七年级英语下册1 Body language导学案新外研版

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Module 11 Body language

Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them


一. 预习P68课文—Body language,完成下列问题。


(1)When you talk to a friend, you can stand close in the Middle East and North Americans. ( ) (2)Girls like walking arm in arm with their friends in China. ( ) (3)In Britain, people don’t like to touch other people. ( )

(4)It isn’t polite to look at people when you talk in the US and Britain. ( ) (5)In Greece, it isn’t polite to wave to say goodbye.( ) 2. 默读课文,回答下列问题。

(1)Is body language the same in different countries ?_______________

(2)Is it all right to stand close to people in the Middle East ?__________________ (3)Do the British like touching people ?__________________ _

(4)Do Americans look at people when they talk?_________________________ (5)Do people in Greece wave goodbye?

3. 根据课文内容,在不同国家和地区你能够使用的肢体语言是什么?在你认为正确的表格里打“√”。

Britain Stand close Touch each other Look at people when talking Middle East South America US 4. 默读课文一遍,理解课文含义, 在文中标记下列短语并有选择地标注汉语(用红色笔)。 1. around the world 全世界 2. body language 肢体语言 3. some ways to welcome sb 欢迎方式 4. stand close to sb 站得近 5. in the Middle East 在中东 6. personal space 私人空间 7. arm in arm 臂挽臂地 8. move away 移开/移走

9. not at all 一点也不 10. in some places 在一些地方 11.in other countries 在其他国家 12. look somewhere else 往别处看 13.look at each other 互相看着对方 14.wave to say goodbye 挥手说再见 15.be careful 小心 16.in fact 事实上

【探究案】 阅读课本P101-102页材料,并观察以下句子,总结语法点: Stand up. 起立。

Come to my office. 到我办公室来。 Be quiet,please. 请安静。

Don't make such a noise. 不要这么吵。 Don't worry. Be happy. 不要担心,高兴点儿。

以上这些句子叫做 . 祈使句用来表达劝告、希望、禁止、 或 等等语气。那么祈使句有什么特点呢?

①祈使句一般没有___________,说话的对象都是第二人称你或你们;相当于省略了主语 。 ②以______ _____ 原形开头,无时态和数的变化; ③祈使句的否定形式是在动词原形前加______ ____;

④ 在表达请求时,可以加上__ _______,表达较强烈的语气时,可以用____ _____。 拓展链接:有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加Do. Do sit down. 务必请坐。


仔细阅读P68课文,你能发现哪些句子是祈使句呢?(动手、动脑,我最棒!) 1、 2、

3、 4、



1)Our new f___ ____ students are going to arrive very soon. 2)Please give them more p___________space.

3)South Americans sometimes h__________your arm when they talk to you. 4)In some places, it's p__ ______ to look at people when you talk.

5)In other countries, it's r____ __ to look at people when you talk. 6)W___ ___ to say goodbye is all right in China. 二、单项选择

( )1. The TV is too loud. Please________.

A. turn it down B. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it

( )2. _______ late again, Bill!

A. Don't to be B. Don't be C. Not be D. Be not

( )3. _______ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.

A. Not B. Won't C. Doesn't D. Don't

( )4. Kate, _______ your homework here tomorrow. A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing

( )5. Don't you know that _______ is good for our health? A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. swims 三、句型转换

1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) __ ___ __ ___ again more slowly, please.

2. If you don't listen to me, I'll go. (改为同义句) __ ___ __ ___ me, or I’ll go.

3. The teachers often tell the students not to be careless(粗心的). (改为祈使句)__ ___ __ ___careless, please.

4. Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句) ___ __ __ ___ next to Nancy.


Module 11

Unit 3 Language in use


1. 复习重点词汇:shake, shake hands, smile, what, head, each, each other, touch, nose, finger, foot, leg, mouth, body, foreign, arm, arm in arm, hold, move, not at all, polite. 2. 重要句型:---- How do I do that? ---- No, I didn’t know that. What do people do when they...?

Don’t stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space. Be careful!

3. 理解祈使句的句子结构,学会正确使用祈使句。 【自学导练】

A. 英语的句子按说话目的可分为四类:


Beijing is the capital of China. 北京市中国的首都。(事实) Maybe there won’t no schools i the future. 或许将来没有学校。(看法) (2)问句----提出问题

Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? Where are you from? 你是哪个地方的人? (3)祈使句----提出命令、请求等 Come here,please. 请来这边。(请求) Don’t open the door. 别开门。(命令) (4)感叹句----表示赞美、惊异等情绪 What a big family! 真是一个大家庭啊! How silly you are! 你真傻! B. 找出课文中的祈使句。

1. ______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ C. 祈使句用来表达叮嘱、劝告、希望、禁止、请求或命令等。 观察上面的句子,总结祈使句的特点。


(1)祈使句一般没有_______,说话的对象都是第二人称“你”或“你们”。 (2)以动词_______开头,无时态和数的变化。 (3)祈使句的否定形式是在动词原形前加_______。 【课堂交流】 Teaching progress: Step One: Preparation Step Two: Work in pairs.

Talk about do’s and don’ts in a foreign country. Step Three: Rewrite the sentences

Step Four: 再读本模块的对话与课文,回答问题。 Step Five: Around the world 了解日本人的鞠躬礼仪 Step Six: Module tash

Making a poster about body language in China. 【专项训练】

1. 坐下。_______ down.

2. 请来这边。_______ here, please. 3. 小心。_______ careful. 4. 让他走吧。_______ him go.

5. 认真听老师讲课。_______ _______the teacher carefully. 6. 别开门。_______ _______ the door! 7. 请不要迟到了。_______ _______ late again.


