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( ) 11. Lucy wants to be _______swimmer but her sister Mary wants to be _________ engineer.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. a, an D. an, a

( ) 12. -- ________ is your new classmate from?

A. How

B. When C. Where D. Who

( ) 13. -- ________ your parents like watching TV at night? --No, they ________. A. Does; doesn’t

B. Do, don’t

C. Does, do

D. Do, do

( ) 14. It ______ rains at this time of year so the weather is very dry. A. often B. usually

A. is

B. are

C. sometimes D. seldom

D. have D. a few

( ) 15. There______ some money and two bottles of juice on the desk.

C. has

( ) 16. People in Guangzhou throw ______ rubbish away every day. A. many

B. a lot

C. much B. polluting D. by polluting

B. rains, rainy

( ) 17. The earth is our home. People should stop _________ it. A. pollute

C. to pollute A. rain, raining C. raining, rainy think about it.

A. Difficult, to answer B. C. easy, to answer

A. going

B. difficult, answer D. easy, to answer

D. goes

( ) 18.In winter, it often ________ so the weather is ________ here.

D. rainy, rain

( ) 19. It is not _________ for me _________ your question now because I need some time to

( ) 20. In summer, a lot of people enjoy _________ to the beach.

B. to go

C. go

( ) 21. I _________ my e-friend Jason yesterday..

A. hear of C. heard to A. friend, friend

B. hear about D. heard from

B. friends, friendly

( ) 22. I want to make _________ with all the _________ people in the world.

C. friendly, friend

D. friends, friend

( ) 23. -- What is your favorite sport?

-- My favorite sport is ________ . A. play basketball C. playing basketball

B. play the basketball

D. playing the basketball

( ) 24. -- Hoe often do you watch TV?

-- ________ . I like watching TV very much. A. Last night C. every day

B. In the morning D. once or twice

( ) 25. –What can I do for you, sir?

-- I’d like two bottles of ________ and a piece of ________.

A. milk, bread


Do you know why we have a holiday in summer and winter, but not in spring __26__ autumn? There are some reasons for__27__. Like most people, your intelligence(智力) changes from season _28__ season. You seem to be much __29__ in spring than you are in any other time of the year. Some scientists __30__ a lot of people’s work in different climates(气候) and found that climate and temperature could __31__ our thinking. Cool weather is __32__ better for creative thinking than warm weather. This __33__ that all people are not quick at __34__ in summer than they do __35__ the rest time of the year. ( ) 26. A. and

B. or

B. from

C. but

D. so

( ) 27. A. they ( ) 28. A. to ( ) 29. A. clever ( ) 30. A. study ( ) 31. A. change ( ) 32. A. more ( ) 33. A. mean ( ) 35. A. by


New York, London, Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of cinemas. There will be a lot of __36__ for you to enjoy. You can also go shopping in __37__ to buy things from all over the world.

But there are serious __38__ in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are __39__ people in some of big cities. Every year many people __40__ to the cities because there are some chances to __41__ jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live __42__. Also, there are too many people in small space. It is hard to __43__ the cities safe and clean.

Some people enjoy living in __44__ cities. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there, or their lives will become __45__.

B. them

C. it

D. its

D. by D. cleverly

D. studied D. changed D. a lot of

D .meant

B. orange, eggs

C. apple juice, bread

D. water, oranges

C. in

B. cleverer B. studies B. changes B. much B. means

C. cleverest

C. is studying C. changing C. many

C. is meaning

( ) 34. A. learning B. to learn B. on

C. learn D. learned

D. at

C. during

( ) 36. A. films B. books

C. pictures

C. houses

C. people C. few C. move C. sell C. on

C. keep

D. animals

D. museums D. questions D. every D. leave D. /

( ) 37. A. Bookshops ( ) 38. A. competition ( ) 39. A. many ( ) 40. A. return ( ) 41. A. buy ( ) 42. A. with ( ) 43. A. help ( ) 45.A. Better

B. supermarkets B. problems

B. want

B. no

D. like

B. find B. in B. find B .quiet

D. let

D. smaller

( ) 44. A. beautiful C. small D. big

B. bigger C. worse

六、阅读理解(每题1.5分,共30分) (A) Dear Mary,

Thank you for your last letter in December. I’ll tell you something about my family. My brother Jerry is a tall and cool boy. He has short straight hair. At school , he is the captain

of the volleyball team. He is very popular. At home, He is very smart and fnny. He often tells funny stories and makes us happy.

I have two sisters, Lily and Lucy. They are twins. They look the same. They both have long blonde hair and big eyes. But in some ways, they are different. Lily sings well and she also likes writing very much. But Lucy dances and paints very well. She says she wants to be a dancer when she grows up.

I’m a boy in glasses. I’m short and a little bit heavy. I’m quieter than my brother and sisters. I Please visit us soon. A. Mary.

B. Jerry B. Jerry

C. Lily C. Lily

D. Lucy D. Lucy

like to have friends who are different from me. ( )46. Jack wrote this letter to _____. ( )47. Jerry is Lily and Lucy’s ____

A. classmate A. A singer A. funnier

( )48. What may Lucy be when she grows up?

B. A dancer B. heavier

C. A writer

D.A painter D. shorter

( )49. Jack is different from twins because he is ____.

C. quieter

( )50. Which of the following is TURE according to the letter?

A. Jenny doesn’t have many friends at school. B. Lily and Lucy have the same hobby. C. Both Jack and Jerry wear glasses D. Jerry plays volleyball very well.


Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.

One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove was burning . There was no water tap in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.

At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.

( )51.Peter lived with his______.


B.brothers B.the wood



( )52.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning.

A.the table

C.the door

D.the window

( )53.______, so he could not put out the fire.

A.Everybody was asleep B.He couldn't shout loudly C.The kitchen was very big D.there was no water tap in the house ( )54.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______.

A.to wake the people up B.to get some water C.to find his classmates D.to visit them ( )55.______hurt in the fire.

A.People in other houses were B.Peter's parents were C.Nobody was D.Peter was (C)

About two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered with water. But we can only drink or use less than 1% of it because most of the water is salty ocean water or frozen polar ice.

We all know that everyone needs safe drinking water. Unluckily, about 1.1 billion people do Some places of the world are drying up.By 2050,there will be 9 billion people in the world.It not have it.“Every morning,my main worry is water,”says a woman who lives in New Delhi,India. means we need much more water.However,as we know,the drinkable water on Earth is getting less and less.So it’s necessary for us to use water wisely.And we need to save water from now on.

Las Vegas,Nevada,gets less than four inches of rain per year.City leaders make laws to help save water.People and factories will have to pay more money for their drinking water if they waste it.The laws are now working.Las Vegas uses less water today than it did in 2002. 56.Less than ____ of the earth’s water can be drunk or use.





57.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. We will have 9,000,000,000 people in the world in 2050.

B. We can’t waste water.

C. There is little clean water in New Delhi.

D. Less then 4 inches of rain falls in Las Vegas every year. A. fit to eat

B. fit to drink

58.What’s the meaning of the underlined word drinkable? C. not fit to drink

D. not fit to eat

59.According to the passage, why is it important to use water wisely?

A. Because there are more and more people on Earth B. Because some areas of the world have too much rain. C. Because some places have little rain. D. Because we have less water but more people. A. Water

B. Earth’sWater D. Save the Water

60.Whar is the best title of this passage?

C. Drinking Water


Dreams of some junior high school students

I am 15.Now I’m studying I am 13.I dream of going to a top university after English in London.I want to make a I finish senior high school.I want to be a reporter in language machine to help me the future. understand as many languages as possible. Marie, France I am a 16-year-old girl in Tibet(西藏).The Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been built. I’ll be able to I am 14 years old. I dream of making a machine reach Beijing by train in about 48 to send things or people from one place to another in a hours. My dream is to go to Beijing minute. and visit the Great Wall. Joma, China 61.Marie ________.

A. is studying French in France C. dream to go to Beijing 62.________ hopes to visit Japan.

A. Marie A. Marie A.48 hours

B. Michiko B. Joma

C. Masha C. Masha

D. Joma D. Andrew

D.16 days

63.Of all the students,________ is the oldest one.

64.How long will it take if someone wants to go to Beijing from Tibet?________.

B.48 days

C.16 hours

B. wants to visit Egypt some day

D. wants to make a language machine Andrew, USA Michiko, Japan I am a 12-year-old girl. I like travelling very much. How I wish to visit Japan some day! Masha, Russia

65.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Andrew hopes to be a reporter. B. Marie is now studying in USA. C. Joma wants to visit Japan some day. D. Michiko likes studying very much. 一、单词拼写(每横线1分,共5分) 1. Let’s have a short b______. I feel very tired. 2. Mary wrote a r_____ about water pollution yesterday.

3. It is not good for you to s_____ too much time on computer games. 4. Jack’s e_____ sister Jessica is two years older than him. 5. I don’t want to go to the library alone. Let’s go there t______.


1. He goes to the Yuexiu Park every morning. (改为否定句)

He ____________ ____________ ____________ the Yuexiu Park every morning. 2. It is sunny today. (划线部分提问)

三、完成句子(每横线0.5分,共10分) 1. 我们打算这个星期天去白云山野餐。

We are going to _______ __________ __________ in the Baiyun Moutain this Sunday. 2. 昨晚在Jason 的生日聚会中大家都玩的很高兴。

Everyone _________ ____________ ___________ __________in Jason’s party last night. 3. 每天Anna 都很早起床然后步行去上学。

Anna _________ ___________ early every day and goes to school _________ __________. 4. 杯子里有水吗?我很口渴。

_____________ ___________ any water in the glass? I’m thirsty. 5. 在冬天,堆雪人是很有趣的。

_____________ ___________ _____________ ___________ make snowmen in winter. 6. 你参加了学校的运动会吗?

Did you _____________ ___________ _____________ the sport-meet of our school?

____________ ____________ the weather today?

I ____________ ____________ visit Beiyun Mountain this Sunday. The Earth ____________ us ____________ air, water and food. 3. I want to visit Beijing in the winter holiday. (改为意思相同的句子) 4. The Earth gives us air, water and food.

65.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Andrew hopes to be a reporter. B. Marie is now studying in USA. C. Joma wants to visit Japan some day. D. Michiko likes studying very much. 一、单词拼写(每横线1分,共5分) 1. Let’s have a short b______. I feel very tired. 2. Mary wrote a r_____ about water pollution yesterday.

3. It is not good for you to s_____ too much time on computer games. 4. Jack’s e_____ sister Jessica is two years older than him. 5. I don’t want to go to the library alone. Let’s go there t______.


1. He goes to the Yuexiu Park every morning. (改为否定句)

He ____________ ____________ ____________ the Yuexiu Park every morning. 2. It is sunny today. (划线部分提问)

三、完成句子(每横线0.5分,共10分) 1. 我们打算这个星期天去白云山野餐。

We are going to _______ __________ __________ in the Baiyun Moutain this Sunday. 2. 昨晚在Jason 的生日聚会中大家都玩的很高兴。

Everyone _________ ____________ ___________ __________in Jason’s party last night. 3. 每天Anna 都很早起床然后步行去上学。

Anna _________ ___________ early every day and goes to school _________ __________. 4. 杯子里有水吗?我很口渴。

_____________ ___________ any water in the glass? I’m thirsty. 5. 在冬天,堆雪人是很有趣的。

_____________ ___________ _____________ ___________ make snowmen in winter. 6. 你参加了学校的运动会吗?

Did you _____________ ___________ _____________ the sport-meet of our school?

____________ ____________ the weather today?

I ____________ ____________ visit Beiyun Mountain this Sunday. The Earth ____________ us ____________ air, water and food. 3. I want to visit Beijing in the winter holiday. (改为意思相同的句子) 4. The Earth gives us air, water and food.

