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中考英语单词词组同义替换专项练习练习 一: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. clients B. used up C. aliens D. pure E. shining in the dark F. approaching G. unexplored
1. They ran out of oil last week. 2. That island was never visited by people before. 3. The glowing eyes of the monster frightened him much. 4. He thought they were people from a certain planet. 5. The boat was going towards the enemy ship rapidly.
6. The wool of this kind of scarf is not mixed with anything else. 练习 二: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. a bit B. guests C. stands D. remind
E. stop F. take G. get rid of
1. Something must be done to end the war in Iraq. 2. They were just the people who were invited. 3. The recitation was kind of boring, so it didn’t win any prize.
4. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located at Lujiazui, Pudong New Area. 5. Students are usually quite busy before they go in for exams. 6. It can make remember to shut off the heater. 练习 三: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. accepted B. arranged C. were out of D. continuously
E. attend F. entered for G. entered 1. We planned to have the next visit in one week’s time. 2. The lad in blue went into the hall quietly.
3. He had to go to the evening school after the meeting was over. 4. They didn’t have any fruit or drink at home.
5. We’ve been working here for 12 hours without any break. 6. The foreign guests agreed to have the invitation to our class meeting. 练习 四: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. apologized B. at the end C. in the end D. surface
E. were required F. hesitated G. make less
1. All the passengers were ordered to show their tickets. 2. He was not allowed to reduce the rent of the house unless he helped her with the work. 3. I said sorry to him for stepping on his foot. 4. He felt uncertain for a while, and then told me everything. 5. He trained himself hard every day, and at last he got the first prize in the race. 6. There are a lot of little drops of water on the outside storey of the glass. 练习 五: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. was determined B. hurt C. be able D. ran E. sent out F. set out G. upset
1. The last bus started a quarter an hour earlier than usual, so Jim failed to catch it. 2. She was sure to manage to finish it in time. 3. He made up his mind to pass all the exams this term. 4. The old man at the street corner seemed to be worried. 5. The man in black used to take charge of the company before. 6. The man injured his brain in an accident and lost his memory.
练习六: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. couldn’t remember B. were keen on C. warned D. didn’t get to know
E. solution F. interrupted G. felt surprised
1. Until he told me, I had got no idea of it. 2. Maybe he can work out the key. 3. I wondered to hear my class teacher’s voice in the sitting room.
4. The audience enjoyed the play very much and time and again clapped loudly. 5. The farmer gave notice to us not to skate on the thin ice. 6. Please don’t break in on his speech.
练习 七: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. stopped B. lonely C. shouted D. lost his temper
E. form F. alone G. now and then
1. I help my mother with the housework from time to time. 2. His job is to organize a party on Christmas Eve. 3. Suddenly the man on watch called out, “be careful! Iceberg ahead.” 4. He did it all without others’ help. 5. He gave up smoking because of his illness. 6. Mary’s father got very angry when he learnt she had failed in maths the day before. 练习 八: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. going over B. earn money C. destroyed D. still existed E. confused F. more harmful G. spacemen
1. It’s said that second-hand smoking is even worse for people who don’t smoke. 2. Nearly all the lanterns in the park were damaged during last night’s rainstorm. 3. The little girl had to sell matches in the street to make a living. 4. How many astronauts do you know died in the accident? 5. The boy is reviewing his lessons. There will be a chemistry test tomorrow. 6. It’s said that the wounded soldier didn’t die in the battle. 练习 九: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A. made a sudden noise B. a short sleep C. care for D. cannot be seen
E. bought F. beware of G. everyone is taking about him
1. Air is invisible, but it is all around us. No living things can survive without it. 2. Mr. White purchased a new house in the village and began his peaceful life. 3. He used to have a nap in the afternoon. 4. When the fire alarm went off, all the people in the shop ran out as quickly as possible. 5. Yang Liwei is the first Chinese astronaut. Now his name is on everyone’s lips. 6. When you swim here in the sea, be careful of sharks. 练习 十: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. rarely B. part C. came back D. give back E. known F. happen G. a quarter
1. To our great joy, Shenzhou V returned to the earth safely. 2. It’s common knowledge that dolphins and whales are not fish. 3. About one-fourth of the students in our class have joined the League. 4. Many traffic accidents occur at midnight, so drivers must be more careful. 5. Which section of the city do you live in? 6. Kitty seldom gets up after eight o’clock in the morning.
练习 十一: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. said loudly B. healthy C. communicate D. on a ship E. about F. to a different country G. the natural world around us
1. Some people are still polluting the earth and damaging the environment. 2. “Watch out!” Mum exclaimed as she saw a bus coming to me. 3. The whiz-kid was sent abroad to further his study in arts. 4. The detective interviewed Jimmy in connection with the lost pearl necklace. 5. Don’t worry. We can keep in touch by e-mail. 6. Mr. Smith keeps himself fit by playing hockey.
练习 十二: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. represents B. enable C. ambition D. met E. destination F. mean G. popular
1. His strong wish is to become an architect in future. 2. The game is welcomed by many people here nowadays. 3. “X” in maths stands for an unknown number . 4. Tokyo was our final place to which we were travelling. 5. They were trying to make it possible for all the patients to watch TV. 6. I came across an old school friend halfway this afternoon. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 善待自己,学会放弃,得而不喜,失而不烦,弃而不悔,多一份执着和自信,添一份洒脱和从容,才是潇洒快乐的人生!
善待自己,学会原谅。谁都会遇到不顺心的事,谁都会碰到不顺眼的人。如果你不学会原谅,就会活得痛苦,活得很累。 既要学会原谅自己,又要学会原谅别人,还要学会原谅生活。原谅自己,并不意味着对自己的放纵;原谅别人,并不代表着丢弃原则,原谅生活,并不是不热爱生活。学会原谅一切,只是为了善待别人和善待自己,也是为了善待一切。 生命,每个人只有一次,或长或短;生活,每个人都在继续,或悲或欢;人生,每个人都在旅途,或起或伏。人无完人,事无完美,有些小人,你不须计较,计较会烦;有些繁事,你不必在意,在意会累。 假如你与所有不喜欢的人过不去,假如你与所有不顺心的事都计较,一辈子还不是要累死,气死呀?! 善待自己,使自己成为最好的,比善待别人更有意义。我们除了学会律己,宽容别人,成全别人之外,还要学会成全自己,宽容自己,给自己更多的时间和空间,来不断发展和完善自己。这样,你才生活得充实,幸福。
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