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- 托福阅读TPO26答案推荐度:
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托福TPO26阅读长难句TPO26: Energy and the Industrial Revolution
1. The success of the steam engine resulted in increased demands for coal,
and the consequent increase in coal production was made possible as the
steam-powered pumps drained water from the ever-deeper coal seams found below
the water table.
2. The resulting boom in the iron industry expanded the annual iron output
by more than 170 times between 1740 and 1840, and by the 1850s Great Britain was
producing more tons of iron than the rest of the world combined.
TPO26: Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions
1. Most plant tissues die if their water content falls too low: the
nutrients that feed plants are transmitted by water; water is a raw material in
the vital process of photosynthesis; and water regulates the temperature of a
plant by its ability to absorb heat and because water vapor lost to the
atmosphere through the leaves helps to lower plant temperatures.
2. There are two general classes of vegetation: long-lived perennials,
which may be succulent (water-storing) and are often dwarfed and woody, and
annuals or ephemerals, which have a short life cycle and may form a fairly dense
stand immediately after rain.
3. They possess drought-resisting adaptations: loss of water through the
leaves is reduced by means of dense hairs covering waxy leaf surfaces, by the
closure of pores during the hottest times to reduce water loss, and by the
rolling up or shedding of leaves at the beginning of the dry season.
4. Most plant tissues die if their water content falls too low: the
nutrients that feed plants are transmitted by water; water is a raw material in
the vital process of photosynthesis;and water regulates the temperature of a
plant by its ability to absorb heat and because water vapor lost to the
atmosphere through the leaves helps to lower plant temperatures.
TPO26: Sumer
and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East
1. The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the
southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.
2. Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and
sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there
were others, patrons of different cities.
3. It used to be believed that before 3000 B.C.E. the political and
economic life of the cities was centered on their temples, but it now seems
probable that the cities had secular rulers from earliest times.
4. Within the city lived administrators, craftspeople, and merchants.
(Trading was important, as so many raw materials, the semiprecious stones for
the decoration of the temples, timbers for roofs, and all metals, had to be
5. A major development was the discovery, again about 3000 B.C.E., that if
copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed
with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result.
6. It used to be believed that before 3000 B.C.E. the political and
economic life of the cities was centered on their temples, but it now seems
probable that the cities had secular rulers from earliest times.
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