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第三版问答题参考答案 第一章

1.What's your date of birth?

My date of birth is 4th of May, 1989. 2.What's your seaman's book number?

My seaman’s book number is L606052 3.Where are you from?

I am from china

4.What's your Captain's nationality?

My Captain’s nationality is china

5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?

I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation. 6.Which ports do you often call at?

We often call at Shanghai, Xiamen, and Hong Kong. 7.What is your favorite TV program?

My favorite TV program is news. 8.What is your favorite Web sit

My favorite Web site is sina

9.What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday. 10.What is your favorite kind of movie?

My favorite kind of movie is action movies.(comedies\\tragedies\\horror films \\musical film\\Rambo movies\\cartoon\\science fiction虚构 films) 11.What is your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is pop music.(classical music\\rock\\jazz) 12.What is your favorite magazine?

My favorite magazine is reader

13.What is the population of your hometown?

There are 5 thousand people in my hometown. 14.What is the population of your country?

The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 15.What is the best thing about your hometown?

The best thing about my hometown is beautiful landscape. 16.What is the worst thing about your hometown?

The worst thing about my hometown is ---environment pollution\\bad traffic situation. 17.What's your hometown like?

My hometown is a small village.

18.Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?

Yes, there are typhoon, flooding and drouth [旱灾] 19.What sports do you like to watch on TV?

I like to watch football game on TV.

20.What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?

I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?

Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line. 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?

I should prepare pilot ladder, heaving line and a life buoy.

3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?

It is about 2 knots.

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4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?

The signal flag “Golf” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot. 5.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?

She can use VHF telephone, telex etc.

6.What ship's particulars will pilot station usually ask for?

Pilot station often asks ship’s drafts fore and aft, air draft, LOA, etc. 7.What should be reported to the pilot station?

Your ship’s present position and your ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 8.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?

Pilot boarding time and place. Which side to rig pilot ladder etc. 9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?

Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, last port of call, next port of call, etc. 10.What does “foul anchor” mean?

“ Foul of anchor” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an


11.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!” how should you reply and report? I should reply “stand by both engines” and report “both engines stand by, sir” 12.Can you list three famous canals in the world?

Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel Canal.

13.When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say?

Stand by on VHF channel 16”

14.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?

I will say Mistake. Correction, then followed by the corrected part of the message.

15.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?

We should say “Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message. 16.What does “abandon vessel” mean?

“Abandon vessel” means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. 17.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for? “ETD” means “ estimated time of departure” 18.What does “dredging of an anchor” mean?

The phrase “dredging of an anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.

19. What does “underway” mean?

It means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. 20.What does “dragging of an anchor” mean ?

“Dragging of anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.

21. what is the difference between a radar beacon and a radar reflector? A radar beacon can transmit a pulse signal but a radar reflector can’t

22. how many objects do you need to get a position using horizontal sextent angles? 3 objects

23. why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate? A gyro compass needs a power supply while a magnetic compass don’t need

24. what do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?

Anchor is aweigh

25. when preparing for anchoring what must you do before release the bow stopper?

You should first release the brake of windlass,

26. would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?

No, I would not let go the anchor because the water is to deep.

27. why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?

If the ship’s speed is too fast and sea is too deep, the anchor chain may break

28.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?

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Heaving line, life buoy and outside light 29. why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?

The ship may be icebound.

30. what flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?

Flag H.


1. How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMO code? Can you list some?

There are 9 classes, such as class 1 explosive materials, class 2 flammable gases. 2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?

The cargo that is liable to combustible, such as inflammable liquids, inflammable solids, etc. 3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo.

General cargo consists of a variety of goods, which are packed separately. They are different in shape and size.

4. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo

Bulk cargo consists of a single cargo, which is usually carried in bulk, such as grain, coal, etc. 5. What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?

Canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of grain, rice, coffee. 6. What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?

Chain sling is suitable for lifting logs, iron rails. 7. What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?

Net sling is suitable for lifting small packages of cargo. Such as mails. 8. What does the abbreviation COW stand for?

COW stands for Crude Oil Washing 9. What does jettison of cargo mean?

Jettison of cargo means throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.

10. What does compatibility of goods mean?

Whether different goods can be stowed together in one hold. 11. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?

SWL stands for Safe Working Load. 12. What does shifting cargo mean?

It means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk, caused by rolling a heavy list. 13. What does union purchase mean?

It means a common method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the quay, the other over the hatchway.

14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?

To prepare enough materials for lashing, dunnaging and separation. 15. What is the loading capacity of your vessel?

The loading capacity in my vessel is 5000 tons.

16. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have?

My vessel has derricks and winches. 17. What can be used to remove spillage?

Dispersant, suction equipment, skimmers, saw dust can be used to remove spillage. 18. What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?

It shall be ensured that the air is not toxic and there is enough oxygen. 19. Please list some cargo papers.

Such as cargo list, cargo plan, cargo manifest, stowage plan. 20. What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?

I must wear breathing apparatus.


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1. Why is it important to sound fog signals?

Sounding fog signal can inform other ship the presence of you and your situation, it can reduce the risk of collision.

2. When would you sound the general alarm?

In the emergency case.

3. when should an oow notify the master immediately for emergency ship handling or complicated

navigation? Please list some

heavy traffic in the navigating area, restricted visibility and in any other situation that he is in doubt..

4. How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?

The OOW use the bearing and range of coming vessel.

5. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not

been over?

The relieving officer must defer taking over the watch until the bridge manoeuvre has been over. 6. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card?

Drafts fore and aft, air draft.

7. Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?

Fog signal, own ship’s position, course and speed, etc.

8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?

I can know it from port entry or list of radio signal.

9. What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?

Vessel’s situation and other things affected the safety of navigation. 10. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?

The officer in charge and a sailor,

11. When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?

When navigating in heavy traffic area or restricted visibility. 12. What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?

All crew have to go to their assembly station.

13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping?

To produce evidences in case of official inquires about accident

14. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?

Preventing fire and oil pollution .keep watch on appropriate VHF channel. 15. How would you conveniently, check the compass error in pilotage waters?

We can use transit bearing to check the compass error or comparing true course with compass course.

16. If the sailing vessel is overtaking a power driven vessel, who has the right of way.

The power driven vessel

17. A power driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?

The fishing trawler

18. How many meters are there in a nautical mile?

1852.25 meters

19. If you travel from panama to new York, will you latitude increase of decries?

It will increase

20. how many position lines are needed to make a position


21. can you define the very important term underway

Yes, underway means that a vessel is not at anchor or aground or made fast to the shore.

22. You observe a ship, during daytime. Exhibiting three balls on the same halyard.旗绳、升降索 What

has happened?

The ship has grounded.

23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?

International association of lighthouse authorities

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24. Is it safe to pass north of a north mark?

Yes, it is.

25. Is it safe to pass north of a south mark?

No, it isn’t.

26. Does variation change due to ship’s position?

Yes, the variation changes with the change of vessel’s position. 27. Does deviation change due to ship’s position?

No, the deviation changes with the change of vessel’s course.

28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?

The symbols and abbreviations used on admiralty charts is published on the chart 5011. 29. You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use?

No, not yet.

30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly?

Notice to mariners.

31. What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?

135 degrees.

32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?


33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation?

On the chart

34. When a ship picks up speed, will draft increase or decrease?


35. A ship ahead of has hoisted the signal flag “O”, what has happened?

The ship ahead has man overboard


1. What is your purpose to prepare the confirmation of collision occurrence to the captain of the other


For the signature of the Captain of the vessel to acknowledge his responsibility for the collion. 2. What should be usually attached to the report on the collision accident?

logbook, survey report, oil record book.

3. When should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?

Within 24 hours after the ship’s arrival at port

4. Generally speaking, which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored

and a vessel underway? The vessel under way.

5. What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?

At least 5-short blasts on ship’s whistle.

6. What actions will you take after a collision with another vessel?

Report to the authorities concerned ; make contact with the vessel and inquire all the necessary information, etc.

7. As a chief officer, what is your responsibility in damage control operation?

I should take command of the operation. 8. What does SOPEP MEAN?

“SOPEP” stand for “shipboard oil pollution emergency plan” 9. Who shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?

The nearest coastal state, the flag state, ship’s owner,

10. What is the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?

The first step is to ascertain the extent of damage with the foreman.

11. What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?

We should carry out a stowaway search carefully. We shall search void spaces, chain lockers and other places.

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18. When was your ship registered in CCS? On Feb 1 2000

19. When was last survey carried out? On Feb 1 2000

20. Where should the Muster lists be exhibited on board?

The Muster lists should be posted in conspicuous place in crew’s quarter such as corridor, mess room 21. What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involve? Good sanitization.

22. What are the duties of the galley crew and others in the stores department? Their duties are to supply food and drinks to crew

23. What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space?

The heating system shall be capable of maintaining the temperature and be placed and shielded to avoid risk of fire. 24. What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of the crew?

The minimal standards shall be such as to permit a person with a normal vision to read on a clear day an ordinary newspaper in any part of the space available for free movement. 25. What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation? Bad weather.

26. What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on? Proper maintenance.

27. What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes? Cargo shifting. It will affect ship’s stability.

28. What relevant provisions should the responsible crew members be familiar with? Provisions about safety.

29. What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing? The description of oil 油的类型.

30. What is your ship’s name in your language? My ship's name is DA YU SHAN.

31. What is your maximum permitted draft? My maximum draft is 12 M. 32. Who is your ship owner? My ship owner is COSCO.

33. What working language do you use? The working language we use is English.


1. What does SSO stand for?

It is stand for Ship security officer. 2. What does SSP stand for?

It is stand for Ship Security Plan. 3. What does DOC stand for?

It is stand for Document of compliance. 4. What does SSAS stand for?

It is stand for Ship Security Alert System. 5. What does CSO stand for?

It is stand for Company Security officer 6. What does ISSC stand for?

It is stand for International Ship Security Certificate. 7. What does CSR stand for?

It is stand for Continuous Synopsis Record. 8. Can you list some restricted areas onboard?

Yes, the bridge, the engine room, the steering gear room. 9. Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer?

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Yes, I can. The SSO must conduct regular security inspections and responsible for the ship security training and drills on board, connect with the CSO and the PFSO.

10. Can you list some main ship security equipments? Yes, AIS, SSAS. High pressure water gun, etc.

11. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 1 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take minimum protective security measures at all time.

12. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 2 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take additional protective security measures according to the SSP.

13. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 3 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take further specific protective security measures according to the SSP. 14. Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit? Yes, the ship’s name call sign, course and destination, etc. 15. How do you control the unauthorized boarding at gangway?

Post gangway watch and inquire anybody who want come on board, and refuse any unauthorized man boarding. 16. What procedures or control do you use to ensure security onboard before departure? Carry out security inspection and control the unauthorized boarding. 17. What are the typical problems identified in security drill?

To control the access to the ship, to counteract pirates or armed attacks, to search for dangerous stuffs, stowaways and treatment.

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