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【我身边的英语口语(4):我的爱情生活My love】

love --- 爱 like --- 喜欢 single --- 单身的

couple --- (一)对,夫妇 relationship --- 关联 date --- 约会 cheat --- 骗子

propose --- 计划,建议 honeymoon --- 蜜月 serious --- 严肃的 connection --- 关系

love at first sight --- 一见钟情

try to catch his/her eye --- 引起对方的注意 go after somebody --- 追求某人 go on a date --- 约会 two-time --- 脚踏两条船 break-up --- 结束 fall in love --- 坠入爱河

settle down --- 关系稳定 move in together --- 同居

introduce to one's parents --- 介绍给父母认识 give her a ring --- 送戒指 get married --- 结婚

go on a honeymoon --- 度蜜月


Are you married? 你结婚没? Are you single? 单身贵族吗?

Are you seeing anybody? 你要去见什么人? Can I see you again? 我可以再约你出来吗? Are you busy this weekend? 这个周末你忙吗?

I'd like to get to know you better. 我想更加了解你。 Can I get your number?

我可以知道你的电话号码吗? She's my type. 他是我喜欢的类型。

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. 遇见你是我一生中最美的邂逅。 Let me go. 放了我吧。

I can't stop thinking about you. 我时时刻刻都在想你。 We're meant for each other. 我们注定要在一起。

I've never felt this way before. 我从前从没有这样心动的感觉。 I love you. 我爱你。 I miss you. 我想你。 I'm not ready. 我还没准备好。 This is going too fast. 我们进展得太快了。

You deserve someone better.

我配不上你/你更适合别人。 You never take me seriously. 你从没在乎过我。 Can't we still be friends? 我们只能做朋友吗?

Why don't you ask him out? 你怎么不与他出去?

I'm looking for a serious relationship. 我在寻找一份认真的感情。 We got back together. 我们复合了。 You cheated on me! 你欺骗我!

How could you do that? 你怎么能那样对我? We broke up. 我们分手了。

Is there someone else? 你是不是喜欢上别人了? I go for looks. 我喜欢帅哥(美女)。


