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2012 新目标九年级Unit 1 导学案

Section A 短语:

1. 听磁带 2、向教师请教 3、生气 4、看英语录像 5、写英语日记 6、大声朗读 7、练习发音 8、参加英语俱乐部

9、做某事的最佳方式 10、感觉不同 11、根本不 12、对……感到兴奋 13、结束,告终 句子

1、--你是如何为考试作准备的? ----我通过听磁带来学习。 --- do you ? ---I study tapes. 2、太难理解那些声音了。

It?s hard understand the voices. 3、然而,有时他发现看电影让人感到灰心,因为人们讲话太快了。

Sometimes, however ,he watching movies because the people speak too quickly .


She added that conversations with friends was not helpful . 5、我们经常谈到某些事情时,变得很激动,然后就讲起中文来了。

We often something and then in Chinese . 知识点讲解:

1. by asking the teacher for help(P2)通过向老师寻求帮助

(1)“ask+sb+for+名词”意为“向某人请求……”;“向某人要求……”。 They asked me for . 他们向我求助。

(2)by作介词时,后接动词-ing形式,这是中考的重点,大家可不要忘记啊! ◎“通过……的方式” Mr Green makes a living_______ _______. 格林先生以教书为生。

◎“经过(某人/某物)” He went by the supermarket on his way to school.

◎“在……旁边,在……附近”Li Lei sits by my side in the classroom.在教室里,李雷坐在我的旁边。

◎“在……之前,不迟于……” I can finish doing my homework by six o?clock. ◎表示交通方式,意为“乘……” I usually go to school_____ _____. 我通常骑自行车去上学。

复习一下一个常用短语: by the way “顺便说一下”。用于转移话题。

By the way, I forgot____ _____ you the news. 哦,对了,我忘记告诉你那个消息了。

2、It?s too hard to understand the voices . (p3) 很难理解这些对话。

too…to 太……而不能... 常和so….that+从句转换,也可以跟


not…enough to do 连用。

试做:He is too careless to work it out .(变成同义句)

He is so that work it out . He is not enough work it out . 3、He?s been learning English for six years and really loves it. (P4) 他已经学了六年的英语,而且的确很喜欢它。

He?s是He has的缩写。这是一个现在完成进行时态的句子,由“助动词have/has+been+现在分词”构成,用来表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要延续下去。 请翻译:

格林先生已经卧床两个星期了。Mr Green (lie) in bed for two weeks.

4. We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. (P4)

有些话题让我们兴奋不已 ,最后干脆说起汉语来。

(1)be/get excited about意思是“对…感到兴奋”,其中about后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。

Are you ______ ______ _____to Shanghai? 你对去上海感到兴奋吗? 类似短语

be/get worried about “对…感到担心”,be amazed at“对…感到惊讶”,be pleased with“对…感到满意”。


We were _____when we saw our team was winning. 看到自己的球队要赢了,我们都十分激动。

注意:exciting作“令人激动的”,“令人兴奋的”解时,常用来修饰物或事。 The football match we watched was very_____. 我们观看的那场足球赛非常激动人心。

(3)end up意为“以……结束或告终”,后面接动词-ing形式。

He ended up running a firm. 他最终经营了一家公司。类似短语: eat up“吃光”, burn up“烧光”。 Section B 短语

1、口语 2、在….方面犯错 3、练习说英语 4、在学英语上有困难 5、在去学校的路上 6、练习写作 7、学会做某事 8、首先,第一 9、以后,随后 10、没关系 11、害怕做某事 12、嘲笑某人 13、写完整的句子 14、…的秘诀之一 15、决定做某事 16、记笔记 句子

1、我们经常犯语法方面的错误。 I always

grammar .

2、我不知道怎样使用逗号。 Idon?t know

commas .


3、我没有一个一起练英语的伙伴。I don?t have a partner practice English . 4、后来我意识到如果不理解每一个单词是没有关系的。

, I it doesn?t if you don?t understand every word .


I was also speak in class ,because I thought my classmates might me .


1. Maybe you should join an English language club. (P5)也许你应该参加某个英语俱乐部。

(1) maybe是副词,意为“也许,可能”,用作状语;

may be意为“也许是,可能是”,may是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。 ______ you put it there. 也许你把它放在那里了。

But I?m afraid I ____ _____a little late. 但恐怕我可能是晚了一点。

(2)join意为“参加,加入”,主要指参加、加入某党派、团体,成为一员,后面也可跟us, them, the young people等表示一群人的词或词组;

而 take part in也意为“参加,加入”,指参加群众性的活动、会议、考试、竞赛等。

My brother _____the League two years ago. 我的哥哥两年前就入团了。

We are getting ready to _____ _____ ______the speech contest.我们正准备参加这次演讲比赛。

2. First of all, it wasn?t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the

class. (P6)刚开始,当老师和全班学生说话的时候,她的话对我来说很难听懂。

短语first of all意为“首先,第一”,在句中作状语,强调首要的事情是什么,不一定用于列举,常用于first of all..., then..., at last...,使说明的层次更清楚。 First of all, I must finish my work. 首先,我必须完成我的工作。

To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn?t understand every word. (P6) 刚开始,她讲得太快,我不能每个词都听懂。本句中的to begin with意为“首先,第一点(理由)”。

We can?t go. To begin with, it?s too cold. Besides, we?ve no money. 我们不能去。首先是天气太冷了;再者,我们没有钱了。

◎begin with意为“以……开始”,其后接动词时应用动词-ing形式。 The party began with _____.晚会是以舞蹈开头的。 3. It helped a lot. (P6) 它很有帮助。

a lot用作副词,表示“非常,相当”,等于very much。还要记住a lot可以用来修饰比较级。

Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much.多谢。He is feeling____ ____ _____ today.他今天感觉好多了。

◎a lot还可作“经常,常常”解,相当于often。

They use the recorder ___ ____in English class.在英语课上,他们常用录音机。 ◎a lot of=lots of,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,意为“许多”,相当于many或much。


There is a lot of(=lots of) homework to do.有许多作业要做。

4. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. (P6) 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。

(1)该句是由that引导的宾语从句,当主句用一般现在时态时,从句可以用 时态;当主句用过去时态时,从句则要用 。

I hear that Mr Brown ever Shanghai. 我听说布朗先生曾去过上海。

He said these answers ( be )right. 他说这些答案是正确的。 (2)one of意为“…中的一个”,其后接名词的复数,如有形容词修饰名词时,形



Mr Wang is one of ( popular)teachers in our school. SELF CHECK and READING 短语

1、写下 2、在词典里查找单词 3、英语的重要性 4、编对话 5、处理 6、担心 7、生某人的气 8、(指时间)过去;消逝 9、把他视为朋友 10、抱怨 11、有太多的工作要做 12、把…变成… 13、尽力做…. 14、在…的帮助下 15、考虑,思考 16、把…比作…. 句子


He improves his English by conversations . 2、如果我们不处理好我们的问题,我们很容易变得不开心。

we our problems , we can easily become unhappy . 3、时间流逝,好的友谊可能会消失。

Time , and good friendships may . 4、我们应该把困难视为挑战,并尽自己最大的努力去克服。

We should problems challenges and our to get over them .

5、作为年轻人,在老师的帮助下尽最大努力处理我们在教育中的每一次挑战是我们的责任。 It?s our to each challenge in

our education our teachers . 知识点讲解:

1. How do we deal with our problems? (P8)我们怎样处理我们的问题?

本句中的deal with意为“处理,解决”,相当于do with,其主语通常是人或物。但是前者与how连用,后者与what连用。I have many problems to____ _____. 我



◎ deal with作“与……打交道”,“与……做买卖”解时,主语通常是人、公司、商店等。

My elder brother will deal with you later on. 我哥哥以后会来收拾你的。 2. Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. (P8) 我们中的大部分人可能都生过我们的朋友、父母或老师的气。

本句中的be angry with意为“对某人生气”,后面常跟人作宾语;当表示生气的原因时,可以加上for doing sth。He ___ _____ _____me for not having done anything. 我什么也没有做,他为此很生气。 注意:

be angry at表示“因某事生气”,后面接表示言行的名词、代词或v-ing形式或从句作宾语。

He was rather angry at missing the bus.他因没有赶上公共汽车而相当生气。 你还能说出其他的同义词吗?

3. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. (P8) 时间流逝良好的友谊可能也就随之逝去了。

(1)go by是不及物动词短语,意为“走过”,“(时间)消逝,流逝”Two weeks went by. 两周过去了。


The man ____ a leg in the war. 那个人在战争中失去了一条腿。 知识拓展 miss意为“丢失,失去”时,指东西或人丢失了,但有找到的希望。 She ______her child in the street. 她在街上把孩子丢了。 ◎ miss可以表示“想念”的意思,而lose则不能。

We shall all miss you when you are away. 你不在时我们都会想念你的。 4.aloud ,loud ,loudly 都是副词

1)aloud出声地,指提高声音为了是他人能听见,不是心想,不是默读。例如:He cried aloud for help .

2)loud 大声地,主要指说话声和哭声等,常用于比较级。例如:Don?t talk so louder .

3)loudly 大声地,吵闹地,指声音很大,很喧闹,不悦耳,令人感到讨厌。例如:She cried loudly.

5. forget a lot of new words. forget v. ( forgot forgotten ) 忘记,遗忘 1) forget to do sth 忘记去做谋事(未做) forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过谋事(以做过)

Don?t forget ___(take) the raincoat with you . He forgot ___(lock) the door when left home .

2)leave sth sw 表示把某物忘在某地

例如: This morning I ____(forget/left) my English book at home . 练习检测:

1.They enjoyed ______( their )at the party .

2.You?d better _____( not take )the notebook with you . 3. He went to school without ______( have ) breakfast. 4.We ______( be )to Jinan some times .


5.He often practices _____( run )on the playground. 6.I often hear Jim ____( sing )in the next room .

7. He _____( take ) part in the sports meeting last week. 8.She is much _____(thin) than before.

9. This is the best way _____( solve )the problem. It?s too hot. 10.Would you mind _____( open )the door ?

11.Tom ,______( not be ) afraid of _____(speak)in public . 12.France is a _____( develop ) country .

13.We couldn?t stop ______( laugh )because Tom made faces in class . 14.I had some trouble _____( make ) complete sentences .

15.We should teach young people how _____(build )their lives on hard work ,not dreams .

2012暑期培训内部资料 新目标九年级Unit 2 导学案 Section A

一.短语归纳 1.过去常常做某事_______________ 过去内向/外向______________2.对运动更感兴趣__________ 3.在游泳队_________________ 4.害怕独处_________________ 5.非常惧怕黑暗______________________ 6.开着灯睡觉_______________ 7.人的确在变啊________________ 二.例析导学

1.I used to be afraid of the dark . 翻译本句:____________________________________ 1)dark n.&adj. 黑色(的), 深色(的), 其反义词是_______.

2)be afraid of + n./ving 意为“害怕” 例如:不要害怕犯错误。Don?t be afraid of_______ _______.

【拓展】 1) be afraid to do sth 意为“害怕去干谋事” He is afraid to_____ _____ ______ _____(在晚上去那儿)。 2) be afraid 后可跟that从句 意思是“恐怕” I?m afraid that _______________________(不能和你一块去那儿)。

2. People sure change. 翻译本句:__________________________ sure adv. 无疑,确实 【拓展】1) sure adj. 确信的,有把握的 be sure to do sth 一定干某事 be sure of sth /doing sth 干某事有把握,有信心 例如:He is sure ______ _____(来)on time .

He is sure of passing the exam.=He is sure that he ____ _____ ______ ______.

2) make sure 确保, 弄清楚, 弄明白 ______ ______(确保)that you get home before dark..

3. terrify v. 使害怕,使恐惧 其后接宾语,常构成词组 be terrified of 意为“恐惧……” 同义短语_________

I _____ ______ _______(害怕) the tiger when I first saw it. 4. But now I?m more interested in sports


be interested in 意为“对……感兴趣”, 介词in后常接名词或动词v-ing 形式 同义短语_______________

例如:Peter is interested in maths., but his sister is interested in_______ _________(学习英语)。 .


【拓展】 interested为表语形容词,只做表语,不做定语. interesting 可做定语也可做表语。二

者用法区别是:_______________________ We are________ in the ______film .(选择填空interesting,interested )

I go to sleep with my bedroom light on . 翻译本句:



1)go to sleep 意为“入睡,睡着” 例如:He went to sleep late last night .

【拓展】 go to sleep 和go to bed 都有“睡觉”的意思但go to bed 指“就寝” “上床去睡”这个动作;而go to sleep 是指“入睡” “进入梦乡”这个过程 ,相当于fall asleep。试着用这两个短语填空:I _____ _____ ____ at ten last night , but I didn?t _____ ______ ______ at twelve . 2) with my bed light on 是“with +复合宾语”结构,在句中做状语. With no one in the room ,he felt a bit afraid .

3)on 可表示工作着(的),开着(的)(与_____相对)例如:Don?t leave the tap on . 【拓展】 1)with 有“_______________”之意 例如: Would you like to go with us ?

2)with 有“_______________”之意 例如: The car is running with its light on . 3)with 有“_______________”之意 例如: He open the car with a knife .

6. Don?t you remember me ? remember v. 想起,记起

【拓展】 1) remember to do sth. 记得干某事( 还没做 ) remember doing sth. 记得已干某事( 已经做了 )

例如:Remember ________( mail) the letter for me . Do you remember ______(ask) the same question ?

2) 代某人向……问好 例如: Remember me to your mother .


I used to be afraid of the dark . Did you use to play the piano? 以上句式都表示过去常做某事,而现在不复存在的习惯.

used to do sth 表示“过去常常,以前常常” I used to get up at half past six in the morning. 【拓展】 1)be/get used to doing sth 意为“习惯于做某事”其中to 为介词.He is used to________ (晚上努力工作) .

2) be used to do sth 意为“被用来做某事”常含有被动的含义 Knives _____ ____ ____(被用来)cut things.

3) be used for doing sth 意为“被用来做某事”,介词for用来表示用途或用于什么目的。 例如: A pen ____ _____ ______ _______(被用来写字) .

4) be used as …意为“被用做……” “ 把……当作……来用”,介词as表示“ 作为” 。 例如: English_____ ______ _____(被用来当做) a second language in many country 。 四.词语辨析 alone、 lonely 的用法辨析

alone 独自的(地) ,单独的(地) alone 表示“单独,独自一个人”,不含感情色彩。可在句中作表语和状语。

lonely 指人孤独寂寞,指地方荒芜人烟,有浓厚的感情色彩,可作定语和表语。用alone\\lonely填空:

1. He is______ at home . 2. She lives______ but she never feels ______.. 五.当堂达标

A) 用括号内单词的正确形式填空

1.I am _____( terrify ) of spiders . 2.He is afraid of ______( see ) strangers . 3.It is not a good habit _____( chew )gum in the public places.

4.The little child was _____( terrify ) of _____( be ) left alone in the house .


5.It is said that _____( chew ) gum is good for our teeth . 6.He hardly _____( have ) time for concerts ,did he ?

7.Lily is interested in ______( play ) the piano . 8.He wasn?t feeling well . So he had to stop _____( work ). B) 单项选择

1.Where_____live before you came here?

A.did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to

2. No one likes he _____. A. still B. never C. anymore D. too

3. I always go to sleep _____the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and

4. I ____get up early . A. use to B. used to C. am used to D. was used to

5. He _____ his father. A.look like B. is look like C. is like D. looks the same

6. Mark ____ go there with us tonight ,but he isn?t very sure about it . A. must B. may C. can D. will

7. He is running _____a ball _____his hand . A. with ,in B. take ,in C. for ,in D. at ,with

8. I?ve read several books ,but _____of them is funny . A. neither B. either C. none D. all

Section B

一.短语归纳 1.画画___________2.弹钢琴____________3.直接回家____________4.开始上高中____________



11.例如______________12.步行去上学____________ 二.例析导学

1.I don?t worry about tests . worry about sb/sth. 为某人或某事担心或着急

例如:Don?t worry about him . He is ok .

【拓展】 worry 的过去分词可转化为形容词使用,构成be worried about ,相当于____ ______ ,意为“担心”

例如:The boy_____ never_____ ______ his study .

2. We have to take a bus to school . take a bus to school 相当于_________________. I take a bus to school to school every day .==I ___ ____ ____ ____ _____.every day .我每天乘公共汽车去上学。

【拓展】walk to a place == go to a place on foot步行去一个地方 ride to a place == go to a

place by bike 骑车去一个地方 drive a car to a place == go to a place by car开车去一个地方

3.… I used to watch TV or chat with my grandfather.

chat with sb. 意为“与……闲聊”,其中是动词。例如:I like to ____ ____ _____ _____



4. I really miss the old days . 翻译本句:____________________________________

miss v. 意为“怀念”后可接名词,代词或动词ving 形式。 I miss______(live) in the country .

【拓展】1)miss v. 意为“未击中,未得到,未达到,”的意思。例如:He shot at the bird but missed .

2)没见到,没听见,没理解 The house is in the corner ,don?t miss it .

3)发现丢失 例如:I found my book was missing . 4)没赶上 例如:He missed the

early bus . 三. 句析导学

1.My life has changed a lot in the last few years. In the last /past few years 意思是_________________

常用于现在完成时,像already ,just ,ever , never ,before ,yet ,recently ,for +一段时间, since 等都用于现在完成时。

例如:He _____ just_______(return) from the USA . She _____ _______(not come) back yet. 2.Before I started high schoo1,I used to spend a 1ot of time playing games with my friends,

but I just don't have the time anymore.在上中学之前,我常常花费大量时间和朋友们一起做游戏,但是现在我再也没有这样的时间了。

(1) spend意为“花费”时,后跟表示时间或金钱等的单词。spend主语为“人‖,常用句式

“sb.+spends+时间/金钱十____(介词) sth spend…….(in)_____ (动词形式)sth spend…….. with sb.”

昨天晚上做家庭作业花费了我半小时。 I half an hour my homework 1ast night.

(2) not….. anymore意为“不再”,not应置于be动词或助动词之后,anymore应位于句末。 【拓展】not…. anymore的同义短语为_____________ 她不再住这儿了。She_______live here________. 四.词语辨析

.have to 与must 的区别

1) have to do sth. “不得不干某事” 具有客观性,即不以人们的意志为转移.而must 强调主观性,即随人们的意志而改变。用这两个词填空: I_______ learn more English . I __________ get up early to catch the early bus.

2) must可以用于各种时态,而have to只用于一般现在时和一般过去时,两种时态中, 例如:I had to tell him the news . 五.当堂达标 A.完成单词

1.I am so busy, I h____ have time to finish the work . 2.He used to spend much time c____ with his friends.

3. Don?t be w_____ about your son.. 4. The rich men enjoy p____ golf.

5.He would take p_____ in everything good I do. 6.W____ these words, he left home quickly. 7.He u_____ to be quiet, didn?t he? 8.The girl was t______ of the snakes. B.句型转换

1.He paid 5 yuan for the book. 句 )_______________________________________________

2.I took him an hour to work out the problem






句 )____________________________________

3.He used to be alone .( 改为句 )_________________________________________________ 4.She has to finish the work by 5 o?clock 句)_________________________________________ C.动词填空

1. He used to ____( stay ) up late , but now he is used to _____( go ) to sleep early .

2.He is ______( worry )about his mother?s illness . 3. She spends half an hour _____( read ) every day .

4.It took him several days _____( travel ) here . 5.My life_______(change) a lot in the last few years.






Reading: He used to cause a lot of trouble.

一. 预习导学 将下列短语译成英语:

一个十五岁的男孩 下决心 最后 班主任 使某人惊奇的是 对……感到自豪 注意 放弃 即使_____________不再___________买得起,负担得起_______________ 二.合作研讨


1.death n.死;死亡 例如:His pet dog?s death made him very sad.宠物狗的死使他很伤心。 【辨析】die/dead/dying/death

①die v.意为“死”,强调的是“死”的瞬间动作,为非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的短语边用。如果和时间段边用,须用be dead。②dead adj.意为“死的;死亡的”,强调的是“死”的状态,如果表示“死了多长时间”,则用“have/has been+-段时间”或“died+-段时间ago\。③dying为die的现在分词,也可以作形容词,意为垂死的;要死的”,如the dying bird,可用作定语或表语。④death n.意为“死;死亡”,动词die的名词形式。

(1)He died two years ago(同义句转换)He for two years. (2)她妈妈的去世很突然。The of her mother was sudden..

2.afford v.负担得起;买得起,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式。我买不起汽车。 I to buy a car.

3.make a decision做决定;下决心,后常跟to do,其同义短语为decide to do。

He decided to work hard from now on.(同义句转换)He to work hard from now on.

【拓展】make意为“使;让”时,用作使役动词(如:make,1et,have等)。构成短语make sb.do sth./make sb.+adj.

过多的担心事情使我紧张。Worrying about things so much_____me______. 4.to one's surprise令某人惊奇的是 【拓展】in surprise意为“惊讶;吃惊”

出乎我的意料,他通过测试。 ,he passed the exam. (二)、重点句型 1.It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 玉梅似乎改变了很多。

seem v.似乎;好像,其用法如下:seem+形容词;seem+动词不定式;It seems+that从句。 (1) 天好像要下雨。It seems . (2) 看上云他们能做这项工作。It they are able to do the work.


2.She also to1d me that even though my father was no 1onger with us,he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.


①eventhough意为即使;纵然;尽管”,相当于even if引导让步状语从句。 即使下雨,我也要去听音乐会。I?ll go to the concert it rains. ②take pride in意为“对……感到自豪”,其同义短语为be proud of。

We all take pride in Liu Xiang.(同义句转换) We all Liu Xiang.



1.She is a good nurse. She is very p with sick people.

2.He worked out the problem by h .No one helped him.

3.P1ease pay a to your pronunciation. 4.L ,she didn?t hurt herself.


5.His mother couldn?t afford (pay)for the house.. 6.We are sorry for its (die).

7.—Have you made a (decide)? —No,I haven?t. 8.He wants to give up (1earn)English.


9.她有一个八岁的儿子。 She has son.

10.使我惊讶的是,他英语说得很好。 , he speaks English well. 11.最后我们完成了工作。 , we finished the work.. 12.约翰和我跑得一样快。 John runs fast I. IV.单项选择

( )1.English is difficult for him. So he wants to_____.

A. give up it B go on C. give back D. give it up ( )2.A11of Chinese are_________ long history..

A. pride Of B. proud of C. pride in D .proud in ( )3.—How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?

—lt makes me ___________very proud.

A. felt B to feel C. feeling D. feel

( )4.This week,the weather______ to change every day:One day is hot,the next is co1d. A. seems B .to feel C. feeling D .feel

( )5.—I don?t have a partner to play table tennis with.

—Why ______ a sports club to practice?

A .don? join B. not joining C .not to join D. don?t you join Unit3 1. 单词及短语:pierce,licence,silly,earring,instead of等 学习目 2. 学会使用should构成的被动语态,谈论应该被允许和不被允许做的事情。 3. 学会用I agree,I disagree,I don‘t agree表达同意或不同意。 标 11

一、 预习感知 1. 英汉互译: sixteen-year-olds be allowed to do cut hair spend time with friends 业余工作 穿耳孔 学 挑选衣服 驾照 2. 翻译下列句子 (1) I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. (2) I agree.They aren't serious enough at that age.

习 (3) They might be sorry later.

(4) It's fun to watch.

(5) I just want to be sure you get something nice . 二、 合作探究 导 1. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. (1) 本句可翻译为 (2) 本句为有情态动词的被动语态,其结构为 而被动语态的结构为 被动语态的相关用法请自学P143的语 法。翻译下列句子,注意划线部分的用法。 航 ①.The windows are cleaned every day ( by us ). =We clean the windows every day. ② The bike was mended yesterday ( by my father ).= ③ The flowers should be watered often. (3) allow sb to do sth allow doing sth sb be allowed to do sth 2. get their ears pierced 其结构是:get /have/make+宾语+宾补(过去分词) His computer doesn't work, he should have it . A .repair B . repairing C . to repair D. repaired 问题发 现 年级 九 课题 Unit3 SectionA 1a-2c


1.根据首字母填空。 (1) Girls aren't a___________ to go out at night. (2) The boy is strong e_________ to carry the heavy box. (3) \keeper. (4) We call the persons who are bewteen 13 and 19 t . . 2.翻译句子。 (1) 你不应该穿耳洞。 You ____________________ you ears_________ ___. (2) 青少年不允许戴耳环。 Teenagers _________________ to ______________________. (3) 我们应该被允许选择自己的工作。 We ______________________to ______________ our _____________ job. (4) 他似乎对电脑更感兴趣。 He ______________________ more ______________ computers. 检 测 反 馈 (5)他们没有做作业而是在说话。 They are talking ____________________ their homework. 3.单项选择 ( ) (1) I'm to choose my own lifestyle. A.young enough B.enough young C.enough old D.old enough ( ) (2) ---Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. ---- . It's dangerous. A.I agree B.I disagree C.I don't think so D. I don't know ( ) (3) The earth is our home.It well. A.must be protected B.should protect C.need protect D. be protected ( ) (4) ---Would you like to go to the movie with me? ----Sorry,I to go out tonight. A.won't be allowed B.am allowed C. don't allow D.will allow ( ) (5) Why? Tom, didn't you have your bike ? A.mend B. to mend C. mending D.mended ( ) (6) It's nice of you to so much time showing me around your school. A.take B. spend C. cost D.have (安徽2010 中考) ( ) (7) ---Are you going to the party? ----No, because I . (安徽2010 中考) A. have asked B haven't asked C. have been asked D. haven't been asked ( ) (8)These books should____to the library on time. A.send B.be returned C.give back D.get back 我 的 收 获 年级 九 课题 _Unit3 SectionA 3a-4_________


学习目 标 1. 单词及短语:stay up,rule,by 10:00 pm,clean up . 2. 学会使用被动语态. 3. 重点句子:So do we. I have to be home by 10:00 pm. 一、预习感知 1.写出下列短语: 在上课的晚上____________ __ 去购物_______ _ ____ 在朋友家______ _______ 扎耳朵眼__________ ___ _____ 打扫,清除_____________ 熬夜___________ ___ __ ____ 学 早起 晚上外出 二、合作探究 1. We have a lot of rules at my house. So do we. 翻译为: (1)So do we.是倒装句。其结构是:so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语。表示 习 Lucy is a nice girl. Lily也是. Lucy has been to China. Lily也是. Lucy can swim well. Lily也是. 如果前面的句子是否定句,则用 导 He does‘t know what to do next. (我也不知道) (2) so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词结构表示 It‘s a bad day today. (的确如此) ( )-----Lisa has made great progress these days. 航 ---- , and . A. So has she, so have you. B. So has she, so you have. C. So she has, so you have. D.So she has, so have you. 2. I have to be home by 10:00 pm. 翻译为: 此处by表示 . 3. at a friend‘s house意思是______ ______.此处 可以省略。 at Jack‘s at the doctor‘s 在理发店 在我叔叔家 问题发 现 年级 九 课题 _Unit3 SectionA 3a-4_________


1.补全单词: 1) Lucy is not a_____________ to go to the party on nights alone. 2) On New Year‘s Eve,we always s up and watch TV. 3) Don't forget to c____ ____ up your bedroom this week. 4) Last week she got his ears p__ ___, her mother was very angry. 5) The girl often c_____ ____ her own clothes . 6) ---He hasn‘t finish the work. -----N have I 2.译出下列句子 1)这个女孩有许多家庭规则,我们也有。_______ ___ _ __ 2)可允许李雷在朋友家学习。_______ _______ _________ 检 测 反 馈 3)老师允许我和别的同学练对话。_____ ___ ___________ 4)学生不允许扎耳朵眼。________ ________ 5)在周三下午魏华不允许出去。_______________ _ 6)你必须10点之前到家。__________ __ __ _________ 7)应允许16岁的学生放学后打篮球。______ __________ 3.单项选择 ( )(1) ---Li Lei will help the poor children in Wenchuan. --- . A.So will I B.So I will C.So do I D.So I do ( )(2) ---It‘s a nice day today. A. So it was yesterday. B. So was it yesterday. C. So is it yesterday. D. So it was. ( )(3) I don‘t like this pair of glasses, . A. either B.neither C.too D.also 我 的 收 获 年级 九 课题 _Unit3 SectionB 1a-2c_________


1.单词及短语:take/pass/fail the test , be strict with ,miss , disagree,worry. 学 习 目 标 2.重点句:I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later. I don‘t agree. I think the school has to have rules. 一 、预习感知 1. 英汉互译: finish a test early take the test 上课迟到 考试不及格 学 严格的制度 习 导 航 通过考试 和朋友一起学习 对某人严格 二、合作探究 1. finish a test early翻译为: finish sth finish doing sth finish doing sth类似的单词还有 ----Lucy ,when shall we take a walk ? ----After I finish the dishes. A.wash B.washed C. to wash D. washing 2. fail a test 翻译为: 还有take/pass the test fail (in) sth fail to do sth 他因为没有努力学习,数学考试不及格。 He because he didn‘t work hard. 3. be strict with sb be strict in sth 我们英语老师对我们要求严格,她对自己的工作也很严格。 Our English teacher us, and she also very her work. 4. 注意划线部分的用法: Nothing worries me. The teacher worried that these problems might be too hard for her students. Don't worry about the matter, take it easy. Mother's illness was always a great worry to him. 问 题 发 现 年级 九 课题 _Unit3 SectionB 1a-2c_________


1.根据首字母填空。 (1) Our teachers are all very s ( 严格) with us students. (安徽2010中考) (2) He seems very s ,(严肃) but in fact he is very humorous. (安徽2009 中考) (3) Don‘t be s (傻),He won‘t tell you the truth. (4) Mike want to go boating, but his father d (不同意)。 (5) Though he worked hard, he still f (不及格) in his math test. . 2.单项选择 ( ) (1) That‘s a nice watch, is it in China. A.make B.making C. made D.makes ( ) (2) I have to stay at home school nights. A. in B. at C.on D. for ( ) (3) --- How often do you exercise? 检 测 反 馈 ---- A.Some time B. Some times C. Sometimes D. Sometime ( ) (4) She failed the early bus this morning. A. catch B.to catch C. catching D. caught ( ) (5) Not all the teachers are very strict their students. A. in B.with C. for D to ( ) (6). Mr. Black allowed his son to for his favorite TV program. A. stand up B. step up C. keep up D stay up ( ) (7) All the students succeeded the English test. A. pass B .to pass C. passing D.on passing ( ) (8) ---Why did you look so sad? ----Because I the English exam. A. passed B. failed C. fail to D.passed by ( ) (9) With the help of the Internet, News can every corner of the world. A.arrive B.reach C.go D.get ( ) (10) When you leave the room, make sure the door . (安徽2008中考) A. was locked B.is locked C. will be locked D. should be locked ( ) (11) Ba Jin ,one of the greatest writers in China, as ―People Writers‖. A.is regarded B. has regarded C.is regarding D. regards (安徽2007中考) ( ) (12)---Who cleaned the doors yesterday? ---John . A. cleaned B. does C. did D.is 我 的 收 获 年级 九 课题 _Unit3 SectionB3a-4_____ 1.单词及短语:concentrate, study, design, present, opportunity, volunteer, local, member, 学习目 标 mess,sleepy,reply,newsletter; concentrate on , would like to do, a good way to do sth, keep...happy,allow sb to do sth.at present,have an opportunity to do sth,the other day,be good for, volunteer to do sth, reply to, have...off. 2.重点句子:1)Our teachers believe that if we did that we would concentrate more on our clothes


than our studies. 2)That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 一、预习感知 1.写出下列短语汉语意思并记住它们。 concentrate on a good way to do sth keep...happy at present have an opportunity to do sth the other day volunteer to do sth 学 be good for at least have...off both...and learn from 2.熟读3a,弄清文章含义,回答3a后5个问题。 3. the othr day a few days ago 习 one day some day 4.Our teachers believe that if we did that we would concentrate more on our clothes than our 导 航 studies. 翻译为: 此处划线部分为我会好好学习的。If I you, I hard. 5.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. (1) keep +n/pron+adj 意为 keep doing sth keep sb doing sth keep sb from doing sth 请把窗户关紧,太冷了。Please the , It‘s very cold. 大雨阻止我们外出。The heavy rain us out. (2) both...and either...or... neither...nor... not only...but also... 玛丽和汤姆都是好学生。 Tom Marry good students. 你和他都不允许在这抽烟。 you he allowed to smoke here. 6. volunteer n. v. volunteer to do sth 她自愿在空闲时间帮助我学习英语。 She her free time help me with my English. 7. be good for be good with be good at be good to Eating more vegetables ___________- your health . He is very good with the children. I‘m playing chess. My friend was good to me when I was ill. if引导的虚拟语气,其结构为 例如:假如我是你,问题发 现 年级 九 课题 Unit3 SectionB 3a-4_________


1.补全单词: 1) The young man work for the l ( 当地 ) government. 2) How can you c (集中精神) on your homework with so much noise? 3) Don‘t miss the good o (机会) , or it may never come again. 4) I failed to r (回答) to the question. 5) Last night he slept very late .This morning he was very s (困倦)。 6) The main difficulty to do the work is we have no e (经验). 7) They don‘t have enough money to buy the house at p (现在). 8) They worked at a school as v (志愿者). 2.单项选择 ( ) (1) I met him in a bookshop . A.the other day B.next day C.right now D.tomorrow ( ) (2) There may be a(n) for you to visit the Great Wall . A.change B. opportunity C. idea D.time 检 测 反 馈 ( ) (3) ―Sandy is busy ,but I can go there instead of her ,‖he A. replied B. volunteered C. answered D. asked ( ) (4) My father is very busy,he hasn‘t had a day for two weeks. A. on. B. off C. in D. at ( )(5) You need to learn your mistakes. A. in B.on C. from D. at ( )(6) Tom is good English he often tells me oral practice is good improving spoken English. A. for ,to B. in ,of C.at ,for D. for ,to ( )(7) I‘m sorry .I can‘t what you said. A. agree to B . agree with C. agree about D. agree on ( )(8) He to the meeting if he has to look after his sick mother. A. needn‘t come B. doesn‘t need come C. needs not come D. needn‘t to come ( )(9) It‘s hot in the room .please keep the door . A.opening B. to open C. open D. opened ( )(10) ----There is a lot of wind in North China. ----Well, more trees every year to stop the wind. A. must planted B. must be planted C.can planted D. should planted ( )(11) I‘m looking for a babysitter,she must be too old too young. A.both...and B.either...or... C.neither...nor... D. not only...but also... 我 的 收 获 年级 九 课题 Unit3 Reading


1.单词及短语:obey,in the way,achieve,race,realistic,importance,care about,succeed,point, 学习目 be serious about,happen,see sb do sth,make a decision. 标 2. .熟读并理解这篇文章。 一、预习感知 1.写出下列短语汉语意思并记住它们。 in the way worry about a fifteen-year-old boy achieve his dreams the importance of care about succeed in doing sth in the end 学 think about spend time on 2.熟读短文,弄清文章含义。 二、合作探究 1. get in the way by the way on one‘s way to in this way in the way the way to 习 2. We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams. 翻译为: 此处see的结构是 还可有 结构, 感官动词还有 使役动词为 当它们改为 被动语态时,注意一定不能忘了加to. 导 我经常看见他带着狗在公园玩。I often him with his dog in the park. 有人看见他在和那个男孩玩。 He was play with the boy. We saw his sister here at that moment. A.play B. played C. playing D.to play He is heard in his room every morning. A.sing B. sang C. singing D.to sing 3.We do think our son needs to be realistic. 翻译为: 航 此处do用在肯定句或祈使句中,加强语气,翻译为 他英语说得的确好。 He English well. 务必按时到。 here on time. 4. happen take place sth happen to sb sth happen to do sth 昨天他发生了什么事? What him last night. 这些年我们的城市发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes in our city these years. 5. care for care about take care take care of 6.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 翻译为 only用在句首并且引导状语或状语从句时,主句要不完全倒装。例:只有在星期天我们才可以玩电脑游戏。Only on Sunday play computer games. 问题发 现 年级 九 课题 Unit3 Reading

have nothing against doing sth be serious about 20

1.补全单词: 1) I‘m sure you will a ( 实现 ) you dream. 2) If you work hard enough,you will s (成功)in passing the exam. 3) Hard work leads to s (成功). 4) She has been a League M (团员) for two years. 5) Most teenagers have a lot of h (爱好)。 6) You don‘t know the i (重要性) of this problem. 7) He has made a good d (决定) for you. 8) I had a bad d (梦) last night 2.单项选择 ( ) (1)Can you imagine what life will be like in time. A. 20 years‘ B. 20 year‘s C. 20 -years‘ D. 20- years ( ) (2)Sometimes our hobbies can our work. A.get in the way of B. get into C. gat out of D.get on 检 测 反 馈 ( ) (3)What happened Mr Green? A.with B. for C. to D. at ( ) (4) Doing morning exercise good for your health. A.are B. be C. does D. is ( )(5)Though Alex had often made his little sister ,today he was made by his little brother. A. cry,cry B.to cry,cry C. cry,to cry D. cry,crying ( )(6) ---Could you take care of our dog while we are away? A.With pleasure B. It‘s my pleasure C.Never mind D. That‘s all right 3.阅读下了规则,判断正误(对的划T, 错的划F) ? All children have to finish their homework before watching TV. ? Children under 12 have to go to bed by 9:00 on school nights. ? Children over 12 can stay up until 10:00 on school nights. ? Children under 12 are allowed to stay up until 10:00 on weekends. ? Children over 12 are allowed to stay up as late as they want on weekends. ? All children have to finish their chores before playing on weekends. ( )1. Children under 12 are allowed to stay up until 9:00 on school nights. ( )2. Children under 12 can stay up until 11:00 on weekends. ( )3. Little children are allowed to start playing before doing their chores. ( )4. Little children have to finish their homework before watching TV. ( )5. Children under12 are allowed to stay up as late as they want on weekends. 我 的 收 获 年级 九 课题 Unit3 单元检测

一. 你能不能迅速回忆起下列单词和短语?

被允许做 允许某人做某事 穿耳洞 驾驶执照 16岁的青少年 带耳环


选自己的衣服 代替 在上课的晚上 熬夜 养老院 考试不及格 对某人要求严格

全神贯注 上课迟到 考试及格 几天前

目前 提前交卷 参加考试 设计校服

互相学习 有机会做? 返回学校 妨碍 关心 担心 兼职工作 在那个年龄 自愿做某事 二. 试着回忆并翻译下列重点句子。

1.青少年应该允许选择自己的衣服。 2.他好象没有许多朋友。 3.他们谈话而不是做作业。 4. 青少年不应该允许穿耳孔。 5. 你允许晚上熬夜直到11点吗? 6. 我们班主任对我们要求非常严格。 7.你曾经担心考试不及格吗? 8.去年夏天我有在当地的一所医院里当志愿者的机会。 9.那是一个既让老师又让学生开心的好方法。 10.有时候这些爱好会妨碍学习。 三. 将下列主动语态的句子变为被动语态的句子:

1. I keep a dog in my family. 2. Our teacher allows us to choose our own clothes. 3. I hear her sing in the next room every morning. 4. Tom broke the windows yesterday. 5. We must clean the classroom every day. 四. 单项选择

( ) (1) If you can‘t go to sleep,then get up and try to do something lying in bed. A.and B.or C.instead of D.but

( ) (2).---I usually get up early in the morning .How about you? ---- . A.So I do B. So do I C. So I am D. So am I

( ) (3)I don‘t think should be allowed to drive to school.

A.sixteen-year-old B. sixteen years old C. sixteen-years-old D. sixteen-year-olds

( ) (4) ----How old is the baby? ----- . A. six-months-old B. six-month-old C. six-month old D. six months old ( )(5) A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It while we were on holiday.. A. was taken care B.took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of ( )(6) ---I think we students should wear school uniforms. --- . We look smarter in our own clothes.

A.I agree B.I think so C.I don't think so D. That‘s right ( )(7) Many Chinese students often late now, It‘s bad for their health. A. stand up B . set up C. pick up D. stay up

( )(8) The girl a math test last Monday.But she the test.


A.did, failed B. failed, passed C. took, failed D. passed, failed

( )(9) We‘ll have an opportunity the famous university in UK next year. A.visiting B. visitied C.to visit D.have visited

( )(10) Miss Wang is very strict us and she is strict everything she does. A. with,in B. with,with C.at,in D. with,for ( )(11) Many students will be if the class is boring. A.sleeping B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleep

( )(12) I will go if you like, though I haven‘t much hope of A.successfully B. successful C.success D. succeed

( )(13) Mr White will five days to have good rest. A. have, off B.have ,on C.have ,on D. take ,for ( )(14) I yesterday.It was broken.

A. had my bike repaired B. has my bike repaired C. had my bike repair D. had my bike repairs

( )(15) Sometimes watching TV can get of children‘s school work. A. on the way B. in the way C.by the way D.in way

( )(16) We can learn a lot each other by working with a group. A. from B. in C. between D.through

( )(17) ----Excuse me, you are of my passing through. ----I‘m sorry, Here you go.

A. on the way B. in the way C.out the way D.off the way

( )(18) ---Hello!Would you like to go to the party with us tonight? ---I‘m sorry, My parents won‘t me go out at night. A.ask B.let C. allow D.get

( )(19) This dress still looks pretty you, though it is out of style. A. in B.with C.on D.for ( )(20) ---How beautifull our hometown is!

---Yes, trees and flowers everywhere. A. can see B .be seen C.is seen D. can be seen 五.书面表达


随堂检测 班级: 姓名: 成绩:

Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed choose their own clothes. Section A (1a---2c) I词汇(互译)

执照 愚蠢的 耳环 代替 被允许去做 扎耳眼 十六岁的青少年 不够稳重 与朋友共度时光 stop doing need to sleep II用正确形式填空

1. We need time (do) our homework. 2. Do your parents allow you (stay) at your friends‘s for the night? 3 They talked instead of (finish) their work.


4 The broken watch needs (repair) .

5 After a long walk, we had to stop (have) a rest. III 单项选择

( )1. I think teenagers aren‘t to drive.

A too serious B so serious C serious enough D enough serious ( )2.He to do homework at his friend‘s home.

A allow B allowed C is allowed D is allowing ( )3.It‘s very cold outside .You need warm clothes if you go out. A wearing B to wear C to wearing D wears ( )4.Did you get your ears ?

A pierce B to pierce C piercing D pierced ( )5.He doesn‘t seem many friends here.

A to have B have C having D has IV 小练笔


随堂检测 班级: 姓名: 成绩:

Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed choose their own clothes. Section A (3a---4)


在上学日的晚上 在朋友家学习 清扫 自己选衣服 熬夜 与朋友去看电影 II句型

1. I am allowed to go out on Friday night. (否定句)

I go out on Friday night. 2. His daughter is there years old. (同义句) His daughter is a girl.

3. I think you should take your books home. (否定句)

I you take your books home. 4. I need to cut my hair. (同义句)

I need to my hair .

5. Students must hand in their homework on time. (改为被动语态) Students‘ homework must on time.. III 单项选择

( )1.Please stop ! It in the cinema .

A smoking, isn‘t allowed B smoking, allows C to smoke, isn‘t allowed D to smoke, doesn‘t allow


( )2.He goes out his friends every night.

A with B and C to D for ( )3.Do you think should work at night?

A sixteen-year-old B sixteen-year-olds C sixteen-years-old D sixteen-years-olds ( )4.---Jim will go shopping with us. --- .

A So will I B So I will C So do I D So I do ( )5.I think teenagers aren‘t to drive.

A not serious B so serious C serious enough D enough serious ( )6.The food looks and smells .

A good , good B well, well C good , well D well, good ( )7. .---I feel tired and sleepy. --- Why not stop ? A to relax B relaxing C resting D to work ( )8. Some students usually stay up computer games. A play B playing C to play D played ( )9.Have you decided Beijing?

A visit B to visit C visiting D to visit to ( )10. It‘s very cold today .You need warm cloths if you go out . A putting on B to dress C to wear D wearing 随堂检测 班级: 姓名: 成绩: Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed choose their own clothes. Section B


一本英英字典 参加考试 考试不及格 通过考试 对某人严格 前几天 对…有好处 目前 专心于做… 上课迟到 一次做…的机会 穿校服 finish a test early get noisy II用正确形式填空

1. We have a lot of (rule) at home. 2. The flowers must (water) every day. 3. It‘s (health) to eat too much. 4. Peter should be allowed (take) the test later. 5. Would you like (go) shopping with me this afternoon? III 单项选择

( )1.My parents are very strict me and they are also strict their work. A in , at B with , in C in , with D in , for ( )2.He didin‘t pass the test. I didn‘t .

A too B also C either D to ( )3.They went to the park on foot by bus.

A instead B instead of C not D didn‘t ( )4.---Students should to smoke or drink. ---I agree. They are bad for their health.


A be allowed B not be allowed C be asked D not be allowed ( )5. he is ill, he didn‘t come to school.

A Because, so B Because, but C Because, / D So, / ( )6.The man in the white coat isn‘t a doctor, his wife.

A so is B so was C neither is D neither was ( )7. .The girl is to herself?

A enough old , look after B old enough , look after C young enough , look at D enough young , look for ( )8. The day, my daughter and I went to the cinema. A last B later C others D other ( )9.The place is very interesting, and of us want to stay here. A neither B both C none D nobody ( )10. It‘s hot today, please keep the door .

A opening B opened C open D open

随堂检测 班级: 姓名: 成绩:

Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed choose their own clothes. Selfcheck I词汇(互译)

困倦的、不活跃的 回答、答复 时事通讯、简报 养老院 八小时的睡眠 至少 休息两天

look good on sb. a great experience for sb. take time to do finish basketball practice write for a newspaper have a special day to do II用正确形式填空

1. If she felt he was right, she would (同意) him. 2. We had a special day (are) a volunteer.

3. The other day, I (meet) Lily in the library. 4. I will take more time (learn) English this term.

5. He wants (be) a doctor when he (grow) up.


Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来). There is 1 for only two people in such a car . If everyone 2 such a car , there will be less pollution (污染) 3 the air . There will also be more space for 4 cars in cities , and the streets will be less crowded . The little cars will cost 5 less . Driving will be 6 , too , as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour . If big cars are still used along with the small 7 , two sets of road will be 8 in the future . Some roads will be used 9 the big , fast cars , and 10 roads will be needed for the slower small ones .

1. A. place B. space C. a room D. seat 2. A. rides B. drives C. pushes D. pulls 3. A. for B. on C. in D. at 4. A. stopping B. stop C. parking D. park 5. A. lots of B. many C. much D. more 6. A. danger B. dangerous C. safe D. safer


7. A. one B. ones C. seat D. seats

8. A. need B. needing C. needs D. needed 9. A. as B. by C. for D. in 10. A. the other B. the another C. another D. other

随堂检测 班级: 姓名: 成绩: Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Reading


服从、顺从 完成、实现 赛跑、比赛 现实的 重要(n.) 成功、达到 teach的过去式或过去分词 要点、论点 阻碍 在学校的跑步队 热衷于… 一名专业的运动员 练习跑步 为自己做决定 as much as possible have nothing against doing sth. II翻译句子

1. Sometimes the hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.

2. However, his parents won?t allow him to train as much as he would like to.

3. My wife and I watch him in every one of his races.

4. My parents have always taught me the importance of working hard and not just to do what I enjoy.

5. We don?t allow him to practice every day because we think he needs to spent time on his homework.


要求:谈谈你在家或在学校必须遵守的规矩。(The rules I have at home./ The rules I have at school.)60---80字

课 题 Unit 4 What would you do? (SectionA 1a-2c)

学习目标 1、 掌握重点词汇:medical; research; tie; worry; what if 2、 掌握重点句型:(1)-What would you do if you had a million dollars? -I’d give it to charity. (2)I don’t know what to wear. (3) If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. (4) What if


everyone else brings a present?

3、 掌握“虚拟语气”的概念、构成及用法。

学习导航一、 预习感知 1.读读、译译、背背。

charity snack million article medical

research what if tie worry about pocket present nervous introduce 2.预习Section A 1a 的内容,回答下列问题。




虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设或建议,不是客观存在的事实。 (1) 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,其结构为: 条件从句的谓语动词 主句的谓语动词 should/would+动词原形 动词的过去式(be动词用were)


What you if you a million dollars? 2、million(n. 百万)的用法

填填:millionaire two million dollars millions of dollars 注意:million与具体的数字连用时,其后不加s,也不加of;million不与具体的数字连用时,其后加s,与of连用。类似用法的单词有hundred,thousand,billion等。 3、I don’t know what to wear. (我不知道穿什么)

注意:what to wear“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语。类似的有:what to say or do 说什么或做什么;how to do it 如何做;when to start 什么时候开始。当“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语时,可以改写成一个宾语从句的形式。

填填:He doesn’t know what he should do.(同义句转换) He doesn‘t know . 短语翻译:

1、医学研究 2、把钱存入银行 3、捐??给慈善机构 4、帮助他人 5、担心 6、玩得开心 7、一百万元 8、what if 霍山县初中英语导学案

年级 九 课题 Unit 4 What would you like?(Section A 3a-4)_ 学 习目 标 1、 正确运用“虚拟语气”表达解决问题的方法。 2、 重点词汇:pimple; trouble ; take a long walk ; let me have one .

3、重点句型:1) I don’t know what to say or do. 2) Then I’m too tired to do well. 3)The food you eat could help with this problem.4) I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimple.


学习导航一、预习感知1. 读读、译译、背背.

pimple spotty problem advice

too… to… sleepless trouble goldfish 2. 大声读读p28页的problems和advice,理解每句话的意思。想一想,你在家里和学校各有什么problems呢? 二、合作探究。

1、The food you eat could help with this problem. 你吃的食物可能有助于解决这个问题。 注意:help with?在某方面有帮助 2、 get nervous 变得紧张

注意:get为系动词,意为“变得”,后跟形容词,系动词有:become, sound, taste, smell, look, feel等,后都可接形容词。

填填:春天天气变得越来越暖和。It and in spring

Unit 4 What would you do? (SectionB 1a-2c )

学 习目 标 1、能正确描述一个人的性格、特征。 2、词汇:energetic; confident; permission; herself

3、短语:in public/give a speech/the whole school/without permission/introduce sb.to sb. 4、句型:1)What are you like? 2) What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school. 3) I’d wait for him /her to introduce himself/herself to me.

学习导航 一、预习感知:1.读读、译译、背背。

outgoing energetic confident creative herself be afraid to in public hardly ever be like personality survey without permission give a speech in front of the whole school ask my permission introduce myself What are you like? 2、描述一下自己的性格(根据1b的内容)。

3、读2a左栏中的问题,想想如果是你,你该做怎样的回答?从右边选择答案。 二、合作研讨。

1、permission (n. 允许;许可;准许) ask for permission 请求允许 without permission 没有经过允许with one’s permission 经过某人的允许 填填:没有他的允许你不能进入他的房间。

You can‘t enter his room . 2、I‘d wait for him /her to introduce himself/herself to me.

注意:wait for sb. to do sth. 等候某人做某事 introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人introduce oneself to sb. 向某人自我介绍

填填:请作一下自我介绍 Please to us. 用所给词的适当形式填空。


1、If you helped him, he (be) very happy.

2. If someone (say) something bad about you. What would you do? 3、My teacher is easy (get) on with.

4、I don‘t know how (wear)a shirt and tie. 5、I am n before taking a big exam.

年级 九 课题 Unit 4 What would you like?(Section B3a-4)_


1、 做调查,了解一下你的同桌或好朋友的个性。

2、 掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:bother,annoy,circle,listener

重点短语:not?in the slightest; plenty of; get along with; would rather?

than?; right away; rather than

重点句型:1)Social situations don’t bother you in the slightest.

2) You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.



personality survey results social situations bother not…in the slightest annoy

plenty of company rather than would rather do sth. than do sth. circle listener fairly 2、大声读读3a, 理解并熟知3a的内容,回答问题:

If you answer a, b, or c for most questions in 2a, what are you like?

四、合作探究。 1、rather than 而不是

注意:rather than用来连接两个并列成分,两个相同结构包括名词、代词、动词、介词短语或句子。rather than相当于instead of或and not. 填填:腼腆的人喜欢和一两个人而不是一群人交谈。

A shy person likes talking to one or two to a group of people.

2、You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.

你也可能宁愿待在家里看一本好书也不愿参加聚会 注意:would rather do?than do? 意为“宁愿??而不愿?? ”,相当于“would do? rather than do?”,“prefer to do? rather than do?”,在此结构中,要注意所接的词语在词性和结构上一致,即后面都用动词原形。 填填:迈克宁愿步行去上学,也不愿骑自行车。

Mike walk to school ride a bike.


年级 九 课题 Unit 4 What would you like?(Reading)_

学习目标 1、 学会正确处理“事故”和我“问题”的方法。

2、1)重点词汇:knowledgeable, rest, win, shelf, cover, deep, downstairs, correct,

knee, hurt, offer, refuse, helpful

2)重点短语:let?down/come up with/solutions to sth./be faced with/come out/by accident

3)重点句型:Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.


a first-aid book a nearby shelf deal with come out situation by accident cover…with… press deep fall downstairs correct speed medical help burn running water injure knee pain offer refuse candy hide…from… go alone helpful treat 二、合作探究:大声读读课文几遍,理解课文内容,回答问题: 1、Who is Martin Robinson?

2、What advice does Martin’s new book give?

Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers. 注意:①who引导定语从句,修饰a famous doctor, who可与that 互换。 ②have experience (in) doing sth.在做某事方面有经验,in可省略,此处experience为不可数名词。 填填:李老师有着丰富的教学经验。Mr Li has a lot of students.


1、那个男孩爬山很有经验。The boy has much experience moutains. 2.在电影院偶遇我的老同学。I met my old classmate at the cinema. 3、凯宁宁愿打网球也不愿看电视。Kellen would tennis than TV. 4、你不应该担心别人穿着什么。You shouldn‘t what other people

年级 九 课题 ___Unit 4 单元检测 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1、Please put your hot hands under the cold r water. 2、What would you do if you hurt y by accident?

3、This book gives advice o what to do in lots of different situations. 4、If you were more f to people, you would have more friends. 5、Everyone is c she will win.

6、Mr Tayler was t of speaking in front of other people. 7、I can’t think of any good a to give her.


8、If my brother borrowed my notebook without my p , I would say nothing. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1、If my father were here, he (know) what to do. 2、The woman is too old to look after (she).

3、You’d better wash you feet before (go) to bed every night. 4.、He invited a lot of friends (come) to his birthday party. 5、Tom is a good (listen), many students like to make friends with him. 6、The boy refused (go) to see his father with us. 7、What would you do if you (get) hurt at home? 8、Mrs Smith is very (help). She often helps others.

9、I don’t know how (make) dumplings. 10、There are many (shelf) in the library. 五、完形填空。

What would you do if tomorrow was the end of the world? People often ask me questions 1 that. If tomorrow were the end of the world, I would 2 home at once for one day‘s stay with my beloved parents. Making lots of money, 3 around the world and enjoying the most delicious food are all my life dream, but nothing is more important than my dear 4 .On that day, at the 5 of the world, I hope after breakfast I would go to the market with Mommy and Daddy and buy their favorite things. I would cook lunch for them 6 I hardly ever do that when I stay at home. After having a nap at noon, we have the afternoon

tea and watch TV together. After supper, I would have Daddy in one hand and Mommy in the 7 to have a walk. We would tell jokes that 8 in my childhood.

If someone asked me a question like ―Who is your most important person in your life?‖, my answer would always be the 9 - “My handsome daddy and my sweet mommy!” I’m the 10 daughter in the world because my parents are the best. My family is not rich but it is rich in affection(情感)。

( )1. A. before B. after C. for D. like ( )2. A. fly B. walk C. leave D. clean ( )3. A. looking B. watching C. traveling D. running ( )4. A. father B. mother C. wife D. family ( )5. A. beginning B. end C. moment D. time ( )6. A. if B. whether C. because D. even though ( )7. A. other B. another C. else D. others ( )8. A. came B. happened C. found D. lost ( )9. A. rest B. difference C. slightest D. same

( )10. A. youngest B. tallest C. happiest D. most beautiful 七、书面表达。

你们班将要开主题班会,你要在会上发言,要求是以“If I Were Teacher,?”为题目展开个人讨论。你该怎样写演讲稿呢?开头已给出,词数要求在70词左右。 If I Were a Teacher,... Hello, everyone,

If I were a teacher, I


年级 九 课题 __Unit 5 Section A(1a—2c)___

学习目标1. 单词及短语; belong .belong to. author;picnic. possibly. hair band等 2.学会使用情态动词表示推测的用法,根据相关的信息进行合理地推论。 重点句型:Whose volleyball is this?

It must be Carla‘s. She loves volleyball. 学习导航 一、 预习感知预习课本内容,完成下列练习。 1. 1a.看图,把你所看到的物品填入相应的表格中。 2. 预习2b,学习如何用情态动词表示推测。试着完成2c. 二.合作探究

1.情态动词must, might, could, can’t表示推测的含义与用法 must 一定;肯定 (100%的可能性)

might, could 有可能;也许(20%------80%的可能性)

can’t 不可能;不会(可能性几乎为零)

跟踪练习1)The dictionary ________be mine. It has my name on it .

2.)The CD ______/_____belong to Tony because he likes listening to pop music. 3)The hair band _________be Bob’s. After all, he is a boy. 辨析:mustn‘t与can‘t


can’t 表示“否定”的推测,意为不可能, can’t还可以表示能力方面的不会. 跟踪练习 1) 我们不能在马路上踢足球。 We play soccer on the road.

2) 那个人不可能是李老师,她去了澳大利亚。

That woman Miss Li, she has gone to Australia.

2. 表示对事物判断的副词有maybe; perhaps; possibly“可能”; probably“很可能”相当于almost certainly 等

3.belong to someone “属于某人”和 be someone‘s“是某人的” 跟踪练习 1) The English book belongs to__________.(Tom) 2) The English book is______________(Tom). 3) The English book belongs to______________.( I ) 4) The English book is______________( I ).

3. The soccer ball might be John‘s or Toney‘s.

John‘s or Toney‘s 用连词or连接两个所有格时,必须是两个词分别的所有格。 如果是连词and时,该注意用and连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况, 即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-‘s, Tom‘s and Jim‘s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间 。 表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-‘s: Tom and Jim‘s room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间

这个房间是凯特和莉莉的。 This room is . 汤姆和托尼的书包在树底下。

school bags are under the tree.


年级 九 课题 __Unit 5 Section A ( 3a---4_)_

学习目标1、掌握下列单词及短语drop, symphony, appointment, crucial, final, anxious, worried, owe, make up, because of等 2.练习用情态动词表示推测。 3.重点句型:

A: What do you think ―anxious‖ mean? B: Well, it can‘t mean ―happy‖. A: It might mean ―worried‖.

学习导航 一.预习感知

1.预习3a,把这封感谢信按正确的顺序标上序号,圈出不懂的单词。 2. 联系上下文,和同伴猜测单词的意思,用上所学情态动词。如: A:What do you think “anxious” mean? B: Well, it can‘t mean ―happy‖. A: It might mean ―worried‖.

B: Oh, yes. She‘s worried because of her test. 3.英汉互译:

1)组成;构成____________ 2)the symphony_____________

3)因为___________4)the final exam_______________5)数学考试________________ 二、合作探究

1. drop/fall 这两个单词都有 的意思,想一想,它们的用法有何不同? 跟踪练习: (1) I my glasses in the symphony(交响曲) hall. (2) In autumn, leaves .

2. anxious 为?而担忧;为?而着急

3. make up of 组成 eg.我们班由五十名学生组成。Our class 50 students. 4.because/because of

because 表示直接原因,是对why的回答,一般放在主句后面,可以单独引导一个原因状语从句;

because of不引导从句,其后一般只跟名词,动名词或代词。

跟踪练习(1)She didn‘t come she was ill.(2)She didn‘t come her illness.

年级 九 课题 __Unit 5 Section B ( 1---4)_

学 习目 标 掌握下列知识点

1.重点单词chase, sky, helicopter, creature, catch, unhappy, extremely, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, footstep, garbage, mystery, director, monkey, escape. 2.重点句型:1.He could be running for exercise.

2.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 3.Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. 学习导航 一、预习感知。预习并完成课本练习。

1. 看图,选用所给的词各写一个句子描述图中内容。


2. 预习3a,划出人们认为可能导致钟塔附近怪事的事物。 3.3b. 仿照3a,根据规定3b所给信息写一段话。


(一)情景呈现 1. He could be running for exercise.他可能是在跑步锻炼。

2. He might be running to catch a bus.他可能是跑着赶车。 3. I must be dreaming.我一定是在做梦。

4. They must be making a movie.他们一定是在拍电影。

对正在发生的事情进行推测可用 be doing 的形式。 1. The boy isn‘t out. He must_____________ ( do )his homework now.

2. At this moment, our teacher must ______________( correct ) our exam papers.

3. Li Fang can‘t __________( play ) the piano now. She went to the shop with her

mother a few minutes ago. 4. They aren‘t in the classroom. They must/may__________( play ) basketball on the playground.

(二)used to do sth过去常常做某事(现在已不做了) be used to do sth被用来做某事 be used to doing sth习惯于做某事

跟踪练习: 1. He (get) up late, but now he (get) up early习惯早起.

2. Knives (cut) things.

(三)对已经发生的事情进行推测可用情态动词+ have done的形式。 Eg;1. Jim worked here for two weeks. He may/might________________( know ) it. 2.I don‘t know why she didn‘t call me. Could she ___________________ ( forget ) my telephone number ? 3.The road isn‘t wet. It couldn‘t______________( rain ) last night. There be sb. /sth. doing 有??在干什么 There is a woman walking towards me.

年级 九 课题 __Unit 5 (3b-Self Check)_ 学 习目 标 掌握下列知识点:

1. 单词及短语; bark, smell, finger, lift, stone, ant, ocean, dishonest, pretend, attempt, use up


3.学会运用一些谚语。 学习导航 一、预习感知:预习课本内容,完成下列练习。

1 . Part 1用所给词造句。 anxious __________________________________________________________ strange ___________________________________________________________ worried ___________________________________________________________ careful ____________________________________________________________


