六年级下英语期中试题-轻松夺冠2014 - EEC(无答案)-文档资料

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Class Name Mark 听力部分(30)

一、 听录音,判断正误。(8分)ww w.xkb1 .c om 1. make a band ( ) 2. good swimmer( ) 3. too old ( ) 4. perfect timing ( ) 5. talent show ( ) 6. phone number( ) 7. turn down ( ) 8. proud of ( ) 二、 听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的答语。(10分) ( )1. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don’t. ( )2.A. It is Monday. B. It was Sunday. C. Today is Monday. ( )3.A. Three. B. At three o’clock. C. Many. ( )4.A.345-9067 B. 1325 Maple Avence . C. Linda. ( )5. A. We have rice and fish. B. We usually eat pizza on Sunday.

C. We don’t know.

三、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)

( )1. A. It’s my turn to get on the train. B. It’s my turn to play the game. C. It’s

my turn to buy tickets.

( )2. A. I want to do something interesting. B. Do you want to do anything

interesting? C. I want something to eat.

( )3. A. Why don’t you play the guitar ? B. Do you like guitar?

C. I don’t like playing guitar.

( )4. A. We are packing for the picnic. B. We are practicing for the talent show.

C. We are preparing for the test.

( )5. A. Do you want a pizza for lunch? B. Do you want pancakes for breakfast?

C. Do you want some peaches for breakfast? 四、 听录音,补全短文。(7分)

Today is the day of the __________. Lucy and Linda _________ in the show. Lucy is a _______ player and Linda is a ___________. They ________ in the show. But we know they did their______. We are ______ them.

笔试部分 (共70分)

第 1 页

一、 给单词补上正确的字母,并写出汉语。(8分)

1. d__ __ms _________ 2. s__ __nd _________ 3. p__ __ze _________ 4. __rd__ __ _________ 5. v__lu__ __ _________ 6. q__a__ter _________ 7. m__st__ak__ _________ 8. p__c__ _________ 二、英汉互译。(8分)

组个乐队 _______________ 犯错误 ______________ ten to five _______________ a good pianist _______________ 在星期天_______________ 订比萨饼 _____________ turn up the volume ______________ phone number ____________ 三、按要求写出相应的单词。(10分)

winner(动词)__________ do(第三人称单数) _____________ bring(反义词)__________ buy(同音词)_____________ we(宾格)___________ good(最高级)____________ photo(复数)____________ make(过去式)____________ write(现在分词)__________ one(序数词) _____________ 四、给问题找出相应的答语(4分)

( ) 1. How can I help you? ( )2. When does she go to bed? ( )3. How about a pizza? ( )4. How was the contest?

A. It was good . I won the first prize. B. I’d like to order a sandwich ,please. It’s very delicious. D. At nine o’clock. 五、 选择(10分)

( )1. I want to play basketball. Can I _______ you? A. take B. join C. with ( )2.Everybody _______ her a big hand.

A. gives B. giving C. give ( )3. How much_____ the bottle of water?

A. are B. is C. does ( )4. Tom wants to be a teacher, _______ he?

A. doesn’t B. does C. is

( )5. You can do your homework by ________.新课 标 第一网

第 2 页


A. himself B. yourself C. themselves ( )6. We often play football , but _____ we play basketball.

A. usually B. sometimes C. never ( )7. What time is it? ___________.

A. three second B. a quarter to ten C. Monday ( )8. I can’t ______ the radio, please turn______ the volume.

A. hear down B. hear up C. hears up ( )9. Jenny doesn’t say _________.

A. something B. things C. anything ( )10. I ______ a math test yesterday, but it_____ not good.

A. have was B. had is C. had was 六、 句型转换。(15分) 1. I want to go to the supermarket. ______________________________________ 2. She wants to play the guitar.

______________________________________ 3. let’s hand her a give big 4.I won the first prize.

______________________________________ 5. I go to school by bus.

______________________________________ 七、阅读理解, 判断正误。(10分) A School Day

On the school day, I usually get up at six o’clock in the morning. I leave home at seven o’clock and I usually have school at 7:30. At school ,I usually have classes, read, and take tests. I leave school at 2:45. After school I go to work in a supermarket for one hours. I pack bags for customers(顾客) and clean the floor. I get home at about five o’clock every day. At six o’clock , I have dinner with my family and help them with the dishes. Sometimes I play with my little sister. Then I study for school the next day. If I have time, I will talk to a friend on the telephone, then I will go to bed.

第 3 页

( )1. I usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning. ( )2. I get to school at 7:30.

( )3. At school , I have classes, read, and take tests.

( )4. After school I go to work in a supermarket for two hours. ( )5. I have dinner with my friend.

It’s Mine

A man finds a seat on the train, but there’s a bag on it. So he asks the woman beside the seat, “Is it occupied(占据)?” “Yes, he will soon be back..” the woman answer. The man is very tired. He sits down and says , “I will sit a while till he comes back.” Ten minutes later the train starts. “Oh, the poor fellow. He loses the train, but he can’t lose his bag.” After these words, the man throws the bag out of the window. “It’s mine.” The woman shouts out, but it’s too late. ( )1. A man is looking for a seat on the train. ( )2. The woman asks the man to sit down beside her. ( )3. The man throws the bag out of the train.

( )4. The man sits down because the seat is not occupied. ( )5. The bag is the woman’s.

八、小练笔。请仿照第一篇阅读短文写写你一天的生活。(5分) 要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,书写整齐美观。



1. make a cake 2. good player 3. too old 4. perfect timing 5. talent show 6. address 7. turn up 8. proud of 二、听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的答语。(10分) 1. Did you stay at home yesterday? 2. What day was it?

3. When do you have a PE class? 4. What’s your phone number?

5. What do you usually eat on Sunday? 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分) 1. It’s my turn to buy tickets.

2. I want to do something interesting. 3. Why don’t you play the guitar ?

4. We are practicing for the talent show. 5. Do you want pancakes for breakfast?

第 4 页


Today is the day of the talent show. Lucy and Linda participated in the show. Lucy is a piano player and Linda is a guitar player. They didn’t win in the show. But we know they did their best. We are proud of them.

第 5 页

