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以王晓丽的名义,按照下面所给信息填写申请表(部分)。 姓名:王晓丽 性别:女

地址: 南京市中山路123号 邮编:210001





Name: Wang Xiaoli Last (Family Name) First

Present mailing address: No. 123 Zhoushan Road Nanjing People’s Republic of China City Country

Home telephone: 025- 12345678 Area Code

Date of birth: the 1st / January / 1980 Day month year Sex: female Educational Experience:

I majored in computer science in Nanjing Technical College from 1998 to 2001, and graduated with excellent achievements. I have passed the Practical English Test.


说明:以学生会的名义于2002年6月10日写一张演讲会的通知。 演讲人:著名教授John Smith先生 时间:下周五晚上7点 地点:报告厅

主题:世界经济发展与中国加入WTO后中国轻工业的未来 领票时间及地点:每晚7点至9点在5号楼601房间 负责人:李明




June 10th, 2002

Mr. John Smith, a well-known professor, will give a speech in the lecture hall at 7 p.m. next Friday. He will talk about the economic development in the world and the future of the light industry in China after China’s entering WTO. Students who are interested in the topics can ask Li Ming for tickets. He will be available in Room 601, Building 5, from 7 to 9 every evening.



姓名:李爱华 男 1980年5月16日出生

未婚 家住北京市复兴路61号。2001年以优异成绩毕业于华光技术学院计算机系。大学3年期间一直学习英语,有很好的阅读能力,具有用英语交流的能力。喜欢游泳和上网。欲求计算机程序员一职。


Resume Name: (1) Li Aihua

Address: (2) 61 Fuxing Road, Beijing Date of birth: (3) May 16, 1980 Sex: male

Marital Status: single

Job objective: (4) Seek a job as a computer programmer Education: I graduated from the Computing Department of Huaguang Technical College in 2001 with excellent scores.

Foreign languages: I Studied English during the 3 years at college. I am skilled in reading. I can communicate in English fluently.

Hobbies: I like swimming and surfing the Internet.



Letter 1


内容:1. 邀请Jane暑假期间到北京来度假 2. 陪同她游览长城、故宫、颐和园等 3. 请回信告知是否能来 写信日期:2003年6月25日 Letter 2 回信人:

内容:1. 感谢并接受张玲的邀请 2.决定7月初来北京 回信日期:2003年6月30日


Letter 1

June 25th, 2003 Dear Jane,

I would like to invite you to come to Beijing for this summer vacation. I’ll show you around the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and other places. I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Please tell me if you can come.


Zhang Ling

Letter 2 June 30th, 2003 Dear Zhang,

Thank you very much for your invitation. I’m glad to accept your invitation and decide to go in the early of July.

Hope to meet you soon.

Yours ever, Jane


说明:请以中国学生张锦秋(女)的身份填写下列表格。 具体信息如下:

出生年月:1982年10月16日 联系地址:燕京市虹桥496号 电话:000-67289879



Test Preparation Course Application Form Family Name: Zhang First Names: Date of Birth: Nationality: Sex:

Telephone number: Address:

I’m a vocational college student. I have been studying English for more than 7 years. I’m interested in English and I do well in speaking and reading, but I have some difficulties in writing. I hope I can improve my writing ability with your help, to be a competently developed student in listening, speaking, reading and writing.






A letter of Application

June 25, 2004 Dear Sirs/Madams,

I’m Wang Manli, 24, a graduate of Heilongjiang Technical College. I am writing to apply for the post of general manager’s secretary.

I major in Business Administration and get an excellent achievement in all my lessons. I have ever learned shorthand and typing, and the speed of each is 90 words and 70 words per minute. It would be a great honor for me if you give me a chance to work in ABC Company. I am looking forward to receiving your early reply.

Yours Sincerely Wang Manli


说明:请按照中文提供的信息,将下列内容填入英文表格。 欢迎到西部主题公园来! 公园开放时间为4月到9月,每周7天,从上午10点至下午6点。成人票价15美元,儿童7美元,也可以花28美元买家庭票!每周六,周日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持续两个半小时。星期一至星期五上午8:30 至10:00 有免费巴士从市区开往公园。节假日和周末全天都有免费巴士从市区开往公园,可以在网上订票,也可以打电话订票。演出开始前半小时可以买到半价票。 参考范文

Welcome to Wild West Theme Park Opening months: From April to September Opening days in a week: Seven days Opening hours: From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Time of Wild West Show: Every Saturday and Sunday Show Starts: 2 p.m. Show lasts: 2 hours and a half Ticket price: Adult $ 15; Children $ 7; Family Ticket $ 28 Additional information: 1. Bus service

There are free buses from urban area to the Park at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday, and free buses are also on service at any time on holidays and weekends. 2. Booking information


Tickets can be booked on internet or by telephone. Tickets at half price are available half an hour before the show.


说明:假定你是王明(中国国籍),去海口旅游度假,于2005年6月10日入住白云宾馆3002房间,6月20日离店。临走时填写了一份问卷调查表。 内容如下:

1. 对酒店的总体管理感到满意;

2. 对酒店提供的各种服务感到满意; 3. 建议:

A)因酒店位于海边,交通很不方便,周围的商业设施也较少,建议酒店每天能提供免费班车,方便来海边度假的住店客人去市区购买所需商品; B) 建议酒店与相关公司联系,为住店客人提供租车服务。



To improve the quality of our service, we would be grateful if you’d complete the following questionnaire,

Name: Wang Ming Nationality: Chinese

Room Number: 3002 Check-in Date: June 10, 2005 Check-out Date: June 20, 2005

Did you receive polite and efficient services when you arrived? Yes Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel? Yes What’s your opinion of our health facilities? Good Please give your impression of our restaurant service. Satisfied Have you any other comments to help us make you stay more enjoyable?

I honestly suggest the hotel provide hotel guests with shuttle bus service to shop necessities from the city, for the hotel is located at seaside with poor traffic to the city and little commercial facilities nearby.

I’d also like to suggest the hotel work with the related companies to offer rental car service for hotel guests.

Baiyun Hotel

General Manager


说明:根据下列内容写一份电子邮件。 发件人:John Smith (js456@vip.163.com)

收件人:假日酒店(电子邮箱 marketing@expedia.com) 发件时间:12月10日

事由:1. 因行程改变,取消12月5日以John Smith的名义在贵酒店预定的12月12日到15日的两个单人房间。

2. 表示歉意,并询问是否需支付违约金。


General Manager


Whirlpool是一家著名的生产和经营家用电器的公司,总部设在天津,在全国有20余家分公司。我公司现招聘销售经理一人。 条件:


。销售学、经济学或相关领域的大专文凭 。具有至少5年的销售管理经验 。具有良好的英语会话和写作能力 。愿意经常出差


有意者请拨打电话24876669与约翰·史密斯先生联系。 【参考范文】

Wanted Whirlpool Corporation/company is a famous manufacturer and marketer of electrical home appliances, with its headquarters in Tianjin. It has more than 20 branches all over the country. Our company is seeking for one sales manager now. Qualifications:

Chinese citizen, age 35-40

With college diploma in Marketing, Economics or related fields Minimum of 5 years’ experience in sales management Proficiency in English speaking and writing Willing to travel on business frequently Good at using a computer

Those who are interested please contact Mr. John Smith at 24876669.


1. 事由:欢迎美国学生来我校参观。

2. 时间:2003年6月22日上午9:00至13:00 3.人数:约35人 4.具体安排:

时间 8:40 10:30-11:30 11:30 13:00

地点 校门口 校园、图书馆、实验室和语言实验室 学生食堂 校门口 事项 集合,欢迎客人 开会欢迎、互赠礼物 参观 9:00-10:30 接待室 午餐 送别 11

Words for Reference: 接待室 reception room 欢迎会 welcome party 食堂 student canteen



A group of 35 American students will visit our school from 9:00 to 13:00 on June 22, 2003. The specific arrangements are as follows:

At 8:40, we will gather at the school gate to welcome the American students. From 9:00 to 10:30, we will hold a welcome party and exchange presents in the reception room. From 10:30 to 11: 30, these American students will be guided to see our campus, library, labs and language labs. At 11:30,we will have lunch in the student dining room. Then we will see the American students off at the school gate at 13:00.


写信人:Li Qiang

写信时间:2003年12月20日 收信单位:Reservation Office

电子邮件网址:groupsales@aston.com 入住时间:2003年12月25日至27日


请尽早回复,告之是否有空房、房价及是否需要预付押金等。 【参考范文】 Li Qiang 2003.12.20

Reservation Office Groupsales@aston.com

Reservation Office,

I would like to book a single room with a bath and three standard rooms with baths from Dec.25 to 27. And I also want to rent a room to hold a business meeting on the afternoon of Dec. 26. Please write back as soon as possible, and let me know if the rooms are available, what the price is and if I should pay the deposit. Thank you.

Yours sincerely Li Qiang



征稿启事 (contributed wanted ) 内容:

1)本报的主要对象为我公司员工,出版日期为每个月的15日。 2)欢迎下列各种形式和体裁的稿件: a. 部门情况的报道;

b. 对我公司生产、销售、产品推广的意见和建议; c. 员工业余(sparetime)生活; d. 其他

3)来稿请勿超过1000字;英文来稿要求打字。 4)来稿如不采用,三个月内退还作者。 5)联系人:林月

6)联系地址:公司公共关系部 【参考范文】

Contribution Wanted


Our newspaper, which is printed on 15 every month, mainly serves the staff of our company. We are asking for contributions of various styles and types. They can be:

.Reports on each department

.Ideas and suggestions on the company’s production, sales and marketing .Staff’s life in spare time . And others

Please remember your writings will not be over 1000 words and contributions in English should be typed. Those which are not adopted will be sent back to the authors in three months.

If you are interested, please contact Lin Yue at Public Relations Department. Public Relations Department


说明:根据下列中文信息拟一封询价信和报价信。 询价信

1.发信人:Mr. David Johnson 2.收信人:Mr. Peter Kevil

3.发信日期:2004nian 11月29日

4.内容:Mr. Johnson欲购买Mr. Peter Kevil所在的HP公司生产的激光打印机,写信了解有关价格以及售后服务的情况。 报价信:

1.发信人:Mr. Peter Kevil 2.收信人:Mr. David Johnson 3.发信日期:2004年12月6日




Letter 1

David Johnson


Nov. 29, 2004 Dear Mr. Peter Kevil

I want to buy the jet printers which are made by your HP Company. Would you please tell me some information about the prices and the after-sale services? I’m looking forward to your early reply. Thanks a lot.

Yours sincerely Johnson

Letter 2

Peter Kevil


Dec. 6, 2004 Dear Mr. David Johnson,

Thank you for your interest in our company’s jet printers. A list of models and prices is attached. Our HP company will offer excellent services for our clients. Besides, you can get discount if you purchase by wholesale.

Yours Peter Kevil


说明:以Daniel Trade 公司市场部经理李华的身份与6月15日给John Holland先生写一封催款信,信中应当包括以下内容: 1. 问及Holland先生近况;

2. 要求Holland先生尽快支付贷款,该笔Holland款项已经过期10天; 3.随信寄上公司最新的夏季产品目录,希望先生尽早寄来新的订单,可享受公司的优惠价格。




June 15, 2005 Dear Mr. Holland,

How have you been these days?

I’m sorry to say that our company hope you can pay for the goods fee of 10,000 yuan quickly, which have been overdue for about 10 days.

Additionally, here is the latest summer product list of our company. Can you give us the new orders as quickly as possible? Of course, we’ll give you the special offers.


Best wishes.

Yours sincerely Li Hua

Manager of Marketing Department


说明:根据下列内容一封邀请信。 写信日期:2005年12月13日

邀请人:张建国,东方集团公司人力资源部经理 被邀请人:人事部门经理 事由:召开人事管理研讨会

主要内容:研讨新形式下人事管理的新模式和新方法 主题报告人:滨海大学管理学院丁一教授 会议时间:2006年1月3-4日 会议地点:滨海市友谊宾馆

请与会人员在12月20日前将发言提纲寄送给东方集团公司人力资源部办公室。参加会议与否,请回复。 注意书信格式。

Words for reference:

人力资源部:Human Resources Department 研讨会:Workshop

主题报告人:Keynote speaker



Human Resources Department Dongfang Corporation Dec. 13rd, 2005


Personnel Department Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that there will be a workshop about the personnel


management from January 3 to 4, 2006 at Friendship Hotel at Binhai. We will discuss the new mode and method of personnel management in the new situation. The keynote speaker is Professor Ding Yi at the Management Faculty of Binhai University. Those who will attend this workshop are asked to send the speech outline to the Human


Resources Department office of Dongfang Corporation before December 20. By the way, please write to tell us whether you will attend this workshop or not. I’m looking forward to your reply.



Jiangguo Zhang


假如你是某公司餐饮部经理Peter Jones,于2006年6月18日发一封信给办公室主任Brown Smith,内容是:


Words for reference:

重新装修:re-decoration n. redecorate v

推车 trolley 接待厅 reception hall 餐饮公司 catering form 餐饮部经理 catering manager


June 18, 2006

Brown Smith,

I would like to inform you that the staff dinning hall will be closed for a week as it is going to be redecorated from next Monday. The catering firm will provide drinks and sandwiches by trolley at reception hall in the morning and afternoon. Moreover, the neighboring restaurants will supply lunch meals for clerks from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Peter Jones

Catering Manager


说明:假定你是一家办公设备进出口公司的经理王刚,给某公司写一封信。 内容:

1. 告诉对方你获得信息的渠道:从《城市商报》(Urban Commerce)上看到对方公司的介绍; 2.说明你去信的目的:询问对方是否有你需要的产品,是否有现货供应,等等,并想和对方建立贸易联系;




December 24, 2006

Dear sir or Madam, I am the general manager of an office Equipment Imp. & Exp. Corporation. Our company have been engaged in import and export trade for many years. With six branches all over China, we keep trade connection with many big businesses. I got the information


about your company from Urban Commerce. I would appreciate your advice on whether or not the products in our demand are available in your company. It will be our great pleasure if we can establish the trade link with your company in the future. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely Wang Gang

General Manager


说明:以部门经理(Ruth Crawford)的名义给公司全体员工发一份内部通知。 时间:2007年6月24日

事由:有关更换电话系统事宜 内容:

1.由于业务需要,公司拟更新目前使用的电话系统; 2.现有3个通讯公司提交的更新方案,内容见附件。 3.请员工仔细阅读并提出自己的建议; 4.提交建议的时间;本月底前; 5.公司将于下月初订货。


Words for reference: 事由Re 更新update 附件attachment 订货place an order 通讯公司communications company Memo To: All Staff Employees

From: Ruth Crawford, branch manager

Re: The replacement of company telephone system


Date: June 24, 2007

To meet the requirement of company business, the telephone system available in the company is to be updated. Three communications companies have provided different update proposals, which are introduced in the attachment. All staff please read the proposals carefully and offer your own suggestions. Suggestions are welcome until the end of this month and the company will place an order in early next month.






2 January, 2008 Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to you to reserve a single room with bath for the period from 14 ththth

to 18 January. I will arrive in Tianjin on 14 to 18, January. Your room is $20 one day and we will keep the room for you until 12 p.m. on 14ht. We look forward to serving you.

Yours truly Song Ping Manager of Hyatt Hotel, Tianjin



说明:假定你是新蒂服装公司()销售经理丁志文,根据下列内容给客户()写一封信函。 写信日期:2008年6月22日 内容:

1.告知原材料(raw material)价格上涨,产品价格上调。 2.原订货物仍维持原价;


4.随函寄去调整后的价目表(price list); 5.表示歉意,敬请谅解。



22 June,2008

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you that we have to raise price of our products as that of raw material has increased, but prices of the goods you’ve ordered before will remain the same as before. Enclosed is the latest price list for your convenience. We look forward to receiving a further order from you. Best regards.

Yours very truly Ding Zhiwen


