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Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students on the Job Market. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




College Students on the Job Market









More and more graduates are going out of universities and entering into the society every year while the demand on the job market remains stable. The college students are facing greater and greater pressure in job-hunting.

There are many reasons behind the current phenomenon. To begin with, the economy has been confronted with depression in recent years on a global level, and it takes time for the worldwide economy to recover. What's more, there is an element of


irrationality in the enrollment of the campuses. Some hot majors have enrolled too many students, and many people compete for one position after graduation, whereas the majors with little attention have few students, and more graduates are needed than the campus can supply.

The solution to this problem lies with both the government as a whole and the individual in specific. The government takes whatever measures possible to help the economy recover and to create more job opportunities for the applicants. And for the individual students, it is better to study what they are interested in and to gain experience through practice, thus better prepared for the society.[NextPage] Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Buying the Best Insurance for Your Business

Gabrielle Melchionda broke into tears when firefighters accidentally flooded the headquarters of Mad Gab’s, the beauty company she had founded two decades ago, even though she knew that insurance would replace the desks, computers, and shelves of lip balm(唇膏)she had lost. To her surprise, however, the real pain came in the months that followed, when she continued to owe salaries and rent while her sales slowed to a trickle(滴,淌,细流).

“The critical piece that was missing was business-interruption insurance,” said Ms. Melchionda, who had property and liability insurance but had never got around to adding a policy that replaces income lost after accidents.

Business owners have plenty of stories like Ms. Melchionda’s, of policies that didn’t cover enough damage or covered the wrong risk. Some of these complaints can be attributed to tight-fisted insurance companies or misinformed agents, but the fault often lies with entrepreneurs (企业家)who gloss over their insurance decisions.

“Generally speaking, small-business owners are not completely aware of the coverage they have or the coverage they need,” said Steven Spiro, an independent insurance agent, explaining that many small-business owners buy insurance simply to comply with the requirements of an office lease.

Picking an Agent


Buying insurance can be intimidating(使人胆怯的), and it’s difficult to know who is trying to take advantage of you and who is giving honest advice. That’s why you should start by asking other entrepreneurs in your industry what kinds of insurance they carry and who they bought it from. There are three types of vendors who can help you pick insurance: independent agents, captive agents(专属代理人), and risk consultants.

Independent agents, also known as brokers, offer the greatest choice because they typically represent many carriers. They are paid on commission by the insurance company, between 10 percent and 20 percent of the annual premium depending on the policy. Beware: because some carriers pay a higher commission than others, brokers may be tempted to play favorites.

Captive agents represent one insurance company that pays them a salary and commands their loyalty. Some companies such as Allstate only deal with their own agents; that means you can only buy their policies through one of their agents. Both independent and captive agents receive bonuses at the end of the year based on their ratio of policies sold to damages paid. That means it’s in their interest to sell you as much insurance as possible and minimize your claims as much as possible.

Understand, also, that most agents focus solely on insurance. “Sometimes there are solutions to your problem that might be better treated without insurance,” said Arthur Flitner, a small-business expert at the Insurance Institute of America. In some cases, for example, it makes more financial sense to self-insure against certain property risks by setting up a rainy-day fund, or to minimize lawsuit risks by enforcing strict employment policies.

That’s when a risk consultant can help. Because they’re costly — you’ll usually pay a few thousand dollars for a basic project — it makes sense to hire a risk expert only if you have an unusually risky operation, or run a business with more than, say, $25 million in revenue(收入)or more than 100 employees.

After you’ve found some trustworthy vendors, it’s time to shop for bids. Go to as many brokers and agents as you like, but keep in mind that insurance companies won’t bid on the same account through different brokers.

Picking a Policy

If you’re grossing less than $3 million, you will most likely end up with a business owners policy, known as a B.O.P., which bundles business policies and lets you add additional pieces as necessary. Every carrier assembles its B.O.P.


differently, so make sure you’re making accurate comparisons when shopping. If you are grossing more than $3 million, you will probably have to buy your policies separately. There are four policies you really can’t do business without if you have more than a couple of employees:

Workers’ compensation is required by state law and covers workers’ medical expenses, disability pay and death benefits. Rates vary widely by industry and occupation. While the premiums for a secretary might be 22 cents per $100 of payroll, the rate for a roofer might exceed $20 per $100 of payroll. Make sure your business is classified correctly, and don’t try to pass off your toy factory (manufacturing is considered high-risk) as a design firm (low risk). Once employees start filing claims, carriers will conclude that you are a riskier-than-usual design firm and raise your premiums.

Property insurance covers your physical premises as well as equipment in your office. Rates vary widely, depending on the age of your building, how far it is from the fire department, and whether it is made of steel or wood.

Beware of coinsurance clauses, which allow carriers to pay only a share of damages if they believe you underinsured your property. Instead, ask your broker to add “agreed value” coverage in which you and the insurance company agree on an appropriate insurance level. This can add up to 15 percent to your premiums, but it leaves less room for dispute later.

General liability insurance covers injuries your company causes to other people’s health, property or reputation. Rates usually take into account factors like revenue, size of your offices and number of customers. Most basic packages cover $1 million for each occurrence; umbrella policies can add more coverage quite cheaply.

If it’s available, make sure you buy the more expensive “occurrence” policy, which covers you for accidents at the time they occurred — even if you have since left the business and your policy has lapsed — as opposed to a “claims made” policy, which covers you only if you are insured when the claim is made.

Business interruption insurance — the kind Ms. Melchionda should have had — pays not just the lost sales and rent and payroll costs while you rebuild your business after an accident; it also pays for you to rent a temporary office or equipment so you can get back on your feet faster.

These policies are just the first building blocks of your insurance coverage. There are dozens of other policies you could add, depending on the kind of business


you run. Some, like medical malpractice for doctors and hospitals, are


essential, while others are pure waste. To determine what you need, start by asking yourself two questions: how likely is it that you’ll sustain damage, and could you cover the cost of the damage yourself? As experts like to point out, insurance is meant to cover catastrophes, not pay for maintenance.

“It’s a gamble,” said George Von York, a public adjuster who helps business owners negotiate higher claims payments from insurers. “Most people will never have a substantial claim in their life. But boy, when you need it, it’s good to have that coverage.”

1. The passage mainly focuses on .

A) how to buy the most suitable insurance for your own business

B) how to pick an agent for you own business

C) how to pick a policy when you buy the insurance

D) how to deal with the insurance company

2. Gabrielle Melchionda .

A) did not realize that the insurance company will compensate her loss in the fire

B) realized the real pain for her loss in the fire when the fire broke out

C) had her company insured against business-interruption

D) was very sorrowful when her beauty company caught fire

3. Buying insurance sometimes is frightening in that .

A) you should ask other people in your industry for the advice

B) it is not easy to distinguish the honest advice and the lie

C) there are different types of agents for you to choose

D) you do not know where to buy insurance for your company

4. If you have an unusually risky operation .


A) you should find a trustworthy vendor

B) you should seek help from insurance company

C) you are supposed to hire a risk expert

D) you are supposed to weigh the risk of your company by yourself

5. What kind of policy is required by the state law?

A) Workers’ compensation

B) Property insurance

C) General liability insurance

D) Business interruption insurance

6. In the policy of “worker’s compensation”, the rates _______________.

A) are the same in different occupation

B) are the same in different industries

C) are different in different occupation but the same in different industries

D). are different in different industries and occupations

7. George Von York ________________.

A) thinks to most people it is not necessary to buy insurance

B) thinks we are supposed to buy certain insurance in our life

C) is a public adjuster who charges higher claims payments from insurers

D) is an excellent seller in insurance

8. Property insurance covers your physical premises as well as .

9. It is necessary for you to buy the more expensive occurrence policy if it is .

10. Business interruption insurance also pays for you to rent .



Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)



消防队无意之中淹没了Mad Gab's的总部,Mad Gab's是Gabrielle Melchionda二十多年前建立的美容公司。尽管Melchionda知道,保险公司会替她换掉损坏的桌椅、电脑以及唇膏架子,但她仍泪流满面。然而,让她吃惊的是,随后几个月,才是真正的痛苦,她一直亏欠工资和租金,销售额慢的像涓涓细流。



独立的保险代理人Steven Spiro说,“一般来讲,干小生意的人并不太清楚他们拥有或需要的保险范围”。他解释,这些人买保险只是为了遵守办公室租赁条约的要求。 选择代理人





也要理解,大部分代理人只注意保险。美国保险研究所主要从事小本生意研究的专家Arthur Flitner说,“有时候,没有保险,你的问题反而可能处理的更好。”比如说,建立基金以备不时之需,自己为自己投保来应对某些财产风险;或执行严格的雇佣政策,减少诉讼风险,从经济角度来看,这些更有意义。










要注意共同保险条款,如果保险公司认为投保金额不足,这个条款允许保险公司只赔偿部分损失。让代理人加上“协定保险价额 ”,你和保险公司认同一个合适的保险价值。这可能让保险费提高15%,却减少了随后的争端。






【7】公共调解员George Von York说,“这是场赌博”。他帮助业主和保险公司谈判,以期获得更多赔偿。“大部分人一辈子也没有得到实在的赔偿。但是,孩子,在你需要时,最好还是有保险。”

1. 答案 A



2. 答案D

解析:题干中的人名Gabrielle Melchionda出现在文章一开始。文章开头讲述


3. 答案B

解析:题干中in that相当于连词because,表示原因。考题考查买保险为什么让人感到害怕。考生可定位在文章的第五段,文章提及有些是忠告,有些却是在利用投保人,而这之间很难分辨。选项B是对此句话的总结。

4. 答案C

解析:考题考查在特定的情况下,投保人应该如何做。考生可根据题干中“如果你的运作有很大风险”,将答案定位在第一个小标题picking an agent的最后两段,文章讲到,此时你需要雇风险咨询师,所以选项C是正确答案。

5. 答案A

解析:考题问到,州法律要求的保险是什么?第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第三段中讲“员工赔偿保险是州法律要求”,所以选项A是正确答案。

6. 答案D

解析:根据题干中的“worker's compensation”,考生可继续锁定第二个小标题下的

第三段,原文中讲“Rates vary widely by industry and occupation”,其中vary意为“不同,变动”,和选项D中的be different同义。

7. 答案B

解析:根据题干中的人名George Von York,考生可锁定文章的最后一段,George Von York认为保险就是一场赌博,一辈子可能用不到,可是又不能没有,如果有可能,你还是需要买保险。从中可以看出George Von York的态度,他是建议人们买保险的,而选项C是个干扰项,他并不是向投保人收费很高,而是帮助投保人获得更高的索赔。


8. 答案equipment in your office

解析:根据题干,考生可找到第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第四段,它讲到财产保险涵盖的方面。

9. 答案available

解析:根据题干,考生可锁定第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第七段,原文讲到买这种保险的条件。

10. 答案a temporary office or equipment

解析:根据题干中的business interruption insurance,考生可锁定第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第八段,文中提及“企业停顿保险”的承保内容。


Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. A) The man didn't have much time to spend working on his essay.

B) The man was too busy to complete the assignment.

C) The man shouldn't have turned in the essay late.

D) She's sorry she couldn't help the man last week.

12. A) At the information desk.

B) In a department store.

C) In a restaurant.

D) At a railway station.


13. A) She'll go to the game later.

B) Noise disturbs her when she's reading.

C) She prefers to use headphones.

D) The man should turn off the radio.

14. A) The man should not have stayed up so late.

B) She likes to go to see new films.

C) She wants to go to a film with the man.

D) She prefers old films to new ones.

15. A) She doesn't know where the man went.

B) She doesn't know how to get to the library.

C) She can give the man directions.

D) She wants to find out where Olympic Street is.

16. A) It's a bestseller of the year.

B) She has temporarily forgotten the title.

C) The title is rather difficult to pronounce.

D) She can never recall the title of the book.

17. A) She thinks Henry is not funny enough.

B) She enjoys Henry's humor a great deal.

C) She must learn to understand Henry's humor better.

D) She doesn't appreciate Henry's humor.

18. A) He's waiting to hear from potential employers.

B) He plans to write the letters soon.

C) He missed the job application deadlines.


D) His job interviews went very well.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) On a bicycle trip.

B) Toa recycling center.

C) To a paper mill

D) On a business trip.

20. A) Reading cards, calendars and writing paper.

B) Art books and other high-quality printed matter.

C) Insulation for basements.

D) Imitation wood.

21. A) The quality of paper will improve.

B) Paper prices will go down.

C) Garbage dumps will decrease in size.

D) Trees will be saved.

22. A) Husband and wife.

B) Mother and son.

C) Teacher and student.

D) Friends.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. A) The man's brother.

B) The man's roommate.

C) A neighbor.

D) A photographer.


24. A) He's noisy.

B) He's messy.

C) He has too many boxes.

D) He goes to class alone.

25. A) He worked for a radio station.

B) He lived in a dormitory.

C) He took a long trip.

D) He visited the man's family.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. A) To buy goods or obtain services without immediate payment.

B) To buy goods directly from a central billing office.

C) To obtain services with a check.

D) To buy goods with a check.

27. A) A company's number.

B) A bank's number.

C) An account number.

D) A check number.

28. A) It calculates the total price of purchases by the card holder during the month.


B) It sends the card holder a bill.

C) It sends the card holder a check.

D) Both A and B.

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. A) In Asian culture.

B) In Islamic culture.

C) In western culture.

D) In ancient culture.

30. A) Folk music and classical music.

B) Classical music and popular music.

C) Popular music and folk music.

D) None of the above.

31. A) Entertainment.

B) Social adherence.

C) Communication.

D) Religious ritual.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. A) On April 26, 1611.

B) On April 23, 1611.

C) On April 26, 1616.

D) On April 23, 1616.


33. A) In 1585.

B) In 1584.

C) In 1583.

D) In 1586.

34. A) People know almost nothing about Shakespeare's early life.

B) Shakespeare was already well known before he went to London.

C) People know a lot about Shakespeare's life in London.

D) People know only a little about Shakespeare's life in London.

35. A) Shakespeare was not interested in making a profit.

B) Shakespeare could get one-tenth of the profits of the Globe Theater.

C) Shakespeare, like his fellow writers, had no business sense.

D) Shakespeare's fellow writers shared the same profits.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Recently, air travel is becoming more and more popular and many large airports have now reached the limit of the number of aircraft movements they can 36 . The problem is made worse by the size of many major cities which prevents the 37 of existing airports. Any new airports to be built a long way from city centers will create 38 problems arid in many countries there simply isn't enough land for such developments.

Now a new 39 has been put forward which would help to 40_ the congestion, as far as short flights are concerned. This 41 the use of smaller aircraft, carrying


about 50 passengers, which only require a short take-off or landing area and which make 42_ little noise because they are propeller-driven.

The main problem 43 is the question of noise. 44 __________ _____________ ___ _ , that any government can expect to find considerable resistance to building new airports in towns, even though these short-range small planes are relatively quiet. 45______________ ______ if they can have the conveniences of an airport near the city center. In the end, 46______________


Section A


M: I can't believe the low mark I got on my last essay —it couldn't have been that bad.

W: Last week was so busy for you. I'm surprised you were even able to get it done on time.

Q: What does the woman imply?




W: I have a complaint to make, sir. I waited 10 minutes at the table before the waiter showed up. When I finally got served, I found it was not what I ordered. M: I'm terribly sorry, madam. It is a bit unusually busy tonight. As a compensation, your meal will be free.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?


解析:根据选项,考生可判断问题是关于地点的,所以在听力过程中,考生要特别关注对话中暗示地点的词组。女士提及到“the waiter,got served,what I ordered”,男士提到“your meal will be free”,从中可以判断对话发生在饭店。



M: Does it bother you if I have the ball game on? I can use headphones if you like.

W: Actually a little peace and quiet would be nice. At least until I finish this chapter.

Q: What does the woman imply?




M: I'm exhausted! I was up till 3 a. m. watching Romeo and Juliet. It was great! W: Oh, I missed it! You should've called me. I'll take those old classics over modern movies any time.

Q: What does the woman mean?


解析:选项是关于女士对新、老电影的看法。男士说:昨晚看《罗密欧和茱丽叶》看到凌晨三点!女士感叹自己错过了这部电影,然后用should have called的形式表示虚拟,暗示男士应该叫醒自己的,随后女士用了动词短语take A over B,表示“比起B,更喜欢A”,从中可以看出女士的态度,她更偏爱老电影。


M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the library?

W: Well, do you know where Olympic Street is?

Q: What does the woman's question indicate?



解析:选项是关于问路的。男士问:去图书馆怎么走啊?女士并没有直接回答男士的问题,而是问:你知道Olympic Street在哪里吗?女士暗示,如果男士知道Olympic Street,她就可以给男士指路,从而表明女士知道去图书馆的路。


M: Are you sure you can't recall the name of the book?

W: It's just on the tip of my tongue!

Q: What does the woman say about the book?


解析:根据选项,考生要注意听力对话中的书名。男士问:你确定记不起书名了吗?女士说:就在嘴边!这里on the tip of one's tongue,表示“就在嘴边,暂时想不起来”,选项B中的temporarily意为“暂时地”。


M: Henry is certainly the funniest person in class; he can always make everyone laugh.

W: I think I still have to get used to his sense of humor.

Q: What does the woman mean?




W: Well, I have my first job interview on Monday. Have you had any luck with those letters of application you sent out?

M: It's still too soon to tell. Most of the application deadlines haven't even passed yet.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?




Conversation One

W: 【19】I'll go over to the recycling center this after noon. Would you like me to take your old newspaper and paper bags along?

M: I do have a lot of papers and magazines down in the basement. Volunteers used to come by these apartments regularly to collect waste paper. I still save it. But people seldom ask for nowadays and I've never gone over to the recycling center myself.

W: That's typical. A few years ago, people were really enthusiastic about reusing waste paper. Unfortunately, interests have been decreasing lately. Manufacturers now use wastepaper for things like they need to find new commercial uses for recycled paper.

M: 【20】I suppose things like reading cards, calendars and writing paper could be made from it too. But recycled paper usually has a dingy color, doesn't it? W: Well, it wouldn't be suitable for art books or high-quality magazine paper. But who cares about the drab color 【21】if the waste paper can take the place of the virgin woods, pulp and so help to preserve forests.

M: You are right. 【22】I'll bring my waste paper over to your apartment a little while. Thanks for offering to take it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you've just heard.

19. Where is the woman going this afternoon?

20. According to the speakers, what products are now made from recycled paper?

21. What major benefit does the woman see to using waste paper?

22. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

19. 答案B

解析:听力一开始,女士就提到了下午要去“the recycling center”,即“废物回收中心”。考生要特别注意cycle意为“骑自行车,(使)轮转,(使)循环”,而recycle意为“回收利用”。

