Lecture 3-DictionII Handout
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Lecture 3 Diction in Translation (II)
——Contextual Parameters and Manipulative Visions
Contextual Parameters
Contextual Parameters (参数因子)——是指语篇中潜在地存在着的对特定翻译操作单位意义生成过程产生制约的言内语言单位或言外语境因素。 主题参数因子 (Text-theme-bound Parameter) 段旨参数因子 (passage-theme-bound P) 行为参数因子 (Action P) 时间参数因子 (Time P) 空间参数因子 ( Space P)
事件参数因子 (Event P)
属种关系参数因子 (Class-kind R. P) 事物特征参数因子 (Feature P)
交际意图参数 (Communicative Int. P) 对比(照) 性参数因子 ( Contrasitve P) 决定性参数因子 ( Decisive P) 辅助性参数因子 (Auxiliary P) 显性参数因子 (Overt P) 隐性参数因子 (Covert P)
参数关系映射 (Profection of P )
Manipulative Visions
Manipulative Visions(操作视阈):翻译活动是一种操作性活动,所谓操作是指语篇中语词概念语义生成往往受制于某些潜在地存在着的制约参数因子,故译者不能机械地局限于操作单位概念自身固有的语义内容,而应将视阈延伸到该语篇中种种关联性参数因子,在操作单位与种种参数因子之间建立起一个交错纵横的“视阈关系网络”。所谓视阈延伸是指译者的目光或认知思维指向某个(些)潜在的关系映射性参数而形成的“认知域”(cognitive visions)。 Manipulative Visions 零度视域(zero vision)
多度视域 (multidimensional visions) 言内视域 (internal visions) 言外视域 (external visions) 视阈网络 (vision network)
Case Study
1.Chinese models present creations for HOSA China Lingerie Fashion Trend Collection 2006-2007 at the 14th China International Fashion Week in Beijing April 1, 2006. [Reuters] (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-04/03/content_558329_9.htm)
2. As to my younger daughters, I could not take upon her to say—I could not positively
answer—but I did not know of any prepossession; my elder daughter, I must just mention—I felt it incumbent on her to hint—was likely to be soon engaged. (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austin, p.69)
3. When it comes to April Fool's Day, Europe's media are having the last laugh. Britain's Daily Mail reported that British Prime Minister Tony Blair repainted the traditionally black front door of his Downing Street office \about a new song-activated credit card security system called \
Neither is true of course, but two centuries after the tradition began, media outlets still try to dupe the gullible in an unofficial yearly competition.
( http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/2006-04/07/content_562304.htm)
The price of oil has been decontrolled and the strategic petroleum reserve is finally being filled. Industry is using energy much more efficiently and the gas guzzler is an endangered species. But the price of natural gas is still artificially low, consumers still have no reliable source of help for reducing energy use in their homes, mass transit compared with that of other advanced nations is terrible, and the lack of a substantial gasoline tax keep that unchanged.
Nevertheless, the Bush administration argues that higher energy prices have led to energy conservation and that there is therefore no reason for further federal support of research and other conservation programs. But the real issue of how much and what would be economically beneficial is not happening, and will not happen, under current policies. “Do most types of energy use-technologies for supply and distribution, consumer information, manufacturing processes reflect the reality of expensive energy or the history of cheap energy”? The answer varies by sector. Large businesses with access to expertise and capital have adjusted well. Most other sectors have not. In residential and commercial buildings, which consume a quarter of all the energy used in America, only a tiny fraction of the economically desirable savings is being captured.
In short, a good beginning has been made, but it is only a beginning. To abandon conservation programs and dismantle research efforts now is to save small amounts of federal dollars at a very large longer-range cost to the economy.
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