新版-牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit1 Study skills教案

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Unit1 Study skills教案

I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. understand the differences between facts and opinions;

2. grasp the ways to state opinions;

3. use facts to support our opinions.

II. Teaching contents

New phrases: be/get used to, on my own

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Learn to how to state opinions.

2. Learn to use facts to support opinions.

IV.Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Free talk

T: Look at the picture. What’s the weather like? Yes, it’s snowing. That’s a fact.What do you think of the snowy day? You think it’s a nice day, but I feel very cold. So that’syour opinion.

T:“It’s snowing”is a fact.“It’s a nice day”is an opinion. Today we are going to learn“Factsand opinions”.



Step 2 Presentation

1. Changes in Starlight Town

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T: Look at the picture about Starlight Town and answer the following questions.(1) What has changed in Starlight Town?

environment/transport/living condition

(2) What do you think of Starlight Town?

T: The answers to Question 1 are all facts about the changes in Starlight Town.

Your feelings about Starlight Town are opinions.

2. Group discussion

(1) What is a fact?

(2) What is an opinion?

T: Facts are true statements. They include names, dates, events and numbers. Opinions tell

what we believe, feel or think. They may not true.

T: Look at the sentences on the screen and decide whether it is a fact or an opinion.T: Sentences that show opinions we often use verbs like feel, believe and think or have

adjectives like good, bad and terrible.

T: Finish Part A. Read the sentences below. Write an F for a fact or an O for an opinion.



Step 3 Presentation

1. Work out the rule (I)

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Talk about my hometown. Encourage students to give facts and state opinions by asking thefollowing questions:

(1) What can you see?

(2) What do you think of my hometown?

T: When we write, we can use facts to support our opinions. We can also give facts first, andthen state our opinions.



2. Work out the rule (II)

T:Read Millie’s intervi ew with Mr Chen and discuss how Mr Chen gives facts and states hisopinions.

T: Sometimes facts and opinions may be mixed together when we write.



Step 4 Practice

1. Finish Part B

T: Read Part B and decide which are opinions and which are facts.

2. Language points

(1) get/be used to

(2) on one’s own

3. Reorganize sentences into a passage

T: Work in pairs and reorganize Millie’s sentences into a short passage. Then report in class.

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4. Group work

(1) Find more opinions in this unit and make a list.

(2) Then find facts to support these opinions.

5. Writing

T: Suppose you’ve moved to a new school. Please write about the changes in your life andstate your opinions.



V. Homework

1. Write about other changes in your life. Remember to use the facts to support your opinions.

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