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I 词汇结构:在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑 (40%)

1. I took the medicine but it doesn’t have any ________. A. answer

B. cause

C. effect

D. work

2. You must ________ the facts and not run away from the truth. A. look B. see C. watch D. face

3. The English test has to be _________ because our professor will be out this weekend.

A. put in

B. put on C. put off D. put up

4. Our parents always asked us to do the work _________. A. by chance B. by heart C. by ourselves D. by mind 5. Here are some books. You can _________ one or two for your little girl. A. pick out B. get out C. take out D. put out 6. The medical team is __________ two doctors and two nurses. A. made of

B. made up of

C. made from

D. made up

7. Andy was one of the few reporters who had dared to __________ the war zone. A. enter B. get C. go D. arrive 8. The hotel ________ the guests with a shoe-cleaning service.

A. gives B. supports C. provides D. offers 9. In the past twenty years great changes have ___________ in the small town. A. taken part A. gets along

B. taken sides B. brings along

C. taken place C. carries along

D. taken leave D. comes along D. parts D. let

10. She is an easy-going girl and _________ well with her roommates. 11. There was a small ________ of sugar in the bowl. A. amount B. number C. size 12. The bird’s large wings _________ it to fly high. A. cause

B. enable

C. make

13. Although they differ in some ways, they are _________ to each other in hobbies. A. similar B. same C. different D. like

14. You may __________ the dictionary if you meet new words in your reading. A. look for B. look into C. look after D. look up 15. Leifeng _________ a good example for all of us. A. did B. took C. make

D. set D. taking out D. enjoyed

16. The peasants are busy __________ the crops now. A. getting in B. pulling off C. handing in A.served

B. failed

C. suggested

17. To our disappointment, Bill __________ to accomplish the work on time.

18. I longed for having a new bicycle but my parents couldn’t__________ it. A. accept

B. afford

C. refuse

D. lose

19. Let’s clean our room; mother will be back ___________. A. in a minute

B. for a minute

C. at a minute

D. of a minute

20. Last year I spent almost ¥1,000 buying the Collected _________ of Shakespeare. A. Work B. Works A. have you stopped C. did you stop

C. Working

D. Worker

21. How long ago ___________ learning at the night school?

B. had you stopped D. do you stop

22. We _________ for the bus half an hour, but it has not come yet.

A. are waiting B. have waited C. have been waiting D. have been waited 23. The boy wanted to go roller-skating, but his mother told him ________. A. not to B. no to do

C. no to do it

D. do not D. had been D. cleaned D. a so big

24. I didn’t go to the lecture, but I do wish I _________ there. A. was B. were C. went 25. The boy was made _________ the room again. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning 26. It was __________ job that he had to ask for help. A. such a big

B. so a big

C. a such big

27. He didn’t know ___________ to the movies or stay at home watching TV. A. to go B. if to go

C. whether to go

D. go

28. Not only Mr. and Mrs. Smith but also their son Jim __________ invited to the party last night. A. are B. were

C. is

D. was

29. I can’t remember _________ room I lived in during my university days. A. which B. what C. how 30. If John needs a pencil, he can use one ___________.

A. of me A. being

B. mine B. been

C. of mine C. were

D. where D. my D. had been

31. There _________ no buses to that beach, they had to ride their bicycles.

32. I’m terribly sorry. I _________ to tell you I would be late. A. ought to phone

B. should phone

C. need phone

D. ought to have phoned

33. This exercise is too difficult that only __________ students can do it. A. a little

B. a few

C. little

D. few

34. If it ________, the band’s members will have to cover their instruments. A. will rain

B. rains

C. is raining

D. would rain

35. Sentences of this kind need __________. A. to improve

B. improved

C. improving

D. to be improving

36. My suggestion is that the experiment ___________ in another way. A. is done

B. will be done

C. has been done D. be done

37. I don’t know __________ you can recognize her from here. A. if

B. that

C. what

D. who

38. They are not aware of the reason ___________ people are unwilling to talk about insurance. A. when

B. where

C. why

D. how

39. Farmers rotate their crops __________ the soil will remain fertile (肥沃). A. so that

B. because of

C. in order to

D. rather than

40. In front of the engine is a fan, __________ purpose is to draw air through the radiator to cool the water. A. which

B. that

C. what

D. whose

II 阅读理解:在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑 (30%)

Passage 1

“Where is the university?” is a question many visitors to Cambridge (剑桥) ask, but no one can give them a clear answer for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges.

Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.

In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students want to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world. 41. Why do most visitors come to Cambridge?

A. To see Cambridge University

B. To study in the colleges in Cambridge C. To use the libraries of the university

D. To learn about the river and the bridge

42. What does “its” refer to (指的是……) in “…most of its members…”? A. The museum or office B. The people in Cambridge C. The University of Cambridge D. The classroom building or library 43. When did the university begin to appear?

A. In the 9th century B. In the 13th century C. In the 15th century D. In the 19th century 44. After which year did the town really begin to develop?

A. After 1200 B. After 875 C. After 1845 D. After 1951

45. From the passage, we know that now Cambridge ______________.

A. is a city of growing population B. may have a wall around it

C. has developed into an economic center D. is visited by international tourists

Passage 2

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceive (观察到) something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our mind. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the crossing. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children. For perception is the mind’s explanation of what the senses —in this case our eyes— tell us.

Many psychologists (心理学家) today are working to try to decide just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific method, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to fin out what makes different people perceive totally different thing about the same scene.

46. Seeing and perceiving are __________. A. the same action

B. two separate actions

C. two actions carried on entirely by the eyes

D. several actions carried on entirely by the eyes

47. Perceiving is an action that takes place _____________. A. in our eyes B. only when we think very hard about something

C. only under the direction of psychologist D. in every person’s mind

48. People perceive different things about the same scene because _____________. A. they come from different countries B. they can’t agree about things

C. some have better eyesight D. none of these

49. Psychologists study perception by _____________. A. setting up many experiments

B. asking each other what they see C. looking out of window D. studying people’s eyes

50. The best title for this passage is ______________. A. How We See B. Learning about Our Minds Through Science

Passage 3

Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America. Community colleges have become popular and their enrollment have increased rapidly. Large

C. What Psychologists Perceive D. How to Become an Experimental Psychologist

universities are offering more courses in the evenings for adult students. In this way, the demand for more education is being met. One reason for this is that many older people are changing their professions. They are looking for different careers. Another reason is that repair costs have increased. Adults are taking courses like plumbing and electrical repair. This way they hope that the high costs for repair can be avoided. Advanced technology is the most important reason for the rise in adult education. Engineers, teachers and businessmen are taking adult education classes. They have found that more education is needed to do their jobs well. Various courses are offered. Computers and business courses are taken by many adult students. Foreign languages, accounting and communication courses are also popular. Some students attend classes to earn degrees. Others take courses for the knowledge and skills that they can receive. The lives of many people have been enriched because of adult education.

51. One can take adult education courses _____________.

A. in a private college or university B. at home

C. at his (her) working place

D. in a community college or university

52. Adult education has become popular ______________. A. because many old people are changing their professions B. because some people are looking for better jobs

C. because they have high costs for repairs and advanced technology D. all of the above

53. Generally ______________. A. large universities are offering much help for us students B. universities are giving more courses during the daytime C. universities are not giving courses in the evenings for adult students

D. large universities are giving more classes in the evening adult education programs 54. Which of the following courses is not offered in the evening adult education programs? A. Plumbing and electrical repair B. Engineering C. Foreign Languages D. Accounting and Communication 55. Which of the following statements is not true according to the selection?

A. People go to attend the evening adult classes for more money. B. They go there for they want to enrich their lives.

C. They have to study more because of the advanced technology. D. They do so for the reason that they want to jobs better.

III完形填空:在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑 (10%)

A hobby can be almost 56 a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists build model ships, watch birds, climb mountains, and raise flowers. Hobbyists also 57 pictures and perform on musical 58 .

They collect everything from stamps to coins. People take up hobbies because these activities 59 enjoyment, friendship, knowledge and relation. Hobbies 60 people relax after periods of hard work, and also offer interesting activities for persons who are 61 old to work.

Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a 62 hobby. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in improving patients’ health. Hobbies give them something to do, and provide interests that keep them 63 thinking about themselves. Many hospitals 64 patients by having them 65 interesting hobbies. 56. A. something 57. A. create

B. all

C. anything C. draw C. devices C. supply C. help C. rather

D. nothing D. design D. instruments D. show D. force D. quite D. satisfying D. against D. treat D. get up

B. invent

58. A. tools B. meters 59. A. contain B. offer 60. A. bring B. cause 61. A. too B. very

62. A. satisfy B. satisfied 63. A. to B. from 64. A. see B. care 65. A. take up B. put up

C. satisfaction C. of

C. look C. turn up

IV 翻译:将下列句子译成英文,并写在答题卷上 (20%)

66. 我们想知道她为什么离开这座城市。 67. 大家都知道,上课仔细听讲十分重要。 68. 她太伤心了,一句话也说不出来

69. 虽然他很努力,但他还是没有通过考试。 70. 那就是我5年前曾经住过的地方。

Key2: 1—10 C D C C A B D C C A 11—20 A B A D D A B B A B

21—30 C D A D B A C D A C 31—40 A D B B C D A C A D 41—45 A C B C D 46—50 BDDAB 51—55 D D D B A

56—65 C C D B C A D B D A

66. We’d like to know why she left the city.

67. People all now it is important to listen to the teacher carefully. 68. She was too sad to say a word.

69. Although he worked hard, he didn’t pass the exam. 70. That is the place where I lived 5 years ago.

Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a 62 hobby. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in improving patients’ health. Hobbies give them something to do, and provide interests that keep them 63 thinking about themselves. Many hospitals 64 patients by having them 65 interesting hobbies. 56. A. something 57. A. create

B. all

C. anything C. draw C. devices C. supply C. help C. rather

D. nothing D. design D. instruments D. show D. force D. quite D. satisfying D. against D. treat D. get up

B. invent

58. A. tools B. meters 59. A. contain B. offer 60. A. bring B. cause 61. A. too B. very

62. A. satisfy B. satisfied 63. A. to B. from 64. A. see B. care 65. A. take up B. put up

C. satisfaction C. of

C. look C. turn up

IV 翻译:将下列句子译成英文,并写在答题卷上 (20%)

66. 我们想知道她为什么离开这座城市。 67. 大家都知道,上课仔细听讲十分重要。 68. 她太伤心了,一句话也说不出来

69. 虽然他很努力,但他还是没有通过考试。 70. 那就是我5年前曾经住过的地方。

Key2: 1—10 C D C C A B D C C A 11—20 A B A D D A B B A B

21—30 C D A D B A C D A C 31—40 A D B B C D A C A D 41—45 A C B C D 46—50 BDDAB 51—55 D D D B A

56—65 C C D B C A D B D A

66. We’d like to know why she left the city.

67. People all now it is important to listen to the teacher carefully. 68. She was too sad to say a word.

69. Although he worked hard, he didn’t pass the exam. 70. That is the place where I lived 5 years ago.

