
更新时间:2024-02-23 15:18:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载





Good morning, boys and girls. How was your holiday? You went to travel? Where did you go? oh, Jessie went to Yunnan. And Lisa went to Disney. So wonderful. You have explored so many beautiful sceneries. Let’s come back to explore some knowledge. Ok? Now let’s start our English writing class today.


Do you have anyone who you like or could never forget? Or do you have any unforgettable things happened before? Yes? I think everyone could have one. So if it is a person, then who is he/she? When and where did you first meet him/her?What happened between you and this person? If you have an unforgettable thing, then what is the event?When and where did this event happen? How did you feel about this event? Think about as many words or sentences related to today’s topic as possible and write them down. Five minutes, let’s get started. // Ok, I see all of you were writing down so many things. But some of them may not be closely related to this topic. Now 5 students as a group,have a discussion to cut those not useful ones and leave only those that work. Start! //Ok, finished? Who would like to share your collected words or sentences? Linda? You decide to write about your favorite writer? Then who is he/she? Zheng Yuanjie? The famous writer who wrote about children literature. Very good. When did you first know him? When you were six years old? Your mother bought you his book? Ok, very good. Sit down please. I believe you all prepare well the things than should be written.


But if we want to write all those random words and sentences in to an article, how should we arrange the structure? Yes, we need to explain the things we want to write into several paragraphs. How many paragraphs should we arrange today? Three? Ok, very good. (板书)So in the first para, if you want to write about a person, you need to write who she/he is? If you want to write about an event, you need to write what is it. Right? Then in para 2, we need to write…When and where did you first meet him/her?/ When and where did this event happen? And it para 3, you should write about “what happened between you and this person? How did you feel about this event?” Clear about the structure? Ok.




Now work on your own to design what to write in your own writing, including words, sentences and structure. In the first place, you don’t need to write a perfect writing, rather I’d like you to write all you have planned on the paper without considering the grammar, spelling or punctuation. All you have to do is to write down your ideas or thoughts. Just concentrate on describing a person or an event. 20 minutes for the fast writing. Let's start!


I saw most of you have finished. Ok, stop now. Discuss in groups again the writing you have already finished. This time you are going to find the mistakes in each other’s writing and make marks for your team members to correct. Apart from some grammar or spelling mistakes, you are supposed to find the advantages and disadvantages of each other’s writing.// Finished? Now have you found some mistakes in writing you may ignore yourselves and help others to perfect their writings? Yes? Good.

Now correct the mistakes being found by your classmates to polish your writing. // ok, do remember not to make them next time and always keep careful about some mistakes that are easily avoided. Ok?

Now who would like to share your writing to the whole class. Jean puts up her hand. Very good. While Jean is reading, other students should find out in what way can you learn from her. Jean, you can start. // Jean finished her reading. Who can tell me about your feeling of Jean’s writing? Have you learn something from her? Jill please. You said that Jean reads so fluently and she has a beautiful voice. Yes, we can learn from Jean the way she reads. Jason, have you found something to learn from her? Yes, her writing structure is logical. In the first para, she directly names the person and tells us the relationship between her friend and her. In the second para, she describes how she feels about her friend. And the last para writes about how her friend changed her life. Very good, sit down please.

Anyone who wants to share your writing? This time let’s choose a boy. Jacob, please. // Thank you sit down please. Who can tell me what can we learn from Jacob. Jade? Yeah, you said that a sentence impresses you a lot in his writing. What is it? Oh, it’s “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Yeah, right. He uses a proverb in it. Next time if you find some proverbs related to your writing, you can put it in our writing, which will make your article more convincing. Ok? Let’s applaud for both of them.


After writing this article, can you organize your ideas in a logical way? Joe? Yes? Excellent. Jessica, have you found making brainstorm map before writing useful? Yes? Very good. By doing this, you will have a word and sentence database before writing. Therefore, when writing you only need to think of the structure and write down your ideas. It makes writing easier. Right? Hope you all benefit from it.


After class, if you have already write a passage about a person, you can write an event, and vice versa, to practice the writing skill again.

That’s all for today. Let’s call it a day.

