2017-2018学年度人教版新课标必修一 unit 1 单元定语从句(教师版)练习

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第九章: 定语从句

1. We can define a joke as something you say __________ causes laughter. A. it B. that C. which D. who 答案: B

2. Although he didn’t know a lot of the work done in the field, he was lucky to succeed __________ other more well- informed experimenters failed. A. which B. that C. what D. where

答案:本题不是定语从句,因为在定语从句前应该有名词作为先行词,而这里的空格前是动词succeed。where引导一个状语从句,表示“在…… 地方”。 本题意为:他虽然对在这个领域已经研究的东西知道不多,但很幸运地在别的经验丰富的实验人员失败的地方成功了。 (答案D)

3. The writer and his books __________ are known to us all are very popular here. A. that B. which C. who D. what 答案: A

4. At that exciting moment, we lacked words __________.

A. which to express our thanks B. which to express our thanks with C. with to express our thanks D. with which to express our thanks 答案:这是一个关系代词前带有介词的定语。请看下列例句: We express our thanks with words.(我们用语言表达感谢。) 有时我们用which修饰动词不定式: I want some money to buy a camera with.

=1 want some money with which to buy a camera. (答案D)

5. The results of his study have turned out to be more satisfactory than __________. A. was expected B. that was expected C. they had been expected D. expecting

答案:在表示“比较”时,比较级形容词所修饰的名词(先行词)后的关系代词应该用than。这时than也是一个关系代词,有的语法学家把than称作 “准关系代词”,其功能相当于which。例如:

Children should not have more money than is needed.(孩子们不应该有比需要更多的钱。) (答案A)

6. Of course, you will have to go back the same way __________ you came. A. where B. that C. which D. as

答案:这是个难题。这里的way可以作“路”解,也可以作“方法”解。如果作 “路”解的话,定语从句就变成:

Of course,you will have to go back the same way which you came.

这里的which you came=you came the way,错。如要表示“你应该从你来的路回去。”,应该是:

You will have to go back the same way which you came from.或: You will have to go back the same way from which you came. 所以,这里的way不是“路”,而是“方法”。

本题意为:如果你开车来就开车回去;如果走来的话就走回去。当the way表示“方法”时,其后面的定语从句可以用in which,也可以用that 代替in which,还可以省略。例:

You will have to go back the same way in which you came. =You will have to go back the same way that you came. =You will have to go back the same way you came.


7. He was one of the thousands trained for jobs __________ they could no longer find. A. who B. whom C. which D. where 答案: C

8. I can think of many cases __________ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay. A. why B. which C. as D. where

答案: case在这里意为“情况”。in this case意为“在这种情况下”,in that case意为“在那情况下”。例:

In that case,we can only walk there. 本句定语从句的先行词是cases,定语从句是:…students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good easy in these cases.所以要用in which,这里的in which可以用where 代替。 (答案D)

9. American women usually identify their best friend as someone __________ they can talk frequently.

A. who B. as C. about which D. with whom 答案: D

10. He made another wonderful discovery, __________ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is 答案: A

11. I don’t like __________ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

答案:当the way表示“方法”时,其后面的定语从句,请参照本章第6句。 (答案A) 12. Can you tell me the name of the factory __________ you paid a visit last week? A. what B. which C. to which D. to that 答案:请注意visit和pay a visit的区别:

We visited the museum last week.这里的visit是及物动词,后跟名词。 We paid a visit to the museum last week.这里的visit是名词,后跟介词to,在to后面跟名词。本句的定语从句是... you paid a visit to the factory last week。所以本题的关系代词是一个名词,应该用which或 that。 (答案C)

13. We have two spare rooms downstairs, __________ has been used for more than two months. A. but neither of which B. none of which C. but neither of them D. none of them

答案:这里有“一个句子”和“两个句子”的问题。一个主句和一个定语从句构成“一个句子”的概念,而两个主语和两个谓语动词由连词连接是两个句子: Subject + verb,attributive clause这是一个句子(复合句)

Subject 1+Verb 1,and(but)Subject 2+Verb 2这是两个句子(并列旬)

如果用选项A,应该是:but neither of them。如果用选项B,应该是: neither of which。如果用选项D,应该用but neither of them或 neither of which。 (答案C) 14. I shall give you all __________.

A. I have B. which I have C. what I have D. that I have it


个关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略。如: I shall give you a11 that I have.

=I shall give you all I have.(这里的that省略了)

=I shall give you what I have.(这里的what I have是个宾语从句) (答案A)

15. They will give you some desks and chairs __________ you can furnish the room. A. which B. to which C. with those D. with which 答案: D

16. Is this book __________ you wanted to borrow last time? A. which B. that C. the one D. then 答案:这是一个疑问句,注意主语是this book,把句子变成肯定句: This book is __________ you wanted to borrow last time.

定语从句前一定要有名词作先行词,所以如果不省略,应该是: This book Is the book which you want to borrow last time.

划线部分是定语从句。which可以用that代替,the book可以用the one代替: This book is the one which you wanted to borrow last time. 在定语从句中,关系代词作宾语时可以省略:

This book is the one you wanted to borrow last time. 变成疑问句,就成了:

Is this book the one you wanted to borrow last time? (答案C)

17. Two hundred people died in the accident, __________ children. A. many of them were B. many of them are C. many of whom were D. many whom were

答案: C

18. To succeed, __________ I need is your help. A. which B. all that C. everything what D. only that

答案: B

19. Is this the calculator __________ you borrowed from Jane? A. one B. the one what C. the one D. which


This is the calculator ___________ you borrowed from Jane. 这里的空格应该是个关系代词:

This is the calculator which(that)you borrowed from Jane. (答案D) 20. I want to buy such a dictionary __________ you bought last week. A. that B. what C. like D. as

答案:当先行词由such修饰时,其关系代词用as,其作用等于which。 (答案D) 21. Can you tell me the name of the museum __________ you visited last month? A. what B. where C. / D. as 答案: C

22. The two things __________ they felt very proud were their house and the diamond ring. A. about which B. of which C. in which D. for that 答案: B

23. This is the TV station __________ we visited last year. A. where B. that C. to which D. in which

答案: B

24. Are you pleased with __________ I have said? A. that B. all that C. all what D. all which 答案: B

25. He is a new comer, __________ at the library just now.

A. we met B. who we meet C. whom we met D. that we me 答案: C

26. The village __________ isn’t shown on this map. A. I come from B. I come from it C. that I come D. for that I come 答案: A

27. She was very interested in __________ I had told her. A. which B. what C. all which D. that

答案: B

28. The workers have produced 200,000 TV sets, __________ are of great quality. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of that D. which of most 答案: B

29. We are studying in a reading room, the doors __________ are made of glass. A. of that B. that C. of which D. which 答案: C

30. This book is especially written for the students __________ native language is not English. A. who’s B. that C. their D. whose 答案: D

31. The letter which __________ a few days ago has not yet reached my mother. A. I posted it B. I had posted C. I post it D. I posted

答案: D

32. Mr. Brown is the very person __________ can help us to solve the problem. A. which B. whom C. that D. of whom 答案:我们把the very person看成一个最高级,所以关系代词用that。 (答案C) 33. The six blind men asked for money from people __________ by.

A. passed B. who passed C. who were passed D. who passing

答案:选项A,passed是个动词,句子前已有谓语动词asked,一句句子不能有两个谓语动词,所以错。选项C是定语从句,pass是个不及物动词,不能被动,所以who were passed错。选项D,用了who就要用谓语动词were passing,所以who passing也错。选项B是定语从句,谓语动词是过去时passed。 (答案B)

34. The other day, he showed me the house __________ he was born. A. which B. in which C. in where D. in that 答案: B

35. He is a boy, __________ has always had his own way to solve math problems. A. which B. who C. whom D. who’s 答案: B

36. He is the only one of the students __________ the truth. A. who know B. who knows C. that know D. who are knowing 答案: one of the students后的定语从句中的who指的是students,是个复数;而the only one of the students后的定语从句中的who指的是“学生中的唯一一个”是个单数概念。 (答案B)

37. They have three daughters, all __________ are doctors. A. of whom B. of them C. of which D. who 答案: A

38. February, 29, 1990 was the day __________ I’ll always remember. I left Shanghai for Australia. A. when B. on that C. on which D. that

答案: D

39. We’re going to visit a factory __________ the Buick cars are made. A. which B. where C. / D. in that

答案: B

40. It was in the classroom __________ we have Economics classes __________ I found my cell phone.

A. where ... where B. where ... that C. that ... where D. that ... that

答案: B

41. China has hundreds of islands, __________ the largest is Taiwan. A. in which B. at which C. of which D. which

答案:后半句定语从句应该是:the largest island of the islands is Taiwan。这里划线部分就是前面的hundreds of islands。所以要用of which。 (答案C) 42. The classroom __________ face south is ours. A. whose window B. whose windows C. which window D. that windows 答案: B

43. This is the house __________ the great musician was born. A. which B. in which C. in where D. at which 答案: B

44. This is the least interesting book __________ during my holidays. A. which I have ever read B. what I have ever read C. I have ever read D. that I have ever read it

答案: the least interesting book是个最高级,所以关系代词只能用that,不能用which。当然,what在定语从句中是绝对不能用的。本句中的that 省略了。 (答案C)

45. The child kept on making the same mistake, __________ filled his Dad and Mum with anger. A. that B. which C. it D. who 答案: B

46. This is the small room __________ not long ago.

A. where we stayed in B. where we stayed C. which we stayed D. we stayed 答案: B.

47. Do you still remember the days __________ we spent together in Switzerland? A. when B. during which C. which D. on which 答案: C

48. That was the office __________ they could look out to the sea. A. from which B. from where C. that D. which 答案: A

49. Where is the man __________ you gave the book? A. to whom B. to who C. with whom D. for whom 答案: A

