Lesson 1 a puma at large

更新时间:2023-08-20 04:29:01 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载



Lesson 1

a puma at large


单词理解Spot : v catch sight of、pick out 、see、recognizeA tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. The TV program is hoping someone will spot the accused killer.

他有敏锐的识别错误的眼睛。 he has good eyes for spotting mistakes.


同义词辨析: Spot: see,看出识别 Find:强调发现结果 Find out:查出事实真相 Discover:作出重大发现 Notice:注意到 Observe:观察 Watch:观看比赛或者活动中画面


Spot: nThere is a spot on his shirt.Her face is covered with lots of spots. Her face is full of lots of freckles.


on the spot :immediately、at once; 在现场。

Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.

Because of her beauty, I spotted her on the spotWherever he is needed , he is on the spot.



乾坤大挪译 那些在抗震中受伤的士兵被立刻送往医 院。在医院救治过程中,所有的主治医 生都在在现场。 The soldiers wounded in the anti-earthquake struggle were sent to the hospital on the spot, and during the operation, all the chief doctors of the hospital were on the spot.


Evidence:n proof Evident Evidently

As the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. 当警察赶到时,他已经把证据给销毁 When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence.


Be in evidence 显而易见的 A crying baby is much in evidence. 他在晚会上很显眼 He was in evidence at the party. 他的所作所为让他在社团中很突出。 What he has done makes him be in evidence in association.


Accumulate : v get or gather together collect or gather By working hard you may accumulate a fortune. 这份工作给了他积累了宝贵的经验的机会。 The job gives him a chance to accumulate precious experience.

中国政府积累了很多应对突发事件的经验。 Chinese government has already accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with emergency.


近义词辨析:accumulate、collect、gather、assemble Accumulate:积累、积淀、注重积累过程 Collect:收集、采集 Gather:召集、集合 Assemble:集合、集中(与gather意思相近)

Jay Chou has collected many old cars. The teacher gathered his students in the classroom. The students often gather in this bar. The students assembled in the classroom.


Oblige:vt make somebody feel it is necessary to do something feel obliged to do sth. 感到有必要做某事。 The experts felt obliged to investigate the event. She felt obliged to break up with him. 马英九觉得必须同大陆改善关系。 Mr. Ma Ying Jiu feels obliged to improve the relationship with the mainland.


②Be obliged to do sth 被强迫做某事 Many young men in Tai Wan were obliged to join the Japanese army during the second world war. He was obliged to sell his car to pay his debts. 很多的科学家因为战争的缘故被迫放弃了他们的研究。 Many scientists were oblige

d to give up their researches because of the war.


他被迫放弃了他的职位。 he was obliged to give up his position.政府官员被迫同反政府的恐怖分子进行谈判。 Government officials were obliged to negotiate with the terrorists who were against the central government.


Hunt:v 猎捕、打猎、搜寻 n 搜寻、狩猎 Hunter 猎人、猎犬 The hunter tried his best to hunt the puma.同意词辨析:hunt、run after、seek、pursue Run after:追赶、追求; seek/pursue:追寻,追寻理想、梦想、真理 I have done what I can to run after the pretty girl. what are you running after in your life? In seeking her dreams , she does not sacrifice her personality. .


只要有追寻的勇气,一切梦想皆可成真。 All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 每个人都有权利追求自己的生活方式。 everyone has right to seek their own living methods.


Corner: n 角落At the corner of the street In the corner of the house On the corner of the desk. 转角遇到爱,相信奇迹的出现。 Coming across my lover at the corner of the street, I believe in what's called miracle.


Corner : v

force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escapeThe thief was cornered by the police at last. The question cornered me.

一些高度污染工厂使环境保护陷入窘境。 Environment protection is cornered by some factories producing heavy pollutions.


Trail : n a track or mark left by something that has passed go after with the intent to catch A trail of dead deer A trail of bloodThey made a trail of protests against the decision The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding. 我们跟踪那个小偷来到了他藏赃物的地方。 We trailed the thief to the place where he hid the Stolen goods.


cling:v come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation to remain emotionally or intellectually attached clung, clung Cling to sth 坚持 she is always clinging to her boyfriend. Yu Min Hong always clings to the hope that he will succeed.


近义词:cling 、 stick Stick 粘住 stick the envelop 粘住信封 stick to 坚持 stick to his promise. Please stick to one-China position. 不管你说什么,我任然坚持我的观点。 Whatever you will say, I still stick to my point.


Convince :vt make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth of something Convince sb. of sth使某人相信某事 Please convince him of this. He has to convince me of his ability to do this job.

这名罪犯竭尽全力让法官相信他的清白。 The criminal tried his best to convince the judge of his innocence.

