高考英语二轮复习 unit1 period 1同步精炼 新人教版必修5

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Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading & Reading 课时精练(人教版必修5,课标通用)



1.Einstein put ________ his new theory of relativity.

2.Poor John was exposed ________ the wind and rain.

3.A committee was set up to look ________ the workers' strike.

4.The software will eventually link computers ________mobile phones.

5.I can't say ________ any certainty where I shall be next week.

6.He was suspected ________complicity in her murder.

7.Who is to blame ________ the spoiled child?

8.Premier Wen Jiabao suggests that we should make good use ________ what we have learned to serve the people.

9.This kind of medicine cured him ________ his toothache.

答案 1.forward 2.to 3.into 4.to 5.with 6.of 7.for8.of9.of


1.He ________ (得出结论),from the evidence,that she had stolen the money.

2.By not working hard enough,you ________(打败) your own purpose.

3.They had a quiet wedding.Only a few friends ________(参加) it.

4.That unfortunate remark ________(暴露) his ignorance of the subject.

5.I was impressed by her way of ________(处理) the affair.

6.The doctor cannot guarantee a ________(治愈).

7.What made you ________(怀疑) her?

8.Which driver was to ________(应受责备) for the accident?

9.The clever boy ________(吸收) all the knowledge his teacher could give him.

10.Have they ________(宣布) when the race will begin?

答案 1.concluded 2.defeated 3.attended 4.exposed 5.handling 6.cure7.suspect 8.blame9.absorbed10.announced


1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? 翻译:________________________________________________________________________



2.John Snow was a famous doctor in London—so expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.




3.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.




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4.It seemed that the water was to blame.




5.A woman,who had moved away from Broad Street,liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.




答案 1.哪一个科学家发现了物体在水中可以被水的浮力托起?

The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930.


He did so well in the exam that everyone praised him.


He always took a book every time I met him.


The children were not to blame in that accident.


He had his hair cut.


John Snow—a doctor,__1__Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he was willing to help ordinary people__2__cholera. Many people died every time there was an __3__.He wanted to face the __4__ and suggested that people __5__this disease into their bodies and the disease attacked the body. John Snow __6__the second was right but he needed evidence. When another ourbreak hit London in 1854,he was ready to begin his __7__and tried to get information. He found that most of the deaths were near the water pump and the spread of the disease was __8__water. With the evidence, he was able to __9__that polluted water carried the virus. After that,he suggested the source of all the water supplies be examined. Finally “King Cholera”was __10__.

答案 1.attended 2.exposed to 3.outbreak 4.challenge 5.absorbed 6.suspected 7.enquiry8.linked to9.announce10.defeated


1.I clearly remember during that talk he________that people,young or old,get regular exercise every day and make it into a habit.

A.reminded B.announced C.instructed D.suggested


2.The scientist was so________in the research that he didn't notice what was happening then. A.attracted B.drawn C.absorbed D.linked

答案C[考查动词辨析。be absorbed in意为“专心于”。句意:这位科学家如此专心于研究以至于没注意到当时发生的事情。attract和draw意思均为“吸引”,均与介词to连用;link“连接”。] 3.She tries to________students________art and music.

A.exposed;to B.expose;to C.exposed;in D.expose;in

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答案B[expose to是固定搭配,意为“使暴露于;接触”,也可用作expose…to…表示“把……暴露于……”“使……接触,使体验”。第一空前的to是不定式符号,其后要用动词原形,故选B。] 4.—Why not join us in playing football?

—I'm afraid not, for I have something important to________.

A.turn to B.attend to C.look on D.take on

答案B[后句意:恐怕我不能参加,因为我有重要的事情要处理。考查动词短语辨析。turn to“转向”;attend to“处理”;look on“看待”;take on“呈现;雇用”。由题意可知B项正确。] 5.After a fortnight's________,the doctor successfully________me of my headache.

A.cure;treated B.treatment;cured C.cure;treats D.treat;cures

答案B[考查动词搭配。第一空强调治疗过程,应用treatment;第二空表示治疗结果,固定搭配为cure sb of one's disease。句意:经过两周的治疗后,医生成功地治愈了我的头疼病。] 6.Not knowing what was wrong with his car,Martin decided to send for an experienced man to________the problem.

A.consider B.handle C.repeat D.conclude

答案B[考查动词辨析。handle意为“处理”。句意:不知道汽车出了什么故障,马丁决定派人去请个有经验的人来处理这个问题。consider考虑;repeat重复;conclude推断出,结束。] 7.Not only I but also Jane and Mary________tired of having one exam after another.

A.is B.are C.am D.be

答案B[not only…but also…连接并列主语时,谓语动词要按照就近原则。]

8.Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main________facing the government. A.difficulties B.challenges C.problems D.conflicts


9.What made you________her of having taken the money?

A.believe B.think C.suspect D.convince

答案C[句意:是什么让你怀疑是她拿走了钱?suspect sb of doing sth“怀疑某人做了某事”;convince sb of doing sth“相信某人做了某事”。]

10.—Was he sorry for what he'd done?


A.No wonder B.Well done C.Not really D.Go ahead

答案C[考查交际用语。句意:他对自己的所作所为后悔吗?不太后悔。“not really”表示否定,语气较弱,符合语境。no wonder“难怪,怪不得”;well done“做得不错”;go ahead“继续,接着”,均不符合语境。因此答案为C。]

11.I really didn't know who________for the broken window,for none of them admitted that he had done it.

A.to be blamed B.is blamed C.to blame D.being blamed

答案C[考查动词blame的用法。在英语中表达“某人应受责备”时,用(sb)be to blame;此结构中blame在形式上是主动的,但在意义上却是被动的,不可用to be blamed的形式。题干中在谓语动词know后用“wh...+不定式”作宾语。故选C。]

12.In my opinion,the view Jennifer________the other day is well worth discussing at this meeting. A.put forward B.put out C.put on D.put off

答案A[考查短语动词辨析。put forward提出。句意:依我看,詹尼弗几天前提出的这个观点非常值得在这次会议上讨论。put out扑灭;生产;put on穿戴;上演;增加;put off推迟,延期。]

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