九年级Unit6 Ilike music that I can dance to.常识点总结

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九年级Unit6 Ilike music that I can dance to.常识点总结

1. I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更爱好歌词美丽 的音乐。

prefer是一个罕见的及物动词,它的根本意思是甘心、更爱好、更爱好,与like better同义。prefer有差别的搭配:

① 后接名词或动名词,透露表现更爱好或更爱好干某事。

Which of these two bikes do you prefer? 这两辆自行车你更爱好哪一辆?

Many children prefer watching TV. 很多孩子较爱看电视。

② 后接不定式,透露表现宁可做某事。

Id like to go there by bus, but he prefers to walk. 我想乘大众汽车去那儿,而他甘心步辇儿。

He prefers to work alone. 他甘心单独工作。

③ prefer与介词to搭配,构成句型prefer...to..., 意思是比起来还是好,爱好(而不爱好)。prefer与to后均应接名词、代词或动名词。

I prefer bananas to apples. 和苹果比拟,我更爱好吃香蕉。

Li Ming prefers playing soccer to playing baseball. 李明爱好踢足球,而不爱好打棒球。

④ prefer... rather than与prefer...to...同义,但prefer与than后均需用动词不定式,且than后不定式标记to多省略。

He prefers to work rather than go to school. 他甘心干活,也不肯去上学。

He preferred to telephone her rather than write to her. 他甘心给她打德律风,而不肯给她写信。

⑤ 后可接动词不定式作宾语补足语。

We prefer you to stay for dinner. 我们但愿你能留下来吃饭。

She preferred him not to come. 她甘心他别来。

⑥ prefer后还可接that从句

I prefer that someone else should do this. 我感到还是让他人去做这件事好。

He prefers that it should be left alone. 他倒是想充耳不闻。

2. I like music that I can dance to. 我爱好能合着节奏跳舞的音乐。

(1) 这是一个含有定语从句的复合句。在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。引导定语从句的词称为干系词,有干系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和干系副词when, where, why。在本单位中,我们只触及到干系词that和who。先行词为物时,要用that或which;先行词为人时,用who或that。

The teacher who / that teaches us English is from Australia. 教我们英语的教师是澳大利亚人。

I like clothes that / which are unusual. 我爱好不同凡响的衣服。

(2) dance to是风俗表达,意为随同跳舞,to作介词,意为依照、跟着。

The students are doing eye exercises to music. 学生们跟着音乐做眼保健操。

We danced to the disco music. 我们随同着迪斯科音乐跳舞。

dance with透露表现与或人一块儿跳舞。

Would you like to dance with me? 请你与我跳支舞好吗?


The band play a slow dance. 乐队吹奏了一个慢节拍的舞曲。

3. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这种音乐让我想起了巴西的舞蹈曲。

remind为动词,意为提醒;使记起。经常使用于布局remind sb. of sb. / sth., 透露表现使或人回忆起或意想到或人 / 某事。

She reminded me of her sister. 她使我想起了她姐姐。

The pictures remind me of my school days. 这些照片使我想起了我的学生时代。


① remind sb. to do sth. 透露表现提醒或人干某事。

Please remind me to answer the letter. 请提醒我答复那封信。

Please remind me to go to mothers 90th birthday party. 请提醒我去参与母亲的90岁诞辰集会。

② remind sb. + 宾语从句透露表现提醒或人。

I reminded him that he must go home before dark. 我提醒他必需在天黑前回家。

I reminded the driver that we hadnt got any petrol left. 我提醒司机说,车里没有油了。

4. I listened to one called Heart strings. 我听了一张叫《心弦》的CD专辑。

句中的called Heart strings 是过来分词短语作后置定语,修饰后面的代词one。相当于一个定语从句that is called Heart strings.

The dictionary (which is) borrowed from Li Ping is on the desk. 从李平那儿借来的那本辞书在桌子上。

Hare you ever read a book called Gone with the Wind? 你读过一本叫《飘》的书吗?



误:Yesterday my uncle bought a car used.

正:Yesterday my uncle bought a used car.

正:My uncle bought a used car yesterday.


5. This is Hong Taos latest movie. 这是洪涛最新的电影。



The station will give you the latest news.本台为你供给比来动静。

Our office has been equipped with the latest business machines.我们的办公室装备有最新的办公设置装备摆设。


Jim always comes to work the earliest and leaves the latest.吉姆总是上班最早,放工最晚。


Have you heard the latest about the war between the two countries?你们听到了这两个国度之间的和平的最新动静吗?

●友情提示● at the latest透露表现最迟。

They will arrive here tonight at the latest.


6. Whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition. 不管你干什么,都不要错过此次展览。

(1) whatever用作代词,意为不管什么,不论怎么样,引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。

Dont change your plans, whatever happens. 不管发作什么,不要改动你的筹划。

Whatever you do, do it well. 不管做什么事,都要把它做好。

(2) whatever也可用来引导主语、宾语从句等。

Whatever she did was right. 她不管做什么都是对的。

I wont believe whatever you say. 我不相信你说的任何话。

●友情提示● 类似的词还有whenever, wherever, however, whoever, 辨别是不管何时、不管在哪里、不管什么体式格局、不管谁的意思。

Whenever I meet him, he says hello to me with a smile. 不管何时我遇到他,他都微笑着和我打号召。

The little boy went wherever his mother went. 不管他妈妈却哪儿,这个小男孩都跟着。

In my own house, I can do whatever I wish. 在本人家中,我可为所欲为。

Uncle Tom told his story to whoever wanted to listen. 谁爱听,汤姆叔叔就把他的故事讲给谁。

7. As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy. 就像名字表示的一样,这支乐队的力量很强。


① 当suggest作动词,透露表现倡议、发起之意时,在以下布局中动词使用假造语气。

a. suggest后接that从句,从句的谓语动词用(should+)动词本相。

He suggested that we (should) go there at once. 他倡议我们当即去那儿。

They suggest that the meeting (should) be put off. 他们倡议推迟召闭会议。

b. suggest用在主语从句中,主语从句之后若跟一个表语从句,该表语从句的谓语动词用(should+)动词本相。

What I suggested is that we (should) be there on time. 我倡议我们定时到那儿。

What they suggested is that all of us (should) attend the meeting. 他们倡议我们都参与此次集会。

② 当suggest作动词,透露表现倡议、发起之意时,背面要跟动名词短语。

I suggested asking for the teachers advice. 我倡议征求教师的定见。

He suggested going home. 他倡议答复去。

③ 当suggest作动词,透露表现表示、阐明之意时,背面接的从句用陈说语气,而不必假造语气。

The dark clouds in the sky suggested that it was soon going to rain. 天上的乌云预示很将近下雨。

Her expression suggested that she was very angry. 她的表情阐明她十分朝气。

8. I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suited me just fine. 我更爱好那种安静的、传统的音乐,因此音乐会很得当我。

●词语辨析● fit与suit



The coat fits(me) well. 这件大衣很合(我的)身。

The key doesnt fit the lock.这把钥匙分歧这把锁。

The hat fits me nicely.这顶帽子我戴上很符合。


You can fit this skirt on your daughter.你可以给你的女儿试一下这条裙子。

I will fit my new house with a telephone. 我要在新房子装德律风。


No dish suits all tastes.没有合大家口味的菜。

Does the style suit you? 这个格局对你得当吗?

Let s fix a day. Would Saturday night suit you? 咱们来定一个日子,礼拜


I dont think going by plane would suit her.我看她坐飞机去不太符合。

透露表现得当于;对合适经常使用be suited to/for sb./sth. 或 be

suited to do sth.方式。

Jack and his wife seem well suited to each other.杰克和他妻子很相配。

The girl is suited for teaching.=The girl is suited to be a teacher.这女


Is Western democracy suited to/for the nations of Asia? 东方的民主政治得当


● 友情提示●

透露表现使得当于时,fit 与suit可交换,构成fit/suit...to...


He always fits/suits his deeds to his words.他一向言行不一。


①fit 用作形容词,作定语,意为符合的,得当的。

We must fix a fit time and place for the meeting.我们必需断定得当的闭会时



(a) be fit for意为得当于;称职等。

The water in the well is fit for drinking.这口井里的水可以喝。

The man is not fit for his office. 那人不称职。

Your shoes are not fit for traveling.你的鞋子不得当观光。

(b) be fit to 意为得当;能胜任。to为不定式标记,因尔后面只能跟动词本相。

