物理融合系统:负荷建模与设计优化 - 图文

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Cyber physical Systems Workload Modeling and

Design Optimization 物理融合系统:负荷建模与设计优化



Paul Bogdan and Radu Marculescu Carnegie Mellon University

Built to interact with the physical world, a cyber physical system (CPS) must be efficient, reliable, and safe. To optimize such systems, a science of CPS design considering workload characteristics (e.g., self-similarity and nonstationarity) must be established. CPS modeling and design are greatly improved when statistical physics approaches—such as master equations, renormalization group theory, and fractional derivatives—are implemented in the optimization loop


WE LIVE IN a world in which computation, communication, and control are continuously and increasingly interwoven to produce functionally rich and energy-efficient cyber physical systems. We understand a cyber physical system (CPS) to mean a network of embedded computational devices and an associated set of wired or wireless networks that can monitor and control various physical processes that occur in the environment (e.g., a power grid, transportation and communication network, or network of medical devices). Although the focus of the embedded systems community is on building computational models for specific embedded applications, in the CPS area the goal is not only to establish a reliable communication infrastructure between

such computational elements, but also to include time- and feedback-based control as intrinsic components of the programming model.








computational paradigm so that more-direct interaction between the system and physical world becomes possible. For instance, vehicular networks describing the cars’movement in a city or the swarms of bacteria used for diagnostic or drug delivery purposes are CPS examples that are distinct from classical networked embedded systems.


A CPS must meet requirements for performance and low-power operation, as well as be safe, reliable ,and secure. Clearly, such complex requirements call not only for a new science of networks, but also for a multidisciplinary approach toward CPS design that brings together concepts and techniques from real-time computing and signal processing, as well as distributed, self-organizing control of heterogeneous sensor networks and embedded systems. Indeed, such a new science cannot rely on classical approaches for workload modeling and linear control paradigms.


A CPS workload is the amount of measured and/or processed data per unit of time that is communicated between various CPS nodes and which affects not only various local parameters (e.g., buffer utilization) but also macroscopic metrics (e.g., CPS throughput). For instance, we cannot decide the size and topology of a particular wireless sensor network without considering the spatiotemporal characteristics of the communication workload that must be communicated reliably to data centers for further analysis and decision purposes. What’s more, we cannot arbitrarily decide the size of the communication buffers between the sensors in a network or data center because the loss or delay of critical information can have catastrophic effects on air, road, or railroad traffic. Similarly, we cannot ignore the characteristics of the workload generated by a series of bio-implantable devices, because this can have a crucial impact on a patient’s life.










characterization should be one of the main drivers in CPS design and optimization. Consequently, in this article we propose a new framework for workload characterization based on statistical physics and then discuss how this new vision can improve the design of future cyber physical systems.


Figure 1. R-R intervals, collected via electrocardiogram recording of data from a healthy subject, exhibit self-similarity (a). Mean, variance, and kurtosis plots of the R-R intervals (as a function of the beat number) for a healthy individual exhibit nonstationary behavior, which deviates from Gaussian statistics (b). Power spectral density of the R-R intervals exhibits a 1/f(β=1.445) behavior confirming the self-similarity assumption (c).(The R-R interval data sets were obtained from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering website; http://www.physionet. org.)

Main characteristics of physical processes 物理过程的主要特性

All the CPS components that measure physical parameters—temperature, humidity, speed, heart rate, and so on—can be described by a set of concurrent processes that interact and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Such physical processes typically induce a dynamic









(environmental) stimuli. For instance, the earth’s weather, or a crowd’s behavior (which is directly relevant to vehicular traffic modeling, rarely operate at equilibrium. Even when the earth’s weather or a crowd’s behavior reaches a steady state, this occurrence typically happens only for short intervals of time.



Despite their complex behavior, physical processes can be characterized by self-similarity and nonstationarity. For instance, in Figure 1a we plot the R-R intervals—that is, the time duration between two R waves in an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal—as a function of the number of heartbeats for a healthy individual. An ECG signal represents the electrical activity of the heart over time and consists of four elements: P wave (atrial depolarization), QRS complex (ventricles’depolarization),







wave(interventricular septum repolarization).Because the ventricles contain more muscles than atria, the spike corresponding to an R wave (heartbeat) in the QRS complex appears more visible than other waves. The difference between two consecutive R waves is called the R-R interval and provides information about heart rate variability. By zooming in across several time scales with respect to the initial time series, we can see that the spiky dynamics observed in different intervals and subintervals display some sort of similar statistical irregularity; this represents a self-similar behavior (Figure 1c).


The spiky behavior evidenced in Figure 1 has important implications

from both a practical and a theoretical perspective. For example, from a physician’s perspective, the absence or tendency of losing the self-similarity signifies a high likelihood of congestive heart failure. On the other hand, from a mathematical standpoint, the fractal pattern exhibited in Figure 1a is not differentiable when considered as a time function describing a physical process; this means that the integer order derivatives should be replaced by derivatives of fractional orders when analyzing the system behavior.


Figure 1b shows the time dependency of the mean, variance, and kurtosis of the R-R intervals in Figure 1a. By way of context, the kurtosis (i.e., the ratio between the fourth-order moment and the standard deviation of a probability distribution) captures the frequency of rare events. The existence of a nonstationary behavior can be observed from the moving average graphs of the mean and variance of R-R intervals in Figure 1b.This implies that, at every point in time, the physical process can be characterized by some local fractal exponent. In addition to the intrinsic nonstationarity of data, a nonzero kurtosis proves that a Gaussian approach does not fit the data well, and thus a higher-order moment analysis is needed to properly characterize this type of behavior.


Figure 2. Cumulative concentration per cubic centimeter of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) collected during flights also exhibits a self-similar signature. (Data sets shown here courtesy of National Center for Atmospheric Research, which allowed access to the Ice in Clouds Experiment; http ://data.eol.ucar.edu/codiac/projs?ICE-L.)

Many other physical processes also exhibit a similar behavior over long periods of time. For instance, Figure 2 shows another example of a self-similar process: it displays the cumulative concentration of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) collected via a CCN spectrometer. From a practical standpoint, the CCN measurements are used to assess the impact of industrial pollution on climate change. Indeed,atmospheric

measurements show that a higher concentration of CCN determine that clouds reflect more solar radiation and therefore contribute to more abnormal temperature fluctuations on the earth’s surface. Beyond the intrinsic variability originating in the spatial location of the ice droplets within the cloud, however, the data in Figure 2 shows that there is also self-similarity in the time domain.


Although these geophysical processes, as well as many others such as daily average wind speeds, display self-similar behavior, their societal impact is quite different when we consider various time scales. More precisely, while the study of climate change and the impact of the human footprint on Earth’s atmosphere has a larger time scale (years or decades), the daily average wind speeds have an immediate impact with a time scale of days and possibly minutes. Indeed, the information about wind speeds, precipitation formation, and cloud movement has an immediate and enormous economic impact on air, road, and rail traffic. Despite these differences in characteristics, a CPS must be able to collect and communicate all this data to make various predictions.


Figure 3. Power spectrum of short-range communication in a local area network (LAN) established via wireless links between moving vehicles (a). Multifractal spectrum of the transaction events (i.e., sent and received packets) in a LAN in which connectivity is established via wireless links and access points in an urban environment (b).

Modeling CPS workloads CPS工作负荷的建模

From the previous discussion, we can see that the physical processes relevant to a CPS might exhibit a systematic relationship at different scales in space and time. This intrinsic property can also be thought of as one of the main causes for observing self-similarity in CPS workloads. A powerful approach for investigating the existence of self-similarity is to move the investigation from the time domain to the frequency domain and analyze the power spectrum of CPS workloads.


From a mathematical point of view, the power spectrum

characterizes the contribution of each frequency to the overall signal. If the power spectrum of a CPS workload follows a flat horizontal line on a logarithmic scale, then it means that its associated stochastic process does not display any correlations because each frequency plays an equally important role. The lack of correlation would be similar to having a white-noise type of behavior that appears as a flat line when represented on a log-log scale.


In contrast, if the power spectrum diverges for high frequencies, then the CPS workload is said to display long-term memory effects. In this case, the CPS workload exhibits a 1/fβ type of scaling, where f and β are the frequency and power law coefficient respectively. In fact, the existence of 1/fβ scaling is also referred to as the lack of any characteristic scale because the workload appears to behave similarly across all frequency scales. For example, Figure 3a shows the power spectrum of the communication throughput in a heterogeneous network with a frequency exponent of approximately 1.8; this type of behavior confirms the existence of self-similarity in these workloads.


From a statistical physics perspective, the existence of 1/fβ type of fluctuations indicates that the CPS workloads are actually a mix of long packets containing data and control information and short packets consisting of control flags. This is similar to many other critical

phenomena in nature and implies that CPS workloads cannot be described accurately using average values based on characteristic space-time scales.


CPS workloads can also exhibit nonstationary behavior. Indeed, CPS workloads more often exhibit a heterogeneous set of scaling exponents, rather than a homogeneous or monofractal set. Such a nonstationary physical process can be understood by recalling the time dependency of the fluctuations in the R-R intervals (see Figure 1). The existence of various heterogeneous scaling exponents indicates that some CPS workloads may exhibit multifractal properties.


Simply speaking, the multifractal approach extends the concept of self-similarity to a distribution (instead of a single value) of space-time scaling exponents. Such a multifractal perspective is equivalent to stating that the multifractal spectrum encompasses the most significant short-range interactions among CPS components, which determine the overall macroscopic behavior and scaling phenomena and which are reflected in the CPS workload via certain weights and scaling exponents. For instance, Figure 3b shows the multifractal spectrum of four communication traces collected from a local area network (LAN) established between several vehicles communicating via wireless links.(For detailed information about the measurement instrumentation, refer to Mahajan et al.)We can see that although trace 1 exhibits a monofractal behavior (i.e., a narrow spike), the remaining three traces exhibit a multifractal behavior (a wide

bell-like shape).


Figure 4. Cyber physical systems’ operation from physical processes to workloads (a).In (a), the processes might involve volcanic activity monitoring, precipitation formation, or traffic conditions, for example, each of which then undergoes data measurements compression and communication to data centers for further analysis. The feedback

control that enforces maintaining the quality-of-service (QoS) reference via statistical physics approaches (b). In (b), distributed controllers can dynamically estimate the workload and, based on specific QoS metrics (e.g., latency), decide on prioritizing data transmission or allocating more efficiently the communication bandwidth.

Statistical physics approaches to CPS workload modeling 运用统计物理学方法进行CPS负载建模

A natural question to ask is, How can space-time self-similarity that propagates through a networked infrastructure be captured into a mathematical description of workloads (or communication flows)?For decades, the science of systems design tacitly assumed that workloads can be modeled by linear time-invariant equations. However, due to the multifractal behavior of CPS workloads, we argue that this situation has to change. Moreover, the major developments in statistical physics (e.g., master equation, path integrals, or renormalization group theory) developed specifically for processes characterized by strong fluctuations, pseudo-periodicity, and long-range memory, for instance, should become essential tools for future CPS design. We argue, also, that it is not only necessary to estimate the correlation structure observed in CPS traffic traces, but also to incorporate such characteristics into system-dynamical state equations.


To discuss the mathematical underpinnings of CPS workload modeling, we first define some parameters. As Figure 4a shows, various

types of sensors monitor diverse physical processes—for example, volcanic activity, heart rate, or CCN concentration—and communicate their measurements to specialized data centers for further analysis. For instance, a bio-implantable SoC can monitor the heart rate by constructing a time series based on its electrical activity as Figure 1 shows. The collected data can be digitized for local actuation (such as in the case of pacemakers), but, if required, it can also be packetized and communicated for further analysis to various data decision centers generating the CPS workload (see Figure 4a).Similarly, airplanes in flight can sense the movement of clouds or collect pollution measures (e.g., CO2 or CCN concentration) and communicate it to data centers for weather prediction and climate change analysis.


The CPS workloads typically consist of many types of data (e.g., volcanic activity or traffic conditions) transmitted over the same network. Let us denote by a(t) the stochastic process characterizing the CPS workloads (e.g., communication volume or packet delays).Because of the inherent fractal nature of many physical processes, the CPS workload can also exhibit a complex self-similar behavior. To capture this complex behavior, we define by g (y, t) a distribution function of the scaling exponents y that characterizes the CPS workload a(t).



On the basis of these definitions, we can define a master equation governing the evolution of the stochastic process a(t) as follows:


In this equation, P(a, t) denotes the probability of finding the system at time t in a particular state a. For instance, the atmospheric measurements done during commercial flights can be aggregated with road traffic information from cars into various heterogeneous workloads and transmitted via satellite or intermediate nodes to data centers. In this case, the stochastic process a(t) represents the amount of information communicated at a particular time.


To capture the fractal features of the stochastic process a(t), the first term in Equation 1 represents the time-based dynamics of the CPS workload as a power law function rather than an exponential one. The second term is meant to describe how the power law exponent evolves as a function of the intrinsic interactions among the CPS components. More precisely, it relates the probability of the stochastic process to attain value a at time t as a weighted sum (i.e., via the g(y, t) distribution) of the previous realizations (i.e., the scaling term a/y).The reason behind introducing the g(y, t)distribution is that, in many practical situations, the fractality of the stochastic process a(t), if it exists, will be affected by a series of factors (e.g., video packets of variable length because of variations in the input stream).



To better understand the advantages such a formalism brings from a modeling perspective, we can multiply with ak both terms in Equation 1 and integrate over the space of all magnitudes of a ,and obtain, under various constraints on the scaling distribution g(y,t), a dynamic equation for the higher-order moments Mk(t) of a(t):


The nonlinear relationship of the exponent t(k): 指数t(k)的非线性关系是:

in the expression of the higher-order moments Mk(t)in Equation (2) represents a multifractal signature (i.e., a bell-like distribution of fractal dimensions as shown in Figure 3b).Simply speaking, it implies that the distribution of a ( t ) consists of a superposition of some power law functions. From a practical standpoint, this behavior requires new control strategies based on nonlinear state equations.


A different modeling approach to Equation 1 is to capture the fractal characteristics of CPS workloads via fractional derivatives. Generally speaking, the fractional derivative5,10 of a probability

distribution P(a, t) consists of a convolution between the distribution P(a,t)of a certain metric(e.g., communication volume) and a memory kernel(e.g., power laws for capturing memory effects) characterizing the CPS workload.


From a practical standpoint, we can capture the monofractal behavior exhibited in Figure 3a by using a single space/time fractional derivative which relies on a memory kernel with a single power law exponent. By way of contrast, a dynamical equation for P(a, t)capturing its multifractal behavior (see Figure 3b) requires a weighted sum of fractal (fractional) derivatives.


Figure 5. From real-world data to models: By analyzing the higher-order moments of process a(t), both in time and frequency, we can decide whether a linear or nonlinear model is more appropriate. Moreover, if the distribution of interevent times is exponential, then classical linear systems theory is applicable (a). Instead, if the interevent times follow a power law, then a fractional differential equation may be used (b). For nonzero higher-order moments and multifractal behavior, Equation 1 may prove an adequate model (c).

To better emphasize the distinction between previous approaches and a statistical physics-inspired approach to CPS workload characterization, we present in Figure 5 a simple methodology for determining which model is suitable, given the statistical nature of network traffic. To simplify the analysis, the basic question to ask is whether the generic stochastic process a(t) in Figure 5 can be modeled accurately via a time-linear relationship.


Traditional tools for detecting the linearity of any process a(t) are based on investigating the higher-order statistics of the stochastic process a(t) both in time (e.g., third-order moment) and frequency (e.g., bispectrum or bicoherence) domains. For instance,we can consider the investigation of bicoherence b(f1,f2):


which is proportional with the bispectrum B(f1, f2): 其中的比例项双频谱B(f1,f2)的表达式是:

That is, the bicoherence b (f1,f2) is proportional with the two-point Fourier

transform of



moment and inversely

proportional with the power spectrum S (f1). As Figure 5 shows, computing bicoherence (Equation 4) needs


(1)the third-order moment M 3( t1, t2) (i.e., the joint correlation of three shifted versions of the CPS workload a ( t ), a ( t+t1), and a ( t+t2) for two time lags, say t1=40 and t2=90),

(2)the 2D Fourier of M3(t1,t2) obtaining the bispectrum B(f1,f2) (Equation 5), and

(3)normalizing the bispectrum B ( f1, f2) with respect to the power spectrum—that is,

(1)三阶矩阵M3(t1,t2)(即,CPS负载a ( t ), a ( t+t1), a ( t+t2)的三个转变版本的联合相关,其中t1,t2代表时间间隔,可以假设为t1=40 and t2=90。

(2)M3(t1,t2)的二维傅里叶值包括双频谱B(f1,f2)(方程5),和 (3)使关于功率谱的双频谱正规化,功率谱的表达式是,

If the bicoherence remains constant for any two frequencies f1 and f2 , then a linear relationship can be assumed as a good approximation model for process a( t). Otherwise, the stochastic process a (t ) is said to exhibit a nonlinear behavior.


If, in addition to linearity, the distribution of inter-event times (i.e., the time between two consecutive changes in the magnitude of a(t)) is exponential, then the stochastic process can be described by a classical master equation and the linear time-invariant (LTI) system theory can be applied to study the system at hand. In contrast, if the distribution of inter-event times follows a power law, then the stochastic process a(t)is said to possess a fractal behavior that can be modeled via a fractional master equation with a single fractal exponent (i.e., the classical integer first-order time derivative becomes a fractional derivative of order 0


Implication of the new formalism in CPS design 在CPS设计中新形式体系的含义

At this stage, a natural issue to address is: What are the main implications








control-theoretic perspective? For instance, with regard to Figure 4b, similar to any control-oriented optimization procedure, we need to focus on estimating the error e(t) between the actual state a(t) of the CPS and a QoS reference r(t) (e.g., minimum throughput, deadline, signal-to-noise







characteristics exhibited by a ( t ), the error signal e ( t ) appears as a stochastic process with rich statistical properties:


However, unlike classical control which seeks to minimize the error and optimize the average values of some parameters in the system, when dealing with monofractal and multifractal stochastic processes, the problem of optimal control becomes equivalent to minimizing the intrinsic variability exhibited by higher-order moments of the error. For instance, one possible approach for designing robust flow control strategies for multifractal traffic may be based on minimizing the fourth-order moment (i.e., the likelihood of rare events) associated with the error process e(t) in Equation 6 between the actual node-to-node delay a ( t ) and the desired reference r(t). In this setup, a dynamical equation such as Equation 1 lets us define both the cost and constraint functions of the optimization problem, and it could help overcome the difficulties of classical control such as the problem of identifying the best weighting factors in the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) approach.



Although the optimal control problem for a CPS can appear in many other forms, the statistical properties of the workload have deep implications in resource allocation, topology and architectural design, real-time scheduling, routing protocols, and security. Indeed, many resource allocation strategies try to optimize various network performance metrics(e.g., buffer occupancy, bandwidth/flow capacity, packet delay, packet loss, and availability of congestion events) via Markovian approaches that typically assume exponentially distributed arrival process, general service time distribution, and unlimited buffering capacity; this kind of approach does not work in the context of self-similar and multifractal behavior. In these cases, the master equations with memory kernels (see Equation 1) can help us estimate not only network performance metrics (e.g., availability of certain network paths for fast packet delivery), but they can also help us investigate the effects of changing behavior in network traffic patterns, network parameters, user activities, and application constraints.


For instance, starting from the characteristics of the stochastic process a(t) encapsulated via the g(y,t) distribution function, Equation 1 can also be used to describe the deviations from the reference signal r(t). Consequently, we can investigate the impact of various user activities by perturbing the g(y,t) distribution (e.g., increasing its

variance) and computing the probability of extreme events (e.g., buffer overflow probability or deadline miss probability). Finally, Equation 1 can serve as a tool of computing various nonstationary higher-order moments (e.g., kurtosis), which have a strong impact on the convergence and stability of control strategies. Consequently, we can infer that, from an optimization perspective, CPS design and control need to shift from linear state-based equations to master equations with memory kernels that can better estimate the desired utility functions and describe the resulting features of certain interactions among the system components.


From a real-time scheduling perspective, we argue that the performance profiles (e.g., utilization, miss ratio, transient response time, steady-state errors, and sensitivity) and load profiles (e.g., step and ramp loads) defined by Lu et al.12should be regarded as stochastic processes with the focus changed from steady-state average metrics to scaling laws and transient analysis of higher-order moments of the target QoS metrics.


We believe that adopting a statistical physics approach for describing the interactions among the CPS components could also allow the design of decentralized information management centers and

distributed routing algorithms that can improve over-all CPS navigability.For instance, on the basis of historical information—such as communication load and traffic patterns—incorporated in a latency-based master Equation 1, a local decision center can decide a new coding scheme and a new routing path for a specific time interval. If the accuracy of the recorded data is crucial (e.g., monitoring human heart-rate fluctuations), then better compression is necessary in data transmission. Instead, if the collected data does not represent crucial information and fluctuations occur rarely (e.g., environmental temperature), then a simpler compression using fewer bits can be used.


Possibly even more pressing from an environmental perspective (rather than a theoretical one) is the problem of energy minimization in the context of designing, sizing, allocating, and managing the computational power of data centers as a function of the incoming workload, characteristics of the power generation, power distribution over the grid, and the dynamical energy demand profile. By adopting a statistical physics characterization of the incoming workload, of the power availability and energy demand profile, we can design better dynamical control schemes for CPS infrastructure. These control schemes would not only allow for better energy savings, but could also contribute to a higher degree of CPS reliability and dependability.



FROM WATER CYCLES in nature to communication in networks, extending even to blood circulation in the heart, many natural processes display complex regulatory and self-organization schemes that reduce to nonlinear stochastic optimization problems. Accurate characterization of CPS workloads through master equations with memory kernels not only can encompass their complex statistical features into nonlinear stochastic optimal control problems, but can also open new pathways for online design and optimization algorithms.


Acknowledgments 鸣谢

We thank Bruce Krogh of Carnegie Mellon University for insightful comments on the topic of control of cyber physical systems. The work of P.Bogdan was supported by a graduate fellowship from the Rober to Rocca Education Program.

我们非常感谢卡内基梅陇大学的克罗.布鲁斯教授关于物理融合系统控制话题的富有深度的见解。P.Bogdan的工作得力于Rober to Rocca教育项目毕业奖学金的支持。


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