
更新时间:2023-12-03 19:51:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



When the issue of(n.)如:plastic surgery/whether to providestrangers with favors readily or not/over-cutting down forestsarouses wide concernfrom the public,can we still stand there,hesitating for what occurs? As we can see fromthe depiction, Sweet and graceful, a

pretty American girl with an angel-like smile, is heading towards us in a traditional Chinese Miao costume, dancing with swinging locks.Actually, it is a Morning Call tosend us a message that the topic

concerning (n.)has been in the spotlight that attracts attentionfrom every corner of society.

But my own worry today is less that ofthe overwhelming[?o?v?r?welm??]problem of (n.1) than itis of the slightly more luxurious agony[??ɡ?ni] ofthe decline in (n.2) even of the educatedyouths.特别说明:(n.1)(n.2)两个对立概念,不是(n.1 electronic trashes/ elemental literacy)

而是(n.2elemental lifestyle/ reading skill)如:科技对生活的影响。再如:人们不读书了

Several factors could weigh heavily for (n.如 an appallingslump in (n.)主题词),yet, suspended at the top of the list are thefollowing two aspects. To begin with, Some attribute[??tr?bjut]it tocomplainers themselves who heavilydamn[d?m] the universal indifference prevailing inour daily life and then, paradoxically[?p?r?'d?ks?kl?], choose tostand out of the situation whenever it occurs. Oneof the most typical examples blowing mymind now is … , who/which… . Furthermore,externally[?k'st?:n?l?], … It goes with no exaggeration[?ɡ?z?d???re??n](denying)tosay thatthiskind of saying one thing but doing the oppositeplays a critical role in…(n).

Fortunately, that is not the Day of Judgment.It is,undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to end up theseinappropriate[??n??pro?pri?t] behaviors(abnormal phenomenons),such aslaying down theeffective regulations to (v.) sth., shaping a moderate(n如life/fortune/ consuming / world /friendship / success-attaining.) outlook and guaranteeing more rational (n./a.)manners.






When the importance of (n.如:blended diverse cultures/culturalmixture/being alleged to your heart/credit/braveness) gains an overridingfocus from the public, can we still stand theredetachedly for what kind of dedications we shall make?As we can see from the depiction, … . Actually, it is amorning call to send us a message that the topicconcerning (n.) has been in the spotlight that attracts attentionfrom every corner of society.suspended[s?'spend?d]暂停的,缓期的(宣判),悬浮的

Several factors could weigh heavily for (n.)主题,yet, suspended at the top of the

list are thefollowing two aspects. To begin with, … . Oneof the most startling examples blowing mymind now is … , who/which… . Furthermore,externally, … It goes with no exaggeration(denying)tosay that … .externally[?k?st?:nl:?] adv在(或从)外部,在(或从)外


Taking into account all aspectsmentioned above,we may firmly arrive at a conclusion thatIt is,undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to formulate sustainable and positivestep-up of..., such as laying down theeffective regulations to (v.) sth., shaping a moderate(n如life/fortune/ consuming / world /friendship / success-attaining..) outlook and guaranteeing more rational (n./a.)manners.





It is hardly difficult for us to figure out inthe left half of the picture (in the top half of thepicture) given above that … However, in the rightone (in the under one), … . Actually, these vivid caricaturesaremorning calls to send us a message that the topicconcerning (n.) has been in the spotlight that attracts attentionfrom every corner of society.

I intend to make some further analyses asfollows. Firstly, some people place a high value on itsmerits brought by (doing sth如on-line shopping). owing to its(n.如convenienceand diverse options.). Yet, there are still some others who make alot of complaints about the negative ofpromoting purchasing on line due to the fact that consumersmay encounter a lot of deceptions in virtual stores.due to the fact that … .

Personally, I think both visions go to their extremes andwe need to make some moderate analyses(I think the latter / theformer holds water.). It is estimated by a recentsurvey I met with great coincidence inReaders’ Digest three months ago that %

more or less of investigated feel (a.) in the face of .

Taking into account all aspectsmentioned above,we may firmly arrive at a conclusion thatIt is,undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to formulate sustainable and positive step-up of..., such as laying down theeffective regulations to (v.) sth., shaping a moderate(n如life/fortune/ consuming / world /friendship / success-attaining..) outlook and guaranteeing more rational (n./a.)manners.





