仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Topic 2《What color is his hair》(SectionC)教案

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Unit2 Topic2 SectionC参考教案

Section C

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2. Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.(1) Learn some words about clothes:

T-shirt, shoe, cap, skirt, dress, shirt

(2) Learn other useful words and expressions:

over, there, over there, bring, bag

2. Describe the colors of the clothes and a person in clothes. (1) What color is this T-shirt? It is red. (2) What color are these shoes? They are green. (3) Do you know the girl over there?

Which girl? The girl in green.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

自制卡片(各类服装) / 音频设备 Ⅲ. Five finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟)

1.(师生互动, 教师出示卡片, 针对图片中的服装颜色提问。 复习各种颜色的形


T: OK, boys and girls, look at this picture. Can you tell me what color is this? Ss: It’s green. T: What color is that? Ss: It’s blue.

2.(教师把手中所有的服装颜色提问一遍后, 就学生们书桌上的物品进行提问。


T: What’s this? (拿起一支黑色的钢笔。) Ss: It’s a pen. T: What color is it? Ss: It’s black.

(叫起一名学生,教师提出问题。) T: What color are your eyes? S1: My eyes are black.

(另一名学生起来回答问题,老师扩充提问范围,引入生词。) T: What color is your hair? S2: My hair is black.

T: What color is your shirt? (这时老师出示衬衫的图片。) S2: My shirt is …(反复读衬衫这个词。) (换一张鞋子的图片,提问另一名学生。)

T: What color are your shoes? (举着图片重复读shoes 这个词。) S3:My shoes are …


生对话中出现的问题。然后每组推出两名同学到讲台前,就图片或实物进行对话操练。) S4: What’s this? S5: It’s …

S4: What color is this? S5: It’s … S4: What are these? S5: They are … S4: What color are they? S5: They are …


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:7分钟)

1. Show a picture of clothes and say. (出示服装图片并且说)

Learn the words: shirt, cap, skirt, T-shirt, dress, shoe, pants (教师把各个服装图片边展示边自问自答,引入主要呈现内容。) T: What color is this cap? It’s yellow.

What color is this shirt? It’s white.

What color is this T-shirt? It’s red.

What color is this dress? It’s orange.

What color are the pants? They are blue.

What color are these shoes? They are green.


Look at these clothes: skirt? sap? What color is the dress? T-shirt? white. yellow. It’s orange. red.


What color are these



They are



T: Do you know the girl over there?(Learn the phrase: over there) Ss: Which girl? T: The girl in green. (帮助学生来回答。) (老师指着一个女孩。) T: Where are my pictures? (老师站在学生的桌边问。) Ss: Oh. They are over there. (学生们指着讲台。)

T: Bring my pictures here, please. (学习bring 这个词。) (一名学生将图片拿给老师。) S1: Here you are.


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)


T: Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2. (学生分组模仿对话操练,抽出4组来表演。) 3. (完成1b。)



子。这时老师说“What color is this skirt?” 同学们抢答同时要拍到这幅



同桌两人来向全班读出结果,教师注意纠正语音错误。如: ) ① T: What color is this skirt?

S1: It’s yellow.

(学生很容易读成It’s(a)yellow. 带出/?/音。) ② T: What color are these shoes?

S2: They’re white.

③ T: What color are those pants?

S3: They’re blue.

(提醒学生pants, shoes 是复数形式,be动词要用are。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)



别穿上与听力短文中的人物颜色相同的服装,然后把写好符号的白纸粘在“Helen”、“Ann”、“Bill”和“Peter”的身上,让他们拿着椅子坐成一竖排,做开火车的动作。最前面的同学说: “同学们请坐好,由北京开往上海的火车就要出发了”。七名同学一个把着一个人的肩部做开火车的动作。全班同学都静下来,这时老师打开录音机。录音停止,第一位的同学说: “火车到站啦”,全体乘客起立面向同学,这时老师问: ) T: Who is Helen? S1: I am.

(穿粉色衣服戴有A符号的女同学回答。) T: Who is Ann? S2: I am.

(穿黄色衣服戴有C符号的女同学回答。) T: Who is Bill? S3: I am.

(穿白色衣服戴有B符号的男同学回答。) T: Who is Peter? S4: I am.

(穿棕色长裤带有F符号的男同学回答。) (老师接下来面对全班同学提问。) T: Who is Helen/Ann? Ss: A. / C. T: Who is Bill/Peter? Ss: B. / F.

T: What color is Helen’s dress? Ss: It’s pink.

T: What color is Ann’s shirt? Ss: It’s yellow.

T: What color is Bill’s shirt? Ss: It’s white.

T: What color are Peter’s pants? Ss: They’re brown.

(全班同学动笔来完成Work alone,教师检查完成情况,叫4~5名学生读出完成的句子。)


提问,其他同学可随时纠正出现的错误。) S5: What color is her T-shirt? S6: It’s blue.

S5: What color are his pants?

S6: They are black. S5: What color are his shoes?

S6: They are brown.(学生对话完了坐下。)


T: Which girl is …? Ss: The girl in blue. T: Which girl is …? Ss: The girl in red. T: Which boy is …? Ss: The boy in black/brown.

3.(师生互动操练 2,先设置情景,拿几名同学的书包和文具盒等物品放在讲台

上,然后走到学生的桌前,拿起另一个同学的文具盒问。) T: What color is this pen? S7: It’s green. T: Is this your pen? S7: No, it’s not my pen. T: Where is your pen?

S7: It’s over there.(学生指着讲台桌上的钢笔。) T: Which one? S7: The red one.

(老师示意第一排的一名学生说。) T: Bring his pen here, please. S8: Which one? T: The red one. S8: Here you are. S7: Thank you.

4.(听录音,把听力任务呈现在黑板上,并要求学生做在练习本上。) (1)Which girl is Ann? (2)Where is she?

(3)What color is my bag?

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间: 8分钟)




说出所学过的颜色单词。这是滚雪球式的练习,可以快速复习大量生词。如: ) S1: red S2: red, white S3: red, white, black S4 : red, white, black, yellow S5: red, white, black, yellow, blue S6: red, white, black, yellow, blue, brown S7: red, white, black, yellow, blue, brown, pink S8: …


为组词正确的小组加一个星。) (3) Homework:

把组成的词组做在作业本上并运用造句。(至少五个句子) 如: I have a red T-shirt.

(扩充一个不要求记忆的词组:a pair of … ) a pair of shoes a pair of glasses

