高中必修1 Unit2 Period1教案

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Unit 2 English around the world

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

bathroom, towel, closet, pronounce, direct, have a good flight, at all, make oneself at home, if you’ll excuse me now, stay up, end up with b. 交际用语

Can you spell that please? Could you repeat that, please? What do you mean by ...?

Could you speak a bit slowly, please? Sorry, I didn’t follow you. I beg your pardon?

How do you say ... in English? How do you pronounce...? What does ... mean?

Can you say that in a different way?

2. Ability goals 能力目标

To learn some differences between American English and British English.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Let students learn how to deal with language difficulties in communication. Teaching important points 教学重点

1. How to improve the students speaking ability

2. How to make up another dialogue for three students and act it out in class. Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to use different sentence patterns for language difficulties in Communication Teaching methods 教学方法

1. Listening to the tape. (individuals)

2. Pairs work to practise the dialogue and make up another dialogue(cooperative learning) Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a computer.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Greetings and Revision

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhao!

T: Sit down, please. Today we are going to learn Unit 2: English around the world, but I want to

check your homework first.

Check whether they have remembered the ten important sentences.

Step II Warming up

T: Look at the picture and try to guess:

Qs: 1.What do you think is happening in the picture?

2. Where do you think is the man? Sa: A funny story is happening. Sb: The man is in the bathroom.

Ask the students to discuss the following questions. 1. What is Joe’s nationality? How about Nancy? 2. What it is that Nancy thinks Joe wants? 3. What is it that Joe is looking for?

4. What is their misunderstanding about? After discussion.

Sa: Joe is an American while Nancy is British. Sb: Nancy thinks Joe wants to have a bath. Sc: Joe is looking for a toilet.

Sd: In American English the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a toilet and sometimes a bath or shower. In British English, the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a bath or shower and sometimes also a toilet. Joe wants to go to the toilet, but Nancy thinks he wants to take a bath.

T: You did quite well. There are really some slight differences between American English and British English, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary for us to know about some differences between American English and British English.

Step III Speaking

T: Now, I think you must know about why the misunderstanding occurred between Joe and Nancy. Then turn your book to page10. Let’s do Speaking—Part Two. In the following box there are several useful expressions. These sentences are all about the language difficulties in communication. When we express our requests and orders, we use them. Here I give you a few minutes to remember these sentences. Can you spell that, please? Could you repeat that, please? What do you mean by ...?

Could you speak a bit slowly, please? Sorry, I didn’t follow you. I beg your pardon?

How do you say ... in English? How do you pronounce...? What does ... mean?

Can you say that in a different way?

T: Now please work in small groups to make up dialogues about other language difficulties in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, uncertainty, misunderstanding, etc. and act out in class, using

the useful expressions above.

Sample dialogues Situation 1:

Taking a message: A is visiting B, but B is not in, C takes a message for B. A: Is B at home?

C: Sorry, she isn’t in. She went out just now.

A: Oh, could you do me a favor to take a message to her? I am her workmate. C: I’d be glad to.

A: Could you please tell her we have decided to go out for an autumn outing. Please ask her whether she’d like to join us. My phone is 7500924. C: Could you repeat that, please? A: It’s 7500924.

C: Ok. I have taken it down. I’ll tell her about it the time she comes back.

Situation 2:

Answering the telephone: Lucy is trying to call Mary, but Mary is not in. Tom takes a message. Tom: Hello! This is Tom speaking. Lucy: Is Mary in?

Tom: She is not in. Can I take a message for you?

Lucy: It’s very kind of you. Henry Potter VI is going to be put on in the cinema at 3:00 pm this afternoon. I have got two tickets. If she wants to, please tell her to send an e-mail to me at noon. The address is lucy_pretty123456@yahoo.com. Tom: Could you speak a bit slowly, please?

Lucy: lucy_pretty123456@yahoo.com. Have you got it? Tom: Ok. Bye.

Situation 3:

The teacher tells the monitor about the task this afternoon. And the monitor tells it to the rest of the students.

T: This afternoon we’ll do some cleaning in our classroom at 4:00 pm. Could you please tell the students about it?

M: Certainly, I’d be glad to.

T: Please tell the students to bring some cloth.

M: Sorry, I didn’t quite follow you. What shall we do with it? T: Oh, we’ll mainly clean the glass and sweep the floor. M: Ok, I will tell the class about it.

Step VI Homework

T: Now let’s recall what we have learned during this course. We have learned a dialogue about misunderstanding between Joe and Nancy. And then we have learned the useful expressions about language difficulties in communication. Our homework: 1. Remember the useful expressions on Page10. 2. Complete Talking in workbook.

