1. Write on the Title given either in English or in Chinese. Usually outlines are provided. And opening sentences may be displayed for you to continue. E.g. (题目):Good Health (提纲):(1)Importance of good health; (2)Ways to keep fit; (3)My own practices. Opening sentence(起始句): The desire for good health is …...

Popular Writing in the Exam2. Write on the basis of the situations, conditions, events or a specific scene set either in English or in Chinese. E.g.(1)A.Write an essay discussing the two opposite opinions given below,give both some reasons,and make your comments or suggestions.There are two main opinions concerning women's status in the society. Some advice that women should stay at home, while others say more women ought to go out working. B.Time limit 40 minutes C.Word limit: no less than 150 words D. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II

Popular Writing in the Exam2. Write on the basis of the situations, conditions, events or a specific scene set either in English or in Chinese. E.g.(2)A Title:How To Prevent Pollution.Your essayshould be based on the information given below. 在我国,环境污染问题非常严重。空气污染是我国城市 存在的问题,大部分城市的空气为2—3级,有些城市达到5级。 这给人们带来了疾病,植物的生长也受到一定的影响。另外, 水环境的污染在全国也是很严重的。有的河流清水变成了黑 水,这影响了人们的吃水,也破坏了鱼类的生存环境。解决 这些问题已刻不容缓。我的意见是……

Popular Writing in the Exam3. Write with the help of tables, figures, diagrams, pictures, statistics or a combination of them.Sample: FOOD\YEAR Grain Milk Meat Fruit/vegetables Total

1986 49% 10% 17% 24% 100%

1987 1988 47% 46.5% 11% 11% 20% 22.5% 22% 20% 100% 100%

1989 1990 45% 45% 12% 13% 23% 21% 20% 21% 100% 100%

Writing on the help of graphs, figures or tables Sample:According to the above table,we can see that some changes have taken place in people’s diet since 1986,which clearly indicates the improvement of people′s living standard. One of the big changes is the decrease of grain consumption with 49 percent in 1986 and 45 percent in 1990.On people′s dinner tables the traditional dominant food—grain has given some way to milk and meat which were seldom seen on dinner tables before.Since the economic reform in 1978,various kinds of food have become popular in Chinese families.

Writing on the help of graphs, figures or tables Samp

le:However, there is a steady reduction of fruit and vegetables with 24 percent in 1986 and a three point drop by 1990.But this is not the main trend.As the living standard of the Chinese people is rising,we look forward to further changes in people’s diet. The proportion of fruit and vegetables as well as milk and meat will definitely increase in the coming years.

Types of Paragraph Development

Narration:– series of events that begin at a particular time and are organized chronologically.

Process:– explain how something is done or made. Often a temporal element makes a step-by-step chronological arrangement possible and natural

